The Great Worm Lich

Chapter 542: The Mist-like Truth

Chapter 542: The Mist-like Truth

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When the ancient weapons created by the ancient god with drops of blood and sweat revealed their fangs to the Atlanteans, the commanding officer of the Atlantis fleet, Essengug, that invaded the barbarian foreign world’s island, Wizard Li, was looking at the vast expanse of the jungle turning into debris by flames and glare on the three-dimensional map in the flagship’s steering cabin.

As a resourceful and highly qualified senior officer who could obtain some internal intelligence, Essengug had already noticed the change of Atlantis’s strategy on Earth long before the ‘winter riots.’

When the robust forces among the Atlantis increasingly interfered with the internal affairs of the Earth and raised the dissatisfaction among the conciliatory force, which resulted in the ‘winter riots,’ he relaxed and carefully went through the entire incident. Finally, it hit him with a pang of realization that since the very beginning, the so-called ‘selfless help towards a brother civilization in the same universe’ did not exist at all.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the arrogant ancient Atlanteans charged in to attack the Earth abruptly, thinking that they could simultaneously defeat the foreign world’s invaders and the primitive Earth civilization at the same time. In the end, a massive nuclear war led to the collapse of the barriers separating the ‘worlds,’ and the resulting catastrophe had almost destroyed the Atlantis.

When the catastrophe subsided, the terrible image of the greedy ‘sea monster’ devoured the planet had been recorded, becoming a warning for the Atlanteans for generations. For this reason, when it was discovered that the ‘world passage’ once again appeared on Earth, to avoid implications, the current generation of Atlantis civilization immediately spared no effort to send a powerful fleet to support Earth and strive to eliminate hidden dangers.

When the fleet arrived at its destination, they discovered that Earth was still primitive compared to Atlantis but had already fully grasped the use of nuclear weapons.

To a mature ‘photonic civilization, nuclear weapons were not something horrifying. The terrifying thing was the side effect of the infinite expansion of the ‘world passage’ that the explosion might cause. The lesson learned by the ancestors remained plastered in the Atlanteans’ hearts. Because of this, they had wisely chosen to engage with Earth civilization in a gentle bearing.

Advanced technology gifts...

Unpaid military assistance...

Fair, beautiful appearance...

Pleasant voice...

A body that mastered supernatural powers...

The generosity and superiority exhibited by the Atlanteans soon convinced most of the people on Earth that the charm of a superior civilization was irresistible. After obtaining the initial recognition of the countries on Earth, Atlantis’ strength had gradually penetrated into all levels of society.

Gradually, thousands of the defensive forces at the world passage were dominated by the Atlantis army. The exploration of the foreign world had also been dominated by the Atlanteans.

By relying on these favorable conditions, Atlantis carefully removed the mysterious veil of the foreign worlds. In the end, they found out that they were not terrible invaders that their ancestors saw; instead, all of them were backward civilizations that were completely poles apart from each other.

At the same time, the ‘micro photon broad spectrum isolation braiding instrument’ that could prevent the barrier isolating the foreign world and the Earth from collapsing suddenly made a major breakthrough and was invented. Under the subtle convergence of several coincidences, the situation managed to have an essential change.

The catastrophe in the legend was soon turning into their favor. It transformed into an opportunity for the rapid expansion of their civilization. The ‘comrades’ whom they had to please had become frogs that were cooked in warm water. Divergence began to happen among the Atlanteans, and it had become increasingly fierce as day went by...

“Essengug, what are you thinking about?” Standing beside the commander of the fleet was an officer with tan skin with wrinkles on his face. Even so, his eyes were unusually bright as he stood upright in a graceful bearing. When he saw Essengug was staring in a daze at the 3D map in front and did not give out any order for their next step, he asked in a whisper.

“Ah? Ah? I’m not thinking about anything. I just didn’t get to sleep well last time, Karim. I feel a little tired.” The commander of the fleet snapped back to reality and concealed his thoughts.

“Essengug my dear friend, remember, we’re all ordinary soldiers, not heroes, not to mention that those ‘heroes’ are actually just fictional characters,” Upon seeing Essengug’s flustered face, the officer with a graceful posture smiled and said, seeing through him directly.

“I knew I won’t be able to hide it from you,” When Essengug heard this, his body stiffened, and his expression changed slightly. In a whisper, he blurted out, “Are you saying that the ‘winter riots’ are just the tricks the ‘personages’ play to alleviate the resentment of the Earthlings?”

“I didn’t say anything. I just feel that even if the Earthlings are no longer as strong as their ancestors, and that the foreign worlds have transformed from a black hole that could devour everything to a sweet tonic that can never be exhausted, the ‘personages’ will still have to be careful,” Karim answered calmly.

The fleet commander was stunned a while before shaking his head with a smile. “I only realized today that my chief staff officer is an out-and-out ”conspirator...”

