The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 182: Star, Laevateinn (7)

Chapter 182: Star, Laevateinn (7)

『Two humans… You don’t meet the qualifications.』

Upon hearing the Giant warrior’s remark, Henri Bosque and Mireille Aliano held their breaths as they unwittingly broke into cold sweats. Just a few moments ago, they grabbed the [Wind Thread] that Armand had left. They thought they should follow it, but they lost consciousness for a very short moment when they touched it. After barely managing to pull themselves back together, they found themselves already here—at the ‘Rhaegaren.’

Not long after, they felt as if they were being sucked into some place and eventually ended up in the Instance Dungeon. Although Henri wasn’t sure what Armand had done, he could feel his heart racing.

The sight of countless Giant warriors standing in formation sent shivers down their spines. The Channeling to the ‘Thousand-Legged Monster,’ the Revenant Clan’s Guardian, kept connecting and disconnecting as well, evidencing just how high these Giants’ Classes were. Henri and Mireille couldn’t even bring themselves to move.

‘He’s going through a trial given by these beings…? Who in the world is that man?’?Henri wondered.

He had a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that Chang-Sun could fight Giants on equal grounds. Considering their Classes were clearly as great as Celestials, how could a human go up against them? Henri and Mireille couldn’t even answer the Giant warrior, who seemed to be the leader of this army. All they could do was hold their breaths and hope they wouldn’t leave a bad impression on the warrior.

『This is the <Muspelheim> Giants’ sacred land. Hence, I cannot allow you to go through the trial. Under normal circumstances, I would have already kicked you two out, but… you could be a guest. Even so, make sure you don’t do anything stupid. Now, why did you visit this place?』

Wondering how to answer the warrior, Henri cleared his throat, but Mireille unexpectedly stepped in. “We’re friends of Lee Chang-Sun, the contender. He’s going through a difficult journey, so we came here to cheer for him.”

First time seeing this side of his fiancee, Henri looked at Mireille as a gesture to ask her what she was trying to do, but she just nodded to reassure him.

『Our contender’s friends… If you’re all his friends, then you’re also our friends. Alright, you may pass if you’re here to cheer for him.』

With the Giant warrior’s permission, the army of Giants split in half and made a way for Henri and Mireille. Henri still felt suffocated when he thought about passing by the Giants, but Mireille strode forward without hesitation.

“W-wait for me!” Henri hurriedly followed Mireille.

His determination to protect her no matter the cost had already disappeared.

* * *

“This doesn’t make any sense…!” Following Mireille, Henri’s jaw dropped every time they passed through a stronghold.

Traces of the battle between Chang-Sun and the gatekeepers still remained all over the strongholds, which hadn’t been reset yet. Whenever Henri found such traces, all he felt was shock—no, another emotion that was rising inside him: concern.

‘… I tried to fight such a monster?’?Henri wondered.

The more Henri saw, the more he realized how absurd it was to pick a fight with Chang-Sun. No, that applied to all Revenant Clan Players, not just Henri. If Chang-Sun had been a little more merciless, they all would have been massacred.

‘The Tyrant is already at his zenith,’ Henri thought, feeling more worried over time.

“Find out what the Tyrant is up to and what he and Grizman are conspiring about. Whatever it is, I’m sure it would put us in danger. Report back to me once you’re done! Do you understand?” Nicolas Pouquet instructed Mireille.?

The only reasons Henri had agreed to tail Chang-Sun was that he wanted to figure out his weakness and it was Nicolas who ordered it. However, he didn’t just fail to find any weaknesses. The thought of the whole Revenant Clan being in danger if they got on Chang-Sun’s bad side also overwhelmed him. Although their leader was the Immortal Overlord, Chang-Sun was almost as skilled as the ‘King-Class’ Players, if not just as skilled.

‘What’s even scarier is that I can see him progressively becoming stronger a lot quicker as I pass these gates…’?Henri bit his lower lip, thinking about nothing but going back and stopping Nicolas. However, he couldn’t bring himself to turn around.

