The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 200: Star, The King of Fire (3)

Chapter 200: Star, The King of Fire (3)

Chang-Sun could tell that Bergelmir, who was standing in front of him, was just a fragment of the real Bergelmir, just like when Chang-Sun met Surtr, since <J?tunheimr> and <Muspelheim> had both gone extinct a long time ago.

However, as one of the great Celestials, Bergelmir could leave a fragment of himself here as well. Moreover, unlike Surtr, who had accepted Chang-Sun as his heir when he passed all his trials, Bergelmir was arrogantly looking down on Chang-Sun.

『You must be Surtr’s heir.』

The thick fog made it difficult to see Bergelmir’s eyes, but Chang-Sun felt as if Bergelmir could see through his soul for some reason.

『You’re a greenhorn.』

Bergelmir’s assessment of Chang-Sun was very cold. He was clearly smirking at Chang-Sun.

『I don’t know how you persuaded that idiot, but you just got here out of pure luck. I can’t accept you as the new king, so get lost.』

Bergelmir certainly didn’t like Chang-Sun.

“Hmm. Ah. Umm… Well!” The Fifth Elder groaned.?

“If you have something to say, just say it.” Chang-Sun frowned.?

“It’s not… Phew! Okay, be careful when you meet my king,” The Fifth Elder warned him.?


“My king is…”?

“…?” Chang-Sun tilted his head.

“… a scum.” The Fifth Elder looked away.?

The Fifth Elder had pondered about the right words to use to describe his king for quite some time. Eventually, he had blurted out, ‘scum.’ He didn’t know what Surtr was like, but he had been certain how Bergelmir would react.

‘He can’t stand the thought of a new <J?tunheimr> king,’?Chang-Sun thought.

Bergelmir was very greedy and prideful, so he never allowed anyone to challenge his authority. That was how he made <J?tunheimr> prosper during his prime. However, that was also why he didn’t have a proper successor. As a result, <J?tunheimr> quickly crumbled down when he grew weak.

‘The Fifth Elder got kicked out of <J?tunheimr> because he hurt Bergelmir’s pride.’

The Fifth Elder was banished from <J?tunheimr> before the plane went extinct. Although he was Bergelmir’s favorite guard, he was still kicked out when he became famous for winning several wars, inevitably becoming a threat to Bergelmir’s power.

Just like the Fifth Elder had said, Bergelmir was hostile to Chang-Sun and was unwilling to accept him as the new king. However, it wasn’t because he wasn’t worthy. Rather, Bergelmir was just being stubborn and couldn’t give up the throne.

‘He’s dead, but he still can’t let go of his greed for the throne. That’s something.’?

Chang-Sun naturally couldn’t let Bergelmir keep being greedy. With no intention to lose, he stared back at Bergelmir’s eyes, which were full of murderous intent.

[Unlocked a great achievement!]

“Meeting the Frost Giant king as the Fire Giant king.”

Reward: ‘Giant King’s Talents’ +10. Acquire ‘Giant King’s Influence.’


The moment Chang-Sun revealed his Class, violent and heated winds started to blow.

[You have acquired the ‘Giant King’s Influence,’ enhancing your characteristic as the new <Muspelheim> king.]

[Your new achievement has been reflected on the list of your second class choices that are still being compiled.]

[The compilation of your second class choice list has been completed.]

[Revealing the list of your possible second class choices!]

[Class Selection]

1. Einheri.

Chang-Sun chuckled dryly, unable to believe his eyes for a moment. There was only one class on the list.


An honorable class that only great warriors and heroes could have. Einheri always fight alone in battles, and even if they die, they never stay dead.

[Choose 'Einheri' as your second class? Y/N]

Chang-Sun had heard about the Einherjar from <Valhalla>, Odin’s great hall of warriors. To prepare for the great war that would someday occur, Einherjar would go through countless battles and training.

‘I’m a Rune Master, and I’m good with weapons, so I should have probably expected this,’?Chang-Sun thought, remembering the conversation he had with Gramps.

“Runes originated from the mystical letters that Odin obtained by hanging himself as a sacrificial offering for nine days in Mimisbrunnr.?The first twenty-four runes have been lost, but the Einherjar used them frequently back then. From runes, the priest and physical senses…” Gramps explained.


“What?” Gramps looked at Chang-Sun.

“That’s boring.” Chang-Sun cupped his chin in his hand.?

“You rascal!” Gramps yelled.?

Although he was only given one option, this class wouldn’t be a problem for his final goal to become the <Supreme Light’s Face>. Currently up against Bergelmir, the list finished compiling in perfect timing.

[You have chosen ‘Einheri’ as your second class!]

[Class Upgrade: ‘Einheri’!]

[Your Agility has increased by 10.]

