The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 258: Star, the Old Secret (2)

Chapter 258: Star, the Old Secret (2)

[The characters’ thoughts are also automatically displayed.]

[Playing a memory.]

For a moment, Ithaca wondered how she should deal with the man in front of her. He abruptly showed up in her dreams, introduced himself as the ‘Star Wanderer,’ and started talking to her. If it hadn’t been for his <Maleakhe> aura and the fact that he smelled like her lover, she would have immediately gone for his head.

Her lover often indulged in nostalgia and thought of a faraway place. Whenever he did, he would exude a certain scent that was totally different from Arcadia’s. The smell was stuffy and dry yet somehow fresh, but above all, it came from another plane.

“Is it true that Sun is going to die?” Ithaca asked.

Her lover had many nicknames, including Ghost Spear and Monster, but she always called him Sun even though he hated it.

Smiling elegantly, the man answered, “You have the <First Star’s Fragment>, so you must have seen it. I assume that is why you are here.”

Ithaca bit her lower lip. He was right.

Not much was known about the <First Star’s Fragment>. When a being who could be called the <First Star> disappeared from the universe, they left a trace, a fragment.

However, Ithaca knew for certain that each worldline only had one <First Star’s Fragment> and each fragment brought omniscience and omnipotence to whoever possessed it. Some said that the fragment was a guidebook from an absolute being that pitied the <Saha World> humans. In this worldline, the <First Star’s Fragment>, which was also famous as the Holy Grail or the Ark of the Covenant, was currently in Ithaca’s possession.

The <Shining Star> emitted <Radiant Starlight>, which originated from the <First Star’s Fragment>. Unfortunately, although Ithaca didn’t know why, she wasn’t good at using the fragment. It could be because the fragment was too big compared to her Divine Class or because the fragment occasionally took control over her instead.

One thing that Ithaca knew for sure was that she and the fragment weren't a good match. It even made her suffer from divine fever from time to time. That was why her lover protected her. As his Guardian, she should be the one protecting her lover. He was her apostle, after all. However, their positions were all in reverse because of the fragment.

She didn’t completely fail to embrace the fragment, though. Ithaca occasionally and unintentionally saw the future that the man was talking about.

“Your lover, who is also your apostle, is destined to die several times,” the man told Ithaca.

Thanks to the man, Ithaca saw her lover bleeding and lying helplessly on a smoky battlefield with numerous swords, spears, and arrows embedded in the ground.

“Those <Stars> in the sky are all tenacious. They once possessed the <First Star’s Fragment> as well. However, unlike you, they succeeded in completely making it their own. Using its very power, they filled their worldlines with their light and led them to <Extinction>… They’re monsters,” the man said.

Ithaca remained silent.

“Yet they hunger for more. Wishing for more of the fragments, they traveled to several other worldlines and formed a <Society> with the other <Stars> that share similar goals. They now want the fragment here in worldline eight hundred two—no, Arcadia. At this rate, you will not fail to protect not only your fragment but also your lover from them.”

The <Horoscope>, <Purple Star Astrology>, and her fragment… Ithaca recalled the Celestials who had been tenaciously hunting her down to steal her <Starlight>.

“Ever since they joined hands, they have never failed to acquire a fragment or lead a worldline to <Extinction>. There is only one person who can stop them.”

“… And that is Sun?” Ithaca closed her eyes.

“That’s right.”

“How can you know that? Are you saying this because Sun is protecting me from the Celestials that want me? Unless you can see the future, how can you possibly—!” Ithaca abruptly stopped, having reached a realization. “… You have the <First Star’s Fragment> too.”

The man elegantly bowed. “Let me introduce myself again. I’m Peter the Apostle. I came from where the <Observers>—no, from what the people outside the worldlines call worldline eight hundred one.”

* * *

While watching the scene unfold, Chang-Sun nervously swallowed his saliva and unknowingly clenched his fists.

Ooooong, ooooong!

As if it was speaking on Chang-Sun’s behalf, [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth], which was on his waist, shook profusely. However, Chang-Sun couldn’t afford to pay attention to the sword.

Sun was Ithaca’s nickname for Chang-Sun. Chang-Sun had rejected the tradition of Ithaca’s apostles to name themselves Cadmus, so Ithaca called him by the last three letters of his name instead.

Chang-Sun didn’t like the nickname because of what the sun represented on Earth. Since Chang-Sun hated Celestials, the name was very far from his liking. He was also an outsider in Arcadia since he came from Earth, so he couldn’t help thinking that he really wasn’t anything like the sun that always shone radiantly.

Since Chang-Sun refused the nickname that Ithaca came up with as well, Ithaca asked him in annoyance if he wanted to be called Moon instead. However, he also turned that nickname down because he was nothing like the moon sparkling in the dark night sky. He thought that twilight, which was his nickname at the time, was a better match for him. It even later got included in his Divine Name.

