The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 135: Golden Image

Chapter 135: Golden Image

You think I can calm down after working so hard to get that item, just to have it be taken away from me? Do you perhaps have a death wish or something? Believe it or not I ca kill you as well Don. Matt threatened Don, matt didnt like being told what to do, he felt like Don was rubbing salt on his wound. After loosing the halberd to someone else Matt was just driven mad as he was very attracted towards the halberd which was just too overpowered.

Do you think I am kidding, when I say we will kill the one who took the weapon Matt? When I say we will kill him I mean we will kill him. Even I know the value of that weapon why would I let that thing go? Even if one of the big guilds take the weapon we will fight for it, we will leave no survivors you can be sure of that. Said Don while still trying to console the angry Matt.

HAHAHAH.Crazy Ba**ard you really are copy of me arent you? You suddenly made my mood a lot better. Now, I suddenly want to take some lives, what do you say dont you too? asked Matt, while looking towards a certain location with a slight grin on his face.

Of course, I love taking lives of some rats from then and now, KIKIKIKIKIKIKIKI Don laughed as he grabbed his weapon and looked towards the same direction as Matt. Just as he turned towards that direction suddenly from behind a huge rock a shadowy figure jumped out and started running away for his hear life.

Where do you think you are going you little rat? You think you can runaway from us after spying on us? asked Don with a very funny voice, which spoked the guy running away as he suddenly got goosebump all over his body. The spy wasnt spooked because of the voice but because the voice came from beside his ear, to check he turned around and to his dismay two men Matt and Don were running right beside him.

Knowing that the cant run away anymore from these monsters the guy stopped on his track and attacked Don with his weapon. Don just dodged the attack, while Matt softly kicked the guy, which made the guy lose his footing and he ended up falling to the ground. They could have easily killed the guy, but they started playing around with the guy, the duo started torturing the poor guy trying to get information about the guy and his team. the spy as then tortured to death, if a person were to see the condition of the spy right now, they would just not recognize if the guy was a man or not.


On the other side Kang-Ho was testing his new weapon not knowing the commotion he had unknowingly caused inside of other difficulty of the trail. Even if Kang-Ho knew that he had made enemies after buying the halberd he wouldnt care, he never cared about making enemies he just did what he wanted to do v=never caring about other people.

After kang-Ho was done checking his new weapon, he stored the weapon inside of his ring and moved towards the holographic image. Kang-Ho checked his balance on the image and it seemed there were only 20 points left after his spending spree ended. He had altogether spent 20 points in buying the stuff he wanted from the item shop.

Are these all the treasures that is stored here? Kang-Ho started wondering as he started to look at the holographic image trying to find any details he had previously missed. While Kang-Ho was trying to study the image in detail something happened which forced Kang-Ho to take a few steps back.

Suddenly the holographic image which was blue in colour vanished out of thing air, exactly like the time when it magically appeared. Kang-Ho was dazed at the development and started to look around the room trying to find the cause behind the mysterious disappearance of the image. Fortunately, Kang-Ho didnt have to look around for too long as the image once more started appearing, but this time it didnt seem like the same image was appearing, as Kang-Hos eyes were blasted by golden light.

As soon as the image appeared before Kang-Ho he realized that this image wasnt the same as before, this image was totally different from before because the image this time was totally golden in colour and not blue. This time unlike last time there were only 4 items on the list which was a sharp contrast from before as before there were 100s of items on the shop itself.

The first thing that caught Kang-Hos eyes were the price tags of the items on sale on this image, the price were truly just too astronomical. While after fighting all of the bats Kang-Ho had just accumulated 40 points, these items that were on display in this image, their prices started from 200 points which Kang-Ho felt was just too much.

Kang-Ho was dumbfounded by the high prices of the items when he first glanced at the price tags but once he started reading the name of the item and their description, his feelings took a 180 degree turn, as after reading the description he started to feel as if these items were just too cheap for the benefits they provided.

Potion of Ancient Giant-1 (400 points)

Potion made by a transcended alchemist using the blood essence of one of the ancient races GIANTS. this potion is created after refining the blood of a beast containing a miniscule amount of Giants bloodline, even though the bloodline was miniscule, the bloodline still belonged to one of the most feared ancient races.

Bloodline of the Giants mixed with the fact that the one refining the bloodline was a transcended alchemist, this potion was created. This is a once in a lifetime treasure for any brave soul who comes upon this, as even if you search for such a potion made after refining the bloodline Giants, you will only have to be disappointed, as tranced alchemists are the only people who can refine such a destructive Bloodline, there are only few hand full of alchemist in each eras who manages to can transcend to become a transcended alchemist. Finding a beast who has the bloodline of the ancient race was the other problem because finding one was next to impossible.

This potion increases the health of the consumer by 1,000. But there are some drawbacks due to it being refined from a very thin bloodline, the one consuming the potion must have extremely strong physical and mental constitution, as those who do not have those qualities, would not be able to withstand the process their body being merged with the potion itself. The second drawback is the consumer can only consume one of this of potion as, if they tried to consume a second one, their body would reject the second potion and they would experience a horrible death. The third draw back is if the consumer is unable to control the mana on their body while being merged with the potion they would most certainly die.

Only consume this potion if you are confident enough to challenge these drawbacks, remember you only have one life its for you to decide what you want to do with it.

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