The Emperor Reigns Them All

Chapter 298 Accept My Sword Attack

Chapter 298 Accept My Sword Attack

As long as Li Ye responded, the mutton-fat jade pot would act immediately and suck him into it. At that time, Li Ye would be at Feihong Bodhisattva’s mercy.

After Feihong Bodhisattva finished asking, she stared at Li Ye with expectation and waited for him to reply. No one would refuse to answer such a question. Feihong Bodhisattva didn’t think that Li Ye could do something unexpected.

In her mind, Feihong Bodhisattva had already started to image the scene that the mutton-fat jade pot swallowing Li Ye. But to her surprise, she found that Li Ye was still there, smiling gently at her. It looked that he was still enjoying the view and was not about to make any sound as if he hadn’t heard her question at all.

Bodhisattva Feihong’s heart missed a beat. “Is this guy’s spirit wandering in some faraway place? But it is certainly impossible. If his spirit is outside of his body, it should first of all fly into my pot!”

Feihong Bodhisattva kept smiling and said, “Prince An Li Ye, you deserve the reputation that you enjoy. In my eyes, your handsome and vigorous appearance is rare in this world.”

After saying this, Feihong Bodhisattva adjusted the direction that her pot mouth faced. “I have given up my dignity as an Immortal to praise you. I suppose that you should respond to me, no matter what.”

However, Li Ye still remained silent, but now he looked at Feihong Bodhisattva with his teasing eyes as if he had amused himself by watching her.

Feihong Bodhisattva didn’t know that Li Ye was a Great Cultivator before his transmigration and had been endeavoring to perfect his skill for many years after reaching the Great Completion state of the Yang Spiritual Master realm. Because he hadn’t assisted a True Dragon in proclaiming itself the emperor, he couldn’t gain the enlightenment to ascend. Otherwise, he would have achieved the Immortal Realm long ago. Therefore, how could Li Ye not know about such a famous Magic Treasure like the mutton-fat jade pot?

Feihong Bodhisattva wanted to make him respond to her, but it was an impossible thing!

When Bodhisattva Feihong made eye contact with Li Ye, she slightly frowned. “It doesn’t matter if he made no response and remained silent, but why is he looking at me in that way? Why does it look like that he is enjoying a show of a performing monkey? Has he already known my little trick? No, it is impossible. This guy is just a mortal who has lived merely 20 more years in this world. How can he possibly know the tricks of gods?”

“The Son of God may know this trick, but he didn’t have the chance to mention this to him just now.”

Feihong Bodhisattva was not sure what was happening now. Suddenly, she felt diffident. Because she had just come out of the Kunlun Channel, she could deal with any normal Yang Spiritual Master without any difficulty, but Li Ye had shown a great fighting capacity, so she actually had no assurance of success now. At first, she could subdue Li Ye either by the children she brought with her, or by her Immortal Area, or her Magic Treasure. However, now, it seemed that none of the three ways worked well. Then, should she defeat Li Ye by her fighting capacity?

The problem was that since Li Ye knocked the two children into the air by two slaps, she knew clearly that she didn’t have enough fighting capacity to defeat Li Ye! Now, Feihong Bodhisattva was in a peculiar predicament.

Smiling, Li Ye looked at Feihong Bodhisattva, uttering not a single word. Now he didn’t dare to attack her rashly, either. After all, his opponent was a Daluo Golden Immortal. Even though her cultivation was weakened, she was still in the Immortal Realm. One must know that the Immortal Realm and the Mortal Realm had differences in essence. Seeing that Feihong Bodhisattva stayed calm and peaceful, Li Ye thought that she must still have had some strength left.

At this moment, Bodhisattva Feihong turned angry from embarrassment. “So many Gautama Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are watching us in Land Buddhism, but I haven’t won him yet. Not only that but I have gazed fixedly at him for so such a long time. How can I explain that? I must take measures right now to defeat him, or I will feel too ashamed to return!”

“Li Ye! What a shame! As the Prince An of Tang Empire, don’t you even dare to answer me?” Finally, Feihong Bodhisattva stopped reclining on the treetop. She stood up while staring at Li Ye. By speaking in a harsh tone and looking at him with a stern expression, she provoked him, intending to bring enormous pressure on him.

“It’s useless to try to provoke me. I will never answer that question.” Li Ye’s mouth corners curved into a slight cold smile. He had found out that the actual strength of Bodhisattva declined sharply. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have talked so much nonsense. Though the mutton-fat jade pot was very powerful, three times of trying were too much, and it was evident that Feihong had flown into a rage out of humiliation.

