The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 281: Star, Doomsday City (1)

Chapter 281: Star, Doomsday City (1)

The establishment of the <Anti-Star> Alliance was part of the plan Chang-Sun had made with Thanatos.


“Your identity is bound to be discovered someday, isn’t it?” Thanatos remarked, leaning against his chair.

“I guess so,” Chang-Sun replied.

“So we should prepare for that day,” Thanatos said.

“How exactly?” Chang-Sun asked.?

“While the <Heaven> Celestials are busy guessing your real identity, I’m going to start a rumor about the <Underworld>,” Thanatos replied.

“You told me the last time that it was to create confusion and put them on alert,” Chang-Sun said.

“Once I do that, the <Stars> in <Horoscope> and <Purple Star Astrology> will probably respond in some way,” Thanatos explained.

“Respond?” Chang-Sun asked.

“Yeah, they have no choice but to react in some way,” Thanatos replied.


Thanatos’ smile looked evil for some reason. In a way, he resembled a mischievous kid planning a prank, but at the same time, he also looked like a villain who was about to bring the world to ruin.?


“Last time, I said that <Stars>, especially the ones in <Horoscope> and <Purple Astrology>, were from entirely different worldlines,” Thanatos said.?

“Yeah, you also mentioned that their target is the <First Star’s Fragment> that exists in every worldline,” Chang-Sun said.

“There is one more thing they want. It’s the Source, but they call it R’lyeh,” Thanatos explained.

“R'lyeh? What is that?” Chang-Sun asked, tilting his head in confusion.?

“It’s the body or the shell of the <Dull Darkness>, who is currently in a very deep sleep. It can also be seen as the root of this world made up of a ‘dream’. Well, there are many interpretations, but it’s technically the center of this worldline,” Thanatos continued.

“…Such a thing is on Earth?” Chang-Sun asked.

“That’s also the reason why the Earth you lived on is the center of this universe and world. Based on the treaty formed between <Heaven> and the <Underworld>, R’lyeh is under the management of the <Underworld>, but the <Horoscope> and <Purple Star Astrology> Celestials are circumventing the treaty. Using their followers, they’ve been approaching R’lyeh little by little in secret… and they’re almost there,” Thanatos said, raising a brow

“…Thus they’re bound to be surprised if they hear the news of the <Underworld> taking action?” Chang-Sun asked.


Thanatos’ expression brightened and he slapped his knee.


“Yes, that’s it! Those guys will react strongly for sure. In that case, the other <Societies> that have been staying vigilant against them are also going to respond,” Thanatos said.?

“And I should use those <Societies> and bring them together?” Chang-Sun asked.

“By that time, there will be a number of Celestials paying attention and showing interest in you for sure, so make a deal with them. You’re free to use your name, or the title of an <Underworld> reaper,” Thanatos replied.

“Aren’t you giving me too much of a free pass? I might end up making an agreement that practically makes the <Underworld> a slave of <Heaven>,” Chang-Sun said, raising a brow

“Hahaha! Don’t worry about it. <Heaven> is going to be in chaos, so I don’t think the Celestials are still going to be powerful enough to enforce the deal. Besides…” Thanatos trailed off.


Thanatos did not seem to believe that even if the <Anti-Star> Alliance was successfully established, it would function properly. The Celestials of <Heaven> were already busy fighting among themselves, so Thanatos foresaw that it would be difficult for the alliance to defeat <Horoscope> and <Purple Star Astrology>, which moved like one organism.?

However, the existence of the <Anti-Star> Alliance would create a big difference… Thanatos believed that as long as the <Anti-Star> Alliance could create chaos in <Heaven>, it would be enough. The deal Chang-Sun made with the Celestials? Thanatos could take care of it after everything was over. In order to enforce a contract, one needed to have sufficient power, after all.

Of course, Thanatos did not appear to be worrying about the possibility of the alliance not causing as much chaos as he hoped; he smiled enigmatically as he looked at Chang-Sun.


“I think I should do at least this much to boss around the ‘Divine Twilight’, to avoid any issues in the future,” Thanatos said with a chuckle.

When the rumor related to the <Underworld> first began to spread around and many invitations arrived before Chang-Sun, he had realized that it was the time to create the <Anti-Star> Alliance. However, contrary to the plan suggested by Thanatos, he chose not to use his title as an <Underworld> reaper.?

‘It’s better for the rumor related to the <Underworld> to keep circulating, to leave a?Doubtful Shade[1]?in <Heaven>. If I shed light on the rumor, it’ll become half as effective.’

A Doubtful Shade, was a kind of doubt in one’s heart that fed on dark emotions. Such emotions that only speculation could foster would make one’s doubt into a ghost that aggravated thos samee emotions in turn.?

Chang-Sun wished for the <Underworld> to become the Doubtful Shade of <Heaven>. A series of chaotic events would strike <Heaven>, so if Chang-Sun kept sowing doubt and distrust among the Celestials of <Heaven>, the presence of the <Underworld> would become more threatening.

