The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

"Ms. Shang, we part ways here." Pei Liechuan handed her the documents and asked her to leave his car.

Shang Yu got out of the car, shooting flames from her eyes at him.

Pei Liechuan took the items straight up in the CEO's elevator, ignoring her in the parking lot.


She just thought it was a novelty. If she encountered another man, she wouldn't act this way.

Pei Liechuan's face darkened. He had no interest in being one among many.

She's a queen or a thousand-year-old corpse, but that had nothing to do with him.

Her mindset differed from his.

Now that this task had been assigned to someone else, her current situation was no different from an ordinary person's.

Apart from his subordinates, no one else would recognize her.

She could be safe—

He wouldn't bother with this matter anymore.

Whether it was the incident that day or what just happened, for him, it marked the end of this task.

And the end of his past.

This woman had nothing to do with him anymore!


Shang Yu walked out of the ZK Group's parking lot in an unpleasant mood.

Yu Yuan followed behind her, not daring to say a word.

When Yu Yu had jumped out of the car earlier, it had been attracted by the tasty food nearby.

It went for a hearty meal and came back to find her leaving the parking lot...

In an unhappy mood.

Was Chuan Chuan's blood no longer appealing?

Or had Chuan Chuan angered Yu Yu?

In any case, silence was best for now.

Shang Yu walked into the plaza, looking at the surrounding buildings. Wasn't it just about money?!

She had plenty of it!!

"Ahem, Yu Yu, why don't we go eat something? You haven't had a meal yet..."

"Not eating! I'm full of anger!" Shang Yu hailed a cab, which pulled up in front of her in a moment.

She got in, her face grim.

"23 Yunfu Street."

"Got it."


What Shang Yu had imagined was that Pei Liechuan wouldn't be so disobedient and would listen to her, because she was powerful.

Yet he demanded money from her!

What deal?!

Did her identity...

Shang Yu frowned. She seemed to have lost her identity now.

In this era, she was still a corpse sought by various countries.

So her crown couldn't be sold; if she sold anything now, she would definitely be discovered.

Her peaceful life would be over.


From this perspective, it seemed that Pei Liechuan was the one at a disadvantage.

He had money, power, and blood - surely many people liked him.

But her?

In this era, having a strong fist and fighting fiercely didn't amount to much.

One had to rely on skills to make money.

She lowered her head. She was still relying on the Shang family for food and shelter, like a useless person.

[Multiple child abduction cases have occurred recently in our city. The criminal suspects are on the run as part of a gang. Citizens who spot members of this gang can receive a substantial reward. Photos of the criminal suspects can be viewed on the city's public security website...]

Shang Yu listened to the broadcast in the taxi and suddenly discovered a way to make money.

"These people are so wicked. The families whose children were taken must be heartbroken."

Shang Yu checked and found that currently, there were five people's photos posted, each worth a hundred thousand reward.

That's five hundred thousand—

She opened the search bar and typed: [Market valuation of ZK Group]

Someone had asked a similar question before, and the comments said:

[Are you kidding? The ZK Group has no market valuation. They're a financial powerhouse. Valuations only reflect a portion of their business landscape. Their true market value is beyond any price tag.]

[No idea, probably starting with a trillion or so. Their worth isn't just domestic; take ZK Apparel for example - that's just one of their worthless projects. Their real estate companies, stocks, oil, and other sectors are ZK's main areas of operation.]

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