The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 249: Star, the Four Overlord Conference (8)

Chapter 249: Star, the Four Overlord Conference (8)

[You have attacked the Player ‘Ben Eddy’!]

[You have struck the Player ‘Sergei Zolotov’!]

[The Celestial ‘World-Supporting Pillar’ takes your attack as an act of provocation against him!]

[The Celestial 'Shepherd at the Bottom of a Hill’ frowns because you attacked his sheep!]

[The Celestial ‘Cloud in the Sky’ declares his intention to join the fight!]

[The Sudden Quest (Celestials’ Quest) has begun!]



Over a hundred messages continuously popped up in front of Chang-Sun. Since Chang-Sun had struck the main palace where many people were gathered with his <Dusk Lightning> whip, the people’s Guardians were bound to take his attack as an act of provocation against them.

[Current Quest Participant List]

1. World-Supporting Pillar

*Representative: Ben Eddy

2. Shepherd at the Bottom of a Hill

*Representative: Sergei Zolotov

3. Cloud in the Sky

Total participants: 136/???

[Many Celestials have become intrigued after hearing the news about the quest and wish to watch your channel!]

[Some Celestials have started a wager regarding the outcome of the current quest.]

[The Celestials participating in the Quest threaten their representatives that they will suffer consequences if they lose to you.]

[The number of viewers: 7???.]

[The number of viewers: 8???.]

[The number of viewers is increasing quickly!]

[The <Management Bureau> employees put you on a watch list.]

It seemed the number of viewers would soon break five digits, which evidenced Chang-Sun’s great achievements. Destroying the [World Net] of the <Purple Star Astrology>, defeating the ‘Gemini,’ wreaking havoc in <Star Grave>... Every one of those incidents was headline-worthy.

‘It’s possible for a skilled mortal to break through the [World Net], but not the other two incidents,’?Chang-Sun thought, proving he was skilled enough to operate in <Heaven> now.

‘Kali becoming my subordinate must have shocked them greatly too.’

How could they leave Chang-Sun alone after all those events? Analyzing the situation, Chang-Sun realized he could divide the viewers into four categories. Celestials like Saxnot and Veles, who wanted to subdue Chang-Sun using their apostles, belonged in the first category.

‘The second category is composed of Celestials who want to see how things turn out first.’

[The Celestial ‘Taurus’ is waiting.]

[The Celestial ‘Tsunami Bringer’ is intrigued by the quest and wishes to watch how it turns out.]

[The Celestial ‘Antlered Animal King’ crosses his arms.]

[The Celestial ‘Plague Monarch’ tells you to call her anytime you need her help while swinging a bottle of medicine that is good for men.]

Most of them were the great Celestials that held high-ranking positions in their <Societies> or had quite a high divine class. Since they valued their reputations, they didn’t recklessly make a move. However, since they had personally shown up in <Star Grave> to search for Chang-Sun, they were probably waiting for the right moment to interfere in the quest.

[The Celestial ‘Primordial Evil Dragon’ grins, wishing you good luck.]

[The Celestial ‘Garden Keeper’ rages, unable to wait for your performance any longer.]

[The Celestial ‘Malignity-Drinking Saturn’ smiles because his brokerage fees keep coming in!]

‘The Celestials who have zero intention to interfere in this quest are in the third category. They are either watching just to cheer for me or because they hate me very much.’

Tiamat was probably eating popcorn without worry after she forced Pabilsag to sit by her side. On the other hand, it seemed Uriel was furious because he couldn’t intervene in the <Saha World> due to the law of causality.

‘The last category is…’

The Celestials who stood by Chang-Sun’s side and blessed him.

[The Celestial ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ grants you her heroic protection!]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ blesses you as fast as she could amid her surprise, then tells you not to get hurt!]

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ cheers for you and tells you to put this to good use even though it won’t really help you that much!]

Paah, paah!

Rays of light from the sky shone down on Chang-Sun, he could feel the amount of his mana increasing more than his usual limit.

‘Oh, yeah. The last category is for...’

[The Celestial ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Devil’ warns you that he will retrieve everything he gave you if you disgrace him.]

‘... the one who gave me a test.’?

Although he hadn’t been sending messages, Mephistopheles was still watching Chang-Sun.

Chang-Sun smirked. ‘I have a feeling that he’ll give me another present if I pass his test with flying colors.’

[The Celestial ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Devil’ frowns and says you will go bald if you like free stuff too much.]

“Like you, teacher?” Chang-Sun asked.

[The Celestial ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Devil’ says he just looks like a skeleton. He adds a little threat that he will really turn you bald if you continue your nonsense.]

