The Great Worm Lich

Chapter 539: Legacy

Chapter 539: Legacy

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At noon, the hot sun shone on Rovan Island, breaking through the faint mist that always shrouded the harbor.

In the dissipated mist, the last Rovanian in the Nado City was stabbed to death by Wizard Li’s warriors. Before that, the Black Lion King’s head had already been beheaded and sent to Wizard Li’s god.

In a battleship cabin that was so large that it was horrifying, Zhang Lisheng consolidated a scalpel using pure rapid flowing water in the air to cut the giant head of the enemy that was half a meter high on the experimental platform into two halves. After stripping it layer by layer and carefully observing it for a while, he muttered, “The weapon has merged with the face’s skin, some of the capillaries have even connected to each other. Such compatibility is out of the scope of a weapon already. This is ultimately a fighting organ that is added to a living creature! This is genius, but unfortunately, it’s limited by the strength of the gene. There should not be many warriors who can use such a sturdy ‘shell...’”

While the young man was regretting it, the iron door of the cabin was gently pushed open. An indigenous servant quickly walked in a bent waist, and a lowered head up to the experimental platform before kneeling and reporting, “Great God, your devout believers have killed all the foreign enemies, your ‘totem’ has already been erected in the Nado City.”

“Is that so?” The Wizard Li’s god snapped back to reality and smiled pleasantly in surprise. Then, he waved his hands a few times in the air before consolidating a blue water mass behind his body that enveloped his body gently. It lifted him out and flew out of the steering cabin, into the vast city by the shore in the warm sea breeze.

When the Wizard Li warriors saw the god arrived, they who had just won a bloody battled kneeled on the ground like the wheat fields that had been blown down by the breeze, before singing their praises loudly to offer their own piety.

Zhang Lisheng, who had long been accustomed to calling himself a god, no longer had the sense of excitement he felt when he first experienced this in front of his countless believers. Like nobody was around him, he walked to the central square of the city, to the totem pole embossed with a demon god with a human upper body and snake lower body which was densely covered with scales, before triggering the power of faith in it.

In an instant, turbulent waves rippled on the calm sea in the distance. Tens of thousands of beautiful water beams mixed with sands spurted into the sky, reflecting the sunlight and showing off a graceful arc made from seven colors, drawing excellent rainbows on the air that gushed into those intact dead bodies of the Nado warriors.

Under the washing of the turbid water flow, the Rovanian warriors whose faces were covered with blood gradually turned clean. Then, “Ahhh...” voice was unconsciously produced from their mouths as they slowly opened their eyes and stood up stiffly from the ground.

Upon hearing the commotion made by the shouts and struggles of the resurrecting bodies, many of the Wizard Li soldiers who were kneeling on the ground quietly looked up. When they stared into the eyes of the foreign tribe warriors whom they and their comrades had personally killed, the soldiers could not help but feel chills running down their spines, although they were kneeling under a bright and warm sun.

“My devout believers, don’t be afraid, this is just a little trick for me to reuse the waste,” When Zhang Lisheng saw that the resurrected Nado warriors could still use their ‘shells,’ he smiled in satisfaction and announced loudly.

The longer he became a god, the more he understood the god’s power, and the more the young man realized that the gods were not a being that unconditionally existed above all existence. Other than the strength and attributes of divine power, skills in mastering the divine power were also one of the keys in its powerful cornerstones.

Just like a person who wanted to become a boxing world champion who wished to dominate the highest position in the boxing circles, the most important thing that he needed was naturally an exceptional body, strength, and reaction. A superb fighting skill was also indispensable. If a person only relied on his instinct to punch, he would never be able to defeat a strong enemy, even if he could beat a weak opponent.

Because of the restrictions imposed on a god that could only allow him to exert his entire force in a land covered by his power of faith, Zhang Lisheng had never once looked down on the techniques and methods imitating the power of the Ancient Goddess Nuwa in the witchcraft.

Now that he learned that witchcraft might always be a part of his own strength forever without being able to be eliminated, he became even more attentive. Now that he saw these materials that he could use in refining good quality living corpses, of course, he would do his best without creating any waste.

In just a short span of one minute, he refined tens of thousands of living corpse by burning the power of faith. After that, he commanded them to fuse together by swallowing each other.

The Living Corpse Refining Technique could allow an ordinary dead person to obtain a higher fighting power than when they were alive, for they no longer had pain, consciousness, and fear. On the contrary, the more powerful a person had become after death, the faster the decline of the strength would be.

This was understandable. After all, other than tyrannical strength, many soft skills like wisdom, willpower, insight into the enemy were something that a powerful person should possess. Resurrecting an instinctive body that could only be commanded by others would, of course, mean that they could not replicate the strength he had when he was alive.