‘I want to see more,’?Henri thought.

Badump! Badump!?

At some point, Henri realized his heart was starting to race for other reasons. After being shocked and concerned, the only desire that was left in his heart was to cheer for Chang-Sun. He couldn’t stop himself from admitting that he had become fascinated by and started looking up to Chang-Sun even though Henri used to hate him. There was something about the traces Chang-Sun had left that made Henri’s heart race as a fellow warrior.

『What? How was Lee Chang-Sun?』

『It’s not like it’s difficult to answer your question… No, it’s indeed difficult since that guy was splendid.』

『Hehehe…! He was so exceptional. No <Muspelheim> Giant is like him.』

『He’s truly great. If only we had alcohol, I would have wanted to spend at least three whole days drinking with him.』

With all the gatekeepers unanimously agreeing on how great he was, Henri couldn’t help but think about what Chang-Sun would turn into once he had completed this trial. When Henri got to the last stronghold…


… Henri witnessed a battle that was hard to be considered as one between humans.

* * *


[Your Subordinate ‘Sinmara’ has activated the Skill ‘Giant Roar’!]

[Your Subordinates' morale has increased.]

[Your Subordinates have been buffed.]

[Your enemies’ morale has decreased.]

[Your enemies have been severely cursed.]

As if she had fallen into deep sleep, Sinmara’s left and right faces had their eyes closed. After becoming Chang-Sun’s subordinate, her overall power decreased, and her ability to see the past and future destinies had been sealed. However, it didn’t matter to Chang-Sun.

What mattered was the present. For as long as she had her limbs, Sinmara could still fight as the veteran warrior that she was!

Blue light started to circle around Chang-Sun’s subordinates as they rode their Ghost Devil Horses, evidencing that Sinmara’s roar had successfully blessed and buffed Chang-Sun’s entire Undead Army.

[Your Subordinate ‘Jin Prezia’ has activated the Skill ‘Frozen Realm’!]

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The first one to make a move was Jin, who was riding at the front. He fiercely swung the [Frost King’s Greatsword], creating a snowstorm as he covered the ground with ice. Grizman Adelie’s Specters up front froze up just as they tried to swing their scythes.

[Your Subordinate ‘Elfin Root’ has activated the Skill ‘Leaf Blade’!]

With a light flick of the Elfin Root’s fingers, vines sprouted out from the ground and fired leaves in every direction, breaking the frozen Specters and butchering the others behind them.

[The Celestial ‘Calamity Tiger’ laughs slyly as he looks at the halfwit demon king!]

“Wh-what is this…!” Grizman unwittingly took a step back, unaware that Chang-Sun was hiding such an ace up his sleeve.

Grizman had a hard time wrapping his head around it. Despite having an army, Chang-Sun fought with the gatekeepers with his own abilities alone. Moreover, if he was capable of commanding this many skilled summons, he should have become a relatively weaker fighter. After all, developing one’s ability by leveling up through the system had limits. Despite so, he not only turned into an actual Giant with ease but has also summoned an army. At this point, he had rendered all common knowledge meaningless.

[Acquiring the mana you require from your Subordinate ‘Cadmus’ through the shared ‘Ferocious Heart’!]

Grizman underestimated Chang-Sun because he didn’t know Chang-Sun had a mana reserve named Cadmus. However, Grizman no longer had time to think since Sinmara had already defeated his Specters and was now standing before him.

「This is why I keep telling you.」

Grizman clenched his teeth when Sinmara chuckled. “Sinmara…!”

「Your past, present… Your every destiny is filled with defeats. You have to find a way to change that outcome.」

“Shut up!” Grizman fiercely swung his hand in the air, transforming his black demonic energy into a vine and striking Sinmara with it. However, she easily crushed it with her cleaver, causing it to dissipate.

Rumble! Boom!

