The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 121: You have to go to the high school prom

Chapter 121: You have to go to the high school prom

The dripping rain gradually became smaller, and when the wind blew, it was like cows hair floating back and forth, falling on people, bringing a touch of coldness.

Howards farewell ceremony was over, and the old man had been buried in the cemetery.

Mike watched from a distance, until people are almost gone, he held up the umbrella, slowly walk towards each others tombstone.

Apparently, there was more than one person who had the same idea as him.

Mike nodded to Peggy Carter and the two stood in front of the tombstone while Tony stood a short distance behind the two watching in silence, Maria had been sent back by Tony because she was too sad.

Peggy Carter looked at Howards tombstone, the weathered English rose finally did not hold back, eyes red, leaving tears.

This is the last of her old friends.

This is a comrade-in-arms, close friends who have fought together with her against Hydra, created S.H.I.E.L.D. and worked together for decades.

She gently wiped away the tears, pulled a smile at Mike and said, Until now, I would think it was a joke from the other side that would jump out from underneath and laugh at me for crying so hard.

Mike thought for a moment that with Howards personality, this kind of thing could really be done.

Peggy Carter pulled the corner of her mouth and looked at Mike and said, Actually, Howard and I envy your life.

You guys are so tired of living.

Peggy Carter nodded, sighed and said, Maybe, but its our choice, and we always feel we can do something for the world.

Mike looked at each other and said, I admire you guys.

Perhaps, most superheroes are of this mindset, a sense of responsibility that all people have, but many do not realize, or are abandoned by them, but is magnified in the superheroes.

I am going to retire.

Peggy Carter suddenly spoke up.

Mike nodded.

But I will let people watch Tony and Maria, and I wont leave S.H.I.E.L.D. until they are sure that their lives are not disturbed.

Hearing that,

Mike raised an eyebrow and said, They can call me if they get into trouble.

In any case, he and the old man are considered friends.

Peggy Carter smiled and said, With that from you, hell be relieved.

By the way. Peggy Carter turned the tables and said, What do you think of Nick Fury?

Hmm? Mike was stunned and said with an odd face, Dont ask me that kind of question, I dont know him well.

I see.


What did you understand?

The corners of Mikes mouth twitched, but still did not forget the purpose of todays visit.

Placing a daisy in the pile of flowers in front of the headstone, Mike got up and said to Peggy Carter, Goodbye.

Peggy Carter nodded, still standing quietly in front of the tombstone.

She wanted to spend more time with her old friend.

Mike walked toward his car, but was stopped by Tony in front of the car.

Mike looked at Tony, who could not hide his exhaustion, suspiciously and said, Whats wrong?

Tony looked at Mike, opened his mouth, but the name uncle couldnt be said. He took out a paper bag and said, The old man left you with a gift that should have been given to you a long time ago.

Mike swept his eyes and said, Ill take the thought, I wont take the stuff.

He had already guessed what was inside.

Tony handed the file bag forward again and said, This is what he left before he died, if its not done right, hell come back to me.

The corners of Mikes eyes jumped.

This was a unique way of persuading people.

He looked at it, reached out to take it, nodded to Tony, and said, Take care of Maria.

I know.

Tony nodded.

Mike opened the door, got in, pulled down the window, shouted at Tony, and as his head turned to look and said, Howard and I told you that you were his pride and joy.

Tony felt his heart shrink together, took a deep breath, his voice trembling slightly and said, Thanks.

Mike closed the car window, looking at the fast departing Tony, sighed softly: An era that is coming to an end.

The next era, will be the era of superheroes.


Thinking of his familys three boys, Mikes eyes are full of expectations.

I really do not know what role these three boys will play in the future.


Thinking about the future, Mike could not help but laugh.

Probably, it will be very interesting.

He looked down at the file bag in his hand, and with a deep breath, he opened it.

As he expected, there was a check for an exaggerated amount inside, as well as a letter.

Putting the check into the file bag, Mike smiled, shook his head, and opened the letter Howard gave himself.

After scanning it, Mike couldnt help but smile and put it back in the envelope.

Oooh, although he didnt try to make money, but became a rich man yet.

Time always slips away unnoticed, leaving behind only memories and some unique flavours.

Mikes house.

Damn it!

The moment the meat and oil came in contact, a rich aroma emerged.

Mike stir-fried the meat and said to Clark, who was helping to wash the vegetables, Clark, dont you have anything to say to me?

Clark, who was already eighteen years old, said without hesitation, No!

Mike raised an eyebrow and said, Really?

Clark was silent, put the dish aside, picked up the freshly washed apple and stuffed it into his mouth, walked out the door with a plate of apples and said vaguely, I dont understand what youre talking about Dad?

Mike chuckled and said, I remember you guys need to have a prom, right, have you found a date yet?


There was no answer for half a day.

Mike turned his head to look and Clark had disappeared into the kitchen.

That kid.

Mike lost a laugh.

Clark is eighteen years old, still an innocent young boy.

Yes, the kind that had never been in love.

Such a situation, in such a country, is simply unbelievable thing.

As for Hope

Although Clark and its always close contact, but did not develop into a boyfriend and girlfriend, but rather like best friend.

Perhaps it is Clark who has always been too low-key in school, otherwise, with Clarks appearance and conditions, how can he get out of the list.

I didnt see that Charles bastard changed several times a year. Even Eric had talked about it twice.


Mike suddenly remembered a very critical thing.

Clark wouldnt be worried about that, would he?

Mike dumped the dish on his plate and squeezed his chin, thinking he should talk to Clark about it.

Carrying the fried dishes towards the dining room, the four father and son ate their dinner while talking about something interesting, and as they talked, the topic was led by Mike to Clarks prom.

Clark frowned and said, Im not going to any prom.

Thats not okay!

Before Mike could say anything, Charles called out, You have to go to the high school prom, its important.

Eric nodded and said, Its the last time youre going to have fun like a kid before you become an adult, its the end and beginning of the next phase of your life, you should go!

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