The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 222: Star, the Fog of War (2)

Chapter 222: Star, the Fog of War (2)

Chang-Sun chuckled. He couldn’t help but find Cadmus cute for leisurely eating cookies instead of staying on alert despite being in a foreign room. The Dragon was innocently fearless, which, perhaps, was its charm.

‘Minerva probably put me here to rest, then gave Cadmus some snacks.’?Chang-Sun chuckled, now having a rough idea of what had happened.

“Where have you been?” Chang-Sun asked. Cadmus had been missing during the whole World Net event.

Kiyooo! Kiyoo!

Cadmus sprang up from its seat and howled. Although Chang-Sun wasn’t exactly sure what Cadmus was saying, it seemed very offended by Chang-Sun’s remark. At that moment, its round belly caught Chang-Sun’s eye. Quietly laughing, he stroked its head.

Chang-Sun knew that Cadmus hadn’t just been standing around. It had been buffing the Undead Army to support them and shared the [Ferocious Heart] when Chang-Sun had activated the [Execution Sword].

‘Come to think of it, it’s even bigger now.’?

Cadmus used to be just the same size as Chang-Sun’s head, but it was now almost as big as his upper torso. Babies were known to have growth spurts daily, but Cadmus’ growth speed was still certainly remarkable.


“I know. I was just joking, so don’t take it seriously.”


Cadmus glared at Chang-Sun, not trusting what he had just said.


[Your body has changed!]

[Your Traits have been upgraded.]

[Your immunity has significantly increased. Your Trait ‘Ten Toxin Immunity’ has been upgraded to the Trait ‘Hundred Toxin Immunity.’]

[Your senses have drastically sharpened. Your Trait ‘Close-Combat Expert’ has been upgraded to the Trait ‘Close-Combat Master.’]

[Your physical Talent has significantly developed. Your Trait ‘Reinforced Skeleton’ has been upgraded to ‘Martial Omniscience Physique.’]

[Due to your low Class, you could not absorb all of the Divinity(Attribute: Enclosure Element). The remaining 41% of the Divinity has been converted into Enclosure Essence and stored in your ‘Stigma.’]

“…!” Chang-Sun’s eyes widened.

Although all he had done was absorb the Divinity in his [Stigma], it still upgraded his body, which was new even for him.

‘Is it because it got mixed in <Darkness>?’

Chang-Sun had indeed read the message about the Divinity transforming through his [Ferocious Heart], but he didn’t really expect such a dramatic change.

[Hundred Toxin Immunity]

The higher-ranked version of the Trait ‘Ten Toxin Immunity.’ No longer just immune to most existing toxins, you can now also create lethal toxins yourself and mix them into your bodily fluids or body odors if desired. The Trait is necessary to become a poisonman.

· Type: Trait.

· Effect: Toxin Immunity. Blood Toxin Creation. Poisonman Transformation.

[Close-Combat Master]

The higher-ranked version of the Trait ‘Close-Combat Master.’ Having surpassed the level of controlling most existing weapons as if they are part of your body, you can now read a weapon’s mind, use it to its fullest potential, and lead it to a new path. Anyone who clashes against a weapon you wield is bound to meet their demise.

· Type: Trait.

· Effect: Weapon Mastery. Combat Genius. Weapon Personality Unlock.

[Martial Omniscience Body]

The higher-ranked version of the Trait ‘Reinforced Skeleton.’ The harmony of yin and yang has not only solidified your body but also upgraded it into becoming ideal for martial arts. Now without limits, you now get better the more you train.

· Type: Trait.

· Effect: Internal Martial Art of Harmony Acquisition. External Martial Art Acquisition. Talent Bloom.

Each one of those Traits was valuable. With these, Chang-Sun’s Class was now essentially two levels higher than before. [Hundred Toxin Immunity] and [Close-Combat Master] alone were already like an exceptional shield and spear, and the [Martial Omniscience Physique] increased those Traits’ efficiency. It also removed his limitations as a martial artist, so he could now continue to improve himself as a martial artist. However, the part that caught Chang-Sun’s eyes the most was the fact that nearly half of the Divinity was still in his [Stigma].