“All of this demonstrates that she is at the end of her rope now! Though she was driven into an impasse by me, she didn’t launch her attack. Well, it must be because she has no confidence at all.” Li Ye was suddenly enlightened, and his eyes brightened. “Drinking the endless wine and using your Immortal Area, you have been pretending to be a peerless Immortal with an unparalleled manner here for such a long time, but it turns out that you are only making an empty show of strength here!”

As soon as she noticed Li Ye’s luminous eyes, Bodhisattva Feihong’s heart jerked, and she said to herself, “Oh, no! Did this guy know something and was about to attack me?” Feihong Hong still maintained her composure, but she felt shocked in her heart.

“Anyhow, I am an Immortal. My strength is only weak for this short period. Though there are various reasons, it is inexcusable for me to be beaten by a mortal. Moreover, they are watching me now. I’m afraid that I will be humiliated by this guy under their gazes.”

Feihong Bodhisattva’s heart flustered. Immediately, she decided to do something to remedy and reverse the situation. All of a sudden, she gave Li Ye a brilliant smile. It seemed that even the rosy clouds of dawn had fallen into her dimples. She teased, “Are you a dumb, Prince An?”


“I am certainly not dumb.” Li Ye smiled coldly, and abruptly, he unsheathed the Luke Sword. A green and white light beam rose up from the sheath. The beam looked so dazzling, and it shot up to the high sky. Li Ye perfectly mobilized the Dragon Qi, and in an instant, the power of his cultivation strength rushed into the sword body like tides. One after another, the lines of nine dragons flying in the sky on the sword was lighted.

His Luke Sword made a resounding howl and rushed out like a dragon darting into the sea. Suddenly, the green and white light beam became much brighter and thicker. Then, the white clouds in the sky rolled away! Li Ye held his sword with his clothes bulging and hair wildly dancing. Now with great killing intent, he had a look as sharp as the blade. Li Ye didn’t look like the gentleman who was enjoying the painting quietly before. Now he was a brutal killer!

“Why did he attack all of a sudden? Why did he show such a ferocious posture as if he were going to defeat me at any price?” Bodhisattva Feihong’s eyebrows jumped at once. Her hand that held the mutton-fat jade pot trembled involuntarily. The moment she felt the great power in the Luke Sword, her delicate pink face instantly turned ghastly pale.

In previous, when Feihong Bodhisattva saw Li Ye knocking the two children into the air, she knew that his strength was much greater than a Yang Spiritual Master could have, but even, in this case, Feihong still believed that although she couldn’t defeat him, she could retreat safely. However, the tremendous imposing manner and cultivation level Li Ye showed at this time made Feihong Bodhisattva realize that she would suffer soon!

In a hurry, Feihong Bodhisattva reached out to stop him. “Wait, Prince An!”

At this moment, she felt extremely remorse. “I just came through the Kunlun Channel and was weak. Why didn’t I take a break first? And as I was having a good rest in Wutai Mountain, why would I choose to go out to deal with Li Ye in such a hurry? D*mn! Gautama Buddha told me that Li Ye was only in the Yin Spiritual Master realm. But after I came back from the trip in Kunlun, how could he suddenly become a Yang Spiritual Master?”

Bodhisattva Feihong lightly gritted her teeth. “Now, it is useless to think of anything else. It looks like I have to go all-out to fight! I am indeed weak, and my strength is greatly reduced, but after all, I have achieved the Immortal Realm. Thus, how can I not be able to handle a mortal?”

Being unstintingly generous, Li Ye exerted all his efforts. Continuously, he poured all his power of Dragon Qi and the green lotus into the Luke Sword. In an instant, the Morning Purple Shower expanded. As those green lotus flowers were blossoming and falling in the purple clouds around Li Ye, he stared more and more firmly at Feihong Bodhisattva.

At this time, Bodhisattva Feihong was forcibly pumping herself up, but when she saw the scene before her and felt Li Ye’s increasingly overbearing manner, her looks changed constantly. Secretly, she swallowed her saliva in shock. “Why does his manner become stronger and stronger? When will he stop? If his manner is getting more powerful, I won’t be able to handle him anymore even if I have achieved the Immortal Realm...”

Just then, Li Ye, who was looking at Feihong Bodhisattva, abruptly gave a loud shout. “Feihong Bodhisattva, accept my sword attack!”

Then, he launched his first attack by his sword.

