The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 175: Star, The First Station (7)

Chapter 175: Star, The First Station (7)

[You have arrived at the first gate.]

[Defeat the first gatekeeper. The gatekeeper is going to use a spear.]

‘His pride won’t allow me to get defeated.’?Chang-Sun shrugged.

Having passed through all the verification tests Mephistopheles gave, Chang-Sun practically became his disciple, but he hadn’t given Chang-Sun any lessons yet. Although he wasn’t sure if Mephistopheles was just watching him because he didn’t have much time to acquire ‘Laevateinn’ or had other plans, Chang-Sun was sure that Mephistopheles couldn’t go back on his words. He had publicly declared that he was going to make Chang-Sun his disciple, after all.

The words of Celestials carried significant weight. Even if they said it casually, their words could still greatly influence causality. That was why Celestials used the message system, not words, to talk to mortals. It allowed them to be less restricted.

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ points an arrow at the Celestial ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Devil,’ saying that she will not sit on her hands if he tries to harm you, whom she called dibs on!]

[The Celestial ‘Calamity Tiger’ growls, telling the Celestial ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Devil’ to not even dream about messing with his subordinate!]

Pabilsag and Heoju were noticeably alerted, not liking how Mephistopheles was becoming close with Chang-Sun.

[The Celestial ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Devil’ watches you nonchalantly.]

Mephistopheles just silently watched, showing no regard toward how the other Celestials reacted.

‘He said I have to be careful with Giants, especially with the <Muspelheim> ones, because of their weapon-handling skills,’?Chang-Sun recalled.

The one who advised Chang-Sun about the test that the Fire Giants were going to give him was the fifth of the Ten Elders who helped Chang-Sun, not Thanatos. The elder was the grand Giant warrior of <J?tunheimr>, which was on the opposite side of <Muspelheim>. The <J?tunheimr> Giants were the biggest rival of the <Muspelheim> Giants, and while the <Muspelheim> Giants were known as Fire Giants due to their fire attributes, the <J?tunheimer> Giants were known as Frost Giants because of their ice attributes.

“What? Did you just ask me how to easily defeat the <Muspelheim> Giants?” the Fifth Elder dumbfoundedly asked again.?

“I wanted to know if they have any weaknesses.” Chang-Sun shrugged.?

“He, hehehe! You’re planning to absorb the Giant factors to become the Giant King’s heir, but you’re looking for weaknesses. That’s hilarious. ” The Fifth Elder chuckled.?

“Is there any?” Chang-Sun nonchalantly inquired.?

“Hmm, what weaknesses could there be…?” the Fifth Elder pondered.?

While Chang-Sun was recalling the conversation he had with the Fifth Elder…

『My name is Gustaf. Visitor, what is your name?』

The Giant who introduced himself as Gustaf was releasing clouds of black smoke. Since Gustaf wasn’t wearing any top, Chang-Sun could see sticky lava flowing down from his cracked skin. Despite the distance between them, Chang-Sun could still feel the heat from where he stood, but fortunately, the Giant shrunk to two meters in size, maybe because of Chang-Sun.

“Lee Chang-Sun,” Chang-Sun replied concisely.

『Lee Chang-Sun, huh…? That’s a unique one. I hope your skills are as unique and extraordinary as your name!』

Gustaf chuckled and stomped on the ground with a thud, making the ground below him sink a little. Something jumped out at that moment—a long white spear seemingly made of granite. The moment Gustaf grabbed the spear, an intense fire engulfed him.


‘That’s quite the relic,’?Chang-Sun observed.

He immediately noticed that the stone spear Gustaf held was pretty extraordinary, so he assumed it was from the ‘Rhaegaren.’

‘That’s probably it,’?Chang-Sun thought, deciding that he shouldn’t fight Gustaf head-on.

He put his left hand behind his back and activated his seal with his right hand, trying to trigger Double Sword Resonance.

『That’s a bummer.』

Gustaf clicked his tongue, so Chang-Sun asked, “What?”

『A warrior’s power comes from a healthy body and robust muscles! But you’re so slender that it looks like I’ll be able to smash all your bones with one strike!』

Trying to show off every detail of his bulging muscles, Gustaf flexed his biceps and triceps, then even showed his back. Chang-Sun didn’t want to look at it, but he could see steaming lava flowing down like sweat from it.

‘Come to think of it, all the Giants outside are also quite big.’?Chang-Sun remembered, and he had a feeling that all the other thirty-five gatekeepers he would run into would be the same.

『I’m here to test your ability, so to be fair, I’ll only use my right hand against you. If you can make me move or use my left hand, then you win…!』

Gustaf had to stop explaining the rules since Chang-Sun was already right before him.

[The State ‘Fierce Tiger’ has been activated, manifesting the Additional Skill ‘Fierce Tiger’s Venomous Fang’!]


As Chang-Sun spread the Jigwi’s wings, he flew toward Gustaf, striking at his eyes sharply.


Using his stone spear, Gustaf forcefully deflected upward the [Yuchang Sword], which was aiming for his neck.

