The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 269: Star, the U.S. (4)

Chapter 269: Star, the U.S. (4)

“So you’re going to make Lee Chang-Sun and Executive Director Oh fight?” Director Gwon Hyo-Hae tilted his head while covered in blood

Also known as the ‘White Cowl Tiger's Fang,’ Gwon Hyo-Hae was officially the third-highest-ranking White Tiger Clan member.

Department Head Shim Geon-Ho, who made the report, hurriedly lowered his head, worrying he would meet Director Gwon’s eyes. His hands trembled as he thought, ‘I did hear that he recently became crueler, but he’s no different from a butcherer at this point!’

Geon-Ho was currently standing in a pool of blood that Director Gwon created. Although he wasn’t sure exactly how many had been killed, the vast plain was completely drenched in blood and covered with the corpses of the Gray Elves, the guerilla soldiers who had been bothering the White Tiger Clan in the U.S.

Director Gwon’s current mission was to exterminate the Gray Elves who could be a potential problem before the White Tiger Clan members started clearing ‘Doomsday City,’ which was supposed to commence soon. Right now, he was holding a half-dead Gray Elf that was panting hard.

From what they heard, these Gray Elves were the priests of a Celestial who was now dead and gone. Maybe because of their history, they were quite good fighters.

“My… siblings… will have my…revenge…!” the Gray Elf muttered.


Not caring much about the Gray Elf’s warning, Director Gwon slit the Gray Elf’s neck with the sword that he had been pressing against it. The Gray Elf drooped powerlessly as their blood splattered.



The blood dripping down from his sword made for a truly horrifying sight.

“Hunting them is fun, but executing them isn’t really satisfying. Their skin is too thick,” Director Gwon coldly and emotionlessly said.

Geon-Ho shuddered. Although he was also a demonic being, Director Gwon was incomparably crueler than him. Now that he had turned his back on Executive Director Oh to join Director Gwon’s side, he couldn’t afford to make any mistakes. Otherwise, he could end up like that Gray Elf.

“I instructed Raid Team Two to welcome Lee Chang-Sun and his team,” Geon-Ho added.

“Team Leader Seo Jeong Gwon and Executive Director Oh are cousins, aren’t they?”

“They are.”

“To save his locked-up cousin, Team Leader Seo will have to follow your instructions. Considering Lee Chang-Sun’s personality, I’m certain they’ll fight each other.” Director Gwon examined his sword as he wiped away the Gray Elf’s flesh and blood smeared on it with his handkerchief. The sword was still sharp. “Seo Jeong-Gwon… will die, and Executive Director Oh will lose his mind over his cousin’s death. That will make it easy to eliminate Executive Director Oh, and we’ll also get a preview of Lee Chang-Sun’s full power. Is that what you’re saying?”

“Yes, sir.”

Hmm.” Director Gwon grunted quietly. He seemed neither happy nor unhappy, which made Geon-Ho so nervous and worried about making the wrong analysis that he felt his mouth drying up.

“Hey, Department Head Shin,” Director Gwon called.

“Yes, sir!”

“It was you who wanted me to have the Future Strategy Department, and because of the history we share, I took you under my wings. Am I right?” Director Gwon asked.

Geon-Ho held himself back from cursing out loud. Up until now, Director Gwon had been the one who wanted the Future Strategy Department, but he was furtively trying to distort the facts. However, Geon-Ho couldn’t say anything about it because he was currently at a disadvantage.

“I’m always grateful for your merc—!” Geon-Ho lowered his head.

“Skip the useless pleasantries. I didn’t think the Future Strategy Department members were this sloppy.”

Geon-Ho started to think quickly because there was clearly something else that Director Gwon wanted. What could it be? What did he miss—!


Geon-Ho lowered his head even more. “I’ll set a trap where Lee Chang-Sun and Executive Director Oh would have their battle.”

Instead of answering, Director Gwon continued to wipe his sword. Geon-Ho realized that he said the correct answer.

“The Executive Director’s building is the best one in downtown Chicago. If it collapses, even Lee Chang-Sun will be in danger. Moreover, even if he survives, he won’t be able to escape being charged with terrorism,” Geon-Ho slightly raised his head.


Director Gwon threw the handkerchief he had been using on the ground, his shining blade reflecting his smile. “Now that is the Department Head Shim I know.”

Geon-Ho bowed deeper, appearing to be grateful.

* * *

Jeong-Gwon was planning to hold out until the very end, but he ended up confessing several pieces of information during the interrogation. Jeong-Gwon’s resolve was not weak, however. It was just that Chang-Sun had fought wars for hundreds of years. He was so used to conducting interrogations that his techniques had become splendid. On top of that, Chang-Sun even gave Jeong-Gwon a tempting offer.

