The Great Worm Lich

Chapter 505: Disadvantages and Advantages

Chapter 505: Disadvantages and Advantages

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Other than concealing his identity as the foreign world’s god, Zhang Lisheng told all the work that he did with the explorers of Shrimp World No. 2 to the Atlanteans. In the end, he finally added, “Just like this, Sergeant Major Someril and the rest followed the mainlander’s business fleet to the Oasis Mainland. Only I was the one who was left behind at Scorpion Island as the carrot dangling in front of the donkey. Originally, according to the mainland merchants, the next trade would take place about three to four months later if everything goes smoothly. Still, I didn’t see any sign of the fleet waiting on the island for half a year. Recently, since I could no longer endure this boring life, I’ve decided to return to Shrimp B1 Island. I planned to return to New York to breathe in the air of a civilized world for a few days.”

“Doctor, do you mean that the indigenous tribes on the island have already expanded to several dozens of islands?” The young man tried to go over the war of conquest that the Wizard Li carried out. However, when his words left his mouth, as the highest-ranking sergeant on the foreign world’ island, White could not help but ask in an extremely dignified expression.

“Yes, Lieutenant Colonel. The expansion speed of the Wizard Li tribe recently is really incredible!” Upon hearing the scruples in the lieutenant colonel’s words, Zhang Lisheng hurriedly answered. “However, please rest assured that they’ll only turn their attention to the feud with the mainlanders even after they have unified the Hellfire sea region. They meant absolutely no harm to Earth.”

The young man’s words were uttered in resolute determination. However, White, who did not know about his overlord identity, was not convinced by this explanation. Shaking his head, he said gravely, “This is not a problem that means no harm to Earth. Instead, its a difference between being a ‘neighbor’ with a foreign world’s empire in the early days of industrial civilization, that has a territory of millions—or even tens of millions in the future—of square kilometers and possessed supernatural powers and a native tribe that only has a few hundred thousand tribesmen. The government must take a measure of change. I hope that you can write a report about all your newly learned information about Wizard Li and hand it over to the government.”

“Lieutenant Colonel White is right, Dr. Zhang. The natives are not as harmless as you think. They killed our six companions two days ago. Our companions were sergeants and philosophers who crossed the galaxy to come to Earth but have died in the land of the foreign world.” Upon seeing White expressing his dissent, Aladus seized this chance to chime in, with his eyes glittering brightly.

The death of 300 to 400 believers was only a trivial matter in Zhang Lisheng’s eyes. Still, when he learned that it was not Atlantis that launched an attack to Wizard Li, he had already planned to let this matter be a bygone now that he had vented his anger.

However, now that he saw that the Atlanteans had tried to relate this matter as to whether the Wizard Li tribe was a threat to Earth, the young man argued strongly on just ground. “Sergeant Aladus, I’m very sorry for the death of your companions. However, the natives told me that it’s you who started the provocation first and burned the dragon hawk warriors patrolling the island to death. Then, you guys even burned their houses in their habitats for several days in succession to attack the civilians. Only then did they finally retaliated.”

“We provoked first?” Aladus put on a stunned and infuriated expression, “No, no, Dr. Zhang! The one who attacked first was not us! Half a year ago, we came into contact with the natives according to the plan of our fleet staff, but they made a surprise attack on us instead. Some short but strong native warriors commanded the wild big-headed birds to bite us, and we were forced to fight back in desperation. Only then did we burn those so-called ‘dragon hawk warriors’ to death!”

The situation that Aladus and Tugra described differed completely, taking Zhang Lisheng aback a little. However, it was clear who was lying between these two. He knew that his believer would never dare to deceive him. The only person who tried to argue against all reasons and fool him were the Atlanteans.

When the young man thought of this, an enraged expression crept upon his face. At that moment, when he was about to vent out, his train of thought changed. He then said calmly instead, “Sergeant Aladus, even if you are telling the truth, please explain why you conducted a raid on them. Explain to me why you killed a lot of them? Just because some raptors that the natives raised attacked you, it doesn’t mean that you have to slaughter several hundreds of them to cancel the debt? Have you and your companions ever thought that if it weren’t for the Wizard Li tribe, the room that we’re in now would have most likely become a scorched land already? They chose to abide by the agreement they made with the US federal government and still insisted on listing the former human gathering place as a restricted area. Has it ever crossed your mind that such reckless massacre on the natives may place the first batch of our explorers in danger? They relied on these native’s power to understand the Shrimp World No. 2 after all.”

If Zhang Lisheng tried to side with the natives indignantly, the six Atlanteans who had already discussed all kinds of reasons would rebut him. However, now that the young man evaded the major issues and asked some other trivial matters, it rendered everybody speechless right away.