The <Underworld> would be the mastermind behind the curtain that would be unwise to antagonize. For that reason, Chang-Sun used a different title when he met and proposed a deal to the Celestials.


“I’m here as the king of <Muspelheim>. I’m going to rebuild <J?tunheimr>... and walk the same path Bestla did. If necessary, I’m also willing to handle <Asgard>.”

Chang-Sun emphasized the fact that he was the heir of Surtr, the previous king of <Muspelheim>. Although the <Society> had become extinct in the past, Bestla had left a huge impact on <Heaven> that lasted until the present. He also did not hide the fact that he was Odin’s reincarnation. Bestla’s heir and Odin’s reincarnation… Who could be more desirable than him?

“I would like to propose a deal in that regard.”?

That was why the revival of <Asgard> had become the second agenda in the meeting about the <Anti-Star> Alliance’s establishment. Chang-Sun joining the <Anti-Star> Alliance as the representative of <Muspelheim> and <Asgard> was already meaningful in many ways.

Of course, Chang-Sun’s forces were insignificant at present, but no one believed they would remain that way. Even the great Celestials had to admit how quickly Chang-Sun was getting stronger, so Neptune and the other Celestials were no doubt in the middle of a fierce discussion.

No matter what conclusion the Celestials reached in the meeting, Chang-Sun would not suffer a loss; any conclusion was fine as long as he could hinder the operations of <Horoscope> and <Purple Star Astrology>. He just had to sit back and wait for the outcome of the meeting.

‘I’m going to start knocking down <Purple Star Astrology>, so if the <Anti-Star> Alliance buys me enough to snap a ‘spear’ off <Purple Star Astrology>...’?Chang-Sun thought.

* * *

[Will you use your reward, a ‘Teleport Scroll’?]

Chang-Sun pulled out the scroll he had acquired after the fake Kali’s death. The coordinates on this [Teleport Scroll] were…

‘...I knew it. It’s ‘Doomsday City’,’ Chang-Sun thought, smiling in contentment after using [Mana Scan] to analyze the coordinates. With the scroll, it would be easy to get to ‘Doomsday City’.

‘It’s cumbersome to deal with everything out there and get to the Gate, so this is for the best.’

[The Authority ‘Monster Excursion’ has been activated, observing the outside in detail!]

After taking a look around, Chang-Sun discovered that Director Gwon Hyo-Hae and the White Tiger Clan’s Ghost Soldiers were not the only ones here. It seemed that a cleanup party had been scheduled to arrive.

Members of the Jaynix Company, the United States’ biggest Clan that had partnered up with the White Tiger Clan, were surrounding the area. However, they were not the only ones. Several Clans that were related to the Illinois State Government, the FBI, and the Council… Many people from various organizations had arrived to form a siege party.

Chang-Sun focused his mana on his senses, becoming able to clearly hear their conversations. Some of them were…

―Is he really here?

―Yes, sir! It seems that way.

―Urgh… Shit! How are we supposed to arrest someone who defeated the Immortal Overlord? Typical. The feds always do this!

―S-Sir, they can hear you.

―Let them hear! Fuck!

They were the Players who had been summoned because of the Illinois emergency order. They were reluctant to fight directly against Chang-Sun.

―Is the Tyrant really responsible for the terror attacks?

―That is what they say.

―But there isn’t any evidence that supports the claim. Ah, fuck! Did they all get bribed or something??

―What would it change even if they did? Anyway, I hope this goes off without a hich. I’m supposed to meet Selena tonight!

―Ah, those freaking higher-ups…

―Maybe it’s because of Peter.

―Peter? He kisses our bureau director’s ass so hard that it’s gotta be covered in rashes. Seriously.

―Ugh! In any case, I want this to end quickly. Why did he have to show up in Illinois, out of all the states…

―Yeah, let’s see how it turns out. If it gets too dangerous, we can let him go. We can put out a warrant on him and make the guys at Interpol handle it later.

They were from the Counter-Player Special Bureau of the FBI, but they had a lot of complaints about their superiors for some reason.

―How many people are here right now?

―Excluding our guys, there are a total of 472 people. In addition to that, three special units are on standby. They’ll be going in right away once the signal is given.?

―Even the Tyrant won’t be able to walk out of this unscathed, now that the FBI has decided to take the matter into their own hands. The Blood Overlord was driven off to South America in the end because he was scared of the US government. They’re experts in hunting down Players, so this place is going to be the Tyrant’s grave. In that case, our Jaynix Company will earn a big boost to our reputation, which should allow us to keep the White Tiger Clan guys’ egos in check.?

―Yeah, you’re right.

―There’s still no telling what will happen, so brace yourselves.

―Yes, sir!

―No matter how great he is, we have to get him here so he can’t escape. Here, no matter what…!

Most of them were reluctant to clash directly against Chang-Sun, but the Jaynix employees were making their move very actively.

Nominally, they were the formal partner of the White Tiger Clan. However, due to Munseong’s and Chang-Sun’s brilliant performances, the Jaynix Company had lost a lot of ground, practically becoming a White Tiger Clan subsidiary. From their perspective, it was a golden opportunity to turn the tide. If they could take down Chang-Sun, their reputation would definitely soar to new heights.

