The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 128: Ye Sui’s Comeback (2)

Chapter 128: Ye Sui’s Comeback (2)

Now, hopefully, it was still the same.

Ye Sui didn’t know the conversation between Yin Hai and the assistant. She was sitting in the dressing room. All she knew was that everyone was watching her. At this critical moment, she could not make any mistakes.

One wrong step, and every other person would question her and deny her. No, the repercussions would be double. In the future, her acting career would be mired with obstacles.

Ye Sui closed her eyes. She couldn’t fail today, absolutely not.

Ye Sui changed her clothes. She was wearing a light gold dress with layers of petals on top of the skirt. Her skin was as white as jade, and her perfect posture was on full display.

The cameras began to shoot. The scene was arranged to be dimly lit.

The first thing that appeared in the lens was a calm water surface. At this time, a slight water pattern appeared on the water surface, and a graceful figure slowly emerged.

Pure black eyes, a small nose, delicate lips, long black hair, with some strands messily scattered on her shoulders. This picture was like a master-level elegant drawing scroll. It directly hit everyone’s hearts.

Ye Sui stretched out her arms and gently laid on the shore. Her movements were lazy, and the corners of her eyes were slightly raised.

As if in the deep dark night, an ignorant and extremely seductive mermaid had appeared quietly.

Yin Hai looked at the prop master, who began to operate. The petals floated to the water and gently fell on the surface, like stars falling from the sky. They created tiny ripples on the water surface.

Ye Sui raised her head, her fingers pointing up. She then gently lifted her hand as if the laziness and carelessness were engraved in her bones.

Just as she was about to touch the petals, she carefully retracted her hand.

She wanted to touch, yet she was fearful. Through these actions, Ye Sui vividly showed a girl who had just come into contact with the world for the first time and was ignorant.

Yin Hai nodded with satisfaction. The next thing was that Ye Sui began to transform.

Ye Sui stood up. The water rippled away, and her graceful figure was reflected on the water. The camera finally began to show her reflection slowly.

Drops of water slowly fell down the dress, and her slim waist was gripped delicately. Her legs were straight and slender with vigorous vitality.

Her every movement was stunning, exquisite, and chic.

Ye Sui’s expression also began to change. Her eyes were no longer lazy and ignorant, as if she was shedding off her skin. Ye Sui curled her eyebrows, and the corners of her eyes sank slightly. Her gaze was calm.

Ye Sui stepped on the ground barefoot. Her feet sank in the sand as she slowly moved forward in the dark, step by step.

After glancing around casually, she raised her hand, picked up a light-colored coat, and carelessly put it on her body.

Her action seemed to be done casually, but it was particularly beautiful. It was free, natural, and unrestrained.

At this time, a gauze gently swept over Ye Sui’s face and covered her lips just right. The transparent gauze couldn’t conceal her luscious pink lips.

Half-covered and half-concealed, just showing a vague outline. People couldn’t help but want to explore what kind of stunning beauty was under this layer of gauze.

The gauze was embroidered with champagne roses, which covered Ye Sui’s lips. At first glance, Ye Sui seemed to be kissing the rose.

Ye Sui removed the gauze, lifted up her long hair, and tied it loosely using the gauze. Her black hair on the shoulder was pulled up, leaving a few strands scattered on her cheeks.

The ignorant girl who just came out of the water before had now transformed into a strong and calm woman. Ye Sui’s expression was cold as ice, and her eyes were stubborn and resolute.

As she walked, she showed her pride and grace.

Ye Sui’s inadvertent move turned out to be the finishing touch. Although it was just a few seconds, it was deeply imprinted in everyone’s heart.

There was a door in front. Ye Sui raised her hand and gently opened the door, revealing bright sunshine. The sun poured down, illuminating her determined eyes.

Ye Sui stepped forward and stepped into the sun, symbolizing walking from dark to light. The advertisement was over.

Everyone on the set was silent. They had all seen the advertisement, and it seemed that there was only one word to describe it—shocking.

At the beginning of the advertisement, Ye Sui was ignorant. Later, she picked up a coat and put it on her body, which meant that she had to start preparing to resist the disturbance of the outside world.

This was the first step in nirvana.

Then Ye Sui picked up the gauze and tied up her long hair. The veil floated in the air, representing the voice of doubt of the outside world.

Ye Sui did not remove the gauze but tied it on her hair instead. It meant that she was not afraid of doubts from the outside world and would stand up to the challenge.

What she had lost, she would take it back one by one. No one could influence her decision.

This was the second step of nirvana.

At the end of the advertisement, Ye Sui pushed open the door. The night was over, and she ushered in the light. This was the last step in the advertisement, but it was the beginning of the turning point in Ye Sui’s life.

Everyone understood the meaning of Ye Sui’s ad, but they couldn’t guess what she would do next.

Because every step, every detail was done according to Ye Sui’s whims and desires.

This was an advertisement with nirvana as the theme, and it was also Ye Sui’s brand-new life after nirvana. With someone as strong as Ye Sui, even after all the storms, what did she have to fear now?

Xiao Liu watched carefully and started crying after it finished.

Ye Sui’s endorsement was no longer about champagne roses but herself.

Xiao Liu knew how much pressure Ye Sui was under during this period. If it were someone else, they would long have snapped, let alone shoot such a high-quality advertisement.

How many people could stand up again after falling to the bottom?

Ye Sui had just won an International Film Queen award. She had already tasted what it was like to stand at the top but fell to the bottom overnight. What would she feel in her heart?

Xiao Liu knew that others might be knocked down, but Ye Sui was different.

From ignorance to strength, darkness to light, she remained steadfast on every step of the road. What she would usher in was only a brighter future.

Transformation, rebirth, nirvana.

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