The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 209: Star, the Illuminati (5)

Chapter 209: Star, the Illuminati (5)

‘He’s busy,’?Chang-Sun thought.

Tian Shi Yuan was a hardliner Celestial within the <Purple Star Astrology>. Compared to Zi Wei Yuan and Tai Wei Yuan, the two other Three Enclosures, Tian Shi Yuan often operated in public. That was how he garnered the biggest number of subordinates and soldiers among the Three Enclosures.

Most of the notorious incidents in <Heaven> that were known to have been done by the <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials happened under Tian Shi Yuan’s orders. This one was no different. Zi Wei Yuan and Tai Wei Yuan showed no reactions, and even the Twenty-Eight Mansions stayed quiet. It was just Tian Shi Yuan. Following his lead, Thirty-Six Heavenly Spirits and Seventy-Two Earthly Fiends watched Chang-Sun as well.

Yool had warned Chang-Sun that if he used [Execution Sword] right now, the <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials would notice what the <Underworld> was up to something and discover that the ‘Divine Twilight’ had resurrected. Yool had also advised Chang-Sun to prepare for their siege without attracting too much attention since doing so would be dangerous for Chang-Sun and the <Underworld> hadn’t finished their preparations to fight <Heaven>. Chang-Sun was well aware of those facts.

‘But I can’t just let them all go like this.’?

From Chang-Sun’s perspective, the people besieging him right now were all fishes jumping into a net. The <Purple Star Astrology> was a very big <Society> in <Heaven>, so many other <Societies> and Celestials followed it. The followers of those small fries were the ones involved in this.

‘If only I can capture Tian Shi Yuan here.’

Upon the [Execution Sword]’s activation, Chang-Sun’s mind palace was used as a courtroom, and the Celestial caught by it was forced to go through a trial using a Player and their Channelings as mediums. Depending on how he used it, Chang-Sun thought he could make Tian Shi Yuan stand trial if he could capture one of his followers.

‘Even if things don’t go according to the plan, it’ll still be worth it if I can just get rid some of Tian Shi Yuan’s subordinates.’ Chang-Sun licked his parched lips, feeling his greed grow. ‘The problem is how I can blindfold these Celestials.’

[The Celestial ‘Tsunami Bringer’ says that he will make a formal complaint about this later, but for now, he wonders how you will overcome this obstacle.]

[The Celestial ‘Primordial Evil Dragon’ advises you to take her hand if you want to escape from the danger.]

[The Celestial ‘Taurus’ promises you that if you swear to become his subordinate, he will not only forgive what you have done with the Celestial ‘Gemini’ but also protect you from the Society ‘Purple Star Astrology.’]

[A significant number of Celestials have offered to become your shield.]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ pulls her hair out, saying that too many Celestials are interested in you.]

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ comments that it is about time the Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ gets used to it.]

Fearing the <Purple Star Astrology>, some Celestials backed off. However, some Celestials offered their protection instead, pretending to be generous. ‘Taurus’ and ‘Aquarius’ even offered Chang-Sun to join the <Horoscope>.

Jacque Valentine, who was sitting across from Chang-Sun, seemed willing to help Chang-Sun if he needed it, but the cost of his help would surely be high. Satan didn’t do charity, and the same applied to the Celestials of the executives at the other train compartments. Although they complained about the tyranny of the <Purple Star Astrology>, no one tried to stop what it was trying to do.

Things could have been different if Chang-Sun were their subordinate, but he had nothing to do with them. Likewise, the Celestials and the Players who followed their commands had no reason to go through the trouble of coming into political conflict with the <Purple Star Astrology>.

In fact, some Celestials could think this was for the better. From the beginning, they had been trying to test Chang-Sun through Satan’s trial, but they didn’t have to go through the trouble if the <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials did it for them.

[The Celestial ‘Calamity Tiger’ is gritting his teeth because his <Society> is forcing him to make a decision. He looks at you with love and hatred.]

‘Well, if they want to know that badly…’

Chang-Sun naturally had no intention to stand down from this fight. Why would he miss such a good opportunity? No, even if it wasn’t, he would never run away from a fight.

‘... then I’ll show them.’ Chang-Sun smiled faintly.

“Hey.” The ‘Black Horse’ Shaka approached Chang-Sun, still frowning deeply. Shaka had always found joy in instilling fear into people, so he didn’t like Chang-Sun ignoring him. The more Shaka crumpled up his face, the more the tribal tattoos covering half his face distorted and made him look more menacing.

[The Celestial ‘Fire Rat Under Broad Daylight’ smacks his lips, wondering which part of you would be the tastiest!]

“Team L,” Chang-Sun said.

While observing the situation in fear of the train overturning because of the conflict between Chang-Sun and Shaka, Woo Hye-Bin, Shin Eun-Seo, and Shin Geum-Gyu turned their heads toward Chang-Sun’s call.