Grizman had to fight against Sinmara again, who had defeated him multiple times over the past dozens of years. Moreover…


[Your Subordinate ‘Cadmus’ has activated the Skill ‘Blood Fog’!]

When a cute howl echoed from an unknown location, a red fog set in and turned the battlefield into a dark and damp place where Grizman couldn’t even see what was up ahead.

Ooo―! Oooo―!

Amid the fog, ghastly wails repeated, alternately becoming quieter and louder. Grizman could also hear the sound of the Ghost Devil Horses’ hooves clattering, instilling into him a new kind of fear.

Chang-Sun slowly breathed in and out. Thanks to [Ferocious Heart], his depleted HP and mana quickly got replenished, letting him pull himself together and stand up. Of course, he hadn’t recovered enough to join the fray, but he couldn’t keep sitting on his hands. Looking at Cadmus, who was scratching its head with its hind paw as it sat on Chang-Sun’s left shoulder, he asked, “Cadmus, can I ask you for a favor?”


“Pull out the [Zhan Lu Sword],” Chang-Sun said.


Cadmus grumpily shook its head as if to say it was unfair for Chang-Sun to take away its food when he had already given the sword to Cadmus.

“I’m just borrowing it for a moment. I’ll give you something tastier later,” Chang-Sun offered.

Kiyoo… Kiyooo!

After pretending to ponder for a moment, Cadmus generously nodded. As if it was about to throw up, its cheeks filled up. Eventually, it spat out something. Chang-Sun pulled the [Zhan Lu Sword] without hesitation as soon as he saw its handle come out of Cadmus’ mouth. The sword had become darker than before.

‘Feeding the [Zhan Lu Sword] to Cadmus was the right choice,’ Chang-Sun thought once he grabbed the handle as he could tell that [Zhan Lu Sword] had been upgraded with <Darkness>.

[Zhan Lu Sword]

One of the Nine Fine Swords that were forged by Ou Yezi, the First Divine Blacksmith. According to rumors, whoever owns this legendary sword is worthy of becoming a king. It gives its owner a very powerful ability related to ‘domination,’ but they would have to fulfill tricky conditions to truly become its owner. It has already been upgraded for the first time, acquiring the <Darkness> attribute by harmonizing with the ‘Baby Black Darkness Dragon.’

· Type: Longsword. Relic.

· Damage: Unmeasurable.

· Effect: Dignity Creation. Domination Enhancement. (Other Effects unknown.)

*Requirements have not been met. Most Effects are locked.


The [Zhan Lu Sword] refused Chang-Sun again, but it seemed its reason had changed. It refused him before because he wasn’t worthy, but the sword was now furious because he shoved it into a Dragon’s stomach. It seemed to be resisting much stronger than before as well, having gotten an upgrade. Still, having been granted <Darkness>, it became more similar to Chang-Sun, who had the [Ferocious Heart].

Badump! Badump!

[Attempting to resonate with the ‘Zhan Lou Sword’ using the ‘Ferocious Heart’!]

[The ‘Zhan Lu Sword’ has refused.]

[The ‘Zhan Lu Sword’ has refused.]

Of course, Chang-Sun thought resonating with it still wouldn’t be easy, but he already had a countermeasure.

[The Skill ‘Sword Mastery’ has reached its maximum level. You have acquired the new Trait ‘Sword Forest.’]

Just as how [Spear Mastery] became [Spear Ocean] and [Fist Mastery] became [Fist Wind], Chang-Sun had upgraded his [Sword Mastery] to [Sword Forest], granting him a significantly deeper knowledge of all the swords in the world.

[All Traits categorized under weapons have been combined.]

[The Trait ‘Close-Combat Expert’ has been upgraded to the Trait ‘Close-Combat Master’!]

[The resistance of the ‘Zhan Lu Sword’ has been suppressed.]

[Attempting to force the ‘Zhan Lu Sword’ into submission.]

[You have succeeded.]

