The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 152: Star, Cadmus (2)

Chapter 152: Star, Cadmus (2)

After getting their luggage, Shin Eun-Seo pulled out her sunglasses and put them on. Woo Hye-Bin tilted her head in confusion. “Why did you suddenly put on your sunglasses, unnie?”

Eun-Seo then looked into her pocket mirror and busily tidied up her hair, which had become a mess due to the long flight.

“I have to put this on to survive,” Eun-Seo replied.

“…?” Hye-Bin wasn’t sure what Eun-Seo meant.

“You better tidy up yours too if you want to look good in photos,” Eun-Seo recommended.

Hye-Bin really couldn’t understand what Eun-Seo was talking about, so she just kept watching her with a confused look.

* * *

Charles de Gaulle Airport was located in Paris, France’s capital city. Its arrival hall was packed with countless media staff—cameramen were prepping their cameras, and the reporters and anchors were going through the list of questions they had to ask. Some were from the French public broadcasting station, but there were also some from trashy tabloid magazine agencies. There were even a couple of YouTubers taking videos with their smartphones.

“Isn’t it about time?”

“Yeah, their plane already arrived according to the flight status board, so they’re probably retrieving their luggage right now.”

“I wonder what kind of bullcrap he’ll say to flip other people’s lids.”

<The Tyrant is vintage, our advantage.>

<The Tyrant must be the moon because he floats above our heads when we are about to sleep.>

Some fans held up incomprehensibly cheesy banners, but people ignored them on purpose because the Tyrant fans were internationally notorious. They knew that if they ended up on the wrong side of the Tyrant fans, they wouldn’t be able to stay in this arrival hall, let alone interview Chang-Sun.

All these people didn’t gather up today just because of the newspaper article that had been published this morning. Although it was about the French and Korean governments joining forces to clear the ‘Wuthering Stone Desert’, the article wasn’t really surprising since a lot of Dungeons had appeared in the current generation, so many governments often did that nowadays to clear some of them.

They gathered here for another reason—the ‘Tyrant’ super rookie was going to visit Europe. The French were fanatical about the Tyrant just like everyone else. He used to be a world-class professional gamer until he fell due to his decreased ability. However, he had become a rising sun in another industry, so everyone couldn’t help admiring him.

Despite everything that had already happened, the French still wanted to determine for themselves if the Tyrant was actually as skilled as the rumor said. Now that they had the chance to see his ability with their own eyes, they were bound to be intrigued.

However, they were also displeased because a small eastern country that didn’t even have a ‘King-Class’ Player dared come forward and ‘offer’ help. When the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs allowed the White Tiger Clan members and Tyrant to enter France, the ministry members received a flood of complaints. The Tyrant’s visit to France surely caused a lot of commotion in many ways.

“Huh? The door is o-opening!”

“They’re coming out!”

“Camera! Turn the camera on! Come on! Quick!”

When the door to the arrival hall opened wide, the reporters on standby murmured among themselves.

Flash! Flash! Flash!

Cameramen pointed their cameras toward the arrival hall and popped their flashes up. Soon, Chang-Sun and other White Tiger Clan members came out, pulling their suitcases. Chang-Sun’s noticeably slender figure and small face made it easy to recognize him, so the media staff could easily figure out which one was him even if he was wearing sunglasses.

Baek Gyeo-Ul and the other Team L members, who were following Chang-Sun, were wearing sunglasses as well since they were used to this, but Woo Hye-Bin, who had covered her face with sunglasses and hat just as Eun-Seo had advised, was flabbergasted. Chang-Sun knew that this business trip was about playing the media, so he approached the media staff instead of passing them by, making many more cameramen pop their flashes. Still, he remained expressionless since he was used to it.


However, Cadmus, who had been sleeping on top of Chang-Sun’s head, woke up surprised when more flashes popped. It moved to the back of his head.

“Mr. Lee Chang-Sun!”

“Can you tell me how you feel now that you have arrived in France?!”

“Can you give me a comment about how you prepared to clear this Dungeon—!”

“I’m from NNBC—!”

The reporters busily threw in their questions in hopes of getting to interview Chang-Sun. Since they were all aware of the fact that Chang-Sun was a fluent English speaker, they asked their questions in English, but they all had the typical soft French accent.

