The Executed Sage Reincarnates as a Lich and Begins a War of Aggression

Chapter 176: The Sage Learns Part of the Truth

Chapter 176: The Sage Learns Part of the Truth

At that moment, I felt my mind go blank.

Astonished, I thought over the truth I'd just heard.

The Will of the World gave me power

Of course, you're surprised about it. Even I'm surprised about it, after all.

Gwen said that in agreement.

She then continued in an aggrieved tone.

Based on what I feel, you got the support after you entered the spiritual world. It seems to allow you to ignore your opponents ability. Congratulations!

Gwen clapped as she stared back at me.

However, it was clear that she didnt really appreciate it.

She then began to complain in a slovenly manner.

I thought it was strange from the beginning. I couldnt dissolve the geas regardless of how much time has passed. I originally tried to dissolve the magic while you were busy fighting the two. I never knew it was something I couldnt dissolve.

Gwen continued her monologue.

She was dissatisfied that her own countermeasure ended in failure.

I understood that feeling.

I had suffered from unforeseen circumstances many times.

I'd experienced that both during my time as Sage and Demon Lord.

Even though I was in a different position now, I figured that difficulties would always come my way.

The Will of the World Although we, the beasts of the outer worlds, refer to that with another name, basically its power is troublesome. To those of us who are trying to invade this star, we consider it as something close to a nemesis. By its very nature, it would always stand in our way.

You know the true nature of the Will of the World?

I asked her with certainty.

I was always impeded by the Will of the World ever since I became the Demon Lord.

It seemed the beast of the outer world considered it as their nemesis, but that was also true for me.

The Will of the World was always trying to get rid of me using unreasonable phenomena.

Gwen sighed loudly and replied while having a distant eye.

We tried to slip through it by trial and error, after all. Well, I guess I suffered damage from it brilliantly this time.

Gwen shrugged and shook her head.

I could see a glimpse of resignation.

Then she tilted her head and asked me.

Havelt-san, you have vaguely noticed it, yes? After all, you are always thinking about the Will of the World.

Who benefited the most from the intervention of the Will of the World? If you just pay attention to that, you should be able to find your answer eventually.

Gwen stated that as she looked at my eyes.

Her words werent something I could ignore.

It was clear to me who benefited from it without even needing to think. 

However, I tried not to think about it.

I already came up with an answer in the edge of my mind.

Although I was aware my answer was likely to be the correct one, I tried to not think deeply about it.

Gwen might be trying to mislead me.

There was a possibility she was guiding me to the wrong answer.

Considering how cunning she was, I wouldnt know what she might be scheming.

I would take her words as reference, but I wouldnt consider it as the whole truth.

I wasnt at the stage where I'd reached a conclusion just yet.

In Havelt-sans case, you have been influenced by it during your days as a human. You were backed by the Will of the World when you were the Sage who tried to go against the Demon Lord.

I know.

I was one of the people who defeated the Demon Lord.

My sheer effort wasnt the only reason I managed to become a Sage.

I was able to grow as a Brave after various encounters and experiences.

I doubted that the Will of the World had some involvement in that matter.

Fate was drawn upon that person and me that allowed us to subjugate the Demon Lord at that time.

When you became the next Demon Lord, that Will kept impeding your steps, but when we the beast of the outer world came to invade, that Will once again turned into your ally. Wow, you sure are being played by it.

Gwen laughed as if she found that funny.

After laughing for some time, she became expressionless.

Well, lets put the end of our chat here. Although I have fun talking with Havelt-san, I still have tons of things I have to do. Its time for us to part.

Do you think I will let you go just like that?

I pointed my magic powered sword at her.

The forbidden spells were ready to be unleashed at a moments notice.

Gwen put her hand on her waist and pondered.

And due to whatever reason, she folded her fingers in front of her chest.

Uhn can you let me go if I beg you?

She looked at me with upturned, moistened eyes.

Obviously, I didnt lower my sword.

I kept exuding my killing intent.

Gwen then shrugged her shoulders exaggeratedly.

She then exhaled sulkily.

Of course, thats what you do. I knew that already, really.

Gwen mourned as her outline collapsed.

She lost her form and transformed into innumerable tentacles from end to end.

Her body rapidly swelled, to the point I had to look up.

Then what appeared before me was a mountain of tentacles sitting above the sand.

gess Ill wam up befre fightng the defense mechanism

A voice came down from above.

On the surface of one of the tentacles, there was a mouththe only thing left from her humanoid figure.

Then eyeballs emerged from it and spun around as it stared at me.

Wll then, it's serius tme fr Gwen-san will sh you lik an inect, so b redy for it, okay?

Gwen, who'd turned into a tentacle monster, attacked with the momentum of an avalanche.

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