[You have become the owner of the ‘Zhan Lu Sword’!]

The moment Chang-Sun acquired [Close-Combat Master], the Trait he desperately wanted, he suppressed the [Zhan Lu Sword]’s resistance and finally heard its voice clearly.

―Wh-what are you trying to do with me?

‘What do you think?’ Chang-Sun curled up one end of his mouth. ‘I’m going to use you.’

Activating [Close-Combat Master], Chang-Sun put all his attention to the [Zhan Lu Sword]. Unlike the [Yuchang Sword], the [Zhan Lu Sword] wasn’t made to be used in actual combat. Nevertheless, just like the [Shu Lou Sword], it was considered one of the best Nine Fine Swords because of its value.

The [Zhan Lu Sword] was a ceremonial sword that was made to emphasize a king’s dignity and domination, which was why it gave, its user the ability to draw out the great power of a king. One by one, Chang-Sun activated the [Zhan Lu Sword]’s Effects.

Clink, clink―!

Something meshed inside the sword.

[The Effect ‘Dignity Creation’ has been activated, making your presence felt across the battlefield!]

Chang-Sun’s aura spread in every direction through the [Blood Fog], making Grizman and all the other Specters raise their heads and shiver. Although Chang-Sun definitely wasn’t in their proximity, it somehow felt as if he was looking down on them.

[The Effect ‘Domination Enhancement’ has been activated, increasing your control over your subordinates!]

At the same time, Chang-Sun vividly sensed Jin Prezia and his other subordinates. As if moving pieces on a chessboard, he could read everything about his subordinates, including their ways of thinking, their plans, and their current thoughts. He could even control them at will.

With the ability to instill fear into his enemies and dominate his allies, Chang-Sun was practically a god on this battlefield.

[The Player ‘Lee Chang-Sun’ is dominating the battlefield!]

One by one, the Specters fell.


[The Summon ‘Gomora Evil Spirit’ has been eliminated.]

[The Summon ‘Sodom Monster’ has been dispelled.]

“No…!” Grizman stepped backward.

[Your Subordinate ‘Jin Prezia’ has eliminated the Summon ‘Admah Curse.’]

“How?! How can a human who doesn’t even have a second class yet, let alone have gone through <Exuviation>, humiliate me like this?!” Grizman shouted.

[Your Subordinate ‘Elfin Root’ has devoured the Summon ‘Zeboim Spirit’.]

Grizman had difficulty understanding how a human who had just become a Giant and didn’t have a second class yet could overwhelm him like this. Even though his stamina had been depleted while going up against Sinmara, Grizman was certain that he was in much better shape than Chang-Sun. To top it all off, he was considered as skilled as ‘King-Class’ Players. Hence, he really couldn’t understand why he was losing. His summons were slain one after another, rendering him speechless.

「Didn’t I tell you?」

Sinmara grinned as she leaned toward Grizman. The burn mark on her face, which was mostly covered with her shaggy hair, made her look hideous. Just like the Immortal Overlord Jacque Valentine, Sinmara had repeatedly defeated Simon Magus over the past dozens of years.

「Defeat has infested your destinies.」




Crack, boom!

Cracks formed all over Grizman’s barrier when Sinmara struck it with her cleaver. Having withstood her first strike, she repeatedly hit it until it completely shattered, its fragments scattering in the air. The sight made Grizman’s ‘iron mask’ turn white.

『Oh, Sinmara, don’t pulverize the mask.』

Just as Sinmara was about to swing her cleaver again and deliver the final blow, Chang-Sun suddenly sent a telepathic message to her.

「Why so?」she asked.

“I feel like we need at least one wizard in our army.” Chang-Sun shrugged.

「As you wish, my new master.」

Sinmara grinned and changed her course of attack from vertical to horizontal.


Like chopping firewood, she decapitated Grizman, causing his masked head to fly in the air.


[The Celestial ‘First Samaritan Mage’ has died!]

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