The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 139: Crystal Golem

Chapter 139: Crystal Golem

Just as Kang-Ho predicted suddenly the ground where he was standing began to vibrate weirdly, although the ground was being vibrated with every single previous attack of the golem, but this time he could feel the difference in the vibration as clear as day. Unlike previously, this time the ground was shaking as if someone was drilling a hole on the ground, as the vibration intensified, he got more anxious.

Kang-Ho used all the force he could muster at that moment to jump towards the back of the Crystal golem, as soon as he went into the air, he saw something coming out of the ground very menacingly just a few seconds after he left the ground. As Kang-Ho got a better view of the thing that came out of the ground it seemed like it was not other than very sharp crystal shards that were shaped like swords that came out of ground. As soon as Kang-Ho landed behind the Golem, he looked behind to see the total damage that had been done to the area he was standing before.

To Kang-Hos surprise it seemed like the entire ground in front of the golem, and little further back from where he was standing before was all covered by the crystal shards that were shaped like sword. if Kang-Ho had to estimate, he would say that 4-5 meters, of the area in front of the crystal golem was covered by the crystal shards. Kang-Ho knew that he had just escaped what could have been the most serious injury he has had after coming back to this world.

That was a close one, although I think if this attack takes so much time and if the ground vibrates the same way as it did previously, I have much higher chance of dodging that attack of the crystal shards pretty easily. This golem is totally different than the one I faced inside of the pocket dimension; it seems it has more tricks up its that the one inside of the pocket dimension. I would have to be more careful while I fight this guy from now on, I cant be sloppy. My first priority should be to feel the ground, before I make any moves. As Kang-Ho reflected on the previous encounter with the crystal Golem, he proceeded to untie his shoelace and threw his shoes to the side of the room.

Kang-Ho had to get rid of the shoes to get a better feel of the ground, he knew that if he just tried to feel the ground with his shoe on, he might miss some minor detail, but he believed that if he tried to feel the ground with his own skin, he would be more successful feeling it. Kang-Ho knew that he might injure his feet in the process but, two things were clear on his mind which were, he would certainly not miss the details of how and when the ground was shaking and the other was that even if he injured his feet, it wouldnt be that serious. Knowing the risk Kang-Ho still decided to use a bare foot as he knew that that was the best way to avoid the crystal shard attacks from the golem.

[Crystal Golem

Level: 130

Hp: ???

Crystal Golem is a very strong creation, with a hard outer shell made up of Lava stone and blue shire crystal. Although the lava stones arent that sturdy of a stone, but this golem was reinforced with blue shire crystal resulting in the creation of this monstrosity. This creation is very strong as well as very tough, there are only few weak spots on this creation. This creation was made using a blue shire crystal core as its base material, giving it the ability to freely control the blue shire crystal in its surrounding to kill its enemies with ease. Even though this golem was made without giving it any intelligence, it is not to be underestimated, this golem is a nightmare for anyone who it considered as an enemy by it. Anyone who approaches its vicinity is considered as an intruder hence the creature becomes its enemy.]

So, this golem has been reinforced by those crystals, huh? Kang-Ho seeing the opportunity, touched the crystal that was on his left as it was the closest one. Tried to get the feel of the crystal with his hand and slowly injected his mana into it, although one might think he was crazy for doing that, but they didnt know that he had to do this, to every object he wanted to break or destroy, although he couldnt exactly say how strong the object was he could roughly estimate, if his strength was enough to break the thing or not. So, to put it more mildly Kang-Ho was experienced at finding the toughness of an object after touching and injecting his mana into it. that didnt mean that Kang-Hos estimate was always right, there were instances when he tried to gauge the sturdiness of some special objects and failed miserably at the end. But, that never stopped him from trying, after all in an survival situation trying everything up your sleeve was the best option available.

Umhuh, this is very strong, I doubt I would get too far if I tried to attack the crystals itself. Kang-Ho with the help of his mana and instinct figured beating this golem using brute force would be almost impossible, as he wasnt confident enough in breaking just one crystal shard with just one attack, he figured he would require 2 of his full-strength strike to break the crystal shard that was cracking out of the cave wall. On the golem after seeing that the golems body was almost covered with crystal, he figured if he went through the crystal parts, he might just be wasting his energy.

Although Kang-Ho could still try, but he figured if this golem also restored its shell by using the crystals in the surrounding, his plan would completely fail and he would just be losing stamina and doing noting no damage to the golem after all, the stats of the golem made one thing clear to him it was, the golem didnt have any health points, so he figured he must destroy the core of the golem to destroy it or deactivate it. The only logical way Kang-Ho could think of winning this battle was to search for the weak points of the golem that was mentioned in the description of the giant object. Kang-Ho could only hole those weak points were really weak and not like layered crystals.

That being said while Kang-Ho was deep in his thoughts the big golem had managed to turn around, it didnt take too long to turn around, it just took about a second which was quite surprising for him, after all the thing was just made of lump of stone and crystals. Although it made sense to Kang-Ho as even though the golem was almost totally made of crystal, he believed that if he took the crystal in his hand and weighed it, it wouldnt be that heavy.

The golem seemed enraged as Kang-Ho had managed to escape its attack, the golem pushed its front legs, and flung its front legs up in the sky. The golem then proceeded to use force on its front leg to create a greater impact as to when the legs hit the ground, as soon as the golems legs hit the ground the golem opened its mouth wide because of the impact. The sound that followed the impact was deafening.

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