“Executive Director Oh is currently in confinement, isn’t he?”?

“… How did you know that?” Jeong-Gwon asked blankly.?

“It’s obvious.”

Followers of an <Order> tended to take after their Guardians. It was unclear if like-minded people just naturally gathered in the same <Order> or if their Guardian simply caused a change in their personality. Either way, Chang-Sun only had to take Heoju’s personality into consideration to guess how Munseong would respond.


“You had no choice but to lead your team to meet me to save Executive Director Oh,” Chang-Sun assumed.


“I’ll save him.”


“… What?” Jeong-Gwon asked.?

“Isn’t that a good enough deal?”

“How am I supposed to trust you?”

“Seo Jeong-Gwon,” Chang-Sun said.?


“What do I look like in your eyes?” Chang-Sun looked straight into his eyes.?

Jeong-Gwon was rendered speechless. Up until now, he was full of spite, but the fact that he could save Executive Director Oh, whom he treated as his brother, made the fog in his head clear up little by little. As a result, Jeong-Gwon managed to rationally assess the situation.?

Chang-Sun… wasn’t the daredevil rookie whom Jeong-Gwon knew anymore. He was now mature and ‘complete’—no, he had already surpassed that league and reached superhuman levels. From what Jeong-Gwon knew, there was only one person in the world who was like Chang-Sun right now. Munseong!

“I keep my word. If I promise to help you, I’ll stop at nothing to accomplish that, so trust me,” Chang-Sun told Jeong-Gwon.?

For someone planning to become a Celestial, words weren’t just tools to deliver one’s will. They were also a way to materialize and engrave their will in the world and the universe. Whenever they lied or failed to keep their promise, the rebound they suffered greatly affected their Class. That was why Chang-Sun didn’t lie. Jeong-Gwon didn’t know about that, but he could at least feel himself drawn by Chang-Sun’s remark.?

“Where is Executive Director Oh?” Chang-Sun asked.?

“… Executive Director—Shi-Hwan hyung is locked up in a building in downtown Chicago.”

“Alright. I’ll free him.” Chang-Sun nodded.?

Jeong-Gwon didn’t bother to ask Chang-Sun if that was even possible. When he looked at Chang-Sun’s sharply gleaming eyes, he felt as if Chang-Sun had already gotten Executive Director Oh out of the building.?


“I’ll start asking my questions now,” Chang-Sun said.?


Chang-Sun received three pieces of information from Jeong-Gwon. The first one was the reason the entire White Tiger Clan came to the U.S. after the Future Strategy Department.?


“From what I know, only Executive Director Oh and the Future Strategy Department members were supposed to come to the U.S. Why did the entire White Tiger Clan fly over here instead?” Chang-Sun asked.?

“... It’s because of an excavation.”


“…You really don’t know why we had to come to the U.S.?” Jeong-Gwon chuckled quietly.?

“I have only heard about the White Tiger Clan entering the hegemony competition, so stay on the topic.”

“I don’t exactly know what it is aside from the fact that it’s a source of power. From what I heard, it’s a scroll that the higher-ups call a cryptical book,” Jeong-Gwon explained.


Chang-Sun immediately realized that Jeong-Gwon was talking about the [Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan].?

‘[Sixth Cryptical Book of Hsan] is in the U.S.!’ he thought.


“We found it earlier than we expected, so we joined hands with the Gold Overlord and the Jaynix Company. However, the Blood Overlord showed up on the site when he noticed the excavation, causing a battle to erupt,” Jeong-Gwon explained.

The Blood Overlord, who symbolized the South American continent, died in a battle against Munseong. His death caused his Merdane Cartel to disband, allowing the White Tiger Clan to take over.

The White Tiger Clan and the Jaynix Company seemed to have joined forces and formed a giant community with North America, South America, Australia, and Korea—the ‘first pillar’—around the Pacific Ocean. However, that was actually just an additional achievement that they made during their search for the [Sixth Cryptical Book of Hsan].

‘Choi Bu-Yong and Hyeong-Gil did mention that the Jaynix Company purchased a lot of [Cold Iron]. Is this the reason behind that?’ Chang-Sun’s eyes turned sharp.?

That wasn’t even the most shocking news he would receive.


“Where are they?”?

“‘Doomsday City,’” Jeong-Gwon replied.



‘Doomsday City’ was the Dungeon that the U.S. government and Clans had been failing to clear for a long time now. Although Chang-Sun planned to clear the Dungeon, he postponed it to hunt Heoju. Much to his surprise, it was mentioned during the interrogation.

At that moment, Chang-Sun came to a realization. ‘Maybe it’s related to what Peter saw!’


