The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 261: Star, Hoshikjang (2)

Chapter 261: Star, Hoshikjang (2)

At 6:42 P.M., on a plane from France to O'Hare International Airport in Chicago…

“…Being on a plane for twelve hours was hard enough, but I can’t believe I have to be on one for another nine hours. Sob, sob, sob,” Jin Seok-Tae whined.

“Get some sleep,” Cha Ye-Eun said.

“I want to, but I can’t,” Seok-Tae wailed.

Not paying much attention to Seok-Tae, Ye-Eun leaned back against her seat. She normally spent her flights resting comfortably in first-class seats, but she was now in a business-class seat, leaving her somewhat uncomfortable.

However, Ye-Eun had no other choice, as these two seats were the only ones she had been able to choose. Usually, fewer than half of the first-class seats would be booked, but there were no empty seats today. Considering that Yeong-Geun was in an economy-class seat at that moment, Ye-Eun and Seok-Tae were in the lap of luxury.

After their coincidental encounter with Chang-Sun’s group at the airport, Ye-Eun and the others had needed to hurriedly buy tickets on the same plane because the Team L members were heading to Chicago. That was why they were on this plane right now.


‘…Man, this is exhausting,’ Ye-Eun thought as she massaged her right shoulder, almost burying herself in the seat. Even though her seat on the previous plane had been comfortable, since it was a first-class seat, she had still felt tense; now, she was on a plane once again, but without the same luxury. She stretched in her seat, her gaze turning sharp.

‘Lee Chang-Sun… The Tyrant isn’t a demonic being.’?

Her demonic being screening test was not foolproof. If that had been the case, she would already have found out that the White Tiger Clan was a group of demonic beings. Still, the accuracy of her test was high. Consequently, it was highly unlikely for Chang-Sun to be a demonic being.

‘Besides, there have been people vouching for him like this…’

[The Celestial ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ shakes her head in disbelief, telling you that she told you so.]

[The Celestial ‘War-Loving Fighting Deity’ says that there is no way he would make a demonic being his apostle, guffawing.]

[The Celestial ‘Sky and Earth’s Connecting Wing’ sarcastically asks the Celestial ‘War-Loving Fighting Deity’ why he is calling that person his apostle.]

[The Celestial ‘'A Blacksmith in a Volcano’ tilts his head in confusion, asking the others whether that person is talented.]

[The Celestial ‘Madness Infuser’ strokes his chin, watching his siblings’ conversation with interest.]

Not a day went by without the Celestials sending Ye-Eun messages because of her lineage, which had helped her gain her title and Trait, [Saintess]. The public believed that she had been born with a very exceptional gift; in truth, she was actually a human deity[1] who had been born with divine blood. Her lineage had such a high Class that she had been receiving blessings from the <Olympus> Celestials ever since she was born.

If she wanted to, she could achieve <Exuviation> and <Transcendence> with ease, but she had sealed most of her Authorities and divine power, and decided to live as a human. Although one of the reasons behind her choice was that she valued the people she had met on Earth, it was mainly due to the divine punishment that followed her around like a curse: The more she used her Authorities and divine power, the more the divine blood of her lineage awakened, and the more her soul was worn away. In the end, her ‘self’ would be annihilated.

Since the cause was unknown, she had focused on living as a human and avoiding her divine punishment. Fortunately, even the small amount she had been left with after sealing most of her power was enough to make her one of the strongest Players on Earth, so she did not have much to worry about.

In any event, due to her secret, the <Olympus> Celestials always paid attention to Ye-Eun. Minerva, Mars, Mercury, Vulcanus, and Bacchus chatted incessantly around her, to the point that it occasionally became annoying. Now, three of those great <Olympus> Celestials were taking Chang-Sun’s side.

Ye-Eun could understand why Minerva was standing up for him, but it was no everyday sight for the prideful Mars to talk about making one his apostle. More significantly, Mercury had also vouched for Chang-Sun. Despite his gentle appearance, Mercury was calculating and always distanced himself from other people. Thus, it seemed that Ye-Eun could trust Chang-Sun.

However, the Celestials’ responses only made Ye-Eun even more confused. It was a confirmed fact that the White Tiger Clan was a group of demonic beings.

‘…All the agents who were shadowing Munseong disappeared. The last message from them was that they found something,’?Ye-Eun recalled.

The Celestials vouching for Chang-Sun meant that he had been able to become who he was today in less than a year without becoming a demonic being. Was he a human deity like her? Or was he a Celestial who had plummeted to Earth? However, his background was too solid and his past was too well known for Ye-Eun’s conjectures to be correct.

‘...I should keep an eye on him. It’s possible that even the <Olympus> Celestials are being deceived.’

On this business trip to the U.S., Ye-Eun would be able to find out Chang-Sun’s identity, plans, and goals for sure. That was what she believed; thus, the Council employees would soon become very busy.