『… I was still talking! How can you be such a coward?!』

Gustaf growled, but Chang-Sun just raised one of his eyebrows. “That’s strange.”

『What are you trying to say?!』

“Didn’t you say you were going to test my ability? If so, then doesn’t that mean we’re going to fight as if we’re in actual combat? Do you get a medal or something if you get killed on the battlefield while blabbering?” Chang-Sun coldly asked.

The eyes of Gustaf, who had been frowning, widened a bit as if he had unexpectedly come to a realization. He then hideously smirked.

『Yes, you’re right. No matter what kind of cheap tricks you use or how you ambush me, a loser is still a loser, but that would also mean that I don’t have to stick by the rules I stated, am I correct?』

“I told you.” Chang-Sun nonchalantly swung [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] horizontally, aiming for Gustaf’s waist. The dagger blazed up with demonic energy mixed with Retribution Fire. “It doesn’t matter what kind of methods I use as long as I win.”

『You’re right!』

Seemingly very fond of Chang-Sun’s words, Gustaf amusedly smiled. He then fiercely deflected [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] using his stone spear’s shaft.

Clang, clang, clash!

In a flash, Chang-Sun and Gustaf exchanged several blows, but they both remained unaffected. However, Gustaf was still just swinging his stone spear with only his right arm, and he hadn’t moved at all, almost as if he was a very heavy sculpture. His spear skill was so splendid that it appeared almost divine.

『It would hurt my pride to do my best when I’m dealing with a weakling like you, however, so I’ll fight you in my own way.』

“Do as you wish,” Chang-Sun concisely answered and spun like a top.



The clash between two different fires created a gigantic explosion, causing the ground where the two stood to sink. The shockwaves rippled across the area.

『Hahaha! This battle is very interesting! I like you very much!』

The hot winds from the explosion made Gustaf’s hair flutter. Through the opaque steam, Chang-Sun could see his opponent’s face filling up with excitement and thrill.

‘They indeed have very muscular brains.’ Chang-Sun quietly chuckled, remembering the Fifth Elder’s remark.

“Although I do not intend to praise my enemies, they don’t really have a weakness, to be honest. They value honor and pride more than their lives, and they’re also excellent fighters, giving the <J?tunheimr> Giants much trouble. What? You still want me to try? Shit, if I have to say one… Ah, they’re simple-minded. They are so muscular that they don’t think at all. They just do what their hearts tell them to do, which we at least don’t.” The Fifth Elder shrugged.

The Fifth Elder had said that Chang-Sun would automatically understand what he meant if Chang-Sun fought the Giants himself. Chang-Sun now realized that the elder was right. During their entire fight, Gustaf had so much fun because even though he was fighting with handicaps for Chang-Sun’s sake, his opponent’s swordsmanship was exceptional. On top of that, Chang-Sun’s attacks were very sharp, making Gustaf’s left hand flinch from time to time. Hence, he enjoyed the thrill and excitement he was feeling from this fight.

『You seem to smell a lot like us, but you’re definitely a human. How did you go through so much actual combat?』 Gustaf asked as he smirked, his eyes gleaming with madness. Although he desired to win this battle, the Giant was starting to like Chang-Sun more and more.

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ is paying attention after she heard the question the Giant asked you.]

[The Celestial ‘Calamity Tiger’ is waiting for your answer.]

Chang-Sun smiled enigmatically. “Well.”

『It looks like you aren’t going to answer my question.』

Gustaf’s eyes narrowed, so Chang-Sun said, “If you really want to know, then you can just ask me after you beat me, right?”

『You dare provoke me, huh? Kekeke! I like you more and more!』

[You have successfully won the first gatekeeper’s favor.]

Gustaf loudly guffawed.

“You said you were a fiend, right? Then it won’t be that difficult to earn recognition from those <Muspelheim> idiots since they’ll be similar to you in some way.”

‘Just like the Fifth Elder said, I definitely intrigue them, but my main concern now is how I can win…’ Chang-Sun frowned a little. ‘He’s too sturdy.’

During their battle, Chang-Sun could tell that he had truly awakened as a Giant, having become incomparably faster and stronger. What satisfied him even more was his Retribution Fire, which wasn’t just extremely powerful but also moved according to his will. Even Chang-Sun himself wondered how much stronger he could become once he had obtained ‘Laevateinn.’ At last, he felt as if he had become quite fine.

As a fiend who used to instill fear in the Celestials in <Heaven>, his new body often made him frustrated, but the moment he acquired the [Giant’s Talents], he felt so free that it was as if he had been released from the shackles that restricted his soul. That was why Chang-Sun could quickly adjust after his transformation and freely control his mana from the [Integrated Magic Circuit].

However, it didn’t mean Chang-Sun didn’t have any problems. In fact, he had an issue with his Retribution Fire because its unique characteristic made it very difficult for even Chang-Sun to control.

[Retribution Fire]

The fire created by adding Divinity to the Eons Fire and Wind—two of the Three Eons. Since it holds the <Muspelheim> spark, it has become so strong that it can burn a soul.

