The Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 259 - Punishment!

Chapter 259 Punishment!

Just like other places, Haiqing City changed greatly with the change of the world.

Because a lot of warriors were attracted there by the ancient relic that was found recently 15 miles outside the city, the city now seemed very chaotic.

Where there were warriors, there were fights. The troops in the city had to be very cautious all the time, for their duty was to protect the people there.

Some soldiers guarded every intersection that led to Haiqing City, against the warriors and fierce beasts.

Chu Xun and his companions walked along the street, and some military patrol cars passed by them from time to time.

Chu Xun frowned slightly. Because there were so many warriors and battle pets on the street, people all tried to avoid them when they went out.


A big, mottled tiger about five to six meters long roared. It had a big mouth and sharp fangs, and had a furious look in its eyes, looking very fierce.

The people passing by all trembled at the roar, and some children were scared into crying.

However, the tiger’s master laughed happily after seeing this.

Chu Xun’s eyebrows furrowed even more deeply. It seemed that if he wanted to make the city a safe place again, he had to deal with those battle pets and fierce beasts first.

He had done the similar thing in Gujiang City.

“Sir, some fierce beasts are attacking the pasture in the northern district. We need help, we need help.”

Pan Zihao’s walkie-talkie suddenly rang.

“Let’s go there and have a look,” Chu Xun said.

The three of them hurried to the northern district of Haiqing City by car. Because this district was under slow construction and quite primitive with rich water and grass, it was made into a pasture for those farmers to raise livestock.

Half an hour later, the car was approaching the northern district. Chu Xun’s face looked sullen. From a distance, he could see a few beasts attacking the pasture.

A three-meter-long black panther whose fangs were stained with blood ripped a goat’s head off with its claws. Blood gushed out from the wound like a stream.

A golden lion, as big as a small hill, opened its bloody mouth and bit off half of the body of a big yellow bull.

A huge red-haired ape about 10 meters high grabbed a sheep with two table-sized claws and tore it into pieces before chewing and swallowing it. The scene was very bloody.

More than a dozen soldiers armed with guns were confronting several young men in fine clothes.

“Tell your battle pets to stop killing those animals, or I’ll shoot them,” Ding Chong, who was just a squad leader, said angrily. His hands that were holding a gun trembled.

“Try shooting them, I dare you,” One of the young men gave a squinting look and said in a provoking tone. No one of the Martial Tao World would take several guns seriously.

“I promise, one second before you fire, your head will be cut off.” Another young man said with his hands in his pocket. Different like other young men who wore ancient martial costumes, he wore a suit that was very fit for him, and had a look of disdain in his eyes.


The ground under Ding Chong’s feet exploded, and the soil was sent flying away, causing him to take a few staggering steps backward.

A young man withdrew his hand casually and sneered. “We don’t want to become the enemies of the country, not because we’re afraid of it, but because we don’t want trouble. If you keep nagging like this, I won’t tolerate it anymore regardless of any trouble.”

This was barely suppressed threat.

Puff! Puff...!

While they were talking, a dozen livestock were killed by those fierce beasts, blood splashing in the pasture.

Those beasts didn’t eat much, and they just enjoyed killing.

The owner of the pasture was a man with a stooped back and wrinkled face. Seeing that more and more livestock he raised got killed, he couldn’t help but show a look of grievance and hurt.

Beside the man stood a bloated woman. She was crying, covering her mouth with her rough hands.

The three children standing beside them huddled together, shivering, their eyes closed, their face dirty, their mouth shut. However, tears kept welling up in their eyes, because their father told them to keep quiet, otherwise, those beasts would kill them like killing those cows and goats.

“You bastards, why... why...” An old woman with gray hair cursed angrily, leaning on a stick.

The owner of the pasture held the old woman tightly in his arms and said, “Mom, stop talking, please.”

“What sin have I committed that God punishes me like this...” the old woman cried bitterly and almost fainted several times.

