The Female Taoist Priestess’s Childhood Sweetheart Is a Male CEO

Chapter 59: Online Posting

Chapter 59

He Qingchen signed the document swiftly and then pressed the extension number for Xu Yan's internal line, saying casually, "Order some light dishes for lunch today."

Sitting on the sofa, Jian Xi stole a glance at him, only to be caught red-handed by He Qingchen!

"If you want to look, then look openly. Why not? Should I come sit closer?" he teased her.

Teasing her again!

Jian Xi took out her phone and started playing games, ignoring his remark.

He Qingchen chuckled softly and opened the next document.

The office fell quiet, with only the sound of rustling papers. Jian Xi, afraid of disturbing his work, played her games on mute.

It wasn't until Xu Yan came in with their lunch that there was noise again.

With delicious food in front of them, though light, it still looked appetizing. Jian Xi ate happily, forgetting the awkwardness in the lounge earlier.

After finishing the meal, He Qingchen didn't immediately return to work but chatted with her for a while, telling her, "The driving school has been contacted. Xu Yan has already enrolled you. You can start learning to drive whenever you want."

Jian Xi's big eyes blinked twice, "Really? Then I want to go now, I have nothing much to do in the afternoon. If I learn to drive every afternoon after doing fortune-telling in the morning, I can get my driver's license soon and it will be convenient to go out!"

He Qingchen leaned back on the sofa, smiling lazily, "Sure, whatever you want. I'll have Xu Yan take you later."

Jian Xi glanced at the time on her phone, not even noon yet. "Let's wait until 1:30 pm, we should still let people rest during the lunch break." She suddenly felt drowsy and yawned.

"Oh no, you're really turning me into a pig! No, I need to get up and walk around, I can't sleep right after eating!"

Jian Xi stood up and started walking circles around the office to help digestion.

Fortunately, He Qingchen's office was spacious, but he still found her antics amusing, his lips curled into a smile as he watched her circle around.

Finally, on her second lap, he took action, grabbing her and carrying her to the lounge door. He pushed the door open, went in, and tossed her onto the bed, urging her, "Quick, take a nap."

With that, he turned and left without another word.

Jian Xi's face flushed red, shaking her little fists at He Qingchen's retreating back. "He Qingchen, I'm not a child anymore, yet you still carried me! Don't I have any dignity?"

Of course, the only response she got was a snort of laughter, followed by the sound of the door closing!

Hmph, nap time!

Jian Xi kicked off her little white shoes and slid under the covers.

The bedding carried He Qingchen's scent, making her feel at ease. Even though it was her first time sleeping in this bed, she fell into a deep slumber within two minutes!

The lounge door opened again, and He Qingchen approached the bedside. He gazed down at Jian Xi's sleeping face for a moment, his eyes seeming to hold unfathomable emotions!

After watching her for a while, he suddenly leaned down, slowly bringing his face closer to Jian Xi's.

As their noses were about to touch, He Qingchen stopped, not moving any closer.

Because this experiment was already completed. He straightened up slowly, a tender light flickering in his eyes.

As for the result, it was undoubtedly his racing heart from being so close to her!

He smiled at the corner of his lips, clearly satisfied with the experiment's outcome.

At the end of the bed, he tucked her little feet securely under the covers, then turned and left the lounge.


The supposedly 'sleeping' Jian Xi suddenly opened her eyes, sitting up abruptly and looking towards the lounge door, her face gradually flushing red.

Just now, what was he trying to do by getting so close?

Did I have something on my face?

She went to the washroom, first checking herself in the mirror from left to right, but there was nothing. Then she hurriedly took care of her bodily needs.

Actually, she had been asleep, but perhaps from drinking too much water on the sofa earlier, she was soon awakened by the urge to urinate.

However, she could feel the warmth on her face and the familiar scent all around her, so she didn't dare move. Although she hid her wakefulness well, she knew her own heart was about to leap out of her throat!

Fortunately, he left soon after!

After coming out of the washroom, Jian Xi sat on the edge of the bed, no longer sleepy.

Her heart hadn't completely settled down, still fluttering with palpitations!

Although Jian Xi didn't have much experience in the real world, she was a veteran novelist. This feeling was almost identical to what books described as having feelings for someone!

Just this morning, she had improper thoughts, and by noon, she had confirmed her feelings. Was it too hasty? Should she verify it again?

But what method could give her an accurate conclusion?

She frowned, racking her brain for a while but couldn't figure it out. Helpless, she could only turn to the internet's knowledgeable users for help!

She was already quite skilled with her phone and posted a question online: "How can I tell if I like someone?"

As soon as the post went up, it couldn't get replies instantly. Jian Xi wasn't in a hurry, lying back on the bed, playing games while waiting.

Ten minutes later, her post got its first comment.

[Sister, when you asked this question, didn't you already have the answer in your heart? If you didn't like him, you probably wouldn't even care about this question!]

Immediately after, another comment came in. [The one above is right, sister. If you still want to confirm your feelings, try getting close to him and see if your heart races!]

Jian Xi recalled when He Qingchen leaned close to her earlier, not only did her heart race, it was about to jump out!

Just as she was about to reply that she felt her heart flutter, another comment popped up.

[Sister, don't be shy, kiss him! You'll definitely know if you like him or not then!]

Jian Xi's eyes widened when she saw this comment...

[Wow, bold! I like it, (#^.^#).]

[+1, kissing someone you like is really enjoyable! But don't try it rashly, unless the other person likes you too, otherwise being rejected would be awkward!]

[Why not just confess and see? That way you'll know for sure.]

[Yeah, be a bit more reserved. What if you confirm your feelings are just an illusion after all? Wouldn't you have wasted your first kiss?]

[I agree!]

More comments kept coming in, but Jian Xi's mind was stuck on that one line: [Sister, don't be shy, kiss him! You'll definitely know if you like him or not then!]

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