…The war against the White Tiger Clan was imminent.

* * *

『Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for using our airline today…』

Chang-Sun closed his eyes as he felt the plane glide down toward the runway. His stay in Europe had not been particularly long, but he felt as if he had spent half a year there.

‘Well, I did go through a lot,’?Chang-Sun thought.

He had become the king of <Muspelheim>, used the [Execution Sword] for the first time, broken through the [World Net], started the war against <Purple Star Astrology>, and defeated four of the Overlords in Europe. He was now on track to becoming the only Celestial on Earth.

Considering that he had planned to get started in earnest after clearing three Dungeons, Chang-Sun was far ahead of schedule and had overcome many obstacles. However, that lead only meant he would be accelerating his pace even further.

‘I promised Ithaca.’

Ithaca had met the future Chang-Sun, and Chang-Sun had met the past Ithaca. Although the place they had met was artificial, the promise he had made to her was genuine. He had already finished coming up with a plan for dealing with the beings named ‘Hsan’ on some level.

At that moment, Armand, the wind elemental spirit, showed up beside Chang-Sun and spoke.

『You’re trying to finish your conquest, aren’t you?』

Armand looked just like Ithaca from Chang-Sun’s stored memories. Feeling his heart starting to ache again, Chang-Sun answered, “Just as I promised, I have to save your sisters and… bring back Ithaca.”

Armand nodded without saying anything else. As she had also seen everything through Chang-Sun’s eyes, she could not talk about how she hated her mother, so she just hoped her poor master could walk down the right path.

“Then let’s go,” Chang-Sun said, closing his eyes.

The countdown came to an end just in time, and the world around him changed.

[24 hours have passed.]

[The Curse ‘Changgwi Cave’ has been activated!]


Chang-Sun arrived in the reeking world with the scarlet sky.

[You have entered the ‘Changgwi Cave’.]

[Day 241 mission has started.]

[Survive for 168 hours from now on.]




[Current Location: Seventy-First Sector of the Ninth Floor.]

Chang-Sun had been using the Changgwi Cave constantly until now. Although one of the reasons for his abnormally rapid increase in strength was his knowledge from his ‘Divine Twilight’ years, the conquest of the Changgwi Cave was another of the main reasons.

However, he had begun to use the Changgwi Cave mainly for training his Undead Army, because there was no place more efficient for raising their strength.

‘Monsters with experience points keep spawning, and it’s hard to find a place that accommodates this many people at once.’

The Changgwi Cave was a great hunting ground and camp for his army. What would have happened if he tried to train his Undead Army’s soldiers on Earth? It would have been very inefficient, as Chang-Sun would have to distribute his experience points to his soldiers.

That was why Chang-Sun had let the Undead Army loose in the Changgwi Cave to make them stronger before summoning them into battle. Due to that method, there were now almost sixty soldiers in the Undead Army, and their Class was also quite high. Jin Prezia and Simara in particular had become astoundingly powerful. They alone were stronger than the Overlords on Earth, and could be compared to Great Celestials’ apostles. Chang-Sun had actually finished constructing a long-term plan for training his army, too.

‘I’ll make all of them into Einherjar,’ Chang-Sun thought.

He had gotten the idea from Valhalla. ‘Einherjar’ was the plural form of ‘Einheri’, and the term referred to the soldiers trained by Odin himself in preparation for the great war that would happen someday. Along with the Valkyries, they were members of Valhalla. As it had been confirmed that Odin was one of his past lives, it would not be too difficult.

‘I can just make them do the same thing as me to turn them into Einherjar.’

Chang-Sun had already chosen his third class in accordance with his plan, but he actually had no need to, as it was a part of the plan he had formulated with Thanatos before returning to Earth.

<Supreme Light> was one of the two absolute beings that ruled the entire universe, the embodiment of light itself; it was the being the god Eros answered to.

‘…I’ll become their ‘face’.’

Becoming the <Supreme Light’s Face> meant that Chang-Sun would voluntarily become part of that absolute being. Perhaps he would end up foolishly handing over his soul, but it would mean nothing to a being such as <Supreme Light>. Thus, he would have little cause for concern. In fact, it would make him incomparably stronger than everyone else. Even the <Stars> would fear him, and the <Great Stars>, who always flaunted their light, would be no exception; after all, Chang-Sun would then become light itself.

Up until now, Chang-Sun had acquired all sorts of fire and created lightning by condensing it. That had all been a means to reach the ‘light’. It was the Fallen Star known as Sixth Elder who had suggested this plan.

“Light! You want to become light?!” Sixth Elder shouted in disbelief, his voice tinged with amusement.?

“That’s right,” Chang-Sun replied.

“Bwahaha! The King of the Underworld must be out of his mind! He really isn't respecting the dead, leading you on like that…!” Sixth Elder guffawed.?