The green and white light beam chopped down and cut the clouds in the sky in the middle. In fact, it seemed that the light beam had broken the whole sky into two halves. The Sword Qi had turned into a dancing dragon, and it went straight to Feihong Bodhisattva with an overwhelming force! In an instant, besides the light beam, no one could see other things in this world, nor could anyone hear anything. There seemed to be only a sword between heaven and earth!

Feihong Bodhisattva’s face turned as white as the paper.

At this moment, two children that stumbled out of the woods were full of thistles and thorns. Half of their faces became swollen, and their entire faces were full of rage. Before they could point at Li Ye to abuse, they spotted the strange scene in the sky. Then in unison, they stopped.

The girl squinted at the strange vision and sneered, “Did he want to defeat Feihong Bodhisattva with such a little movement? He has overestimated his own strength, just like the stupid mantis that tried to stop a chariot!”

At a loss, the boy nodded but immediately shook his head. “Feihong Bodhisattva is not the Daluo Golden Immortal now, and now it is her weakest time. I’m afraid...”

“Fu*king shut up!” Unexpectedly, the girl turned back to stare at the boy. Now her face was gloomy and calm, and her eyes were full of murderous intents. “Feihong Bodhisattva will definitely win. If you dare to talk more nonsense, I am going to smash your teeth into pieces!”

Being frightened, the boy drew back his neck. He did not dare to disobey the little girl. With a low voice, he murmured, “Right, Feihong Bodhisattva will certainly win. Her opponent is nothing but... a mortal!”

Looking up at the sky, Nangong Diyi muttered, “This guy Li Ye had stared at her for a long time, and finally, he made his move! What an overwhelming manner! I dare say that no one in our world can safely accept this attack, but now his opponent is an Immortal. Will it work?”

The Son of God snorted coldly. He had never missed any chance of teasing Nangong Diyi. “You know nothing. Li Ye stared at her for a long time because they were actually fighting with their skills! But since you are in a low realm, you won’t understand even after I explained to you!”

Nangong Diyi cast a cold look at the Son of God. “You are talking too much crap. Just go ahead and tell me whether Li Ye’s sword attack will work or not!”

Looking up in the sky, the Son of God said, “I will never tell you that!”

In everyone’s nervous look, the dragon of Sword Qi swam fast in the distant sky and instantly rushed up to Feihong Bodhisattva. Along with its resounding cries, it gave off much intense light! Biting her teeth nervously, Feihong Bodhisattva turned ghastly pale. Without making any extra movements, she threw the mutton-fat jade pot in her hand away!

When the mutton-fat jade pot was out of her hands, it suddenly gave out soft white light, which then enveloped a large area between heaven and earth. The light looked so holy as if it could purify everything. The green light beam pounced on the mutton-fat jade pot. Then, the blazing light that could hurt the eyes suddenly exploded and dispersed. The white light in the center turned extremely bright. No one on the spot could see things clearly in the center, which looked like a whirlpool that could swallow everything.

After all the light cleared, Feihong Bodhisattva had already escaped far away. By pulling the red string that was tied around her waist, she drew her mutton-fat jade pot back, but everyone here was not extraordinary people. Thus, only by a glance, they saw that blood continually dripping from her white wrist which the red string was tied to.

Watched Feihong Bodhisattva going far away, Li Ye didn’t go to chase after her.

When an Immortal was willing to pay a high price to escape, as a mortal, Li Ye couldn’t catch up with her. However, the sword strike that he launched just now must have seriously hurt her. Feihong Bodhisattva was weak at that time, and then she was severely injured. For her, disasters came at her in succession. After this, she couldn’t afford to make any trouble outside for a long time in the future.

On the spot, the two children were dumbfounded, standing absolutely still. Especially the girl, she was in the total blank. It could be seen from her dull eyes that everything happened just now was unacceptable to her. In her eyes, Feihong Bodhisattva was matchless, but now, a mortal had defeated her. The boy looked at the girl with concern. He looked sad and distressed, but he did not dare to open his mouth to comfort her.

Right away, Nangong Diyi jumped up and raised his arms, shouting, “All-mighty Prince An!”

The Son of God swallowed his saliva in shock, his heart beating much faster. “This guy is indeed a freak!”

Li Ye did not land on the ground. Instead, he continued rising.

Fifty kilometers behind him were his 400,000 troops that assembled in Luzhou City. All of them were ready to go out to fight.

This day, a thunderous order shouted by Li Ye came through the clouds above the Luzhou City and reached to the troops on the ground.

“Troops set out to conquer Hedong!”

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