The Humble Family's Daughter Has A Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 3 - 3, No One Can Cross_1

Chapter 3: Chapter 3, No One Can Cross_1

Yan Family Village.

Yan Family's grand courtyard.

Daohua sat upright in the main hall, meticulously recording this year's harvest.

Old Lady Yan sat by her side, her face filled with affection as she watched her granddaughter carefully log every detail of the harvest, her expression growing increasingly satisfied and proud.

She knew that the village and the clan had often whispered about her favoritism, accusing her of cherishing a granddaughter over her grandsons, pampering the girl to the core.

Yet those people failed to see how much Daohua was adored by all.

Not only did she have a good appearance, but she was also particularly blessed.

On her birth, her eldest son, who had failed the imperial examinations twice, was finally successful. The following year, he was even more triumphant, securing a place in the highest triennial imperial exam and being appointed as a Seventh-rank County Magistrate.

After that, their family, which had been considered average in Yan Village, saw better days each year, gradually prospering.

Beyond that, the girl had a particularly heartwarming effect, melting the hearts of those around her.

Her child's father died early, and she, at a young age, became a widow; to raise her four children, she could only work tirelessly day and night, which over the years severely weakened her health.

The year her eldest son was appointed County Magistrate, she felt she could finally report good news to her late husband, and the tension she held inside relaxed, followed by the downturn of her own health.

From then on, she couldn't do heavy labor, often short of breath and reliant on a constant stream of medicinal soups and treatments.

When her eldest son took office, Daohua was left behind in her hometown: first because she was still a young girl, unfit for long-distance travel; second, because Daohua was tender and cute, her big brother saw how she brightened her grandmother's mood, and he purposefully left Daohua behind to cheer up and amuse her.

At the age of five, she somehow heard that a monk from the Divine Temple, located more than ten miles away, could cure her grandmother's ailment, and she secretly followed villagers to the temple to beg for medicine.

The scorching midsummer sun that could make adults wince in pain was surely unbearable for such a tiny child.

Seeing Daohua stagger home over dozens of miles, clasping the medicine she begged for, Old Lady Yan's heart softened like never before.

Strangely enough, from then on, Old Lady Yan's health remarkably improved day by day, and now she could outpace even the average young woman when walking around.

This girl was indeed her lucky star.

"Grandmother, should all the harvest from our over 200 acres of land be sent to Linyi County?" After computing this year's harvest, Daohua looked up at Old Lady Yan.

Linyi County was where her father served as the County Magistrate.

Old Lady Yan nodded, "Many provinces in the north suffered from drought last year. Although Linyi County, being in the north, didn't experience severe drought, the harvest wasn't that great either. Shipping our grain there, part of it will be stored for our family's use, and the rest can be sold for silver money."

Daohua sighed and pretended to be worldly-wise, "It seems father is not having an easy time."

Natural disasters are difficult to combat, even in modern times.

Old Lady Yan said, "Now you understand the challenges your father faces, don't you? When you get to Linyi County, you must be close to your father."

Since birth, her granddaughter had never stayed close to her parents; even in casual conversation, she was rarely mentioned. Old Lady Yan worried that her granddaughter might drift apart from her own parents.

She was getting old, and in the end, her granddaughter would have to rely on her parents. After moving to Linyi County, she would have to make an effort to foster a good relationship between her son and granddaughter.

Daohua pouted, "Father has his precious daughter by his side. He may not care that much about me."

Old Lady Yan glared at her granddaughter with feigned annoyance, "What, you think you can't compete with the child that concubine bore?" Although they were both granddaughters, she couldn't help but be partial. No matter how much her eldest son praised the concubine's twins in his letters, in her eyes, Daohua was unrivaled.

Daohua immediately stood up, lifted her head high, and declared with vigor, "Compete with her? I'm simply above that." Competing with a little child was beneath her dignity!

Although her current body was that of a child, inside she felt as mature as someone nearly in her thirties.

Old Lady Yan watched her granddaughter's pretense with amusement and reassured her, "Rest easy, you are the legitimate eldest granddaughter of the Yan Family, and no one can surpass you."

Daohua threw herself into Old Lady Yan's arms, her eyes and brows filled with smiles, "Can big brother not surpass me either?"

"You clever trickster!" Old Lady Yan tapped her granddaughter's forehead, "He is your own elder brother; are you going to be jealous of him too?"

"In the end, grandmother's favorite can only be Daohua," she murmured with a mischievous smile, burying her head into the old lady's embrace.