The reason why a living corpse was terrifying was none other than its overwhelming number, its various peculiar usage methods, and the manipulator’s judgment that could sift sand for gold

After looking at the resurrected humanoid beasts opened their dislocated mouths and ripped open their lips to bite at each other in the city with great gusto, the young man ordered satisfactorily, “Immediately build a stone circle in the jungle outside the city and herd these living corpses into it then leave them alone. I have no use for the remnant of the Rovanian warriors’ bodies on the ground, so just let the warriors fork them up using their sharp spears to intimidate those Nado’s slave tribes. I believe it would effectively destroy their willpower.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” The instant the Wizard Li’s god gave his order, somebody from the surrounding warriors answered the questions based on the hierarchical position before standing up and hurriedly bring his men to carry out the order.

After dealing with the dead bodies, Zhang Lisheng began to verify his own conjecture. Closing his eyes, he activated his divine power to explore every inch of land in the city of the Nado tribesmen.

The young man who was in the land covered by his faith and who had a power attribute manipulating the soil soon quickly found the secret that the Nado tribesmen hid. He opened his eyes and stamped on the soft yet firm ground at the square. He did so before crouching down to place his hands on the ground.

Not long after, a circular arc of undulations rippled around the young man’s body. A few seconds later, a dimly lit crack appeared at his feet.

“Sure enough, it’s here...” Zhang Lisheng whispered, letting the gap on the ground crack more and more, and finally revealing a magnificent temple buried deep in the ground.

The crack was located at the top of the divine temple. Both of its sides stood three huge statues supporting the sacred temple. Those statues were made up of a wolf-headed giant who was putting on an intimidating posture by barring his porcelain teeth, a scorpion warrior whose body was tilted and who seemed to be about to throw the javelin in his hand with his full force, a buck toothed dragon-headed warrior who was holding two giant swords on his both hands, a bear warrior who was carrying a sharp bone axe on his shoulder; a boar warrior whose back was covered with long thorns and who was crouching down about to charge forward, and a lion general who was staring solemnly at the enemy’s battle formation in an awe-majestic manner, as though tens of thousands of army were following behind him.

These six statues appeared to be vivid being illuminated by the black stone fire pots lit with blazing fire that was three to four meters tall under their feet, giving off a feeling as though one could hear their breathing sound if one achieved a peace of mind.

However, Zhang Lisheng, who was looking at this ancient divine temple that had been passed down since ancient times from top to bottom, did not have his attention on these strange-shaped warrior sculptures instead. His focus was captured by the object drawn tightly to the wall behind the altar above the sacrificial altar.

The wall depicted a series of coherent scroll paintings of bizarre mythology. The first mural was a vast expanse of verdant trees licked up by the fire. In the sea of fire that burnt thousands of creatures into corpses, a ball of meat that had red arms was begotten.

On the second mural, many ugly dwarf gnomes were building totem poles and worshipping the meatballs that were suspended in midair.

On the third mural painting, meteorites crashed down, and magma covered the ground. In the thunderstorms that resembled the end of the world, the mainland collapsed, and everything was dying.

Starting from the fourth mural, three giant islands that were erected replaced the mainlands. The meatball began to fight fiercely with all kinds of beasts. One could tell that with every strong enemy that it defeated, there would be a slight change in its appearance. After killing a giant creature that could spout fire, a mouth that could release magma was added to its body. After defeating an octopus-like sea monster, tentacles began to grow on its body.

At the same time, the midget believers who were retaken by the meatball changed into something better. They offered fresh prey to the gods that they believed in and continued to exchange powerful biochemical weapon, from the initial use of tree spear bone knives in a battle and being wantonly hunted by the fierce beasts in the jungle, to the half-body armor that resembled a biochemical weapon which eventually evolved into native warriors who had all sorts of powerful ‘shells.’

In the last drawing, there was an endless humanoid monster on the ground. The sky was filled with black oval-shaped flying ships while the center was the meatball that had transformed into a shape that stretched out to miles away like a mountain range. At this time, it was entirely covered with diamond-shaped giant eyes. Both sides of its oval body were covered with hundreds of ferocious-looking mouth while countless long tentacles were stretching out at both ends.

Its appearance was familiar to Zhang Lisheng. It was none other than the other image of the ancient god that had once competed with the resurrection seed of the Ancient Goddess Nuwa in the young man’s mind.

Upon seeing these murals, Zhang Lisheng contemplated for a while, feeling that most of his conjectures had been correctly verified. Although some minor questions still remained puzzling and confusing, they had nothing to do with the overall situation.

“An ancient god who suddenly came to his awakening after experiencing a natural doomsday disaster and desperately tried to strengthen himself and his believers, with a burning ambition to occupy a place in the Colossal World,” The Wizard Li’s god jumped down from the divine temple. He muttered with a strange expression, “I wonder whether you’ve succeeded or failed...”

The young man walked up to the few huge statues that served as pillars and gently rubbed his hands on these light sculptures. Sensing the inner structure in them, the young man showed an uncontrollable ecstasy smile. “But this is not important anymore! What’s important is I’ve inherited your legacy!”

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