“Ah, cut it out! You’re acting foolish. What does it matter if it’s Twilight or Moon? Gosh, it’s my fault for trying to be romantic with an idiot like you. You know what? Let’s just call you idiot or fo—!”

For some reason, Ithaca’s yelling echoed in Chang-Sun’s ears. Although he wasn’t sure if Ithaca knew that her lover was watching everything from the future, Ithaca continued talking to Peter the Apostle.

“A prophet?” Ithaca repeated as her eyes narrowed.

“Yes, I see the far future and make preparations to stop the <Extinction> that will arrive at my worldline someday, so doesn’t the word fit me quite well?”

“… You said you saw your worldline’s <Extinction>. What was it like?” Ithaca asked.

“It was really horrible, and I could not do anything about it. I was helpless. A worldline without the <First Star’s Fragment> is very fragile. Fortunately, someone is ceaselessly fighting the <Stars>.” Peter shook his head in disbelief.

“… And that is Sun?”

“That’s right.” Peter nodded.

“It doesn’t make sense. Sun is in Arcadia, not in your worldline—!” At that moment, Ithaca came to another realization. “Was it you who sent Sun to Arcadia?”

‘… What?’ Chang-Sun clenched his fists tighter upon hearing the unexpected truth.

Many of his memories flashed across his mind. He remembered getting caught in an Unpredictable Gate and ending up in Arcadia, the people of which didn’t even speak the same language, so the first thing he did was grab a spear lying around on the ground. He then met Gramps, Ithaca, and his colleagues…

Chang-Sun glared at Peter, but Peter simply nodded, seemingly completely unaware of his scowling.

“Yes, it was me,” Peter answered.

“Why? Do you have any idea how many hardships Sun had to go through because of you?” Ithaca’s voice became louder due to anger.

“He would have died otherwise.”

“…!” Ithaca’s eyes widened.

“Do you know how many times Mr. Chang-Sun died until now?” Peter abruptly asked.

“… What are you talking about?”

“I mean it literally. Do you know how many times Mr. Chang-Sun died during his samsara?” Peter asked again.

“That is under the jurisdiction of the <Underworld>, so how am I supposed to—!”

“six hundred sixty-five times.” Peter interrupted.


“He suffered a tragic death each time. A soul’s destiny in each life is very similar to one another. Although they don’t have memories of their past lives, they subconsciously retain their habits, so they continue to lead a life similar to the ones they lived before. Mr. Chang-Sun is no different,” Peter explained.

“…What is Sun’s destiny like?”

“He always finds himself in combat, ceaselessly fighting like a demon until he meets a tragic death. Leaving corpses in his every step and reeking of blood, he rarely has company and fights all alone. Death wanders around him like a ghost, and loneliness suppresses his soul like a curse,” Peter continued.

Ithaca clenched her teeth. Chang-Sun was going through the same thing at the time.

Chang-Sun, who was watching everything from the future, felt no different. He recalled how things had been like before he had been brought to a <Divine Trial>. Even now, he had never stopped fighting.

“He was first a great Celestial named Odin. In one of his lives, he also became a one-eyed Giant named Balor. He was also Tomte and Perkwunos. He had naturally also been an ordinary farmer, hunter, and barbarian. However, it was always the same in the end,” Peter said.

At that moment, everything made sense to Ithaca. Despite being Chang-Sun’s Guardian, she also wondered about Chang-Sun’s unbelievable talent and abilities. Her lover had never held a spear throughout his entire life, but he had awakened his talent upon landing in Arcadia, earning the title of Ghost Spear.

“In his every life, he went through a war against the <Stars>.”

“Why?” Ithaca asked.

Smiling bitterly, Peter shook his head. “I don’t really know why either, but those experiences became his soul’s karmas. That’s why he’s the only one in the countless worldlines that can fight against the <Stars>.”

Chang-Sun closed his mouth tightly. Ithaca did the same.

“However, to do that, Mr. Chang-Sun needed time to realize everything himself and become stronger… That is why I sent him here, Arcadia. Even if he remained in his hometown, Mr. Chang-Sun would still have ended up going through an Unpredictable Gate and caught the attention of the <Stars>. After that, he would have incessantly gone through a war against them until the impending <Extinction>.” Smiling bitterly again, Peter continued, “Nevertheless, it’s the same here… Everything is my fault. No matter where he goes, he can’t escape his destiny for as long as the <Stars> can reach him. I assume that he’ll soon meet a similar end to his previous lives. He’ll fight like a demon against the <Stars> but will eventually be defeated and die. That is the future you’ve seen.”

Gritting her teeth, Ithaca slowly said, “… I can’t take your word for it right now. You suddenly came to my dreams and started going on and on about something I can’t really understand.”