‘The more my Class increases, the more I can absorb this Divinity. And the more Celestials I seal, this Divinity increases.’?

Maybe these were also gifts from Mephistopheles, who should already know Chang-Sun’s real identity and goal. Reading through the pile of system messages, Chang-Sun crookedly smiled.

‘This isn’t it.’

[As a reward, you can extort one Authority from each celestial you have sealed.]

[What will you choose?]

[Authority list.]

· The Celestial ‘Impetuous Dragon Horse’s General’

1. Dragon Horse Equestrianism

2. Divine General’s Axe Mastery

· The Celestial ‘Peculiar Warring Deity’

1. Peculiar Army

2. Distorted Power

· The Celestial ‘Tian Shi Yuan’

1. White Hit

2. Scarlet Dragon Summon

What would the three sealed Celestials think if they witnessed what was happening right now? Although Chang-Sun wanted to see the looks on their faces, he couldn’t just head to the <Underworld>, so he put his curiosity aside and gave the list a proper look.

‘[Scarlet Dragon Summon] of the Emperor’s Seat is a good defensive skill—no, it’s exceptional. Depending on how I use it, it can even be a really great match with Suo Chao’s [Dragon Horse Equestrianism],’?Chang-Sun thought.

The Authority [Scarlet Dragon Summon] summoned the [Scarlet Jiaolong] from the royal robe of the Emperor’s Seat. The [Scarlet Jiaolong] devoted its life to protecting its master and defeating its master’s enemies. Using it with Suo Chao’s [Dragon Horse Equestrianism] would provide him with even more combat strategies. Dominating the battlefield by controlling a Dragon that could summon lightning bolts and storms would certainly horrify his enemies. In fact, the [Scarlet Jiaolong] was the biggest reason the Emperor’s Seat could shine brilliantly as the Celestial ‘Tian Shi Yuan.’



When Chang-Sun looked at Cadmus, it tilted its head, silently asking if there was any problem.

He unwittingly chuckled. ‘Maybe I don’t really need it.’

The Authority seemed really great in the past, but Chang-Sun had Cadmus now. Cadmus would obviously surpass the [Scarlet Jiaolong] if it matured. After all, Mephistopheles was the one who gave him this Evil Dragon. Besides, there was no telling if the [Scarlet Jiaolong] would be genuinely loyal to Chang-Sun, the enemy of its owner. On top of that, he didn’t really need the [Dragon Horse Equestrianism] since he shared the [Ferocious Heart] with Cadmus.

‘I really covered it in the past, but I guess no one truly knows how things will turn out in the future.’

Bo Du’s Authorities didn’t really catch Chang-Sun’s interest either. With a proper skill tree, he could easily replace Bo Du’s every Authority. The only Authority that stood out a little was [Peculiar Army], which could provide great support to the Undead Army.

‘Wait, maybe I’m looking at this the wrong way.’?Chang-Sun tried to change his stance.

[You have chosen the Authorities ‘Peculiar Army’ and ‘Scarlet Dragon Summon’!]

[You have acquired the two Authorities.]

‘I’ll take [Peculiar Army] since it’ll be a good Authority to use for the Undead Army. The [Scarlet Dragon Summon] will also come in handy until Cadmus matures. Depending on how I use it, it can be a fine match with <Dusk Lightning> too.’

Perhaps Chang-Sun could replace the [Scarlet Jiaolong] with Cadmus in the future.


The symbol of a scarlet Five-Clawed Dragon was engraved inside Chang-Sun’s coat and quietly disappeared. All that was left to do was choose an Authority from Suo Chao’s list.

‘It’s indeed here.’

[You have chosen the ‘Jin Can Axe’!]


A ray of light shone down in front of Chang-Sun.


In the ray of light, a giant axe dropped from the sky and slammed onto the ground.

The [Jin Can Axe], Suo Chao’s favorite weapon. Remembering that relics were part of a Heavenly Spirit demonic deity’s Authority, Chang-Sun looked for the axe just to be sure and actually found it on the list.