Zhang Lisheng cast a glance at their fair, delicate faces who exchanged looks with each other, and a cold sneer crept upon the corner of his mouth before it disappeared in a flash. Locking his attention back onto White, he said, “Alright, Lieutenant Colonel. I’ll write the report that you want about the Wizard Li tribe for the federal military after a few days of rest. I’ll make a specific assessment of the security issues of Wizard Li. Now, if you’re not willing to dispatch a ship to send me back to New York, then I’ll take the LS Group’s armed cargo ship back instead. I just have to wait for a few hours anyway, I’m very patient.”

How was it possible for someone who really had the patience to emphasize that he was patient? White, who felt that the Atlanteans had almost caused massive trouble for them by massacring the natives on his stationed island, saw how the young man maintained his composure. However, he still had a sharp piercing look in his eyes. He did not want to go against this billionaire who had great potential in his hands.

However, at the same time, he was worried that he would be derelict of his duty if he wouldn’t shoulder his responsibilities. After pondering for a while, he smiled wryly, “Doctor, what should we do if the other explorers return from Scorpion Island from the Oasis Mainland during this period? What would happen to the foreign world mainlanders who have taken them in if they have gone to Scorpion Island to carry out a trade?”

“Lieutenant Colonel White, I, of course, have thought of the problems that you can think of too,” Zhang Lisheng answered in a blank expression. “Don’t worry. My position in the tribe has increased significantly. After all, many of the technology we used in the Wizard Li’s imitated steamship for cross-sea expansion is born out of the basic physic knowledge I’ve passed to them. The explorers are my partners, so they’ll still receive great hospitality even if I’m not there.”

“In that case...” Upon hearing this, White finally decided after a few seconds of contemplation. Nodding, he said, “I’ll prepare the ship for you immediately.”

“Thank you, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel. I’ll thank General Joss again regarding this matter if I have the chance to see him again.”

“You don’t have to look for any chance, doctor. The warship can only dock at the port of the military base. You’ll soon see General Joss.”

“Oh, sh*t, my mind has gone all haywire now, so I really don’t wish to talk about business.” The young man glanced at the Atlanteans by the side and frowned at White, “Do you know, Lieutenant Colonel, what I need most now is rest... Ah, forget it. Prepare a ship for me. Let’s talk about it once I get a breath of civilized air!”

“Alright, doctor.!” Since White had already made up his mind, he nodded without hesitation. He walked back to his desk in two steps and grabbed the phone to order for a warship to sail.

They then saw that the commander of the Earth’s garrison camp was arranging for a ship to send their ‘savior’ away. Morisha, who had always been the most anxious among the Atlanteans, suddenly said, “No, no, Dr. Zhang, you can’t leave...”

“Well, my friend from the other side of the galaxy, give me a reason not to leave then!” Zhang Lisheng glanced at Morisha with a sardonic look and interrupted his screams. This caused the Atlantean to turn speechless as they did not have any legitimate reason

The young man waited quietly for White to arrange everything. He smiled at the Lieutenant Colonel. He then said in a deep voice, “Lieutenant Colonel White, I’m the person who will remember the kindness that other people did to me. See you again!”

Then, he strode out of the office and went to the harbor of the gathering place.

After walking 200 to 300 meters away in the cold sea breeze, just as the young man stepped onto the beach, a deep voice suddenly resonated from behind him, “Dr. Zhang, can I talk to you?”

“Gotcha...” Zhang Lisheng stopped walking, and his mouth moved a little soundlessly. Turning around, he looked at the six Atlanteans, whose faces were expressionless. He said, “Of course, Sergeant Aladus, but please, make it short. You know that I’m rushing to catch a ship. ”

“I just want to explain the issue of the attack on the native tribe...”

“There’s nothing for us to talk about regarding this issue, Sergeant. I have given my opinion, and all of you have your own opinions regarding the indigenous people living on this island. I’m a very stubborn person. I’ll never change my mind if there is no good reason, and I believe the same goes for all of you too. Because of this, there’s no use for us to discuss anything.” When Zhang Lisheng saw that Aladus, the person representing the Atlanteans, was still holding on to a glimpse of luck, he said coldly.

When Aladus heard such a resolute attitude in the young man’s voice, he could not help but be furious.

Seeing him force himself to suppress his anger, Zhang Lisheng suddenly smiled dominantly. “Aladus, I know that as a member of the interstellar civilization that is much higher than the Earth civilization that’s still in the ‘Electrical Age,’ many Atlanteans despise us Earthlings. I can understand this attitude very well. After all, just a mere 100 years ago, white people in the US were known as the most democratic and civilized country on Earth, but they once treated black people like livestock. However, please don’t forget that other than civilization, there’s still ‘class difference in between people...”

When the young man reached this part in an unfinished manner, he no longer continued. Still, the subtext in his words had already become evident. Although Earth was nothing compared to Atlantis, as a person of high rank in the Earth civilization, he was aware that he had an advantageous position compared to these Atlanteans before him.

Upon receiving such humiliation, two of the six Atlanteans could no longer hold their anger in their hearts and raised their hands. At once, bright hot light gushed out from their palms.

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