[Your Magic has increased by 10.]

[Your Intelligence has increased by 10.]

[New stat ‘Dexterity’ has been created.]

[New stat ‘Luck’ has been created.]

[Your Class Skills ‘Expert Rune Creation’ and ‘Expert Rune Engraving’ have been combined. Higher-level Class Skills have been created.]

[The Class Skills ‘Rune Research’ and ‘Rune Activation’ have been created.]

The Dexterity stat helped one master a newly acquired skill or item, so it was essential for Chang-Sun, who was going to use various kinds of magic and weapons at the same time. Meanwhile, the Luck stat made the skills that Chang-Sun activated more effective. The higher it was, the higher the damage output of Chang-Sun’s attacks.

[Rune Research]

Discover old runes and create new runes. The possibility of finding Primordial Runes increases with each level.

· Skill level: 1

· Type: Class. Active. Manufacturing.

· Effect: Letter Creation. Pursuing knowledge.

[Rune Activation]

Effectively activates self-crafted runes and runes discovered using ‘Rune Research.’ The user may activate this skill and use a weapon at the same time.

· Skill level: 1

· Type: Class. Active. Buff.

· Effect: Magic Bestowment. Opening up knowledge.

Chang-Sun’s other two class skills were modified as well to suit his second class better. However, aside from the skill that allowed him to create his own runes, What caught his eye the most was his new ability to discover Primordial Runes, the mythical runes that Odin had created by sacrificing himself. If Chang-Sun could get his hands on Primordial Runes, he would reach an even higher league.

‘Bestla and Odin share a deep relationship… so maybe I’ll get more clues regarding [Primordial Runes] as I complete [Bestla’s Poem].’?

[You have completed your second class acquisition.]

[Your Class has increased.]

[Acquired the accumulated experience points during your second class acquisition quest.]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

Ding. Ding.

The same message kept popping up before Chang-Sun.

[Level up!]

His level had been capped at 50 while going through his second class acquisition quest. Now that he had completed it, however, his level drastically increased. Chang-Sun had passed all the <Muspelheim> trials, killed one Celestial, and sealed another. Despite how much Chang-Sun’s No Guardian status decreased his experience gain, he still garnered an indescribably huge amount of experience points.

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ gasps upon witnessing grow even stronger! ]

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ comments that seeing you, the Giant King, getting the chosen class of the Giants’ archenemy is quite amusing.]

[The Celestial ‘Calamity Tiger’ looks at you, still seemingly unsettled.]

[The Celestial ‘Taurus’ has trouble staying in his seat because he wants to have you.]

[The Celestial ‘Primordial Evil Dragon’ persuades you to join the Absolute Evil faction.]

[The number of Celestials showing interest and paying attention to you has drastically increased.]

Every time the level-up message popped up, his Class grew stronger, and light spread out from Chang-Sun and filled the Instance Dungeon.

[The Title ‘Jigwi Giant Incarnation’ has been applied, summoning a Fire Giant!]

Woosh! Pzz-pzzz—! Rumble!

As the light illuminated the whole area, the storm Chang-Sun created turned into a single purple lightning bolt. Its size instantly increased a hundred—no, a thousand times, turning into a Giant. When the Giant opened its eyes, it looked at Bergelmir’s face with its set of navy-blue fires.

[The first chapter of ‘Prelati’s Spellbook’ has opened, increasing your attacks’ lethality.]

[Your Inferno Sights are staring straight at your target’s face!]

[Your current level is 81.]

The Fire Giant that Chang-Sun created was small compared to Bergelmir, but after Chang-Sun leveled up and distributed his stat points, its size no longer mattered. The moment he opened up [Prelati’s Spellbook], Chang-Sun’s Class became as high as the Class of most demigods that had gone through <Exuviation>.

[The Changgwi Cave has opened!]

Chang-Sun also made preparations so he could summon his subordinates at any given time. Dozens of sharp eyes showed up in the black fog behind Chang-Sun and glared at Bergelmir, ready to attack him as soon as Chang-Sun gave the order.

Despite acting as if he would subdue Chang-Sun by force, Berlgelmir took a step back. Things could have been different if Bergelmir was still in his prime which was when he still ruled <J?tunheimr>, but he was currently just a fragment of the real Bergelmir. He would gain nothing from fighting Chang-Sun right now.

Bergelmir’s greed for his throne didn’t go anywhere, however. Not intending to lose, he narrowed his eyes and glared at Chang-Sun, allowing Chang-Sun to sense just how prideful he was.

『… Alright, you’re talented enough to be called Surtr’s heir, so I’ll acknowledge you as the king of <Muspelheim>. However, don’t get greedy. <J?tunheimr> is my land. It’s no place for you, Fire Giant.』

“Why do you get to decide that?”


