The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 137: The Last Item

Chapter 137: The Last Item

Although, the thought of crafting your own potions as well as selling them to gain some profit, seemed very intriguing, Kang-Ho knew that the process of learning the craft of alchemy would require him to invest a lot of his time. Right now, the only thing Kang-Ho wanted to focus was on becoming stronger, so for him time was of an essence, so at this moment, spending his time on learning alchemy didnt seem like a viable option for him. the reason why Kang-Ho wanted to become stronger so badly and so quickly was because, he himself had first hand experienced the horrors of strong monsters inside of the Hell, the horrors that he felt inside that place are something he would never forget in his lifetime.

With the uncertain and dark present that earth was going through, there was no guarantee that those same horrors wouldnt appear on earth as well. So, the only goal for Kang-Ho right now, was to get stronger until he wouldnt have to worry about anything that came. All of this was for only one goal which was to protect his family from any harm out there. But that didnt mean Kang-Ho didnt have any interest in learning the craft, it just meant that Kang-Ho would only start learning the craft when he thinks he is strong enough and has enough time to invest on the process.

The Potion of Power or Death-

This potion was found by a team of explorers, who risked their life and ventured deep inside the depth of an ancient ruined temple. This is one of the most sought-after potions for low levelled Brave ones, but finding one was almost impossible because this is a potion which requires ingredients that are almost impossible to find such as a drop of blood from the heart of Myriad Drake, the one thing people must be aware about, was that the not only the blood must belong to the race of Myriad Drake but also the blood must be collected from a drake that contains the bloodline of the Dragons.

Drakes were one of the most fearsome beasts that roamed the sky, finding a drake was difficult enough but to find a Drake from Myriad race was extremely difficult, even though the name myriad meant countless unlike their name these drakes were very rare and almost impossible to find. If one thought they would find these fearsome beasts anywhere in the habitat of drakes they would be wrong, as these Myriad drakes were very prideful and aggressive, they would live separately from the other races of Drakes. These drakes love a habitat where there was huge bloodshed and war, so they would always choose an ancient battlefield as their habitat where not only them but a lot more fearsome beasts resided.

These drakes from the myriad race were the most fearsome and powerful of any races that were out there. The reason of them being most powerful was because right after their birth the parents would throw their child away within just 2 months of them being born, after that the drakes would have to fend for themselves if they wanted to live. And this process took place inside of the ancient battlefield, a place was not only the baby drake but also the adult drakes were constantly in danger.

There are countless predator residing inside of the ancient battlefield and that was the reason why there are so little of Myriad Drakes, the process of them growing up fending for themselves is extremely hard, only one in a million crake can survive such hardship, and those who survive possess extraordinary strength. If a drake manages to live up to adulthood thats only when bloodline awakens, for drake to acquire the bloodline of the dragons was just one in 1000 trillion of chances in other words almost impossible. If one of the myriad drakes awaken Dragon bloodline their strength would increase dramatically.

The next ingredient required for this potion is also almost impossible to find anywhere, like the blood from the myriad drake. The second ingredient of the potion is Bloom of Death, a flower which only blooms once every million year for only one night, and every time this flower blooms all living beings without adequate amount of strength inside a certain vicinity of the flower dies. There is a saying that every time one of these flower blooms millions of lives are lost, that is why this flower is named as Bloom of Death. This flower can only work as an ingredient when all it blooms so that all of the deathly mana trapped inside of the flower can escape out of the flower and then this flower becomes useable. But to harvest this flower one must be strong enough to challenge the death mana this flower releases during the time of its bloom, not only that this is a flower once bloomed helps beasts to have a breakthrough, so to harvest this flower one must be ready to face the countless beast that approaches this flower to consume this.

This flower not only is almost impossible to harvest, it also requires a habitat that is most suitable for its growth, which is also why one can only see a handful of this flower in their lifetime. This flower only grows inside of an ancient battlefield, one where the soil has been completely soaked with blood, not only blood the area must be covered by a dense mana of death. The area around the flower must be covered by a huge amount of death and destruction mana which can only be possible if the battlefield was plagued with the death of 100s of millions and if not billions of living beings. Only in such environment can this flower ever grow. If one were lucky and strong enough to find such difficult ingredients, the person would also need the help of a transcended alchemist to refine the potion itself, because refining these items only a transcended alchemist was capable of doing that.

This potion increases the mana of the consumer by 100, on top of that if the consumer is strong enough to handle the destructive power of this potion, this potion can also refine the body of the consumer using the properties of the dragon bloodline. Although, this potion only has a miniscule amount of extremely impure and diluted bloodline of the dragon, that does not mean that this potion would not benefit the consumer, on the contrary if the consumer is from lower-level races this potion can do miracles to the body of the consumer, after all Dragons are the most illusive and powerful of all the ancient races to the point that even some of the ancient races feared their whole existence.

There are a lot of benefits for the consumer of this potion but there are also countless ways that this potion can destroy the body of the consumer. Ancient Dragon race are also known as the bringer of destruction and chaos to many races, as such trying to consume their bloodline even if it is impure means certain death to some weak people, only those with strong soul can consume this potion, the power of dragons stems mainly from their soul so this potion will not only wreak havoc on the consumers soul but also on the body of the consumer, the brave soul trying to consume this potion are warned sternly.

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