The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 186: Sagax

Chapter 186: Sagax

Hao Xuan's party arrived at the new tomb. It was about five times as big as the one they had fought the creatures in.

The science team quickly got to work while Hao Xuan stood at the entrance staring at the massive hall. The setting was identical to the other tombs with thousands of giant coffins placed throughout the hall with either, one or several statues in front of every coffin.

He walked up to the biggest coffin there was and inspected it closely. There were no seals or anything else around it. The lone statue in front of it was of the same creature he had seen before in the temple.

It looked like a giant brain with nerve endings coming out of it, forming legs. But this one was different because it wasn't four-legged like the one in the temple, instead, it had four appendages in the form of arms and legs. If the other one was described as beastly, this one was definitely more human-like.

There was one row of words written on the coffin. It seemed like the same word repeated over and over again, going around the entire coffin once.

Hao Xuan bent down and ran his finger over the engraved words. He had seen something like this before, but he couldn't remember where.

He turned around and smiled when he saw the person he was looking for, "Oi, come here," he gestured towards Jin Wang who was laying down on the stairs, picking his nose.

Jin Wang looked at him with a frown but didn't move a single muscle, "What?"

Hao Xuan's right eye twitched from pure annoyance, "Come the f*ck over here and I will tell you," he said through gritted teeth, while still trying to keep the smile as friendly as possible.

It took Jin Wang a few more seconds to find the treasure he was looking for inside his nose. Wiping it on the stairs he let out a loud sigh and made his way over.

"What?" he asked again.

Hao Xuan wanted to beat him until he was black and blue but not only was he not strong enough for that but he needed him right now. So swallowing his anger, he pointed at the coffin.

"What does this say?"

Jin Wang looked at where he was pointing. With small, lazy steps, he came closer to the coffin and sat down in front of it like it was his own home.

"Sa...gax? I think that's how it's pronounced," he answered nonchalantly.

Although Hao Xuan expected it, he was still taken aback by his quick reply.

"What language is this?" Hao Xuan followed with another question.

Jin Wang shook his head, "An old one. They still use it on some of the other Origin Planets."

"Origin planets?!"

The origin planets he spoke off were called the new center of civilization. There were seven humungous planets orbiting around several suns. Beast world was one of them.

Hao Xuan was told a little bit about them when he came to this world but nothing after that. Most powers either didn't know or simply didn't care.

And there was no reason to either.

Just the Mei kingdom alone was so absolutely massive that its surface area was larger than the entire planet earth.

With tens maybe even hundreds of thousands of similar kingdoms and even bigger Empires in one continent, and five other similar-sized continents, ninety percent of the population would never leave this planet. So knowing about the other planets was more or less useless.

But if just the Beast World was this massive, how big were the others? Did they have the same cultivation systems? Were they just as advanced? Hao Xuan wondered these things many times but never found an answer.

But this lazy bastard in front of him knew the language that was spoken on one of the other planets? How?!

He looked down at Jin Wang, "And why do you know this? And how?"

Jin Wang looked up to meet his gaze. The laziness from his eyes disappeared and his back straightened up. The atmosphere suddenly turned serious which made Hao Xuan somewhat uncomfortable.

"Is he finally going to tell me the truth?" Hao Xuan wondered.

Jin Wang opened his mouth, answering somberly, "Dunno, just do. Maybe because I'm a hidden genius?" he tilted his head pretending to be in deep thought, looking extremely serious.


"Go to hell," Hao Xuan's hand moved subconsciously and hit Jin Wang as hard as possible. Jin Wang obviously wasn't expecting this and with a bang, hit the coffin in front, making it crack.

"Wha-" Hao Xuan's anger subsided in an instant when he saw the crack appear on the coffin. But it didn't stop there. Like broken glass, the crack started spreading and pieces of the coffin started falling apart.

Both Hao Xuan and Jin Wang jumped back several meters, but neither of them could look away.

Hyde's words rang in Hao Xuan's ears as the fifty-plus meter coffin slowly opened itself.

"Leave quickly, before the dead catch your scent..."

".....the...dead..?" Hao Xuan mumbled.

Still looking at the coffin he pinched Jin Wang, getting his attention, "Hey, what...does...Sagax mean?" he asked with a parched throat.

That was probably the name of the creature that was buried inside.

Jin Wang who's face was covered with dust from the coffin gulped and whispered, "The Atavistic Controller. That's what it stands for."

"The what?" Hao Xuan scowled, "What the f*ck does that even mean?"

"I don't know either. Do I look like a damn dictionary to you?!" Jin Wang retorted, "And stop pinching me, it hurts!" he pushed away Hao Xuan's hand.


A loud mechanical sound came from all around the hall as the entrance they came from closed shut with thick metal pieces. Several of the other coffins also started cracking open.

"What's going?!"

"Hey watch out, behind you!"


Yells came from the surrounding party members. Large pieces of the floor had fallen down, leaving massive dark holes in their places. Several people had already fallen in while trying to avoid the debris that was falling from above.

Hao Xuan turned towards Jin Wang and shouted, "Oh god, what did you do!?!"

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