“I’ll only take one question from each of you. Yes, the gentleman with the glasses.” Chang-Sun gestured at the man.

“I’m Adrian Nadal from <Paris Magazine>! Can you tell me how you feel about your visit to France?” Adrian asked.

“I just woke up, so I don’t really feel anything. Okay, the lady with red hair.” Chang-Sun gestured again.

“Uh—huh? Oh, I’m A-Agnes from <Gaulle>. Can you t-tell me why you’ve chosen to clear these uncleared Dungeons?!” Anes shouted despite looking baffled.

Agnes expected that Chang-Sun would at least say some pleasantries at the start of the interview like he was looking forward to seeing the pretty sceneries of France or was going to enjoy traveling in France. Hence, surprised by his answer, she couldn’t help but stutter and have trouble asking her question. The answer she received wasn’t really any different from Chang-Sun’s answer to the previous question, either.

“I don’t really have a reason, next.” Chang-Sun didn’t even point anymore.

“Can you tell me three Players whom you look up to!”

“I don’t pay attention to other Players, next.” Chang-Sun shook his head.

“Th-then can you tell me which high ranker you think is the s-strongest?”

“It’s hard to say because the only high-ranker I have ever met is my Clan leader.” Chang-Sun shrugged.

“You know, there is a ‘king’ in France. What’s your opinion about him?”

“I don’t have one because I don’t know him.” Chang-Sun scratched the back of his head.

“You’re called the super rookie, right? Are there any other rookies who catch your attention or whom you consider your rivals?”

“There isn’t,” Chang-Sun replied.

“Can you please just pick one…!”

“I’m sure they’re worse Players than me anyway, so why should I bother paying attention to them?” Chang-Sun said with an expressionless face.



That meant the ‘king’ of France and the rookies were not good enough to catch his eye. Chang-Sun’s every answer was very arrogant and filled with self-pride, making the media staff’s jaws drop. For some reason, he had become much more arrogant than when he was still a professional gamer. The people were annoyed at this point. No matter what anyone said, France had many world-class Players, so Chang-Sun’s answers offended the French media staff’s pride.

“During the interview Mr. Henri Bloque had several days ago, he said he wants to spar with you when you visit France. I want to know what you think about this, Mr. Lee Chang-Sun!”

“Henri?” Chang-Sun murmured. It was his first time hearing the name.

The reporter who asked the question angrily shouted, “Henri Bloque! He is the most talented rookie in France and is considered to be the next ‘king’! He recently cleared the ‘Bone Dragon Habitat’ and acquired a Bone Wyvern—!”

Chang-Sun tapped his left wrist, which meant the reporter should cut to the chase since he didn’t have much time. The reporter reddened with humiliation. “Arghh! I’m saying I want to know how you feel about sparring with Mr. Bloque!”

“I don’t know who he is, but he’s welcome to try, although I think he’ll have to retire sooner if he does. I’ll take one last question,” Chang-Sun nonchalantly replied.

At this point, Chang-Sun was provoking almost the whole of France. The reporter who was selected to ask the last question held down his anger. “I’m Camille Blanc of <Le Intelie>. The ‘Wuthering Stone Desert’ has been France’s problem for a long time, and from what I’ve heard, you yourself chose to clear this Dungeon. Can you tell us if you have devised any special strategy to clear the Dungeon?”

The media staff murmured among themselves out of anger, but they became silent after Camille’s question. The ‘Wuthering Stone Desert’ was to France what the ‘Den of Evil Dragon’ was to Korea. Even famous rankers who had tried to clear those Dungeons always failed, so the reporters couldn’t help but wonder how the foreigners were going to clear it. But…

“I’ll just do it,” Chang-Sun answered concisely again. “Let’s end the interview here.”

Without any lingering feelings, Chang-Sun left with his suitcase, and the cameramen annoyedly popped their flashes.

* * *

<French Players are not enough to catch my eye.>

<Europe? They are worse than me anyway.>

<The ‘Tyrant’—“I don’t have a rival.”>

The interview that Chang-Sun gave as soon as he arrived in France instantly spread throughout France, other European countries, and Korea after it had gotten translated. Again, the most searched word list was filled with Chang-Sun-related words, and everyone on the internet became busy talking about Chang-Sun.

―RoomManagerBot: He. Rocked.

