The Great Core's Paradox

Chapter 151: The Strength Of A Stare

Chapter 151: The Strength Of A Stare

The Coreless were still making noises at each other, though some of the turmoil in their emotions had begun to settle, stilled by something that the-female-who-was-not-Needle had said. Despite that, there was still a hint of [doubt] and [worry] whirling and tumbling about, found in downturned lips and wrinkled brows.

You might be right about selling the Guardian Statues in exchange for concessions and trade deals. Its not something that I would think anybody would pass up; not if theyve seen the effects for themselves, anyway, Will said, making his own noises of [concern]. Still, that doesnt solve all of the issues at hand. They didnt outright say this, but I got the feeling last we spoke that some members of the Council were very against the idea of making an Ascended any stronger than necessary. Even one that seems as friendly as our Little Guardian here.

Thats ridiculous! not-Needle shouted, [indignance] running through her [Little Guardians Totem]. Her voice raised itself high enough that it drew the attention of a few nearby once-corrupted, causing them to glance sharply toward us in clear [alarm]. My scale-flesh scrunched together as the-female-who-was-not-Needles shoulders turned in with a long string of tangled emotions.

Sorry, no need to worry! she said, waving towards them and baring her teeth. Everythings okay, were just talking about something!

Despite her bared teeth, which I had noticed normally went along with [joy] or [excitement], her [Little Guardians Totem] was filled with a smattering of [shame] that slowly faded along with the [alarm] of the once-corrupted. Upset that she had made them upset, maybe. I had noticed that, as one of the Great Cores first disciples, the-female-who-was-not-Needle seemed to take great care with the newest of those who had found themselves under the Great Cores light. More than the others, she could nearly always be found watching over one once-corrupted or another - at least when she wasnt busy fighting against the plague that was this many-nests Lesser Core. I approved of her efforts.

Looking towards Will once more, she let out a - far more quiet this time - hiss. Thats ridiculous, Erik! Monster or not, he has done more than enough to earn Orkens trust. And then he did it again here! For once, Im glad that the little cutie cant understand what were talking about; it would probably hurt to be doubted by people that hes worked so hard to help.

They do have a point, The Unrepentant One said, making noises that earned him a sharp glare from the-female-who-was-not-Needle. His hands rose to block the invisible beams of [displeasure] that were radiating from her eyes. I didnt know that she had an ability like that but, sure enough, he quickly blanched somewhat comically under the assault. It didnt seem to cause any physical [pain], but there was definitely an emotional effect. If it was as effective as it seemed to be, I would have to make sure to learn it sometime. Maybe I could use it to mentally assault bad-things until they learned the error of their ways.

The Unrepentant One certainly seemed to be learning his, with how increasingly pale he was becoming. I let out a few quiet hisses in an attempt to mimic the Coreless expression of [amusement].

It felt weird and unnatural, though it did remind not-Needle to keep providing scratches to my scale-flesh - which was much more natural.

L-look, Im just saying that theres always a bit of danger involved, The Unrepentant One stammered out, desperate to save himself from the bite of her [Glare of Displeasure]. I really needed to learn that somehow. As much as its done for us, its still a monster. One that cant really speak. One that cant really understand us. How easy do you think it would be to accidentally piss it off without meaning to and cause it to turn on us? If that happens, Id rather face a weaker Ascended than a stronger one. Skies know that its already getting strong enough as it is.

Well, then maybe we shouldnt piss him off by not giving him the Core if he decides he wants it, not-Needle replied, keeping her [Glare of Displeasure] going just as fiercely as before. Curious, I lifted my still-sluggish tail upwards in front of the-female-who-was-not-Needle so that it would touch lightly against the [Glare of Displeasure]s field of effect, but felt nothing from it. Despite that, The Unrepentant One was still faltering under its power. Interesting. How did it work, then?

The-female-who-was-not-Needles fingers ghosted down my scale-flesh, and even then her [Glare of Displeasure] had no effect on me - though that could have been due to the way that she shifted from [displeasure] to [amusement]. Was it that easy to break the abilitys effect? That was a glaring weakness, if so.

I let my length twist and coil around her outstretched arm as she reached across her body, peeling me off my customary perch of ore-flesh, and watched as the [amusement] spiked.

See, Doran. Hes even trying to cheer me up because he can tell Im annoyed, she said, raising my form up so that the other Coreless could gaze upon it. I was uncomfortably high, but [Clinging Grasp] made falling unlikely. Look how cute he is! Is that the tiny face of a monster bent on murdering us all over a random misunderstanding?

I flicked out my tongue, and she made a few cooing noises to express her sheer [adoration].

I dont think cuteness has any sway on that happening or not, The Unrepentant One said, somehow still full of [doubt] despite the display of my glorious form and not-Needles [Glare of Displeasure]. I wasnt sure what he was doubting, but it likely wasnt good. Probably.

The-female-who-was-not-Needle stuck out her tongue at The Unrepentant One, trying to mimic me and therefore erase his doubts. Probably.

I was a little lost.

Of course it does. Besides, we wont be able to sell any Guardian Statues if hes not happy with us - its not like we can make them ourselves. Whats better: keeping a Core that has already caused the destruction of a city, or keeping a cute little noodle that can heal multiple cities? I know which one Id prefer, and Im not alone in that, she said, gesturing towards The Grateful One as the smaller Coreless started nodding furiously along with the noises she was making.

And, keeping in mind that I didnt want to necessarily use this argument because I could very well be wrong about this, its possible that feeding him the Nature Core might enhance the Guardian Statues somehow, not-Needle continued, raising me up a little further and peering carefully at my scale-flesh. Everything that they can do is tied to an ability that this little guy has or is said to have. That might mean something. Maybe.

Well, she convinced me, Needle said, stretching her arms upwards and letting out a small yawn. I wasnt very excited about the idea of bringing the Core back after seeing all of this, she motioned at the many-nest around us, and Im too tired to put up much of a fight about it. Its been a long day and Id like to take a nap.

One by one, the Coreless around me made their noises; each new one seemed to form a jolt of [excitement] in the-female-who-was-not-Needle, while The Unrepentant One only became more [worried].

Thats five yeses, not-Needle said, almost vibrating in place, which was an interesting sensation on my scale-flesh. She turned towards The Unrepentant One, speaking once more. Just one more for a unanimous decision. Doran? Whatll it be?

He didnt answer, and her face morphed into something that might have been even more powerful than the [Glare of Displeasure] she had previously unveiled. Her lower lip jutted out slightly, her brows lifted, and her eyes went wide. The Unrepentant One staggered.

Urgh, dont look at me like that Valera. You know thats not fair.

Ill stop when you say yes, she replied, still assaulting him with her eyes.

Are we really sure about this, though? The Unrepentant One finally said, looking around at the other Coreless. There wont be any coming back if its the wrong choice.

The-female-who-was-not-Needle showed her teeth again, the mana-light given off by my ore-flesh skin gently bouncing off its surface. Im sure, she said.

He sighed, letting out a long exhale. Alright, he said. I give up. Its unanimous; well do it. Hopefully we dont come to regret this.

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