As for this grandmother, whom she saw as soon as she opened her eyes and who then fed and raised her hand-in-hand, Daohua had become incredibly proficient at charming and amusing her.

"Yes, this old woman's favorite is indeed you, this madcap girl," Old Lady Yan said, a mixture of indulgence and helplessness in her gentle shaking of her head.


Just then, Yan Zhiqiang and his wife entered.

Daohua emerged from the old lady's embrace and, after greeting her third uncle and aunt, obediently sat down to one side.

The Yan Family, having produced a County Magistrate, had more household rules than the ordinary families in the village.

While the younger generation need not leave when their elders spoke, they were also not free to interrupt at will.

Yan Zhiqiang, "Mother, we have already packed the grain."

The elderly Mrs. Yan nodded; her third son always handled things carefully and thoughtfully, sparing her any worries, "Then good, you all set off tomorrow."

Yan Zhiqiang hesitated for a moment, "Mother, how about I stay behind and travel with you instead?"

Mrs. Yan glanced sternly at her third son, "If you stay, who will watch over so much grain?"

"Then I will stay behind," offered Wu Family, eagerly continuing the conversation.

The grain would be taking the water route and needed to set off early. But if both she and the head of the home were to leave, how would they answer to their eldest brother should anything befall their mother, Daohua, and Wentao traveling alone by road?

Mrs. Yan waved her hand dismissively, "Wenhui is still young and needs your care. I will travel with Daohua and Wentao, accompanied by the old Sun couple. We will take the official roads all the way; there won't be any problems."

Seeing his mother's resolve, Yan Zhiqiang knew it wouldn't be right to say any more.

The old lady, having single-handedly raised the four siblings and supported a County Magistrate on her own, always had final say. Once she made a decision, it was very difficult to change her mind.

The next day, Yan Zhiqiang and his wife, along with their six-year-old son Yan Wenhui, were the first to set out on the road to Linyi County.

Many from the Yan Clan came to see them off.

"Zhiqiang, in the future, you must come back to visit us old folks, alright?"

"Third Grandfather, rest assured, we will come back every year. Have you forgotten that we must also offer sacrifices to our ancestors?"

"Zhiqiang, if you become successful, don't forget about your fellow villagers, eh."

"I won't forget, I won't forget."


In the midst of everyone's reluctant farewells, the cart carrying Yan Zhiqiang's family and the grain moved further and further away.

Meanwhile, in the grand courtyard of the Yan Family, the Clan Leader's granddaughter, Yan Yunxi, watched Daohua pack her things with envy.

"Daohua, once you get to Linyi County, you'll truly be the Magistrate's daughter."

Daohua laughed at the younger girl's comment, turning to say with a smile, "Even if I don't go to Linyi County, I'm still the Magistrate's daughter."

Yan Yunxi, the little girl, was momentarily stumped and pouted.

As the granddaughter of the Clan Leader, all the children in Yan Village sought to curry favor with her, yet there was one person she could never surpass.

This person was Yan Daohua standing before her.

Looking at Daohua's fair and delicate cheeks that glowed with health, Yan Yunxi felt her jealousy bubbling up.

How did this girl grow up like this? Usually, she seemed to love running wild in the fields, yet her skin never seemed to tan, which was truly a cause for envy.

After all, both she and the other village girls would tan as soon as they stepped outside.

In terms of appearance, she couldn't compare;

In terms of family background, her grandfather was the Yan Clan Leader, but the other girl's father was the high and mighty County Magistrate.

She truly felt outclassed from head to toe.

Every time she stood beside Daohua, she felt ashamed, a discomfort that made her resentful. She didn't like playing with Daohua, nor did she allow other village children to do so.

She would not have set foot in the Yan household this time if her grandfather hadn't insisted she come to bid farewell to Daohua.

Recalling the private words between her grandfather and father, Yan Yunxi couldn't hide her jealousy as she spoke, "Daohua, I think you won't be able to hold onto the title of the Magistrate's daughter for much longer. Grandfather said, your father has already served three terms as county magistrate, and magistrates have to be assessed, too. If one doesn't meet the standards, they could be dismissed."

Daohua stopped packing and turned to look at the little girl.

One must never underestimate the scheming of young girls in ancient times; sometimes even she, an adult, had to admire their cunning.

"You needn't worry about our family affairs. My father will undoubtedly have a smooth and successful career. Is there anything else? I still have a lot to pack, so I won't see you out," she said.

With those words, Daohua left the little girl with a confident silhouette retreating into the distance.

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