‘It’ll be quite fun to extort and collect all the Thirty-Six Heavenly Spirits’ weapons.’

Oooong, ooooong…!

The [Jin Can Axe] trembled profusely. It was as if it would never allow Chang-Sun to touch it, but Chang-Sun just snorted and grabbed it without hesitation. The [Jin Can Axe] shook harder, demanding to be let go. At that moment, Chang-Sun’s coat fluttered, and a scarlet Dragon leaped out. Purple lightning energy sparks flying around it.


[The ‘Jin Can Axe’ is fiercely resisting its new owner!]

[The Authority ‘Scarlet Dragon Summon’ has partially been activated, causing a Lightning Dragon to stick its head out.]

[The Lightning Dragon ferociously bares its fangs against the ‘Jin Can Axe,’ which is putting up a strong resistance!]

Due to Chang-Sun’s Class, the baby scarlet Dragon wasn’t a Jiaolong yet, but it held a significant amount of lightning energy. Moving like a snake, the Dragon crawled down Chang-Sun’s arm from his shoulder and bit down on the [Jin Can Axe]. The deeper the scarlet Dragon sank its fangs, the more Chang-Sun’s coat fluttered, making it seem as if wind was blowing inside the room.

When the scarlet Dragon bit and twisted the [Jin Can Axe]’s blade, the axe writhed. The [Jin Can Axe] certainly wasn’t easy to subdue, but Chang-Sun wasn’t done yet.

[You have regained a part of your revoked Divine Class.]

[Searching for Authorities to restore!]

[Searching for the most suited Authorities based on the achievements you have made so far.]

Now that he had finished sealing the Celestials, the time had come for his restraining device to disengage.


Chang-Sun could feel a part of the invisible restraining device around him unshackling.

[The Authority ‘Storm Era’ has been restored!]

[Due to your low Class, the full restoration of the Authority has failed. Many of the Effects have been downgraded, creating a subskill.]

[Congratulations! You have acquired the Subskill ‘Dust Devil.’]

[Dust Devil]

A subskill of ‘Storm Era,’ the signature Authority of the ‘Divine Twilight’ and the ‘White Silence Walking in the Wind’. By causing a strong sandstorm, you can blow away all the nearby enemies. Depending on its usage, you can even trap the enemies in the storm or pull them toward you.

· Skill level: 1

· Type: Skill. Subauthority.

· Effect: Target Selection. Force Bleeding. Curse Infliction.

Woosh, woosh, woosh!


A violent sandstorm twirled around Chang-Sun, bizarre giggling echoing from inside it. It was as if a devil was trying to spread their wings wide. The sandstorm joined forces with the scarlet Dragon, successfully subduing the [Jin Can Axe].

Clank, clank.

All the furniture and decorations in the area flew around, being smashed or rolled out of their original position As a result, the room turned into a complete mess.


The [Jin Can Axe]’s howl suppressed all the commotion.

[You have successfully subdued and can now use the ‘Jin Can Axe.’]

[Due to your low Class, some Effects of the ‘Jin Can Axe’ are currently unavailable.]

[The Trait ‘Axe Moon’ has been applied, giving you the ability to read the memory of the ‘Jin Can Axe.’]

“Phew!” Chang-Sun lightly exhaled.

Although his Class had increased, subduing the relic of a Heavenly Spirit demonic deity required a lot of effort. On top of that, Chang-Sun wasn’t fully healed yet, so he inevitably became exhausted. However, he still smiled contentedly since he had acquired fine weapons like the scarlet Dragon and the [Jin Can Axe]. Having mastered all sorts of weapons enough to acquire the trait of [King of All Weapons] in the past, Chang-Sun was bound to be interested in weapons.

‘I;m going to have to retrieve the [Omni-Weapon Chest] after all.’ Chang-Sun smiled faintly.

The door opened up, and Minerva entered, holding a plate of snacks. Noticing how messy the room had become, she sighed. “… What a mess. Does every place you visit end up like this?”

Chang-Sun scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

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