“I understand, but you also have the fragment. I believe you’ll soon realize that I’m speaking the truth and that we’re the same.” Peter nodded.

Ithaca didn’t say he was wrong. Just like Peter said, she could easily tell who he was; they both refused to become one of the <Stars> that beautifully decorated the galaxy.

“I don’t know and care if we’re the same, but I know one thing for certain.” Still gritting her teeth, Ithaca asked, “You said it’s your fault, but you’re here right now. Doesn’t that mean you have a way to save Sun?”

Peter’s eyes turned sharp. “Would it be possible for you?”

“What?” Ithaca frowned slightly.

“You’re going to have to bend the law of causality, defying the deterrent again, so you’ll be gravely injured. You’re already in bad shape, but you’ll be even more ruined afterward… Do you still feel like you’re up to it?”

Ithaca tightly clenched her fists. “For fuck’s sake! What then? Should I not do it? Of course I should! Sun helped me get back on my feet again when I was almost broken! The one who helps him when he falls down should be…”

Barely holding back her anger, Ithaca continued, “Of course, it should be me!”

For some time, Peter just stared into Ithaca’s eyes, and Ithaca scowled back at him.

Peter faintly smiled. “Your heart is sincere. What will you do if Mr. Chang-Sun doesn’t die here and gets to live a ‘spare’ life?”


“Yes, he’ll continue his six hundred sixty-sixth life on Earth.” Peter nodded.

* * *

Afterward, the memories of Ithaca and Peter working together to make several preparations for the future quickly flashed before Chang-Sun.

* * *

Ithaca saw Chang-Sun burst into tears as he hugged her corpse as tightly as possible. He had always been expressionless, but in the future that she was watching, he could not hold back his tears.

She had never seen this side of him. Hence, she only realized then that even Chang-Sun could cry like that.

Not long after, Chang-Sun became a fighting deity.

* * *

Ithaca saw Chang-Sun’s future of waging war against the <Stars> in the name of avenging her. Using the <Starlight>, the fragment she gave him, Chang-Sun rose up and fought tirelessly. Although he had close to zero chances of victory, he endured through everything and became a fiend.

* * *

Ithaca saw Chang-Sun collapsing on the battlefield. Twilight fell on the smoky battlefield, turning him into a ghost.

* * *

After going through the <Divine Trial>, Chang-Sun was released and crossed the River Styx in the <Underworld>. That was when he met Thanatos and received an opportunity to start over again. Not long after, he returned to his hometown and started a new life, turning him human again.

* * *

‘Is… Is there anything I can do for him?’ Ithaca wondered.

Peter said that he made several preparations that would allow Chang-Sun to fight the <Stars> once he returned to Earth from Arcadia. To make sure Chang-Sun would always walk down the right path, Peter buried his golden key and released his friend, Simon. He also left Jacque, his student, on Earth.

‘In that case, I’ll also help Sun using my <First Star’s Fragment>.’?

Ithaca decided to do something in secret so Chang-Sun could rise again after her death and his return to his hometown. Hoping Chang-Sun would never get hurt in his spare life, she finished her preparation.

“Hey,” Ithaca called just as Peter was about to leave, making him stop in his tracks.

“What’s your relationship with Chang-Sun? Why are you willing to do this much for him?” Ithaca asked.

She initially believed that Peter’s only reason was to save the world from <Extinction>. However, Peter would sound affectionate and as if he was missing Chang-Sun whenever he talked about him. It was close to familial love, but Peter never wished to meet Chang-Sun in person.

“Me? Hmm, how do I put this…” Peter took his time before he answered, “I’m…!”

Hearing an unexpected answer, Ithaca’s eyes widened.

* * *

After a while, the time that Peter talked about finally came. When Ithaca took her final breath in Chang-Sun’s arms, she desperately made a wish, one that she had told Peter before. Chang-Sun helped her stand on her feet again when she was almost broken, so she wanted to be the one who helped him stand up if he fell down. For that reason, Ithaca divided her remaining power, diminishing <Starlight>, and fading soul into seven pieces and spread them far and wide.

* * *

Chang-Sun took a deep breath, but his lips would not stop trembling. The truth that he had just discovered confused him. He couldn’t even understand some parts of it. However, he knew one thing for certain.

Considering Ithaca’s soul had been divided into seven pieces, Chang-Sun could guess what preparation she made to help him rise again.

“… This is not what I wanted,” Chang-Sun muttered.

Rustle, rustle, rustle.

The sound of papers unfolding echoed, and two scrolls quietly landed on Chang-Sun’s palm. Heoju wanted to have these scrolls really badly and searched for them desperately to imitate Chang-Sun’s <Starlight>.

All things considered, it seemed Ithaca had made the [Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan] for Chang-Sun.

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