Their casual conversation before the battle made him smile a little.

“ти― ран―!”

Not long after, a roar echoed from the sky, causing the ground to shake and the clouds of dust in the area to dissipate. Judging from the pressure on his shoulders, Chang-Sun concluded that Overlord was releasing their mana. He didn’t understand what the Overlord said, but he had a rough idea of what it meant. The person was saying tyrant in Russian. Sergei Zolotov the Flying Dragon Overlord, Zmei Clan leader, and Veles apostle, was the only Russian this powerful.

Sergei Zolotov plunged straight down to Chang-Sun with his sword pointed at him. The Wyvern he rode, also called a Flying Dragon, was a little different from ordinary Wyverns. While Wyverns were normally three meters tall, Sergei’s Wyvern was twice that. It also had three layers of ferocious fangs.

“It’s the Flying Dragon Overlord!”

“Mr. Zolotov is here!”

“Tyrant! Your arrogance stops now!”

After finally pulling themselves together in the ruins of the annex palace, the Players cursed Chang-Sun as they gritted their teeth. They thought he would soon go down on his knees now that Sergei was on the move.

Chang-Sun paid them no attention, however. ‘So Veles is his Guardian, huh?’

Veles, the ruler of the Nether Plane, oversaw magic and good harvest, making him the shepherd of demonic and phantom creatures. Back when he was still the ‘Divine Twilight,’ Chang-Sun had clashed with Veles several times.

‘I heard that the Flying Dragon Overlord controls dragon-type monsters using the ability he received from Veles. Maybe that’s why his Wyvern is a bit different.’

If Sergei sped up his Wyvern’s charge and made it use [Wyvern Breath], most of them would collapse on the ground, unable to withstand the damage.



Chang-Sun smirked as he unleashed <Dusk Lightning> energy.

‘... It would probably work if he wasn’t up against me.’

Chang-Sun grabbed the handle of [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth], which was hung on his belt. He didn’t even have to unseal the sword completely against Sergei. Just showing him what [Dragon Breath] was like had to be enough.

Inhaling deeply, Chang-Sun straightened his posture. He then put one foot backward and bent a little as he squeezed the sword handle tighter. At that moment, his memory of learning proper martial art from Kali flashed across his mind.

“Your martial art techniques are specialized in killing, so it’s very powerful, destructive, and effective. However, they aren’t systematic. At the rate you’re going, you’ll be in real danger when you go up against someone equal to you. A vessel made with random soldering is naturally far worse than a vessel made with systemic expertise,” Kali said.?

“Hmm… How can I improve it, then?”

“Work on your breathing method first,” Kali recommended.?

Chang-Sun inhaled for a short moment, making him feel as if the world around him quieted down. As soon as he exhaled, he twisted his upper torso and unsheathed [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth], which emitted black light. The first martial art technique Chang-Sun learned from Kali was battojutsu—killing an enemy in one breath.



Chang-Sun swung [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] in an arc, unleashing a highly concentrated purple lightning bolt toward Sergei and his Wyvern.

Hmph! Do you really think you can defeat me with such a cheap tri—!”


The impact sent Sergei helplessly plunging to his death before he could finish his sentence. His scorched Wyvern broke into dozens of pulps as it dropped to the ground.

[The Player ‘Sergei Zolotov’ has failed the Sudden Quest!]

[The Celestial ‘Shepherd at the Bottom of a Hill’ screams in disbelief.]

[You have eliminated an apostle, giving you a significant amount of experience points.]

[Level up!]



The Players looking forward to seeing Sergi’s payback turned pale. They did not expect him to lose so quickly. At that moment, everyone realized that Chang-Sun was already at the level of an Overlord—no, he had gone even past that.

Chang-Sun didn’t even look at them. He focused solely on his target: the Mage Overlord, who was behind this ludicrous sight.

[The Player ‘Ben Eddy’ distances himself and prepares to cast his magic spells!]

Chang-Sun saw Ben quickly getting away from the main palace by repeatedly using [Teleport] and [Blink] through the black cloud of dust.

‘I’ll take down their head first,’?Chang-Sun thought.

Every last one of the hundred thirty-six apostles here was just a small fry. They would quiet down once he had taken down their leader.


[The Skill’ Wind-Stalking Tiger’ has been activated, manifesting the Skill ‘Lightness’!]

Following the guide of [Monster Excursion], Chang-Sun darted forward.

[The number of viewers: 10???.]

* * *

[The Skill ‘Teleport’ has been activated!]

[The Skill ‘Blink’ has been activated!]