“Where is Munseong? Is he at ‘Doomsday City’ too?” Chang-Sun asked.

“Yes. They’re with the Jaynix Company employees.”


The second piece of information that Chang-Sun got determined the location of Munseong and Heoju’s graves. He swiftly moved on to the third.


“One more question. Are there guerilla soldiers who are unusually belligerent against the White Tiger Clan members? They look like Elves, but they’re from a different species. ”

“That would be correct.” Jeong-Gwon nodded. “In fact, a large-scale punitive expedition is underway right now to eliminate them before the excavation in ‘Doomsday City’ fully begins.”?

“Who is in charge of the expedition?” Chang-Sun tilted his head.

“Director Gwon Hyo-Hae.”


The location of the [Sixth Cryptical Book of Hsan], Munseong’s whereabouts, and news about Kali’s priests… Chang-Sun had more than enough information now. Considering everything was complicatedly connected to the White Tiger Clan, Chang-Sun had to fight them to put an end to all this.

‘The best method to undo a complex knot is to cut it in one strike,’ Chang-Sun thought.

Chang-Sun had no reason to make this matter even more complicated. Once he took over the White Tiger Clan, he would eventually solve the rest.


“I know that I’m going to die—no, I know I’m going to be killed,” Jeong-Gwon assumed.?


“But please keep your promise. Rescue Shi-Hwan hyung—!”?

“Who’s going to kill you?” Chang-Sun asked.?

“… What?”

“Have you forgotten that my offer still stands?”

“…! “

* * *

Chang-Sun walked out of the abandoned factory with a serious expression. Despite the intense battle he went through in the middle of the city, he wasn’t even out of breath.

“Geum-Gyu,” he called.

“Yes, hyung.”

“Protect this place with Hye-Bin and Mr. Woo Yeong-Geun. Stay hidden until I give you new instructions.” Chang-Sun looked around the surroundings and saw an opaque dome, which covered the abandoned factory and the nearby area.

[A Barrier Rune is at work!]

Chang-Sun had made a giant rune barrier around the place by using a combination of Concealment and Circulation Runes. The Concealment Runes made the people inside the barrier inconspicuous to the enemies, and the Circulation Runes assisted the people with their recovery. Chang-Sun had basically just created a safe house in the center of Chicago.

“Mister, I’ll also—!” Woo Hye-Bin stepped forward, holding up her relics.

Chang-Sun firmly shook his head. “I don’t know how many people I’ll be bringing to this place, and I don’t know how many White Tiger Clan and Jaynix Company members I’ll be facing. To protect the people I’ll be bringing over, someone has to stand guard here.”

Hye-Bin looked as if she wanted to argue against his decision, but she instead nodded and took a step back after realizing how firm his reply was.

Feeling sorry for his niece, Yeong-Geun looked at her for a moment. “Mr. Chang-Sun, the Ohsung Group has a branch within the U.S. Would it be okay if I mobilize the employees of that branch?”

Chang-Sun knew that Yeong-Geun was just using their U.S. branch as an excuse to bring reinforcements in case Chang-Sun allied with demonic beings. He didn’t mind, though, so he just nodded. Chang-Sun and the others were severely outnumbered anyway. That normally would not be an issue in hunting, but they were defending right now. They would be helpless if they were found. Hence, they could use all the allies they could get. Moreover, this would allow Chang-Sun to establish good terms with Ueopwang.

Yeong-Geun heaved a sigh of relief.

‘Director Gwon isn’t far away from here. Considering many of Kali’s priests have gathered there, I should save them before heading to ‘Doomsday City.’’ Chang-Sun looked at Shin Eun-Seo, who tensed up because she hadn’t received any instructions yet.

“Eun-Seo, you…” Chang-Sun made a request that made Eun-Seo’s eyes widen in surprise.

* * *

[The Skill ‘Windstalking Tiger’ has been activated, manifesting the Skill ‘Lightness’!]


Chang-Sun quickly moved between the skyscrapers as the sun set on the horizon.

“Jin. Sinmara,” Chang-Sun called, and thick gray fog spread out from him.



Ghastly wails echoed as ghosts with contorted faces appeared and transformed into humans one by one. The Undead Army had made their entrance.

With the Changgwi Cave conquered, the army was now complete, resulting in a total of one hundred soldiers riding Ghost Devil Horses. Their eyes were inauspiciously and creepily gleaming. Acting as Chang-Sun’s vanguards, Jin Prezia and Sinmara stood on his left and right sides respectively.

“We’ll make this place ours tonight,” Chang-Sun declared.

「As you wish.」

「As you command, my king.」


The shrieking ghost wails filled Chicago’s evening sky.

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