The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

Shang Quan also felt relieved. Just a moment ago, he had really thought the police were coming to arrest him.

Fortunately, that wasn't the case—

He would have to be more careful and cautious from now on, so that nothing like this would happen again.

"Big brother!" Shang Hui caught up with him, and the two sat down on a bench in the garden.

Shang Luo also came over, and the three sat side by side, looking up at the sky.

"Big brother, I think we were wrong about something," said Shang Luo, scratching his head. "Shang Yu doesn't seem to be as unlikable as we thought."

Shang Hui gave him a slap on the head. "What do you mean 'seem'? We were definitely wrong!"

Shang Quan recalled how Shang Wan had asked them to go find Shang Yu together back then.

Shang Yu... she hadn't done anything, so were they blind at that time?

Indeed, they were really lacking in brains.

As long as it was someone they believed, they would believe whatever was said, whether it was Shang Wan or the person who deceived him.

Shang Hui said, "She's our own sister, after all. These years she's had it hard out there, and after we brought her back, we treated her like that. She must have been so hurt."

Shang Luo felt a bit awkward, as he had been the one who disliked Shang Yu the most and had been giving her trouble all along.

"We've simply been living too peacefully and don't know how malicious people can be," said Shang Quan, looking towards Shang Yu's villa. "Today I finally realized that only true family members won't scheme against you."

Shang Luo seemed very disappointed. "Yeah, I never expected Shang Wan to do something like this. I really treated her like my own sister, and I was even nicer to her than to Shang Yu, but she did this..."

Shang Quan frowned. "It's not just Shang Wan's fault. Shang Luo, your brain isn't working well either."

"Big brother, why are you saying that about me? Clearly, your brain isn't working well either."

The three brothers looked at each other, then all smiled wryly. Yeah, they all had brain problems, or else they wouldn't still be living off their parents at this age.

They only looked at the surface of things, and now that they thought about it, they really were brainless.

At this age, they were still this stupid!

They really should have been whipped with a belt by their dad so they could learn their lesson.

How would they face Shang Yu from now on? Just seeing her made them feel ashamed.

And Shang Wan...

But after so many years of sibling feelings with Shang Wan, even knowing that she had pretended to be obedient for so long, they couldn't bring themselves to beat or scold her.

At most... they just wouldn't buy things for her anymore!

Even though they were really stupid themselves...

Shang Hui stood up. "There's not much difference between us and Shang Wan. If Dad were to settle accounts, he would kick us out too."

Shang Luo shuddered. "It's a good thing Dad doesn't know."

"Know what?"

Shang Luo's eyes widened as he saw their Dad standing under the tree.

The three of them were startled and quickly stood up. Encountering Dad in the garden in the middle of the night was truly terrifying.

"Have you been bullying Shang Yu behind my back?" Shang Muhuai glared at the three of them with a dark look. "Looks like you need a beating!"

The three didn't dare say a word. In their memories, Dad was a figure of darkness.

"Especially you, Shang Luo! Don't think I don't know about your mouth, chattering away like a sewing machine!"

Shang Muhuai was about to pull out his belt and give them a beating.

"Each of you, write a 10,000-word self-criticism! Submit it to me before dinner tomorrow evening, and don't you dare have someone ghostwrite it for you! Otherwise, I'll deduct all of this month's allowance to buy clothes for your sister!"

His expression was stern and cold, with his hands behind his back. After saying that, he snorted coldly and turned to leave.

The three brothers collapsed back onto the bench.

Shang Quan: "Why am I still being disciplined by Dad like this at 25 years old?"

Shang Hui: "And I'm right behind at 23."

Shang Luo: "And I, at 20 years old, still have to ask Dad for pocket money."

They thought about Shang Yu, who had easily earned a 200,000 yuan bonus today.

"I'm a waste."

"Me too."

"Me too..."

The three sighed. They really had been living too comfortably.

"I'm going to work hard!" Shang Quan stood up. "I can't go on like this!"

Shang Hui also clenched his fists. "Me too!"

Shang Luo: "Me too..."

The other two each gave him a knock on the head. Shang Quan said, "I swear, if I don't produce results by the end of the year, Shang Luo will go bald!"

Shang Hui said, "If I can't design a hit product, Shang Luo will be single for ten years!"

After saying that, the two left with determination.

Shang Luo: "???" Why me?

But thinking about it, being single wasn't so bad. After what Shang Wan did, he felt that women could really be terrifying.

"I swear, if I'm still accomplishing nothing this year, then... then I'll gain ten pounds."

He also headed towards his room.

Of course, before that, he had to write the self-criticism first. (T-T)

Oh, and how can I become a little smarter?

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