What else do I need to say?! Praise the Tyrant! Worship the Tyrant! Our Tyrannnttttt! The Tyrant is the best in the world!!!!!!!!

?We have another lunatic now.

?I do feel the same as him, but isn’t he really crazy? How can he say that kind of joke in the middle of a foreign country?

?Why would you think he’s joking? He’s serious.


?Seriously, the scariest part about the Tyrant is that he’s not joking or trying to provoke anyone. He genuinely means what he says. It’s crazy.

―BeforetheEndofCentury: Gosh, That had to have hurt the French people’s ego A LOT. He might have hooligans after him soon.

?Forget about hooligans. He might get stabbed while walking down a street during the night.

?I don’t think he would let someone stab him and walk free.

?Maybe they’ll just make three or four buildings explode altogether to take him out.

?Are we going to see reports about fire in the middle of Paris soon?

<Henri Bloque, “The Tyrant was my idol when I was a child, so I want to challenge him.”>

―JISS: Wow! He’s big-hearted. The Tyrant openly said he doesn’t know who Henri is, but he still called the Tyrant his idol.

?I feel like he’s being subtly sarcastic. Am I the only one who feels that way?

?He’s not being subtle at all.

?Henri is famous for being a jerk, and Chang-Sun goaded him, so… I think someone is going to be seriously hurt soon.

The interview Chang-Sun had given instigated fervent reactions overall. Some liked that Chang-Sun acted like his usual self and said what he had to say without tiptoeing around anyone despite being in a foreign country. On the other hand, some expressed concerns, thinking Chang-Sun’s too-arrogant interview could put Korea and France on bad terms. Although many French communities on the internet had several heated discussions, the interview didn’t cause serious problems thanks to Joachim, who immediately gave an interview after Chang-Sun had left.

<The ‘Blue Wolf’ Joachim Wolff, “The Tyrant’s answers caused misunderstandings due to cultural differences. He is more righteous and warm-hearted than anyone, and he can even be considered the hero of this generation. The Lee Chang-Sun that I know is Roi—Sage.”>

―Psypa: Praise Duke.Blue.Wolf.

?I think the Illuminati emissary fell head over heels when he came to recruit the Tyrant.

?I noticed the French media isn’t making a big deal out of it anymore since the ‘Duke-Class’ Player stood up for him.

―#72699: But it’s a bit strange, you know.

?What do you mean?

?The Tyrant’s interview. He normally doesn’t tiptoe around anyone, but he played smart and stayed inside the line. However, it looked like he was intentionally pouring oil on the fire. Is he scheming something?

?No way, the Tyrant pulled the Tyrant. That’s all.

?Is it? I feel like he’s aiming to achieve something. The Tyrant is the type of person who uses his brain in combat.

?You’re speaking nonsense. Wash your feet and sleep.

<The ‘Immortal Overlord’ Jacque Valentine, “I will improve myself so more junior Players will be able to recognize me.”>

* * *


Constantine Brunit irritatedly slammed the desk, which had a pile of tabloid articles about Chang-Sun on top. He looked quite angry. “This Asian is blatantly coming at us!”

Constantine, who was also known as the Red Eagle or Red Eagle Duke, stood on the opposite side of Joachim, dividing up the Illuminati Senate into two major factions. He currently had his attention on Chang-Sun, who was visiting France.

Even though the White Tiger Clan had publicly declared that Chang-Sun visited France to clear the ‘Wuthering Stone Desert,’ Constantine believed Chang-Sun was in France to ‘take over’ the Illuminati after he had been coaxed by Joachim. Hence, to him, it seemed Chang-Sun was telling him and his Illuminati colleagues through this interview that they were a bunch of small fries who should just prepare to hand over their powers to Chang-Sun.

Of course, Constantine had zero intention of handing over the Illuminati to an Asian whom he didn’t even know well. After all, he personally thought he and his colleagues were the ones who knew the goddess’ will the best.


When Constantine pressed a button, his secretary, who was standing by outside, quietly entered Consantine’s office. “Yes, sir?”

“Louie is outside, right?” Constantine asked.

“Yes. He’s waiting for you, sir.” The secretary nodded.

“Bring him inside this instant. It looks like I have to prepare for Kreuzzug.” Constantine gritted his teeth.

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