The Great Worm Lich

Chapter 392: Decapitation

Chapter 392: Decapitation

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Hundreds of millions of information appeared with Zhang Lisheng’s single touch.

The young man ignored those personal and absurd speculations and just picked the official news from the major countries in the human world to read. He found that these pieces of information were ambiguously written, but at the same time, they had no intention to mislead or conceal anything.

“Looks like each of the country’s government is adopting a neutral stance. Well, I guess it’s understandable. When such things take place, how can they possibly conceal them...” The young man looked at the monitor, scrolling the mouse, and muttered to himself. Suddenly, a chirping bird sound resonated from his phone.

Feeling that it should be Tina who called him, Zhang Lisheng picked up the phone and looked at it. As expected, it was his girlfriend who called him, so he picked up right away, “Hey, Tina, did you have a fun holiday? You’ve seen my text already, right? I’m in New York right now.”

“Hey, baby! Yeah, I had a fun holiday! It still kinda lost its color a little without you by my side, but it was still nice! I’ve received your text, and I really want to see you right away, but right now, I’m in Switzerland spending my summer with Trish and Sheila. We’ve just arrived yesterday, so it would be a bummer if we have to leave right away. Besides, the lake view here is so beautiful! Can you come look for me instead?”

“I’m afraid not. I just came back from China, so I have a lot of things on hand waiting for me to settle. The phenomena showed that we may not have much time left...” the young man pondered over it and answered profoundly.

Tina became silent for a moment, before finally sighing and said, “Oh baby, it looks like you have the same suspicion as ours. Still, there’s no need to give yourself a lot of pressure. Earth’s civilization is relatively strong in comparison so far...”

“But I’m now more accustomed in strengthening myself to grasp my destiny,” Zhang Lisheng interrupted the girl with a smile. “Don’t worry about me, have a good vacation. You don’t know how long it would take for you to fly to Switzerland next year.”

“But I miss you, my dear!”

“It’s alright. I’ll go to Boston to find you when summer vacation is over. We’ll be able to meet each other soon...” The young man comforted the girl and chatted affectionately with her for a while before hanging up.

After that, he continued to read the news about the sky gutter on the Internet for a while more. After realizing that there was not much information worthy of attention, he shut his computer and opened his canvas bag that he had brought back from Western Sichuan to New York. He took out the flesh ball that he transformed using Zheng Tianliang while wrapping around the stone egg and also took the stone transformed from the foreign world’s giant ape after it died before placing them on the desk to observe them carefully.

There was a firm and delicate texture on the flesh enclosing the stone egg and if one did not pay any attention, one could not notice its slight throb every 20 to 30 seconds. It looked like a strange artwork made of leather.

The stone, on the other hand, looked like a reef that had small and dense holes in it. When he touched its outer casing, he could feel a very faint flow of air, as though the stone was breathing.

“Oh, this is such a weird harvest...” After rubbing it for a while, the young man muttered to himself and then took out the silk cloth he dug out of the soil drawn with an Eight Trigram that had a half-inch tear in the middle of the black and white Yin Yang diagram from his bag.

The silk ‘s natural color must have been snow-white, but it had faded into a faint yellow color for being weathered through the ages.

Carefully tearing it, Zhang Lisheng found that if he did not use the Money Toad’s transformation power, it would be impossible for him to tear this silk cloth at all. At once, anticipation began to rise in his heart.

Unfortunately, when he unrolled the cloth and stared at the Eight Trigram, that seemed to be drawn on with fresh blood from the finger, and the wordings ‘Heaven, Thunder, Water, Mountain, Earth, Wind, Flame, and Lake’ that had changed to become the Chinese Ancient Seal Script of ‘Rest, Life, Harm, Delusion, Scenery, Death, Fear, Open’, he could not make any sense of it at all.

After being washed by a sense of helplessness, the young man began to infuse the wizard power in his body into the silk cloth from his hand. However, he found out that his wizard power would just brush across the surface of the silk cloth and could not infiltrate into it at all.

He had never come across such a situation before. At once, it evoked Zhang Lisheng’s interest even more. He began to try infusing his wizard power into the silk cloth repeatedly, but he kept failing, all the way until the evening lights were lit up.

Seeing that the night had fallen through the glass window, Zhang Lisheng stopped trying and placed the silk cloth, flesh ball, and stone back into his backpack. He stood up and walked to the middle of the office, before commanding Red Mountain, who had been hiding in the trench under the factory while devouring blood and meat, to shrink to become several dozens of centimeters and came to him by nihilating its body.

The instant the wizard gu showed itself, its previous six heads erected in the air before slowly bobbing around while appearing to be very horrifying. The two meat tubes on its neck had also become long and slender from its previous short and thick appearance. Unfortunately, they did not transform to become its head.

“Looks like it still needs a little push. Kyuuko has been immersed in the blood in the trenches of the factory for one to two years already, but there’s still no transformation at all. Looks like there’s no more hope for it. I’ll just go all out to cultivate Red Mountain in the New York factory from now on I guess...” Zhang Lisheng looked at the wizard gu and muttered to himself. Then, he commanded Red Mountain to nihilate and enter the underground blood pool of the slaughterhouse directly, before commanding Kyuuko to nihilate using his mind, so it could fly directly into his body.

