The Girl Who Married a Tycoon Husband After Disfigurement

Chapter 33: The Girl didn’t lie to Her.

Chapter 33

As dusk fell, the streets bustled with people.

Ling Yue carried the vegetables she had just bought from the market, walking down the narrow, winding alley. Before she reached home, she heard arguing coming from inside. She quickened her pace, walked into the yard, and saw a fat aunt arguing with Granny Xu.

"We signed a contract and paid three months' rent plus a security deposit. How can you go back on your word and make us move out?" Granny Xu argued, her face flushed.

"This is my house. If I want you to move out, you have to move out. As for your rent, deposit, and breach penalty, I'll pay you every cent," the fat aunt said uncompromisingly. Someone had given her 10,000 RMB, so how could she pass up the chance to make money? Besides, it's not like she couldn't rent out the house after they left.

Ling Yue walked up to the fat aunt, her gaze cold as it fell on the woman's face. "Someone paid you to drive us out, didn't they?"

The fat aunt looked at Ling Yue in surprise. "How did you know?"

"How much did they give you?" Ling Yue had already guessed who was sabotaging them. It must be Yang Xiner, furious that she had hit Ling Meng and wanting to teach her a lesson. Of course, this was just an appetizer. If these were the extent of Yang Xiner's tactics, she would never have become the current matriarch of the Ling family.

Yang Xiner was originally an orphan with no parents. She managed to seduce Ling Tianzheng and got together with him while the original hostess was pregnant with the original host.

She deliberately befriended the original hostess and told her about her affairs with Ling Tianzheng. She deliberately let the original hostess see her being intimate with Ling Tianzheng, nearly causing her to miscarry the original host.

This was why the original hostess grew depressed after giving birth to the original host and eventually died of depression. Not only did Yang Xiner feel no remorse, she moved in and gave birth to another son for Ling Tianzheng, firmly establishing her position as matriarch in the Ling family.

Facing Ling Yue's sharp gaze, the fat aunt inexplicably felt a hint of panic. She swallowed and took a few steps back. "They gave me 10,000 RMB."

Ling Yue sneered. "Did you think that 10,000 RMB would cure your son's illness?"

"How did you know my son is sick?" The fat aunt looked at Ling Yue in shock. This was the first time they had met today.

Ling Yue handed the vegetables she was holding to Granny Xu. "Granny Xu, go cook first. I'll chat with her."

Granny Xu took the vegetables and glanced at the fat aunt before heading inside. Ever since the young miss left the Ling family, she had become more and more independent, which put Granny Xu at ease.

After Granny Xu went inside, Ling Yue looked at the fat aunt. "I can tell from your face that your palace of children is dim, meaning your affinity with children is shallow."

"You can even read faces?" The fat aunt was amazed. She had given birth to four children, but now only had one son left. She treasured this only son, holding him carefully as if he would break. But her son had suddenly fallen ill, and the doctor said he needed surgery but the chances of recovery were slim. To raise money for the surgery, she could only rent out her home, but the surgical fees were still far from enough.

The corners of Ling Yue's eyes curved up as she smiled. "If you're willing to sell this house to me, I can change your fortune - your son's illness will be cured, and you will have many descendants in the future." This house was deep in the alley, very quiet. She and Granny Xu both liked it a lot.

"Really?" The fat aunt was skeptical.

"Give me your hand," Ling Yue held out her hand.

The fat aunt hesitated before extending her hand.

Ling Yue took the fat aunt's hand and quickly drew on her palm. "After you go back, press your palm on your son's forehead. Your son's illness will naturally be cured."

The fat aunt stared at her palm. There was nothing on it, and she looked at Ling Yue doubtfully. Was the girl just messing with her?

"Go back and try it. If it doesn't work, you can still kick us out tomorrow." Ling Yue's eyes smiled like two clear springs that could see straight to the bottom, as if peering into one's heart.

The fat aunt thought about it. "If my son's illness really gets cured, I'll sell the house to you." She had been thinking that as long as her son’s illness could be cured, she would sell the house and everything else if needed.

The fat aunt left the yard and headed straight for the hospital. She couldn't wait to give it a try and see if what Ling Yue said was true. Although she didn't have much hope, she didn't want to give up even a sliver of hope.

Walking into the ward, seeing her son as thin as a bag of bones lying in the bed, the fat aunt's eyes immediately grew wet. She walked over and tucked the quilt around her son.

"Auntie, don't be sad. Your son will definitely get better," another patient's family member consoled her. Everyone in the ward knew her situation and deeply sympathized.

The fat aunt nodded gratefully to everyone. She raised her hand and looked at her palm, hoping it would really work.

She slowly pressed her palm to her son's forehead, feeling a flash of heat. But the heat came and went quickly before she could react.

Drawing back her hand, the fat aunt stared blankly at it. She did feel a flash of heat, didn't she? Or was it her imagination?

"Mom..." A hoarse, feeble voice sounded in the fat aunt's ears.

The fat aunt looked at her son on the bed incredulously, her eyes full of excitement. "'re awake..." Her voice quivered with emotion. Dayou had been unconscious for days. The doctor told her he needed surgery urgently or he could die. That was why she had been desperately raising money these past few days.

Dayou nodded weakly. "I'm thirsty..."

"I'll get you some water." Tears streamed unstoppably down the fat aunt's cheeks. The girl didn't lie to her. Her son was awake.

After wetting Dayou's lips with a cotton swab, she said, "I'll go get the doctor."

The doctor soon arrived in the ward and, after a series of tests, could barely believe the results. "Li Dayou has no major issues anymore. Keep him for observation a few days, and if nothing happens, he can be discharged."

"Thank you, doctor!" The fat aunt was overjoyed. Her son was cured, really cured. That girl was too amazing. She had to properly thank her.

Everyone in the ward also congratulated the fat aunt when they heard the doctor's words.

The fat aunt happily chatted and laughed with them. Now that her son was well, she could finally relax.

Just then, the ward door was pushed open. A mean-looking middle-aged woman walked in, her gaze falling directly on the fat aunt.

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