The Fox Goddess

Chapter 245 No...

When Yuki heard this, an uncontrollable emotion of possessiveness appeared in Yuki's heart. Just the thought of her Innocent Anna getting played by some dirty woman who wants to make her kill someone.

Yuki has never felt like this in her whole life, and she wants to keep Anna all by herself. She doesn't want people to see how cute, and beautiful she is.

She knows that it was wrong for her to feel something like this, but she couldn't stop herself from wanting Anna all by herself.

Yuki then slowly made her way to the brothel that the neighbors had pointed to her. When some Elves walked past her, they felt a shiver down their spine. They just felt like they had walked past the coldest place in Mystic Dragon Heaven. Adding the thick bloodlust that is surrounding her, they almost fell to their knees.

"Who made her angry? The Elves that walked passed her began to whisper with each other.

"Don't mess with her. She will kill you before you can even blink. Just pray for that person who has a feud with her." The other person began to pity whoever offended Yuki.

"Yeah. I hope that person gets a quick death." All of them clasped their hands and began to pray for the poor soul that was about to die.

"Excuse me, ma'am. I need to see your membership before you can enter the establishment." A large, bulky man stopped Yuki who was about to enter the establishment. But, Yuki only took one glance at the man before making his whole body full of holes from the Ice that pierced his body.

His body then was thrown inside the Brothel which shocked all of the people that were having fun inside.

"What was that?" The female entertainer stopped what they were doing and quickly covered their bodies.

"Why is the bodyguard here?"

"No, you're asking the wrong question. Who killed this man?" A beautiful woman with a slender body begins to poke at the man using her foot.

"I did. You have a problem with that?" Yuki walked in with her hand in her pocket. Just her smelling the air inside the place makes her want to puke.

"What a beautiful lady. What do I owe this beautiful lady for you to come to this place." The same woman that stepped on the corpse of the bodyguard appeared in front of Yuki.

"I'm looking for someone, and someone told me that I can find her here," Yuki answered the woman without looking at her, she only surveyed the area if she could find Anna anywhere. But, when she used her Mana Sense to search the area, she quickly found Anna.

"Never mind, I found her already." Yuki begins her walk again, and with every step she takes. Ice begins to come out of her feet. This already showed how much bloodlust is holding back.

When Yuki used her Mana Sense, she noticed that Anna was not alone. There was another woman inside, and the one thing that Yuki first noticed was that. Anna was laying on something, but Yuki took a closer look at it. She found that it was someone's lap.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Anna was lying on a woman's lap. She was laying there motionless as if she has given up everything in life.

"Don't worry Anna, I will take good care of you. Just forget everything about that woman, I'm here for you." The woman named Eve began to pat Anna's thigh slowly, her hand slowly began to travel upwards, and when it was about to reach Anna's secret garden.

Anna's consciousness came back, she slapped the hand that was about to touch her.

"No, don't touch me. I don't care if she rejects me, but I will not let other people touch me other than her." Anna slowly backed away from Eve. But, her move only made Eve more excited.

"You don't need to be scared. I'm going to make you feel good that you would forget about your crush." Eve used her special powers and blew something in Anna's face that made her face flush.

"Wha- what did you do to me?" Anna felt something hot inside her body that started to stir. She feels that her face is burning from it.

"Nothing much, it's just some little aphrodisiac. Why don't you be a good little girl, and come here." Eve began to slowly remove her clothes, her big breast began to show, and the heat that Anna was feeling only got stronger.

Then Anna's vision got blurred, and when she opened her eyes. Eve was no longer there, and Yuki was the one who was now naked on the bed.

"Yuki?" Anna asked in uncertainty, she then rubbed her eyes to see if her eyes were playing tricks on her.

"Yes. I am Yuki. Come here, Anna. I want to talk to you."

"No, you are just messing with me. You are not her, you are just a copy." Anna backed away, she didn't believe that the Yuki in front of her was real.

"Do you not believe me?" The Yuki in front of Anna begins to act pitifully, which fortunately did not work on Anna. She has never seen or even heard Yuki act like this.

From what she knows, she is a cold person that would shut down anyone who comes across her.

"No, you are not her. She would not act like that. Never in a million years." Anna shook her head, but the aphrodisiac is making her judgment cloudy. A part of her wants to do it with the Yuki in front of her, but she always tells herself to stop because it is not the Yuki she knows.

"Tch! Annoying little brat, just come here and let your Big Sister send you to heaven with my body." Eve's body turned back to its original state, she then vanished from the bed that she was in, and appeared in front of Anna.

Even then snapped her fingers, and Anna's clothes vanished in thin air.

"Kyaaa!!" Anna quickly tried to cover her body, but she was stopped by Eve who held both of her hands.

"This Breast of yours looks amazing. It looks very tasty and fresh. I want to have a taste of it." Eve's eyes begin to contain lust.

"No, please no." Anna begins to cry when she thought about her getting raped.

The aphrodisiac effect on her vanished completely because she fought it. Now, she only has fear of what is about to happen.

If she only knows that something like this would happen, she would have never come here in the first place. The only reason that she came here is when she got a piece of advice from one of her neighbors. They said that she will forget everything about Yuki when she goes there.

She only wants to remove the void that she is feeling in her heart. So she decided to come here. Meanwhile, Sylvie was against her coming here and tried to stop Anna. But she didn't listen and still went to the brothel.

"I'm sorry Yuki." Anna cried out as she closed her eyes, she began to think of Yuki.

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