The Frozen Player Returns

Chapter 446. Soul Collector (4)

Chapter 446. Soul Collector (4)

The northernmost part of the Frontier continent was a cold and rugged place that even Players couldn’t easily visit. However, it was the residence of Seo Jun-Ho’s friends who inherited a god-like dexterity in exchange for their height.

"Keuuu! This strong taste makes the tip of my nose tingle... As expected, Russian vodka is the best alcohol."

"Why are you drinking that strong thing? Try this makgeolli[1].”

"Idiots, if it's alcohol, the best is beer, of course."

There was an untimely drinking party at Del Ice. The dwarves of the White Anvil Tribe spent their time drinking while discussing which type of alcohol was the best.

"I don't know, but I have no choice but to acknowledge the alcohol of humans.”

Graham emptied a glass of buttercream beer and revealed a look of satisfaction once he was done. He stared at Seo Jun-Ho and said, "It feels good to have a good drink. Now, let's talk.”

"…About what?"

"I’m sure you didn’t come here bringing alcohol with you for nothing, right?"

"Hmm, was it too obvious?”

"I’m already used to it, so it’s fine. Kim Woo-Joong actually does that every time."

"Haha..." Seo Jun-Ho scratched his nose with an awkward expression. He then decided to be frank about it as he said, "To be blunt, I'm here to ask you two favors."

"Tell me."

“First of all, I want you to take a look at this stone.

Seo Jun-Ho retrieved the soulstone containing Hart's soul stone from his Inventory and showed it to Graham. Graham's eyes narrowed as he examined the stone.

"Is this really a stone? Why can’t I hear it? This has never happened before. What is this?”

"It's a stone with a soul. I call it soulstone."

"Hoh." Graham examined the stone a few more times and returned it to Seo Jun-Ho as if he had lost interest. "You're not asking me to make a weapon out of this small stone, are you?"

"I was going to ask you how to use the stone."

"Hmm, sorry, but I have no knowledge when it comes to souls. Isn't dealing with souls within the realm of black magic?"

"Black magic..."

Seo Jun-Ho's expression darkened. In that case, he couldn’t possibly go to the Magic Tower and ask them about how to use the soulstone.

‘The empire is against black magic.’

The empire’s national religion was the Church of the Sun, and Seo Jun-Ho was sure that the empire hated black magic practitioners even more, especially after the war against Nazad Hallow.

‘Then, I’ll have to collect information about the soulstone through Moonlight.’

Wasn't it for times like this that he had been investing in his information organization?

Seo Jun-Ho pulled out the Rusty Sword No. 317.

"This is the second favor I want to ask of you. I want to get the rust off this weapon."

"Hmm." Graham instantly sat bolt upright and revealed a grim look reminiscent of a true craftsman when he clapped his eyes on the weapon.

After looking at the weapon for a long time, he asked, “There are a lot of things I'm seeing for the first time today. Where did you get this?”

"This came from the demons."

"Well, I guess we should clean it before we speak. Give me a minute."

However, Graham didn’t return until three hours later.

"Hmm?" Seo Jun-Ho repeatedly blinked. Graham came back holding the same sword three hours ago. There wasn’t any change at all.


Graham tossed the sword onto the table and exclaimed, "I can't believe it. What the hell is this weapon? I tried everything, but I still can't get the rust off of it.”


"Well, it seems that the weapon itself refuses to transform.”

"What the hell is this sword made of…?” Seo Jun-Ho was stupefied. The smelting furnace of Del Ice was famous as the hottest place in Frontier, so it was shocking that even that much heat wasn’t able to clean the rust off of the sword.

"I could feel the energy of Mother Nature inside of it. It is probably made from the branches of a legendary tree that existed beyond a Gate during the glory days."

“And what is the name of that tree?”

"I'm sure you've heard of it." Graham nodded and said, "The mother of all elves, the World Tree."


[Please collect as much information about soulstones and how they are used. Literature involving black magic could contain relevant information, which should ease your research.]

Seo Jun-Ho contacted Moonlight. His next destination was the 4th Floor to meet the World Tree, but before he went up, he stopped by somewhere else for a while.


It was a dusty flat bench and house. On one side of the yard was a grave Seo Jun-Ho had made with his own hands.

"Contractor, this is...”

"There’s something I want to check."

Walking to the grave, he sat down and remained seated for quite a while, seemingly waiting for something. Seo Jun-Ho waited for a long time, but Soul Collector refused to activate.

"It won’t activate,” muttered Seo Jun-Ho. He then smiled and said, "Well, there's no way that old man will follow my orders considering his personality"

With that being said, Seo Jun-Ho rolled his sleeves up and started pulling out the lush weeds that had grown by the grave without saying a word.


Vines, leaves, and flowers swayed to welcome Seo Jun-Ho.

He walked down the road for quite a while.

- It has been a while, my benefactor.

The giant mother tree greeted him with a voice full of goodwill. The World Tree shook her leaves gently.

- Why were you running? Were you being chased by a hunter with a shotgun?

"Well, I didn’t expect the lively greeting, so I had to move fast.”

Seo Jun-Ho shrugged and sat on a stump of the World Tree.

"Have you been well?"

- Thanks to you, I have been well. I am happy that I got to live and take care of my children again.

"That's a relief." Seo Jun-Ho smiled and said, "I came here today to ask a favor of you."

- I will help you with anything within my power.



The Frost Queen presented Rusty Sword No. 317.

"I hope you will fix that sword for me.”

- Oh, my, that's...

The World Tree murmured in a slightly surprised and loving voice.

- It is a weapon made from my branch. I remember it. Where did you find it?

"The demons had it."