[The Skill ‘Teleport’ has been activated!]



‘How can this happen?’?Ben wondered as he bit his lower lip.

Using the magic spells engraved in his magic wand multiple times, Ben tried to get away from the main palace—no, he tried to distance himself from the Tyrant as much as he could, believing he would lose in a head-on battle.

[The Celestial ‘World-Supporting Pillar’ advises you to as stay calm as possible during times like this!]

Ben knew that Chang-Sun was strong. After all, Chang-Sun was clearly the one who had defeated Czestochowa, and he also destroyed the [World Net], which was certainly a remarkable accomplishment. Nevertheless, Chang-Sun’s power still surpassed his expectations.

Ben had always been confident in his ability. Although Sergei thought of Ben as his rival, Ben was far stronger than him. In fact, Ben believed that he was skilled enough to stand toe-to-toe against Jaque Valentine, so a first-year Player wouldn’t—no, shouldn’t be able to match his level.

‘But he’s doing just that!’

The level of Chang-Sun’s power far exceeded Ben’s expectations. Chang-Sun was a first-year Player and had no Guardian, so Ben really couldn’t understand how Chang-Sun became that powerful. Regardless, Ben shouldn’t be running away from reality and sitting on his hands.

‘...I’ll complete [Hellfire] first.’

Engaging in close-quarters combat against Chang-Sun would be suicide. He had to fight his blazing lightning bolts, which sent shivers down his spine, using even stronger firepower.

Fortunately, Ben could use [Hellfire], a fire magic spell that could nullify Chang-Sun’s lightning with ease. After all, it dragged out hellfire straight from the <Nine Circles>. However, although the Authority that Saxnot had given him allowed him to use it, it had a very long incantation. Since there was no way Chang-Sun would give him enough time to cast it, someone had to stall Chang-Sun on his behalf.

“Blood, it’s your time,” Ben murmured. Reaching deep enough into the forest to throw Chang-Sun off his track, he pulled out a red sphere—a [Golem Core]—from his inner pocket. Vein-like lines bulged out from it. [Golem Cores] were essential in creating a Golem, but the one he had was completely different from normal ones. After all, his [Golem Core] could be used to create a brilliant Player using Ben’s DNA.

‘The Golem will also be an Overlord… Tyrant, no matter how great you are, you cannot win against two of me!’

While his Blood Golem fought Chang-Sun, Ben planned to finish the [Hellfire]’s incantation and send him to the otherworld.

“Levitate,” Ben incanted, making the [Golem Core] float in the air.

When the [Golem Core] started spinning, Ben pulled out [Blood Breaker], a relic in the shape of a dagger, and slit his left palm. The dagger allowed him to infuse a considerable amount of mana in his blood if he used it to cut himself.

Woosh, woosh, woosh!

The blood that splattered in the air was quickly absorbed into the [Golem Core], causing it to grow into a three-meter-tall monster through a process similar to cell division.


“Go,” Ben commanded.


The Blood Golem pounded its chest with its fists, then darted forward, smashing every tree in its way and sinking the ground it stepped on. Ben felt thrilled. He had a feeling that his Blood Golem could defeat Chang-Sun before he could even make a move.

While incanting [Hellfire], Ben used a mudra to activate [View Share] with his Blood Golem, allowing him to see what was going to happen to Chang-Sun.


Chang-Sun was baffled when he ran into Ben’s Blood Golem. Golems were normally very slow due to their weights, but Ben’s Blood Golem was far from slow. It was also five times stronger than ordinary Golems, so Chang-Sun likely felt as if boulders were flying in his direction.

『He’s using blood to fight me?』

Just as Ben expected, Chang-Sun didn’t dare draw his weapons and instead reached out his hand toward the Blood Golem. If he was trying to stop it in that way, then Ben thought Chang-Sun had just made the worst possible choice in combat.


Hahahaha!” Ben burst into laughter.

‘I don’t know how he became that strong, but he lacks experience. That is his weakness—!’

Ben abruptly stopped.


Light suddenly emanated from Chang-Sun’s hand, and…


… an explosion suddenly engulfed the surroundings. At the same time, the screen turned black.

『I never thought I would receive such a gift…』

Chang-Sun’s incomprehensible murmuring was the last thing Ben could hear.

[The Player ‘Lee Chang-Sun’ has activated an unknown skill that blew up your Blood Golem!]


Ben blanked out for quite some time when a message popped up. He couldn’t understand what just happened.

‘...A gift?’

1. It’s a really old joke in Korea.

2. It’s a sword-drawing technique.

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