Like the Eon Fire and Eon Wind, the Retribution Fire was originally a power that no human could ever acquire, since it was a kind of divine power. On top of that, Chang-Sun’s Retribution Fire was also holding <Darkness> through his [Ferocious Heart].

‘It’s too explosive.’?Chang-Sun frowned slightly.

His Retribution Fire simply refused to be compressed. When Chang-Sun tried to condense it in his hand by force, it slipped through the gaps between his fingers and attempted to explode at any chance it got. Considering he planned to condense the fire into Aura and use it as a sword, its property was very inconvenient for Chang-Sun.

‘If I can turn it into Aura and keep it that way, then I’ll be able to use it to the fullest extent,’?Chang-Sun thought, realizing that controlling his Retribution Fire was the biggest problem that he had encountered up until now. ‘I <Molted> twice and mixed the fire with <Darkness>, so my Retribution Fire has become way stronger than I expected. There has to be a way, though, so what should I do…?’

Chang-Sun tried to take a peek at Gustaf’s method of using Aura, thinking he could learn some secret technique if he furtively learned his current opponent’s mana circulation method using [Viper Eyes]. While doing so, he couldn’t help but notice Gustaf’s splendid spear skills. Chang-Sun first watched the trajectory of Gustaf’s spear, then how he transitioned to his next attack. Afterward, Chang-Sun observed the flow of his attacks. Eventually, all of Gustaf’s spear movements caught Chang-Sun’s attention.

[The Skill ‘Viper Eyes’ has been activated, following the opponent’s mana circulation to understand his spear skill!]

[The Skill ‘Polearm Mastery’ has been activated, significantly increasing your understanding of spearmanship!]

[You have begun to imitate and analyze ‘Sarmatia,’ the <Muspelheim> spear technique.]

『You’re having trouble controlling the fire, aren’t you?』

Like a veteran, Gustaf quickly pointed out Chang-Sun’s weakness.

『Hehehe, well, that’s understandable. Even we have trouble controlling the <Muspelheim> fire. The better we control the fire, the more we get recognized as great warriors. Do you want me to teach you how to use it? How does that sound?』

Gustaf had offered to teach him, so Chang-Sun asked, “Is it okay for you to teach me something like that?”

『Controlling the <Muspelheim> fire isn’t something you can easily do in just one lesson. Besides, it’s not really a big secret.』

“How can I control it, then?” Chang-Sun had no reason to turn down Gustaf’s offer.

『It’s muscle.』

Chang-Sun frowned at Gustaf’s quick answer. “…?”

『Look at all these bulging, cool muscles! Nothing can resist these! That’s why we can naturally control the fire with our muscles, no matter how strong the fire is!』

Making his tanned pecs dance, Gustaf burst into laughter, so Chang-Sun quietly looked into his eyes as he wondered if Gustaf was serious. Seeing his eyes filled with fervent passion, Chang-Sun realized that the Giant was, indeed, serious

『Make your muscles bigger! No, that’s not enough. I happen to have a very good muscle stimulant. You’ll be better once you’ve eaten it…!』

Thinking that his own brain would also become very muscular if he kept listening to Gustaf, Chang-Sun paid no attention to him. Now that he had learned how he could control his Retribution Fire, he pondered about it further. Unless he could properly control it, it would be very difficult to reach the ‘Rhaegaren.’

‘Wait,’ Chang-Sun suddenly thought, ‘Do I have to force the fire to fall under my control?’

Considering the fundamental properties of Retribution Fire were expansiveness and explosiveness, there had to be a suitable method of controlling it. If so, then forcing the fire to condense wasn’t the answer. On top of that, it was mixed with the unpredictable <Darkness>, so forcing it to obey him likely wasn’t the right answer.

In that case, it was wiser to seek advice from somebody else, not search for answers on his own. Fortunately, Chang-Sun knew very well that someone nearby could give him the advice he needed.

[The Celestial ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Devil’ nonchalantly looks at you.]

Chang-Sun used the same method that he had used to meet Mephistopheles directly: he dragged out <Darkness> from his [Stigma] by force, making his [Ferocious Heart] race and his mana go amok. At that moment, his Inferno Sites lit up, and the world around Chang-Sun slowed down and turned pitch black. Soon, gigantic eyes opened wide before him.

[You have entered the unconscious realm.]

[The ‘Pale Eyes’ are looking at you!]

Looking back at Mephistopheles’ eyes, Chang-Sun said, “Isn’t there something you should teach me?”

If Mephistopheles didn’t show up to give him a lesson, then Chang-Sun could summon Mephistopheles himself and pester him until he did.

You. Bother. Me.

Hearing Chang-Sun’s remark, Mephistopheles frowned. He didn’t want to interfere. However, Chang-Sun shamelessly replied, “It won’t look good if a rumor spreads about the Great Devil’s disciple getting beat up by the Giants.”


Mephistopheles chuckled dumbfoundedly, but when he noticed Chang-Sun was still looking back at him, he ended up clicking his tongue.


After that…

[The Celestial ‘Mephistopheles’ descends!]


… A black lightning bolt struck the ground right in front of Chang-Sun.

Mephistopheles had appeared.

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