Even though it did not transform, Kyuuko still possessed omniscient power. When it entered the young man’s body, he slowly perceived it and realized that even though it was also in a state similar to hibernation, its consumption was about 30 times more than that of the other ordinary wizard gus.

Although Zhang Lisheng had lost almost 100 wizard gus in the fight with the Gate of Dao’s disciples in Chengdu’s suburbs and felt no burden placing Kyuuko into his body, this great disparity of switching between an ordinary wizard gu and an omniscient power-possessing wizard gu still elicited worries from him.

Even so, since the reality was so, there was nothing he could at all. After the young man worried about it a little and massaged his temples with a frown, he carried the canvas bag on his desk and walked towards the cabinet to pack a set of clean clothes before transforming using his wyrmdragon’s power to become a green-scaled dragon instantly.

Gathering hazy mist to shroud himself in it, he rode the clouds and left the office. He went straight upstairs and rose in the air, before flying towards Shrimp B1 Island.

After flying over the ocean for a long time and crossing the world’s gate undetectable to ordinary people’s naked eyes with ease, Zhang Lisheng relied on the blazing fire in the distance and took only half an hour to reach the island from the skies.

Looking down at the island condescendingly, he noticed that they had reduced the human gathering place several times in size and was sparse in light. On the other hand, Tudenan that had divided into three sectors under his orders was showing a bustling vitality after completing its tribal expansion and occupying the entirety of Shrimp B1 Island.

The coastal fisheries and docks stood in great numbers. Even though they hadn’t built the iron steamships yet, they parked the giant wooden ship that was about 200 to 300 meters in length from the stern and the bow at the port.

The forest road coursing through the entire island had already taken shape with heavy wooden rails laid in the middle of the road. Under the guardianship of the warriors riding giant spiders while holding a spear and saber all night, the road had turned the entire Shrimp B1 Island into a whole entity like blood vessels.

Of course, the tribal construction no longer adopted the style of a huge open space in the center with tight-knitted arrangements at other places. Instead, it had adopted the shape of a square city with an irregular but orderly distribution. All of this was incredibly shocking.

“The Hellfire tribesmen are primitive, but it looks like it’s a nation that is very good at making miracles...” Zhang Lisheng originally intended to look but in the end, he went a whole circle around the island instead. Looking at Tudenan that was poles apart from its previous state when he first left, he muttered to himself in admiration and slowly descended from the sea of ??clouds to land on the main habitation of the Tudenan tribe.

When the clouds descended, Tugra, who was sitting under the towering tribal totem poles while slicing barbecued meat using a short knife to eat, suddenly saw mist permeating everywhere. With a hunch in his heart, he hastily threw the food off his hand and looked up before being the first person to kneel on the ground.

Upon seeing their headman kneeling down out of the blue for no reason, the other tribal chiefs looked at each other in confusion. Those who were smart immediately realized that the Raider was approaching, so they rushed to the ground as quickly as possible as well. Those who were dumb, on the other hand, only started to worship in haste when they saw that Zhang Lisheng had descended and landed on the ground.

Several seconds later, the chanting that was gradually getting louder resonated in the sky above the island, “Great Raider Zhang Lisheng! You’re the guardian maintaining Tudenan’s legacy! You’re the reason the tribal totem poles shine! You’re the new legend in the population of Tudenan. You’re our living faith walking among us...”

Hundreds of thousands of Hellfire tribesmen shouted together in unison while resounding throughout the entire usland.

Since it was his first time returning to the tribe after a long time, Zhang Lisheng did not stop the worship of the believers. He patiently waited until the ceremony was over, and then walked up to Tugra before looking down at the aborigine kneeling by his feet and said, “You may rise, Tugra. You’ve made Tudenan prosper greatly while I was gone.”

“The reason the tribe prospers was all because of the order you made before you left, Great Raider! I was merely carrying out your orders of building fisheries, docks, and roads in the forest. It’s the day of rebirth for Tudenan tonight, so that’s why the people are gathered here under the totem pole to celebrate but to our surprise, you actually returned to the tribe too. This is an enlightening message from the Gods above. You’re the only master of Tudenan...”

Tudenan’s headman continued to compliment the tribal Raider respectfully and eagerly with ease but suddenly, a loud voice interrupted him. “Dear Great Raider, Headsman Tugra was right! You’re the only master enlightened from the Gods above! Because of this, your most devout servant, Turaru, will pray to the Heaven and rename the tribe’s name of Tudenan to Zhang Lisheng and address this island in the name of the tribe.”

A young warrior with four feathers on his head stood up from the mud calmly and strode up to Zhang Lisheng. Carefully kneeling down, he kissed the young man’s foot instep and then stood up again before walking towards the Tudenan totem pole that had a diameter of over 20 meters.

Looking up at the stone pillars that were taller and thicker than himself, a relaxed smile showing that he had obtained his wish appeared on his face. Suddenly, he kneeled on the ground and stuck his head close to the ground while stretching out his neck taut. One of his hands pulled out an extremely sharp black iron saber from his waist while the other touched his own neck. After finding the correct joint, he suddenly cut off his head backhanded with the saber.

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