The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 256: Star, the Apostle Battle (6)

Chapter 256: Star, the Apostle Battle (6)

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…!


“What…?!” The Elemental Spirit Knight muttered.

A storm started raging once again, Chang-Sun’s Atra Fulmen energy flaring up hotter than ever. The ghosts’ wails echoed even more loudly, leaving the Elemental Spirit Knight baffled.

Up until a moment before, Chang-Sun had been fatigued, and his mana and HP had been depleted. Although the Elemental Spirit Knight’s eyes were covered, her other senses were extremely developed, so she could accurately assess another’s condition just by hearing their breathing. Even Cernunnos himself had admitted how great her ability was. Thus, she had known that Chang-Sun could not possibly be in worse condition, in contrast to how calm he looked.

However, the moment Chang-Sun grabbed [Gram], which Granul had lost, he changed completely. For some reason, his lightning sparks seemed to be even more powerful than when the quest first started…

‘Twilight…?’?the Elemental Spirit Knight wondered as the world around Chang-Sun distorted and began glowing faintly red like a sunset.

[The true name of ‘Gram’ has been revealed, recreating a part of its ‘Myth’.]

[Myth: Evil Dragon Elimination.]

[Gram] was known as the dragon-slayer sword. It had been used to kill dragons and extract their power and Authorities, so the sword’s energy resembled [Dragon Fear], which could induce terror in anything that lived.


A growl rang out, like that of an animal encountering an opponent, and the space nearby distorted. Above the sword, which had a pattern that resembled a dragon’s scales, runes floated and shone radiantly.

Zinnnng, zinnnng.

[Tiamat’s Snaggletooth], which was embedded in the ground, shook violently as if it disliked [Gram].

[The Celestial ‘Grand Duke of Destruction and Madness’ is displeased that you took away his weapon without his permission!]

[The Celestial ‘War-Loving Fighting Deity’ cheers for you, clenching his fists!]


Holding [Gram] low, Chang-Sun began to run again. His Atra Fulmen sparks flew fiercely into the air and gathered there, transforming into a tiger.

[The Skill ‘Black Mountain King’s First Claw’ has been activated!]


Chang-Sun swung [Gram] through the air, launching an attack that resembled a tiger’s claw and striking the Elemental Spirit Knight. Holding up her greatsword, she managed to deflect his attack with great difficulty, but she was unable to nullify it completely.

‘What the…?!’?the Elemental Spirit Knight thought.

When her Guardian Cernunnos first sent her here, she had been sure of her victory. Apart from her absolute belief in her ability, that was mainly because of her ‘eyes’ that were as powerful as an Authority. However, she sensed imminent danger at that moment.

[The Skills ‘Black Mountain King’s Second Claw’ and ‘Black Mountain Third Claw’ have been activated!]

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh―!

It was just like the time when [Gram] had been used to eliminate Evil Dragons. In order to pierce dragonhide, which was tougher than diamond, [Gram] had to be incredibly sharp. Cracks instantly spread across the Elemental Spirit Knight’s greatsword, making it shake so violently that it looked as if it would break apart.

Chang-Sun activated the [Black Mountain King’s Fourth Claw], slashing diagonally. The Elemental Spirit Knight’s greatsword shattered, its fragments flying into the air.

‘I-I can’t avoid them!’?the Elemental Spirit Knight thought, gasping.

With her ‘eyes’, the Elemental Spirit Knight could find her enemies’ weaknesses, but she could not do that with Chang-Sun right now… No, he definitely had weaknesses. In fact, there were far too many of them. Arms, legs, waist, thighs, temples… The problem was that she had no opportunity to counterattack even if she knew where the weaknesses were, because Chang-Sun did not give her the time.

Her breathing became rough, and blood dripped from her mouth. She wanted to say something to Chang-Sun, but he unleashed his last claw before she could, slashing across her chest.

[The Skill ‘Black Mountain King’s Fifth Claw’ has been activated!]


The more Chang-Sun used the [Black Mountain King’s Claws], the more his attacks’ damage was amplified. As the [Black Mountain King’s Fifth Claw] had been created specifically to hunt Heoju, it was as strong as an Authority. On top of that, he had regained part of his power as ‘Divine Twilight’...

The Elemental Spirit Knight was instantly swept away by the explosion.

[The Elemental Spirit Knight has died.]

[The Celestial ‘Antlered Animal King’ widens his eyes!]


[Total participants: 3.]

Although Chang-Sun had taken out many apostles, Cernunnos had never expected Chang-Sun to also eliminate the Elemental Spirit Knight, leaving him bewildered. Meanwhile, however, Chang-Sun ran in the other direction to finish the quest.


“Ha! Your next target is me, huh?” Urash muttered in disbelief, uncrossing his arms. He clenched his fists, causing lightning sparks to fly as well; unlike Chang-Sun’s, however, his were golden. He yelled, “Alright, come on!”