“Huh? Yes!”


“I-I’m listening.”

“Protect the train and safely escort Joachim to the headquarters. Gyeo-Ul and I will be leaving for a bit. We’ll join you in the headquarters later.”

The Team L members refrained from asking any questions when they saw Shaka grabbing Chang-Sun’s shoulder in annoyance. Shaka didn’t understand Korean at all.

“What are you talking about, you bastard? You badmouthed me just now, didn’t you? Or are you so scared that you don’t know what to do… Arghhh!” Shaka screamed. He tried to drag Chang-Sun out, but he felt pain in his right shoulder instead. His whole right arm had been ripped off, causing his blood to splatter everywhere!

Jacque’s eyes widened. He didn’t expect Chang-Sun to begin the battle inside the train, which was filled with many other passengers. Joachim Wolff was about to stand up instinctively when the ‘White Horse’ Troy fiercely swung his spear at Chang-Sun

[The Celestial ‘Fire Rat Under Broad Daylight’ is furious because you hurt his first apostle!]

Chang-Sun grabbed Troy’s spear with his right hand, starting a contest of strength.

‘Idiot!’ Troy smirked at Chang-Sun.

Although Troy didn’t know how in the world Chang-Sun had cut off Shaka’s arm, Troy believed it was stupid of Chang-Sun to try subduing him with brute strength alone. Troy was born strong and had consumed several elixirs to increase his physical strength, so he thought his Strength stat point right now should be as high as a ‘King-Class’ Player.

Chang-Sun could have been showing a performance brilliant enough to put the <Purple Star Astrology on edge lately, but it had only been half a year since he had become a Player. He wouldn’t be able to beat Troy, who had done nothing but focus on becoming physically stronger!

‘What?!’ Troy thought in surprise.

Despite being the one wielding the spear, he was getting pulled toward Chang-Sun. No matter how hard Troy tried to pull his weapon away and even though Chang-Sun was at a disadvantage since he was sitting down, Chang-Sun didn’t budge.

Yes, Troy wasn’t aware that Chang-Sun was a Giant, not an ordinary human. Humans could never defeat a Giant in a test of strength, especially considering the Giant in question was the Giant King.


Chang-Sun pulled the spear toward him and swung it against the window, throwing Troy out of the train.

[The Title ‘Jigwi Giant Incarnation’ has been applied, spreading your wings wide!]

Unfolding his wings, which were made out of purple lightning energy, Chang-Sun flew out of the destroyed window. As he did, Baek Gyeo-Ul seeped into Chang-Sun’s shadow.

“Ah, fuck! Stop!” Shaka immediately followed Chang-Sun despite the pain he was in, his bloodshot eyes filled with fury. He wanted to rip Chang-Sun into shreds, but the moment Shaka jumped out of the train…

“Idiot.” Chang-Sun smirked at Shaka.

Shaka gasped and hurriedly turned his head upward. He thought Chang-Sun had left the train and headed elsewhere, but Chang-Sun was just sitting on the train roof, watching Shaka with cold eyes.

‘It was a trap!’?were the last thoughts Shaka had before he died.

[The Skill ‘Flaming Lightning Bolt’ has been activated!]

Lightning energy was the resulting light energy from the collision between a positive charge and a descending negative charge. Using that mechanism, Chang-Sun thought he could increase his skill’s damage output. Chang-Sun drew up yang energy in his right hand and yin energy in his left hand. He then clapped loudly once.


Purple lightning sparks fiercely flew up. As thunder muffled Chang-Sun’s clap, a lightning bolt struck Shaka, ending him. Seemingly connecting the sky and the ground, the long lightning bolt not only instantly smashed Shaka’s head but also turned him into a lump of coal.

Troy, who had finally pulled himself together from the shock of getting thrown outside, turned pale. “Shaka!”

Shaka and Troy had different birthdays, parents, birthplaces, ethnicities, and principles. However, Troy always thought of Shaka as his twin brother, and it was the same for Shaka. They even had plastic surgery to have the same appearance and size. Moreover, their way of talking, personality, skill trees… By making everything the same, they moved as if they were one person even when they were committing crimes or making love.

However, Troy’s twin brother had just been brutally killed right before him, putting him through worse pain than his heart getting ripped out. However, before he could recover from the shock, Chang-Sun showed up in front of him.

Smiling coldly just like when he killed Shaka, Chang-Sun said, “You’ll meet your idiotic friend soon, so don’t worry.”

Chang-Sun fiercely swung the [Yuchang Sword] in his right hand, drawing an arc in the air with the white sacred light mixed with purple lightning energy and divine energy.

[The Skill ‘Black Mountain King’s First Claw’ has been activated!]


A pool of blinding light burst as Troy was pushed away, his blood spilling. Albeit with difficulty, Troy successfully managed to deflect Chang-Sun’s attack. However, he still looked the same as Shaka, who was helplessly lying on the ground.

