The dragon's harem

Chapter 196 [Bonus chapter] Draconic Torch

196 [Bonus chapter] Draconic Torch

VROOM! Arad swung a full power kick at Chuzuke's face. It was so fast that it caught Abel off guard, scaring the hell out of him. BAM! The shockwave exploded after Chuzuke's body was sent away.

Arad glared at his leg, feeling a sharp pain radiant from his ankles. Chuzuke blocked it. But preventing him from jumping was the goal, and it worked.

"Abel! He's trying to prey on someone to recover! We need to take the fight away from other people." He looked at Chuzuke's body racing across the sky.

Abel smiled. "Fine by me!" He looked around, they were still in the shadows, and now one could see him. He extended his devil wings and flew after Chuzuke.

FLAP! Abel looked behind him and saw Arad flying with his draconic wings. He smiled, "You can use sorcerer wings? You're looking stronger and stronger each time."

Chuzuke growled as his body kept flying. He could feel the bones in his arms. Arad shattered them. "That Arad, I'm certain he isn't a human. He claimed to be a sorcerer. I could swear he was a true dragon."

SCROSH! Chuzuke slid across the forest ground, glaring up with a grin. ^I wonder how his blood would taste.^ But then, he remembered the smell of blood coming from him and how he regenerated.

^No, something else is inside him. I have to know that first before sucking his blood.^ Chuzuke took a deep breath, creating a sword from his blood.

ZOON! A deep feeling of pressure rushed across Chuzuke's joints as his limbs felt heavier, "Gravity magic?" He smiled as his body floated, "We vampires can do this. Your magic can't keep me on the ground." He swung his blade down, sending three slashes of blood.

CRACKLE! Abel charged forward, swinging his swords. CLANG! He deflected the first blood slash and cut the other two with the second attack. "He's fast. Hit him in the head with that boom!" CRACKLE! [Thunder Step]

In a lightning flash, Abel flew at Chuzuke with a slash. The vampire lord lifted his blood sword, blocking the slash and catching Abel's weapon.

"It's stuck!" Abel gasped as his sword couldn't move away from Chuzuke's blood. It was like glue.

"Abel! Let go of the sword!" Arad screamed, but it was only an instant. Chuzuke bites Abel's neck, sucking his blood.

"AGRAAAAAAAA!" Abel screamed, "HAHAHA!" He then started laughing, "Got you, bastard!"

Chuzuke's eyes opened wide, the veins across his face bulging and turning black as he lunged back, spitting the blood he sucked. "What is this!" His tongue and teeth feel off, melting like they were made of mud.

Abel glared at Chuzuke with a grin, a mix of golden and black smoke gushing from his skin as he transformed. He grew horns and a tail, "Did you really think you're the only monster around here?"

Chuzuke glared forward as he healed instantly. "Alice bloodline. A devil?" He glared forward. ZON! Arad teleported behind him and grabbed him by the head. One hand on his scalp and one on his chin. "Just die!"

VROOM! CRACK! Arad twisted Chuzuke's head off, ripping it from his neck. KA-DON! Flames gushed from his hands and burned the head.

"I doubt this will kill you," Arad lifted his foot up, setting it on flames. ^I need to smash his heart to be sure. Burn the corpse as well.^

BAM! Arad stomped Chuzuke's chest with his whole draconic weight as flames rushed out from his feet.

Abel covered his face with his arms to protect his eyes from the heat. ^How could he output all of this heat?^ "Arad! He's dead, you will burn the forest!"

Arad wasn't listening, and Abel saw a red light emerging inside Arad's chest that made his ribs visible. Arad's red flame turned blue, and then white from the heat as it started hissing out of his nose and mouth. He was about to blast the whole place, not holding back.

^If my whole weight and fire couldn't get into his chest. This vampire is still alive and I must burn that heart to kill him.^ VROOOM! Arad's heart started beating like an engine, causing his upper shirt to burn into ash.

[Stop, you will damage your humanoid body.]

^Focus it. I don't need a large area of breath. I only need a small and compressed stream of heat to piece that chest and burn his heart.^

Red dragons usually use their breath in one of three forms. A large cone, similar to a flame thrower. A thin line, similar metal cutting blowtorch. Or throwing it like a fireball that explodes upon contact.

Arad was trying to achieve the blowtorch even though he was a void dragon and not a red dragon.

Chuzuke's hands moved, creating two blood swords and cutting Arad's leg off in a double swing.

Arad's body fell back as Chuzuke stood to run away. ZAVROM! The flames gushed out of Arad's mouth in a laser-like stream, cutting the ground and the trees before shooting into the sky. CLAP! As the flames faded, it released a blast of heat that boomed across the forest.


Back inside Alina's walls, Nina was heading back home from the guild when she heard something in the distance. She turned her head to see a stream of fire rising into the sky, exploding like a star.

CREEK! The blood in her veins started to rush as she turned. CRACK! The ground beneath her feet cracked as she lunged forward, her eyes blood red as her muscles bulged.


THUD! Chuzuke jumped away, his body regenerating faster and faster. Arad burning him had helped him recover from Lydia's smite. But even so, he doesn't want to deal with that dragon anymore.

"You coward! Running away!" Abel growled [Thunder Step] He flashed forward swinging his sword at Chuzuke.

Chuzkue dodged and focused on running away and regenerating his health. "I won't even bother with a dragon! I'm not stupid enough to start a fight with his kind!" Chuzuke glared at Abel.

"Dragon? Did a sorcerer scare you so much?" Abel smiled, "Then so I will do. Let me show you the true fear of devils!" [Holy Chain Lightning]

Abel's blue lightning turned bright yellow with holy magic as he flashed forward at a higher speed. CLEAVE! His sword cut right through Chuzuke's left leg, CLEAVE! And the chain moved, cutting his left arm. The wounds burned with holy magic, making them harder to regenerate.

Chuzuke's eyes turned toward Abel. "You know, I'm getting exhausted of you." [Action surge] [Adrenalin Rush]

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