The dragon's harem

Chapter 198 Rumbling In The Sky

"Wait! What?" Nina gasped. She took a step back as a large shadow loomed over her. Abel's eyes bulged open as the trees around him snapped.


"Let me go! Let me go!" Mira screamed, punching the maid (Chuzuke) in the face.

Chuzuke ignored her for a while and then spoke, "I will drop you to your death,"

"Then drop me! Drop me!" She kept punching him in the face, but he didn't flinch.

VROOOOOOOOM! BZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! A loud rumbling akin to an engine shocked the sky, followed by an ear-piercing buzzing like that of bees.

Chuzuke turned his head, and his eyes bulged open. "What's that? A bird?" He got confused for a moment seeing it chasing him in the distance.

"No! That bastard was really a dragon!" He gasped, seeing Arad flying toward him with Nina hanging from his left horn.

Nina pulled herself up and sat at the back of Arad's head. She glared forward. A maid was flying away with bat-like wings and carrying Mira. She looked back and saw Arad's wings beating faster than those of a bug. "Arad! Calm down!" She glared at him, feeling an intense vibration beneath her. She was sitting on his neck, and she could feel his heart, the high pressure, and the speed of his blood. It was like sitting on the hoes of a pressure washer.


Abel rushed back to the mansion. The strange old man was the first to approach him, and then Aella and Jack. "Was that a dragon? Where is Arad?"

Abel looked up at Arad flying away with Nina, and then at the old man. "Nina summoned a dragon from the mountains. She and Arad flew away." He used to hide his identity, and he won't spill the beans unless Arad directly tells him to do it.

Jack and Aella looked relieved, and Abel quickly understood that they know about Arad. He looked at them, "What happened?"

The old man looked back at the mansion. "About twelve dead, five injured. The whole Esmeray mansion was riddled with thralls."

Merida rushed in with Lyla behind her, "Will Mira be okay?"

Abel looked at them sighting, "I don't know. But the bastard has a dragon after his ass."

Jack smiled, "It's gonna hurt." He looked at the sky, "Just imagine, that dragon chasing you to the end of the world."


Damn it! Chuzuke looked back, grunting. Mira is weighing him down, he can't fly fast enough to escape from Arad. "Bad luck for you and me." He created a bloody dagger and stabbed Mira in the neck. Blood splashed as he threw her away with a smile.

"Dragon! Catch her if you can!" Chuzuke shouted with a smile, flying away as fast as he could.

ZAP! Arad shifted his direction like a fruit fly. Never slowing down or even flinching. Nina was almost been thrown from his back, if not for her immense grip strength grasping his horns, and her thighs around his neck, which vibrated like no tomorrow.

Riding the rumbling Arad wasn't a pleasant experience in the least. Only painful as he was only focused on getting where he needs to be.

Mira grabbed her neck, looking at the sky and seeing Arad taking a nose dive toward her. She took a deep breath, her vision going black, she felt drowsy and her hearing faded, her limbs felt numb as a severe pain radiated from her chest. She was passing out from lack of oxygen to the brain.

Thud! Arad caught her and landed as gently as he could. Nina jumped down, landing on her feet. She tried to run toward Mira who Arad just put on the ground, but she fell on her knees. Her ass felt numb with pain radiant through her spine. She sat on him a bit too long.

Arad lifted his claw and pulled a few potions from his stomach. "Heal her." He growled looking away at the sky.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Nina asked as she saw him turn without even waiting for Mira to heal.

"I'm going to rip that bastard apart." BAM! Arad jumped into the sky, shattering the ground as his wings flapped faster than the eye could see.

"Wait!" Nina shouted as she poured the potion on Mira's neck.

~To the left, he's hiding in the trees.~

Arad shifted his direction, flying head-first into the ground. BOOM! As the trees ripped apart, Chuzuke jumped away, protecting his face from the debris. "How did you find me!" He growled, opening his wings and flying as fast as he could.

Arad opened his jaw [Fire Breath] ROAR! He roared, sending a massive gust of flames after Chuzuke.

Chuzuke flew away, glaring back. "Dark scales, but the horns are pointing to the back. He isn't a normal black dragon. No, his scales aren't black, it's dark purple." He smiled.

"I got your secret! You're a purple dragon, that explains the flames." He flew between the hills, fading from Arad's view.

~The big rock to the left, he's curled behind it.~

Arad's head turned toward the rock, smacking it with his claw so hard it shattered like glass. Chuzuke cried, flying as fast as his wings allows him. "Again? Are you a diviner?"

Arad never talked back to Chuzuke, just chasing and trying to eat him alive. And the chase kept going for an hour.

Chuzuke takes shelter in a cave, just to find Arad already inside waiting for him. He tried hiding on the top of the snowy mountains, only for Arad's rumbling to cause an avalanche. He tried to hide underground, only for the dragon to burrow after him faster than any mole.

There was no escaping the dragon, this is his territory. And with Loci snitching on Chuzuke's location, it became a horror show for the vampire.

Chuzkue panted, flying above the hills. ^It's not working!^ He growled inside, ^Whenever I look back, he's behind me, rumbling.^

~Arad, he's getting out of my back. I won't be able to locate him~

[This is a good time to stop. Your body is reaching its limit, get back home, and let's check on Mira and the others.]

"Chuzuke!" Arad roared, shaking the sky. "This is my land! I dare you to set foot here again! I will rip your body apart and devour it!"

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