[The Skill ‘Black Mountain King’s Second Claw’ has been activated!]

This time, Chang-Sun mixed <Dusk Lightning> and demonic energy using [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth]. Completely different from the sacred light from before, the dark light struck the top of Troy’s head. It was still light, but it devoured everything rather than brightening up the world.



From the top of his head to his groin, a red vertical line was drawn over Troy.


Bleeding profusely, Troy was cut in half and helplessly fell down on the ground. Over the past decades, these two demonic beings had made a fool out of the Council and Interpol, but they died in Chang-Sun’s hands before they could even do anything.

[The Celestial ‘Fire Rat Under Broad Daylight’ is stunned by his apostles’ death!]

[The Celestial ‘Fire Rat Under Broad Daylight’ hates you even more now.]

[The <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials narrow their eyes upon witnessing your fight.]

The [Yuchang Sword] and [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] were creating Double Sword Resonance. Straightening his grip on them, Chang-Sun detected the presence of people closing in on him.

[The Authority ‘Monster Excursion’ has been activated, detecting the enemies who wish to kill you!]

[The Authority ‘Mamushi Eye’ has been activated, showing the detected enemies’ locations!]

Heoju’s [Monster Excursion] and J?rmungandr’s [Mamushi Eye] were a very good match.

[Mamushi Eye]

Mamushi is a snake cruel enough to eat its own mother. Just like the snake, you’ll be on high alert and gain a perfect all-around guard, allowing you to successfully run from your enemy or devour your prey in a flash.

· Skill level: 1

· Type: Active. Authority.

· Effect: Vantage Point Detection. Enemy Detection. Marking Weakness.

With those two Authorities, Chang-Sun would never miss his enemies, no matter how well they had hidden.

‘Within a one-kilometer radius, there are… around thirty people,’?Chang-Sun thought.

There were quite many of them, but that didn’t mean the fight would be difficult. However, the problem was that they were in the real world, not a Dungeon that disappeared once a Player had cleared it. Although Chang-Sun was just defending himself, killing so many people at once would still be dangerous. Shaka and Troy were just wanted criminals around the world, so Chang-Sun would actually receive rewards for killing them, not reprimanded.

‘They’re different since many of them wouldn’t be demonic beings. They just have the <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials as their Guardians.’?

Considering Chang-Sun had to subdue most of them, he was left with only one method.

‘Break through the barricade with overwhelming power.’ Chang-Sun clicked his tongue, putting on the iron mask on his waist.


At the same time, he began to synchronize with Simon Magus, increasing his cognitive ability so he could calculate quicker.

「Hehehe… this is my chance to read [Prelati’s Spellbook] again.」

Along with Simon's laugh, Chang-Sun heard the sound of pages turning.

[The second chapter of ‘Prelati’s Spellbook’ has opened!]

The first chapter was radiát?o. By maximizing the lethality of lightning energy, Chang-Sun could make his vicinity more advantageous for his allies. Meanwhile, the next chapter was…

[The second chapter ‘Díg?ro Ignis’ has been applied, overloading your mana to enhance your physical abilities!]

… about gathering lightning energy. Constantly releasing lighting energy exhausted and wasted a lot of Chang-Sun’s mana, so although it was fine in short battles, it was dangerous to use lightning energy during long combat. However, if he could circulate a massive amount of lightning energy inside him, then Chang-Sun would be able to use lightning energy more efficiently. It could also sharpen his nervous system and reinforce him.

Cells, neurons, synapses, and every part of the human body functioned through electrical stimulations. On top of that, Chang-Sun had the characteristic of an elemental spirit, so it was naturally more important to him. That was why it was named Díg?ro Ignis, which meant splitting lightning energy.


Purple lightning energy engulfed Chang-Sun, and his skin turned pale. Even his hair color turned silvery white. Navy-blue flames lit up more ferociously than ever behind the iron mask he wore.

[Your ‘Ferocious Heart’ is racing after embracing an immense amount of lightning energy!]

Badump, badump, badump―!

Chang-Sun’s heart raced and his blood quickly circulated just like when he resonated with Surtr’s heart. The massive amount of lightning energy inside his blood upgraded his physical senses, body, and power more than ever.

Right now, Chang-Sun felt as if he had become a lightning deity who threw lightning bolts indiscriminately.

Boom! Swoosh―!

Springing forward, Chang-Sun turned into a purple lightning bolt and darted toward the siege. He could detect Tian Shi Yuan’s presence beyond the place he was trying to reach.

1. The reason why this story exists is that its hanja is 殺母蛇(A snake kills mother), but it’s not actually true. A mamushi is ovoviviparous. After giving birth, the snake become so tired that it rarely moves. While in that state, the baby mamushis crawl around their mother, making the people walking by misunderstand that the mother mamushi is dead.

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