The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 57

57 Scent Of Floral Lavender

Stepping into sir Steve’s mansion, Roshan could hear the soft music of an orchestra being played at the large splendid decorated hall. The chandelier’s hanging above bathed the hall in a golden light and Roshan couldn’t help but feel sir Steve outdid himself with the preparations tonight. All in all, it was nothing but a challenge amongst those with a higher status to throw the most grandiose events. A showoff.

Like everyone else he was warmly welcomed by the guards, most especially by sir Steve himself as they both shook hands at the entrance way.

“So glad you could make it Hendrick, but what about Lady Odette? She didn’t come?” He asked after sighting her absence from the mask celebration, neither is she by Hendricks side, he was really expecting her today.

Roshan’s eyes glinted with a dark intention as he politely responded. “She’s not going to be available unfortunately, is there a message you’d like me to deliver on your behalf?”

He noticed a look of sheer disappointment in sir Steve’s eyes but it quickly cleared off and he smiled at Roshan.

“No need for that, I was just expecting her to be present but anyways, enjoy the celebration and if you need me, just ask.”

He gave his shoulder a pat before walking out and Roshan’s tight fist loosened, his gaze dangerously following sir Steve until he disappeared through the stairs, only then did he avert his gaze but a slow thought crept up his brain like a warm.

Why was he asking about Anna? That question spun in his head for seconds, his lips slowly forming a grim line. If only he knew exactly what they talked about the other day but hearing him ask about Anna with such a look in his eyes really tempted his balled fist to land on the old man’s ugly face, but he surprisingly held himself back.

Wow, he’s getting good at keeping his anger in check, that’s an improvement.


With a malicious smile, he gracefully stepped into the main hall.

The grand hall was filled with men and women dressed in expensive gowns and attires. Their chatterings and feigned laughter’s annoyed his ears. It was easy to tell that this celebration wasn’t for the less privileged. The women had their hair in a stylish updo and wore expensive jewelries, probably to flaunt their high status to the rest and it made Roshan scoff in disgust.

Waiting staffs circulated the crowd, offering drinks and exchanging empty wine glass for fresh ones. He even received a drink from one of the staff and how could he refuse.

The music continued to play in a serene manner and his mind disturbingly drifted to Anna, he wondered if she had woken up or not, but then, he discarded it from his head.

It shouldn’t matter to him if she was asleep or not, he has to get into business since he’s least suspected at the moment. The securities around the mansion are even tighter tonight, maybe the post guard he killed had alerted them a little too much.

Taking a sip of his drink, he turned his attention to the dance floor and watched as the guest swirled to the music. At that moment, a young lady walked up to him.

“Mr.” Her sweet tone gained his attention and when he looked at her, she bowed in greeting with a charming smile.

“I was hoping a handsome Mr like you wouldn’t mind having a dance with a fine lady like me, I want to dance but I need a partner for it as you can see.” She shyly uttered and when he looked at her, the lady lowered her head with a blush creeping onto her pale cheeks.

Oh, an admirer.

“Of course.” Came his response that surprised the lady herself. She didn’t think he’d agree so readily but then again, who’d reject a fine lady like her?

She had been admiring him all the way from where she sat. As dashing as he looked, she found him unapproachable as the air around him told her he was someone she needed to stay clear of, but decided to take the risk nevertheless.

The lady’s face brightened at his response, most especially when he held out his hand for her like a complete gentleman and she quickly placed her dainty hands in his.

With a smile she didn’t notice, he led her towards the dance floor. What a good way to actually fit in if it isn’t through dance? Get lost in the crowds and find a way he can get up that stairs.

Unbeknownst to a Roshan, Anna had ended up sneaking her way in, she wore a flowered imprinted red mask which equally hid her face partially. Her cinnamon-brown hair plunged around her delicate face and hid her swan neck, smoothly running across her back to her waist. She was dressed in a red off-shoulder gown which enhanced the color of her skin.

