The Fox Goddess

Chapter 276 Calamity Destroyer Sword

"It's more crowded than I thought…" Yuki murmured as soon as she saw all of the people. There were about thousands of them who were inside.

"Miss, it looks like you are new here. Do you want me to guide you to this place?" A man said with a welcoming smile at Yuki to which she only answered with a nod. This made the man's smile twitch a little, seeing Yuki's clothes he concluded that Yuki probably only has a Bronze I.D so he didn't bother to be polite anymore and just got straight to the point.

"In this place, everyone has a free choice and has to bid on anything as long as you have the money of course, but your only limitation is your I.D. That is everything that you need to learn." The man huffed, at first thought that Yuki was a rich young lady because of the aura that she was giving, but it looks like he was wrong.

"I'm curious about something, let's say a Bronze Item exceeded the price of 10M since normally it can only be about 9.9M right, then can you still bid for it even though you only have a Bronze even though that item is already a Gold?" Yuki asked with curiosity.

"Ah! Good question. You can still bid for it even if you only have a Bronze since the Item was already tagged as a Bronze one so you will have no problems." The man answered, even though Yuki looks normal, the aura that she is releasing was not normal.

"Thank you for letting me know, can you show me where I can sit?" Yuki asked the man since the Auction was about to start already.

"Oh, you have a Bronze I.D like me right? Then follow me, the people would usually separate themselves and group themselves up so that the Host would not be confused." The man invited Yuki to join him, but seeing Yuki not moving he was confused.

"I don't have a Bronze I.D, I have a Dragon I.D," Yuki said as she casually brought out her I.D and showed it to the man which made him sweat instantly.

"F*ck! I'm sorry! I didn't realize that you were a VIP, and I just casually talked to you like that." The man apologized instantly.

"It's fine… Just show me the place where I can sit. No, just take me where you are going to sit." Yuki encouraged him to lead the way and seeing Yuki waiting for him, he swallowed his words and continued his way toward his seat.

"By the way, my name is Isaac. Nice to meet you?" Isaac raised his hand and waited for Yuki to respond.

"Ayano…" Yuki said lied nonchalantly as she sat down in her seat and casually waited for the Auction to start. Since Isaac felt awkward about the situation, he also sat down next to Yuki.

"Alright, Ayano looks like the Auction will now start. Good Luck!" Isaac wished Yuki good luck.

"Same to you," Yuki said as she focused on the man right in front. Yuki was expecting to see some decent items on sale, but it looks like she was wrong. There was nothing but trash that all came up, even the Black Rank items were all useless to Yuki. Some weapons showed up that she could give to Aika, but because it was not going to last with her since they are pretty bad she didn't bid for them.

"How come you are not bidding? Or are the items that came up useless to you?"

"Useless," Yuki said one word which instantly made Isaac swallow the words that were about to come out.

"Here is our next one! Even though it's only a Bronze Rank, you must never look down on it. It is a Book where you can learn some Skills if you master them correctly." The man yelled excitedly, Yuki's ears perked when she heard that there was actually a Skill Book here, and upon asking Fubuki, it was indeed a Skill Book that people can use to learn some new moves.

"Ice Breaker - A Skill that would let the user create Ice using his/her Mana even if they don't have the affinity for it. The Ice that was created then would break the enemy's body into pieces if they got hurt, but the user could also get some backlash from the attack." The man read out loud the description of the Skill, and the people inside soon became excited after they heard what the Skill could do.

"Let the bidding begin!" The man announced loudly.





The Skill Book already exceeded the price point of a Bronze Item, and it only goes up as time goes by. Even Isaac also bid, but after the price exceeded 30M he stopped.

"Dang! What a shame that I can't buy it." Isaac said with regret, he then curiously looked at Yuki who still looked bored at the moment.

"You're not going to bid even though it's a good Item?"

"It's useless for me since I have something better." Yuki showed him another book that made him gasp, he then quickly hid it behind his clothes, and looked at Yuki with shock. The Skill Book was Yuki's original Skill Eternal Freezing Void Bow, she just did it out of boredom when Fubuki said that she can also make her own, but it would only work when it was an Original Skill.

"What kind of attack is this?" Isaac said in shock as he read the description of this being put on sale. It would surely be a Dragon Rank item.

"What a useless book… Just get to the next one already." Yuki said aloud and soon all eyes turned to her when they heard her remarks about the item. But they chose to ignore her for now.

"63.5 Million! Going Once, Going Twice! Sold to Mr. Wang!" The man congratulated the man who just bought it, it was a fat-looking man who had two women on both of his sides. He was a Diamond Rank in this establishment and he was well known for being rich. After that, some more useless Skill Books appeared that made Yuki yawn, this led her to the conclusion that she would never buy a Skill outside the System since it was trash to all of them.

"Here we are to our next Item! It is a Dragon Rank Sword!" The man yelled out loudly which brought a commotion to all of the people. Even Yuki was interested in it

"Because this Sword is very special, there is no limit to it. People with low-Rank I.D can also buy it if you have the money to buy it."

"Calamity Destroyer (Red) - This Sword is highly valuable as it can use all kinds of Elements that it feels from the user, it can also use multiple amounts of Elements. So if you are a lucky person and you have two Elements, this is the best weapon for you! Let the bidding begin!" The man said with clear excitement in his voice.

"100M!" A woman yelled from the Dragon Rank area, and all the lower rank people already can't bid because it was raised so high.

"150M! You don't want to mess with my Family Miss Star." A man bidded higher than the woman named Star.

"Does my Star Family look afraid of your Dant Family? 200M! Call my Grandfather and inform him about the Sword that appeared."

"Great! Then let's just see who is richer. 210M!" Dant yelled out.

"211M!" The two begin to rise each other's bids, it looks like the weapon would go to one of the two families.

"220M!" Star said, she then begins to feel nervous as she only brings 300M in this auction she didn't expect that such an item would appear.

"270M!" Dant raised it even more.

"300M!" Star finally went all out and used all of her money and seeing that the Dant family didn't raise it anymore made her feel at ease, but before she could celebrate. A calm voice rang out inside the Auction House.

"700 Million," Yuki said with a smile, but no one had the chance to see it because of her mask.

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