‘I’ll finish him quickly,’?Chang-Sun thought, having no intention to drag things out. After retrieving [Gram], he had regained a part of his lost Class, but it would only last temporarily. Just as the Elemental Spirit Knight had observed, his HP and mana were almost depleted.

[HP: 314/10,912]

[Mana: 115/24,500]

He had less than ten percent of either remaining, so he knew he was overexerting himself by initiating a fight against Bel-Marduk’s apostle. However, there was no telling when he would get another opportunity to weaken Bel-Marduk.

‘One strike. I’ll kill him with one strike…!’ Chang-Sun decided, formulating a course of attack in his mind.

“Take that!” a voice called out.

Something suddenly flew toward Chang-Sun. In the confusion of the moment, Chang-Sun caught it with his left hand, and was surprised. It was a foul-smelling potion bottle.

Laughing, the Plague Monster continued, “I have no desire to fight against you! The only reason I participated in this quest was that my shy lady asked me to deliver this. Bye-bye now!”

[The Celestial ‘Plague Monarch’ twiddles her fingers.]

“Ah, on a side note, drink every drop of it, since it’s good for hair loss. After she saw your hair turning white, she said you were in danger of… Anyway, cheer up,” the Plague Monster advised Chang-Sun sincerely for an inexplicable reason.

Chang-Sun suddenly felt annoyed, but the Plague Monster had already disappeared.

[The Plague Monster has abandoned the Quest.]

[Total participants: 2.]

Chang-Sun opened the lid and drank the potion. Judging from its pungent smell, there was a possibility that it was poisonous, but Chang-Sun did not care. He had [Hundred Toxin Immunity] and knew that Serket was not that sinister.

[You have consumed an unidentifiable potion.]

[The Effect ‘Hundred Toxin Immunity’ has been applied, detoxifying all poisons and turning them into medicines.]

[Your HP is replenishing quickly.]

[Your Mana is replenishing quickly.]

[Your Willpower has increased.]

[The Celestial ‘Plague Monarch’ says that the potion is good for hair loss and men in general, clenching her fists.]

Although Chang-Sun was unsure what was in it, the potion seemed to be some sort of elixir. Not only did he recover, he also felt his maximum mana capacity increasing permanently.


[Gram] clashed with Urash’s iron-hard fist, and an intense explosion erupted as Chang-Sun’s black lightning energy clashed with Urash’s golden lightning energy. Two storms ran into each other, creating a bizarre noise upon impact.

Bel-Marduk was also a fighting Celestial who created storms and lightning, so he had a lot in common with the current Chang-Sun. However, the key difference was that Bel-Marduk’s storms originated from water and life, while Chang-Sun's originated from fire and death.

Boom, boom, boom!


‘I’ll…’ Chang-Sun thought, gritting his teeth. ‘I’ll have to at least kill him no matter what.’

Bel-Marduk was Chang-Sun’s biggest enemy, so in order to hurt his pride, Chang-Sun needed to eliminate Urash. The Urash who had manifested was weaker than the real Urash due to the law of causality, and was basically just an avatar of his real self; nonetheless, Chang-Sun had no intention to let him go. It would serve as a warning that Chang-Sun would not leave the Celestials of <Horoscope> alone.

[The battle stage shakes violently!]

[The viewing Celestials hold their breath as they watch the start of the final battle in the Quest.]

[Total viewers: 72???.]

[Total viewers: 86???.]

[Total viewers: 91???.]

[Total viewers: 98???.]

[The number of viewers has exceeded 100,000!]

[The number of viewers has exceeded 150,000!]

[You have unlocked a Great Accomplishment: Celestials’ Attention!]

[You have completed the rising action of your Narrative.]

[You have unlocked a Great Accomplishment: Exceptional Warrior!]

[You have completed the climax of your Narrative.]

Like a scene from a legend, two storms clashed, and a rain of lightning bolts came down from the sky. The stars in the sky shone more radiantly than ever.

[The Celestial ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ cheers for you!]

[The Celestial ‘Sky and Earth’s Connecting Wing’ has blessed you!]

Chang-Sun felt as if Minerva and Mercury had appeared at his side and were supporting him from behind. Indeed, the two Celestials were smiling and rooting for him as they looked at him from the world he saw through his [Gnostic Eye]. Additionally…

[The Celestial ‘War-Loving Fighting Deity’ demands that you become his apostle, as he is going to give you a gift first!]

Whirl, stab!

Something fell from the sky and landed right in front of Chang-Sun’s left foot.

Oooong, ooooong!

[Balmung] howled, as if to tell Chang-Sun that it was here too. Although the demonic blood-slayer sword was in Mars’ possession, he had given it to Chang-Sun after pondering for a long time. Chang-Sun could picture Mars walking back and forth in his room, filled with lingering conflict even after giving [Balmung] to him.

‘I should thank him later,’?Chang-Sun thought, kicking [Balmung] up into the air.