As much as she tried not to gain too many attention, her beauty behind the mask and the elegant red dress she had worn made her stood out among the crowd, she looked like a lost princess in search of something or someone and barely noticed the men ogling at her direction.

After confirming Roshan was nowhere at sight, she finally pushed away her fears and strengthened herself up. She elegantly made it past the guards who were equally taken aback by her looks, noticing their stares and assuming she might be kicked out, she broke into a megawatt smile. Her beguiling oyster white teeth lit up the hall as her sweet smile happened to draw more attention towards her direction.

Like a contagious whim, the guards couldn’t help but smile back as they bowed in respect. Again, it was something Anna wasn’t used to and to their surprise, she politely bowed back before entering the main hall.

Her smile slowly dissipated after successfully entering the main hall which was filled with even more people than the hallway. Taking a deep breath, she quickly scanned the area for a familiar face in a mask, but there were so many people dancing that it was quite difficult to spot him.

She wasn’t here to help Roshan out in any way, her presence at this mask event was solely for her own benefit. All she had to do was find Sir Steve and get to know about her mother’s corpse. Then she’ll leave.

Giving her chest a pat to calm her racing heart, Anna planned on heading for the stairs when a voice called her.

“Lady Odette?”

She froze at her spot once her hand touched the rim of the stairs and her eyes alarmingly widened. Her already racing heart sprang like sparks of anvil. Did Roshan catch her already?

Even if he did, why would he call her by the name Lady Odette? Finally turning around to see if she had been caught by that devil, she realized to her relief that it was no one other than sir Steve, who looked rather surprised to see her.

“Oh, sir Steve.” She bowed politely in greetings before raising her head to meet his stare. Sir Steve’s gaze interestingly scrutinized her for a few seconds before he cleared his throat and spoke up.

“You’re here? I heard you won’t be coming tonight, so I’m quite surprised...”

“Uhmmm.... Yes, I was down with a cold and thought I needed a little bit of rest. But it was starting to get boring and I decided to attend.”

“You don’t look sick though.”

“It’s probably because of the makeup.” She came up with a good excuse, but she barely applied much makeup, was powder and lipgloss considered much??

“Well I’m glad you could make it..” sir Steve said before turning his attention to the dance floor, then at her, “..I’m sure you do not care for a dance now, do you?”

Anna’s eyes widened the moment he requested for a dance from her, a dance with him?? A man who barely gave women respect?? But then, it’s not like she had a choice but her heart was totally disgusted by his advances towards her.

She rather deals with this quickly, earning a bit of his trust first before she asks the question about her mother was a tactful antics and she was willing to give it a try.

“Of...of course.”

Hesitantly, she placed her hand in his outstretched hand and with a progressive smile, he led her towards the dance floor.

The guest’s waltzed their way through the center of the hall as they followed the tone of the music, Roshan gently twirled the pretty woman in his arms and a faint blush colored her cheeks when she met his stare.

“You have such beautiful eyes.” She complimented, “they’re green and grey, just like an April day.”

“Are you yielding to the charm of the moment?”

“It’s difficult to resist.”

A killer smirk adorned his lips, leaving the lady in his arms to fall victim to his charms. If only she knew.....

“Where are you from? Do you stay in green Town?” She asked.


“Where do you reside in Euphrasia?”

“Why? Are you coming to ask for my hand in marriage?”

“Possibly.” She giggled lightly but then, Roshan’s plan to distract himself from thinking about Anna went down the drain quicker than he expected.

A familiar sweet floral scent entered his nostril like an alluring invader, catching his attention and a slight frown creased his forehead.

The scent of floral lavender.

Is Anna here???

His gaze instantly shifted to check the rest of the guest’s dancing and that’s when he caught sight of a brown-haired lady in a red dress, dancing with sir Steve and a dark glint of unexplainable possessiveness flashed in his irises.

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