“I didn’t call you to get your permission. The reason why I called you is to let you know that I’ll soon also take <J?tunheimr> as the Fire Giant king, ruler of <Muspelheim>, and the new Bestla,” Chang-Sun declared,

『You arrogant…!』Bergelmir growled.

“I just treated you as a king out of respect for the <Myth> you have created. Besides…” Chang-Sun smirked. “... You lost your royal seat a long time ago, so why do you get to decide that?”

『H-how did you…?』

Baffled, Bergelmir’s eyes flickered for the first time. Bergelmir losing his royal seat, which symbolized the <J?tunheimr> king, wasn’t known to the public.

“Then what did you do?” Chang-Sun asked.?

“What do you mean?” The Fifth Elder tilted his head.?

“You said Bergelmir tried to kill you, but judging from your temper, I doubt you just sat on your hands.” Chang-Sun pointed at the Fifth Elder.?

Instead of immediately answering Chang-Sun’s question, the Fifth Elder grinned as if Chang-Sun had caught onto him. Anyone who knew who the <Fallen Stars> were would have reached the same assumption. They were imprisoned in the <Underworld> for committing big crimes while they were still alive, so they were the last people to let their higher-ups push them around.?

“Well, I got really pissed and smashed his royal seat with an axe.” The Fifth Elder shrugged.?

“… Royal seat?” Chang-Sun repeated.?

“It’s called [Fimbulvetr],?which is the Frost Giants’ [Laevateinn]. It’s like a very respected seal of the Frost Giant King. When I destroyed it, Bergelmir’s power was badly affected.”

“You wreaked havoc,” Chang-Sun concluded.?

“What should I have done?! That maniac was the one who started a fight even though I didn’t do anything! Are you seriously saying I should have done nothing?!” the Fifth Elder shouted.?

Although <J?tunheimr> was already crumbling down by then, the Fifth Elder was the one who aggravated the plane’s state and made it reach <Extinction> sooner. By ruining the Frost Giant King’s treasure, which was as significant as the [Laevateinn], the Fifth Elder debased Bergelmir and made him lose a large part of his Frost authority. When Chang-Sun had pointed it out, Bergelmir couldn’t help but react fiercely.

『Wait, Are you Aur—!』

“Let’s talk more later.”

Just as Bergelmir was about to scream something, Chang-Sun turned [Peter’s Key] in the opposite direction and pulled it out from the jewel. Bergelmir’s voice became muffled, and the world around Chang-Sun completely changed.

[The ‘Bifrost’ has been deactivated.]

[The connection to the Instance Dungeon has been terminated.]

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ dryly chuckles, saying that the Frost Giant King must have gotten infuriated.]

‘This wasn’t my plan, but I practically declared war against him.’ Chang-Sun clicked his tongue.

If things had gone according to plan, Chang-Sun would’ve just taken Bergelmir’s trial to become his heir and restore the damaged relic, but Bergelmir was very uncooperative and even threatened Chang-Sun, leaving him with no other choice but to usurp the throne.

However, Chang-Sun thought it didn’t really matter. Going through Bergelmir’s trial would have been easier, but Chang-Sun was willing to usurp the throne if it meant becoming stronger. Now that he had found out that the [Bifrost] was working properly, he didn’t really have a problem anymore.

『I thought it would be difficult to find a combat dog that’s as bad as I am, but looking at you makes me feel like I was wrong all along, Master,』Jin mumbled in disbelief. Chang-Sun paid him no attention.

Kiyoo? Kiyoooo!

Chang-Sun chuckled quietly, stroking the chin of Cadmus, who was drooling as it stared at the sparkling [Bifrost].

[The Scenario Quest(Path to Frost) has been created.]

[Path to Frost]

Type: Scenario.

Description: As the Fire Giant King, you recently declared war against the Frost Giant King ‘Death-Bringing Frost Giant,’ making the ‘Death-Bringing Frost Giant’ furious.

However, the ‘Death-Bringing Frost Giant’ does not currently have the power to punish you because he has already lost his Divine Essence and the relic that symbolizes his power a long time ago. Hence, he will use any means necessary to regain his relic.

Find and restore the relic of the ‘Death-Bringing Frost Giant’ or create it before he could. Only then will the path to the Frost Giant King’s throne open up.

Time limit: ―

Prerequisite: Fire Giant King. Owner of ‘Bestla’s Poem.’

Quest Failure Penalty: ―

Quest Reward: Ownership of the relic ‘Fimbulvetr.’ Visit to <J?tunheimr>.

1. Mimisbrunnr is the pond of Mirmir, who is known for his wisdom and knowledge in northern mythology. It is located beneath the world tree Yggdrasil.

2. It actually refers to the prelude of Ragnarok

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