‘It seems they’re going to try to frame me as a demonic being to eliminate me,’?Chang-Sun thought, chuckling.

The White Tiger Clan and Jaynix Company’s trap was a wild goose chase; Chang-Sun found the whole situation absurd. Now that he had begun to restore his Divine Class, he was confident that he could take them out with ease, no matter how many of them were there.

‘Of course, I’d be giving them a perfect excuse to frame me as a demonic being.’?

Chang-Sun still had no desire to commit unnecessary murder. Although it was partly because he valued human lives, more importantly, it would do nothing to help him become the only Celestial on Earth.

‘It would only make them resist harder.’

That was why Chang-Sun had been wondering how to break through their siege. However, he had just gotten his hands on a [Teleport Scroll] that would lead him to ‘Doomsday City’. He initially considered activating the [Teleport Scroll] immediately, but he suddenly heard a somewhat familiar voice; he had not deactivated [Monster Excursion] yet.

―But why isn’t he coming out? Is he really here?

The voice belonged to Cha Ye-Eun. The moment Chang-Sun realized that, he came to a halt, although he could not be certain why. For some reason, he could hear her voice unusually clearly.



―Do you really think Mr. Lee Chang-Sun is behind these terror attacks?


―Well, something is weird. We had four of these attacks just today… To think one person could be behind those attacks… It’s as if someone…

―Someone fabricated this?


―You’re probably right.

―…Is it really fabricated?


―Then why…?!

―It’s not totally out of left field.?


―Can’t you tell? This whole thing is the White Tiger Clan and Jaynix Company’s bullshit attempt to ostracize Lee Chang-Sun.



Chang-Sun heard the sound of Ye-Eun lighting her lighter while biting a cigarette.

―Phew… The Bureau, Council, Illinois government… Every single guy in this place must have been bribed.

―A-Are you going to just l-leave them be?

―No way. But it would be hard to attack them without any evidence. Let’s wait and see how far they’re willing to go with their bullshit, because this whole situation is reeking right now. Before I use my sword, I need to know the full extent of the problem to handle it right.

Ye-Eun spoke with certainty, and Chang-Sun could imagine Jin Seok-Tae looking at her with respect.

―I knew it!

―What now?

―You’re our world’s tsundere Saintess…!

―…Do you have a death wish?

―Urgh! Urrrggh! S-Still! How c-can you really sh-shove your revolver into my m-mouth!?

―Tsk. Bummer. I ran out of bullets.

―Don’t sound so disappointed over something like that!

―Keep talking if you want to end up with another air hole in the back of your head.

―I’m sorry…

―Phew, you’ll seriously be the death of me.


―I warned you. If you continue that nonsense, I’m really going to pull the trigger. Keep in mind that it’s loaded now.

―I-I’m just saying that you acted really cold to him at the airport… But judging from your response just then, you sounded as if you trust Mr. Lee Chang-S… Aaaaah!

―Die. Please.

Bang, bang, bang!

Chang-Sun could hear a series of gunshots this time.

‘…She trusts me?’?he murmured.

Something else made Chang-Sun feel mixed emotions, and it was not just that Ye-Eun seemed to trust him. He remembered Ye-Eun coldly walking away at the airport, but her remarks sounded much warmer than before, and it felt strange.

[The Celestial ‘Primordial Evil Dragon’ asks you if you dare to cheat in front of her, grinning.]

After reading the message from Tiamat, Chang-Sun chuckled dumbfoundedly, then decided to focus on the present.

“Why don’t you go ahead first? We’ll be right behind you,” Nain said.

Chang-Sun tilted his head and asked, “Right behind?”

“The outside world is filled with other humans, and the scroll you have is only for one person…!” Nain replied.

‘I see. Well, there’s no way they’ll sit idly by when I’m leaving to put a damper on the operations of <Purple Star Astrology>,’ Chang-Sun thought with a chuckle, pulling out his necklace bearing [Peter’s Key].


Chang-Sun smoothly inserted [Peter’s Key] into the [Teleport Scroll] and twisted it.

“…Huh?” Nain and the other Gray Elves exclaimed in surprise, their eyes widening.


With an audible click, a pool of blue light spread out from the [Teleport Scroll] before disappearing.

[The restriction on the ‘Teleport Scroll’ has been lifted, summoning a portal to the set coordinates!]

The pool of blue light grew bigger and bigger, eventually becoming a portal. The writing above it caught the attention of Nain and the other Gray Elves.

[Entrance to ‘Doomsday City’.]




The unexpected turn of events made the Gray Elves’ jaws practically drop to the ground.

“Let’s go,” Chang-Sun said as he casually walked toward the portal.

After exchanging glances, Nain and the other Gray Elves nodded and followed Chang-Sun.

[The ‘■■ne ■■’ and the Order ‘Himavat’ have entered the Dungeon ‘Doomsday City’!]

1. The raw is ????(疑心暗鬼). It’s an ancient idiom. 👈

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