“…You’re serious,” Sixth Elder eventually said.

“Otherwise, I would have no reason to drag you out from the abyss and talk to you,” Chang-Sun said with a shrug.

“I’m surrounded by lunatics! He knows damn well why I ended up in this mess!”

Sixth Elder was a being who had once been called a great sage, and even the Celestials had respected him. However, his insatiable thirst for knowledge had led him to pursue forbidden information which he should never have gotten his hands on… The knowledge of the world before the beginning of the universe had brought Sixth Elder to ruin.

“Fine, if that is your plan… Do it! I’ll help you! As of late, I’ve been hoping to get an experimental subject anyway, but your soul will melt in the ‘light’ if we fail,” Sixth Elder said, narrowing his eyes.?

“I know the risks,” Chang-Sun replied.

“Aren’t you taking this too lightly? Your soul will completely disappear, not just be destroyed! The ‘light’ isn’t a means to acquire power in the first place, so…!” Sixth Elder shouted at the top of his lungs.?

“You can just walk away if you don’t like it,” Chang-Sun said.

“No way!” Sixth Elder replied, shaking his head fervently.?

Sixth Elder was a mad scientist, but Chang-Sun could finish formulating the main part of his plan using the Sixth Elder’s crazy methods. On the other hand, the other Fallen Stars had helped Chang-Sun in getting the other tools he needed.

Becoming a Celestial, and then a <Star>... Chang-Sun’s <Starlight> would not be extinguished after a mere moment of brilliance, because his goal was to become a light that burned brilliantly.

[You have arrived at the Seventy-Second Sector.]

[The last Dungeon Quest has begun!]

At that moment, messages popped up before Chang-Sun, so he returned his focus to the present. He was standing in the last sector of the Changgwi Cave; that meant he would finish his conquest of the Changgwi Cave today and save Armand’s sister, who was asleep within.

[The Seventy-Second Sector is very vast. It is bigger than all the other sectors of the Ninth Floor combined. The terrain’s geography is so complex that it is very difficult to even walk around the sector.]

[The Seventy-Second Sector currently consists of five areas. A Gulhon, one of the leaders of the Changgwi Cave, is living in each area.]

[Subdue these five Gulhons and finish conquering the Changgwi Cave.]

[Caution! Each Gulhon has a special ability and unlimited access to the resources in their territory.]

Chang-Sun was now at the point where he had to defeat the Gulhons, the leaders of the Chaggwi Cave. He thought with certainty, ‘One of the five?Gulhons?is Ithaca’s daughter.’

Although the time provided was seven days, Chang-Sun had already decided to finish his conquest, so there was no need to drag things out. He planned to wrap things up as quickly as possible.

“Jin. Sinmara,” Chang-Sun called out.


Gray gusts of wind quietly blew behind Chang-Sun, and Jin Prezia and Sinmara appeared.

“I’ll give you half of the soldiers each, so capture two Gulhons per person,” Chang-Sun instructed them.

「Do we need to capture them alive?」

Jin asked a question first.

「How about trophies?」

Sinmara tilted her head.

Their questions were different, just like their personalities. Jin was a soldier who followed orders, while Sinmara was a warrior who fought for honor. Thus, Jin asked about how to deal with his enemies after the fight, and Sinmara asked about accomplishments. However, they both wanted the same thing—absolute victory. In fact, they did not even consider the possibility of defeat.

“Do as you wish,” Chang-Sun said.

「Then I’ll get to it.」

「We’ll be right back. Hey, Jin.」


After hearing Sinmara’s voice, Jin stopped leading the soldiers away and turned to look at her before replying.

「Do you want to make a bet?」

Sinmara grinned as she made a suggestion.

「A bet?」

「The one who finishes the conquest first will be the winner. How does that sound?」

Sinmara continued.

「What’s the prize?」

Jin replied with a chuckle.

「Do we need one? The loser will just get embarrassed. Why? Are you not going to do it? Are you scared?」

Sinmara replied jokingly.

Jin kept on chuckling quietly. Before he was a soldier, he was a noble who had led a prestigious noble family, so he had pursued great glory more than anyone else. Sinmara had no need to provoke him that way, as such a bet was exactly what he wanted.

「No way. I’m in.」

Jin shook his head and replied.

「Hahaha! Indeed, as expected of a Prezia. Then let’s get to it.」

Sinmara guffawed.

While Jin and Sinmara discussed the details of the bet, Armand shook her head as she watched the two. For some reason, she felt as if they resembled Chang-Sun.

『They’re a bunch of children.』

Armand murmured quietly to herself.


Cadmus nodded in agreement, but then yawned for a long time, perhaps because it was sleepy. For people who were on a battlefield, they all seemed quite carefree.

1. Similar to the Japanese concept of arahitogami, but she’s Korean, so the term doesn’t fit as well. 👈

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