- Oh...

Her voice sounded sour.

- I can't believe there was a part of me with those wicked things. I feel sick just imagining it. Thank you for getting it back.

"Don't mention it."

- Is there anything you want as a reward?

"I was planning to use this as my weapon, but even the dwarves couldn't get rid of the rust surrounding it.”

- Well, I can do that for you.

A gentle energy gathered and flew toward the sword. There was an audible crack before the rust shattered, and the sword in all its glory could finally be seen.

"Hmm?" Seo Jun-Ho's eyes narrowed.

"Contractor, it’s only a blade. It doesn’t have a hilt."

"Yeah, I can see it."

He had been recklessly holding the sword without knowing that it had no hilt. Now, he felt like he would get cut if he were to hold it incorrectly.

"Is it perhaps an unfinished sword?"

- No, this sword is complete. It just does not have a hilt.

"Then, how do you swing it?"

- This is not a weapon you hold and wield by the hilt.

The World Tree swayed ever so slightly as if she were smiling.


The blade spread like a fan and rose into the air. The lone blade had unknowingly become four blades.


- Freedom Blade, ranked 524th on the Weapon Rankings. It once belonged to one of my children.

The blade orbited Seo Jun-Ho like a satellite. At the sight, World Tree couldn’t help but speak.

- I usually believe in the word destiny, but this is a bit surprising.

"What do you mean?"

- I’m sure only those loved by nature can use it.

"Loved by nature… World Tree’s Savior?"

As far as Seo Jun-Ho could remember, the title’s effect was ‘Nature is on your side.’

- That could be the reason it’s being obedient to you. From now on, the sword will follow your every command telepathically.

"That's ridiculous... Isn't that a bit overpowered?"

- It's not a Numbered Weapon for no reason. However, the blade is not almighty. It will be a bit tricky to deal with, but it is not that fast or destructive.

It would have been strange if it were extremely fast or destructive. Fortunately, it was still an unprecedented weapon despite its shortcomings.

‘I will be able to fight using two different fighting styles at the same time…’

Aside from cornering the enemy with the Freedom Blade, he could also throw a curveball by changing his fighting style in the middle of the battle without worrying about revealing a gap because the Freedom Blade would cover any possible gap for him.

"Item data."

At last, Rusty Sword No. 317’s true abilities could finally be seen.

[Freedom Blade]

Grade: Unique

Description: Ranked 524 in the Weapon Rankings. A great sword crafted by one of the Seventeen Master Blacksmiths of the Universe, Fafner.

*Magic Affinity: This weapon can accommodate an infinite amount of magic power.

*Tailoring: The handle of this weapon automatically adjusts to fit the wielder’s hand.

*Flight System: This weapon can take flight.

*Autonomy: This weapon can autonomously attack, defend, and return to the owner’s side.

Use Requirements: Nature’s beloved.

“Wait, I think I can still hold it if I want to.”

- Well, it is an option that you do not need.

Seo Jun-Ho carefully grabbed the blade. The sharp blade retracted and was replaced by a handle that perfectly fit the shape of his hand.

‘It feels nice, but she’s right. I don't really have to hold this weapon.’

Honestly, holding the weapon would be a disadvantage rather than an advantage.

Seo Jun-Ho released the blade, and the blade automatically started orbiting his head.


Three blades popped up, and they carved a path in the air along with the original blade.


The blade was following the trajectories he was imagining in his head. The weapon was so enjoyable to use that Seo Jun-Ho had fun with it until the ten-minute mark, when his head started to throb.

- The sword is very powerful, but it siphons away your mana, concentration, and mental strength, so it will be tiring to use it for an extended period of time. Unfortunately, a human isn’t supposed to be using that weapon.


Seo Jun-Ho quietly confirmed the effects of Twilight—the sword he had received from Emperor Gauss.

*Concentration: The wielder’s mind will remain clear.

*Indefatigable: The wielder will not tire easily.

*Twilight Time: The effects of the sword’s options are doubled when the sun sets. The wielder’s strength increases as the wielder’s stamina decreases.


Was this how Beethoven felt whenever great music came to his mind?

Seo Jun-Ho was itching for a fight.

"Thank you. You gave me a great present."

- Those dumb things did not realize the value of the weapon and the fact that the weapon itself can choose its master.

At that, Seo Jun-Ho grinned. He was about to put the two swords away, but the World Tree seemed to have noticed something.

- You’re holding a sword made in the glory days.

"Twilight?" The item description also said it was made during the glory days. Seo Jun-Ho looked down at the sword for a moment and asked, "The fact that they were able to create Twilight makes it clear the glory days were great."

- Yes, those days were great. There were countless great knights during the glory days, and magic was also at its peak. At the time, Frontier held great power even when compared to the other powers throughout the universe.

However, what happened in the glory days didn’t really matter anymore. It had been a thousand years ago since they failed to protect themselves from the Gates.

"Oh, that's right." Seo Jun-Ho put away Twilight and retrieved the soulstone. "World Tree-nim, do you know how to use this?"

- It is a soulstone. I know how to use it, but I cannot tell you that because I am an Administrator.

It was a shame, but there was no helping it. Seo Jun-Ho regretfully shook his head and put the soulstone away into his Inventory.

At the sight of that, the World Tree couldn’t help but speak.

- I do not understand. Why are you asking me when you have the Frost Queen by your side?


The World Tree was clearly saying that the Frost Queen knew how to use the soulstone.

Seo Jun-Ho immediately turned to look at the Frost Queen.

"Uh, um, hehe...”

The Frost Queen looked like a student who had forgotten the scope of the test.

1. Makgeolli is Korean rice wine ☜

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