“And I’ve long known that my fleet commander is an ‘enthusiastic middle-aged man’ who has too much sense of justice,” The handsome officer said with a smile. “But think of your Elias and cute Rima, Essengug. Besides, we can only be Atlanteans, and the profession we chose has a bounden to obey all orders.”

“I know, my dear friend, I know,” Essengug lowered his head and grew silent for a while before flashing a smile at his friend, “We can only be Atlanteans, and besides, I’m no longer a young with no commitment. Don’t worry, Karim, I know what I should do.”

Afterward, with a sophisticated look in his eyes, the fleet commander ordered loudly, “The flagship will circle the 03 targets. Starlight and Nebula will cooperate together to make a cutting attack to continue to destroy the hunting grounds and fishing grounds of the natives.”

“Yes, Commander!” The communications officer who was wearing a white military uniform replied solemnly. Tapping a few points on the 3D image laid out in front of him, he conveyed the fleet commander’s order to the frigates.

A few seconds later, three Atlantean battleships hovering over scorched land beside Wizard Li’s ancestral land began to shimmer with a faint glow, before flying towards the clouds.

Not long after, the sky returned to its calm state. At this moment, a young native wearing a golden headband with a bloody red pattern on his face gritted his teeth in a deeply buried underground cave at the edge of the indigenous tribe looked at the skybeast through his periscope and told the Wizard Li’s headman, “Those outlanders have driven the skybeasts away! At first, the chief warriors under my command could have cast spells and kill them all had they flown low, but now, we don’t have this opportunity anymore...”

As the Wizard Li’s power expanded to over half of the Hellfire Sea, the influence of Tugra, who was initially called as the ‘second person’ in the tribe after Zhang Lisheng, gradually faded despite still holding onto high authority.

The lofty status and the one-of-a-kind imperial seal given by the god could bring glory to him but could not force an active person to respect him from the heart, particularly when the person had become the commander-in-chief of a 250,000 troops at a young age because of his own battle achievement.

“Kill them all, you say, Legion Commander Lumoxi!? Although the outlander’s skybeasts have flown lower just now, they were still at a height that the artillery cannot reach. Do you really think that spellcasting would work?” In the flickering fire, Tugra spoke with an ever-changing expression, “Not to mention that they have never harmed any Wizard Li tribesman yet...”

“But those outlanders have destroyed several dozens of our hunting and fishing grounds already!”

“I’ve already given my order to start fishing in the dark underground river again. It’ll be enough yo make up for the lack of food. Please remember that the fate of those outlanders can only be decided by the Great God!”

When Lumoxi heard the Wizard Li headman the word ‘God,’ his expression changed right away as he devoutly lowered his head and said, “May His Majesty’s glory will shine upon the archipelago forever!”

Then, he no longer said another word, but one could see from his forbearing gaze that he was unconvinced.

When the Wizard Li headman and the youngest legion commander in the tribe were arguing with each other, over 20 fleets of giant biological weapons had soared in the air and were rushing towards Wizard Li Island from the Nutao Sea.

If this was in the Asia-Pacific region where the airflow resistance was minimal, the biochemical warship would only need less than 3 hours to complete the journey of 20,000 kilometers. However, the interstellar orbit of the Shrimp World No. 2 was full of meteorites with no flight route available. With no other choice, the fleet could only fly slowly within the atmosphere.

From early morning to late-night, and from late-night to noon, after over 30 hours, the view of a jujube seed-shaped island finally appeared in front of the lined-up, massive weapons.

Looking at the familiar island, Zhang Lisheng, who was standing in the crystal chamber of the ‘Ancient One,’ had a grave expression on, as he spoke with a deep voice, “We have arrived at the Wizard Li Island. The outlander’s skybeasts may appear anytime. All skybeasts enter combat readiness state.”

His voice was not loud but was clearly transmitted into the ears of the Wizard Li warriors who controlled the central system through the nerve pipeline. Soon, as the mouthpieces around the body of the ‘Ancient One’ emitted a strange roaring sound leading the fleet to gradually slow down. Right at this moment, the outline of this fleet that should not be belittled floating in the air had already appeared in the ‘light energy scanner’ of the Atlantis battleship.

“What are those damn things? Rain cloud?” Looking at the sudden appearance of black blocks in the 3D image that initially showed a vast expanse of blue sky, white clouds, and blue waves, Essengug subconsciously made a judgment that even himself did not believe. With a frown, he shouted loudly, “Remove the light spots, blur the background, restore the original image as soon as possible.”

The sergeant in charge of scanning who heard the command hurriedly pressed on the row of light bars in front of him. After a few seconds, the sky and ocean scenery in the 3D image gradually blurred. The black blocks of the biochemical battleship slowly revealed clearly.

“U-Unknown flying objects are discovered! According to the analysis of light energy refraction, the surface is non-metallic! It’s inferred to be some sort of strange living creatures...” Looking at the data displayed above the light button, the stunned sergeant made a stuttering inference.

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