While [Balmung] twirled in the air like a pinwheel, Chang-Sun pushed Urash away using [Gram], then reached his hand out to [Balmung]. The moment Chang-Sun grabbed the sword, [Balmung] fired off a stream of words.



―Give me more blood.

―It’s my master. Master.

―The master who gave me a lot of blood.

―I missed your blood.

―Your blood…!

―That guy is.

―Still crazy.

The last two remarks came from [Gram], sounding as if it felt sick of [Balmung], who was still—no, it was crazier than before. Nevertheless, the voice of [Gram] was tinged with happiness for having reunited with its old friend.

The large and small wounds Chang-Sun sustained while carrying out the quest had begun recovering after he drank Serket’s potion, but they opened up again, covering him in blood. Shortly after, all his blood was absorbed by [Balmung].


Just as [Gram] had before, [Balmung] shone brilliantly with beautiful yet wicked light, as if it were waking up from a long slumber. Runes began floating above its blade, which meant…

―Blood Tear.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

The more Chang-Sun moved, the stronger the storm that blew around him became.

[You have synchronized with ‘Gram’ and ‘Balmung’, awakening more of their dormant energies!]

[Some of the limitations on your Divine Class have been removed.]

[Some of the limitations on your Divine Class have been removed.]

[Part of the <Myth> of ‘Divine Twilight’ has been applied, significantly increasing the mastery of the Skill ‘Dust Devil’.]

[The Skill ‘Dust Devil’ has reached its maximum level, creating the Authority ‘Storm Era’.]

[You have regained part of your lost Divine Class.]

The moment Chang-Sun recovered one part of the <Inverted Pentagram>, the five famous Authorities of ‘Divine Twilight’, he began moving a lot more quickly as he swung [Balmung]. Although [Balmung] clashed with Urash’s fist, Chang-Sun was no longer blown back. Instead, he drew closer to Urash, and [Balmung] slid up Urash’s arm.


After Chang-Sun’s Atra Fulmen energy combined with the energy of [Balmung], his lightning had turned scarlet; he fired a red lightning bolt, leaving a deep cut on Urash’s arm. Urash’s blood splattered into the air, and [Balmung] sucked in all the blood as it aimed for Urash’s neck.

“Hup…!” Urash grunted, leaning backward in surprise.

However, Chang-Sun swung [Gram] upward to strike Urash’s right armpit. The dragon-slayer sword could shred a dragon’s skin, so it had extremely ferocious teeth.

Gritting his teeth, Urash spun like a top, causing golden lightning sparks to fly as he narrowly deflected [Gram]. He then folded his arm and used his elbow to strike Chang-Sun’s waist, which was left open to attack. As swords had more reach than fists, Urash had decided to close the gap to deliver his fist attacks more effectively.


‘Taurus’ was the strongest among the Zodiacs, and Urash was his apostle. Living up to his title, Urash’s strike was extremely powerful. He had broken through Chang-Sun’s raging storm and Atra Fulmen sparks to punch Chang-Sun; the impact was strong enough to make Chang-Sun feel as if every bone in his body would shatter. However, the pain was actually a great stimulant for Chang-Sun.

[The Authority ‘Kalokagathia’ has been applied, reducing the shock and comparing your selected enemy’s stat points to yours.]

[Your stat points that are inferior to theirs will be temporarily increased!]


Chang-Sun intentionally turned his torso toward the direction where he had been hit, aggravating his wounds and breaking his ribs. Despite that, even through the horrific pain, he was able to close the distance between him and Urash even more than the first time he had been attacked.

Chang-Sun was now so close to Urash that he could hear Urash’s panting, as loud as thunder. As Urash had not expected Chang-Sun to close in on him to such an extent, he tried to distance himself, but Chang-Sun was already thrusting a hand toward his temple.

[The Skill ‘Jade Smashing Fist’ has been activated!]

Due to the fact that he had many sacred weapons, Chang-Sun had never found much use for [Jade Smashing Fist]. However, it was finally showing its value at that moment. As he had kept practicing the Skill, it had already reached the maximum level; naturally, his fist attack carried indescribable strength.


Urash’s head exploded like a watermelon.


A shockwave spread outward, and Chang-Sun’s Atra Fulmen energy created dozens of ripples that spread throughout the battle stage.

[Urash’s Sculpture has died!]

[You have successfully completed the Quest!]

[You have unlocked a Great Accomplishment: Potential Warring Deity.]

[You have completed the resolution of your Narrative.]

[You have completed your <Narrative>!]

[You have acquired the qualifications to become a demigod.]

[Your Class has increased.]

[Your Class has increased.]

[Your level is 92.]

[You are soon going to reach the required level to start your third class acquisition quest.]

[All the viewing Celestials are variously cheering, moaning, and despairing!]

[Final viewers: 419???.]

[All Celestials have become aware of you!]

There were now hundreds of thousands of stars in the ceiling now, forming a beautiful galaxy, and all those stars shone their light on Chang-Sun.

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