“Tell these beasts to stop, or I’ll fire immediately.” Ding Chong was furious. He felt so aggrieved that his eyes turned bloodshot, for he could not protect the people as a soldier.

“Piss off!” A young man yelled, and his eyes turned icy. “One more word, and I’ll kill you all. Who dare to stop me?”

Ding Chong trembled with anger. He was not afraid of death, but thinking of the dozen soldiers that stood behind him, he could not act rashly.

Pan Zihao stepped on the gas pedal, and the car sped up and rushed over.

On hearing the roaring sound of the car, all the people turned to look in the direction of the sound subconsciously.

Chu Xun and the others got off the car after it stopped.

Ding Chong ran up to them and saluted, saying, “Sir.”

He was addressing Pan Zihao. He might have heard Chu Xun’s name, but he had never seen him before.

Just as Pan Zihao was about to introduce Chu Xun, he heard a young man speak in a languid tone. “Are you their leader? Tell them to leave.”

“Who do you think you are?” Pan Zihao, who had joined the army at 16, was a man with backbone. He was enraged by the man’s words.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the young man who spoke. “Are you stupid soldiers really not afraid of death?”

“Now, I order you to get those beasts out of here, or I’ll kill them,” Pan Zihao said in a commanding tone.

The young man’s eyes turned even icier, and he said with disdain, “Who do you think you are? How dare you order me? Do you believe that I can rip your head off in a second? Listen, get out of here with your men. I’ll count one to three. Leave now or die here.”


Before Pan Zihao could speak, the young man spoke in an overbearing manner.


Other young men all had a sneering look on their faces. Actually, they didn’t take Pan Zihao and other soldiers seriously at all, except for their military uniforms.

The young man’s aura became fierce, and just as he was about to shout “three”, he saw a man come over and was stunned for a while.

Chu Xun walked up to a soldier who held a gun, and asked, “Can you lend me the gun for a while?”

The soldier subconsciously looked at Pan Zihao for instructions because Chu Xun came with Pan Zihao. Seeing Pan Zihao nod, he handed the gun to Chu Xun.

Chu Xun had used a gun only once before, and it was a Pulse Thunder Gun which he seized from the Golden Wolf Mercenary when he killed them.

However, now, the gun that the soldier handed him was a sub-machine gun, because not every soldier could be armed with a Pulse Thunder Gun. Chu Xun was not proficient at using sub-machine guns. However, the gun had been loaded with the safety catch on, so Chu Xun just needed to aim at the target and fire.

Chu Xun aimed at the huge red ape and fired when the ape grabbed toward a goat.

Boom! Boom!...

A round of bullets shot out, and immediately, the painful roaring voice of the huge ape resounded through the pasture. The other beasts were shocked and all looked toward the ape at the same time.

The giant ape howled in pain for its eyes were blown up. Although its fur was invulnerable against knives and spears, its eyes were fragile. The bullets all hit its eyes and exploded them.

Chu Xun withdrew his gun and handed it to the stunned soldier beside him.

To ordinary people, these beasts were like huge prehistoric beasts, but to Chu Xun, they were not even worth mentioning. He could kill them with a sneeze. Those beasts that were really fierce were always hard to tame.

“You’re courting death!” the young man bellowed. The giant ape was his battle pet.

What was ridiculous was that he had just claimed that he would kill these people, but now, his battle pet had been made blind first. A blind battle pet would be useless.

“Bastard, who do you think you are talking to?” Lei Bao threw the young man away with a palm from a distance. Half of the young man’s face was broken, and blood kept flowing down his face. All his teeth were broken off.

The several other young men were scared out of their wits. The force that Lei Bao showed just now frightened them.

They realized that Lei Bao was a Human King.

However, they were only Grandmasters, and the one with the highest cultivation among them was the young man in a suit, who was an eighth-grade Grandmaster.

“Bastard, get up and crawl your way here. I’ll teach you how to speak properly.”

The young man who was slapped away was very tough. Half of his face was broken, his mouth was crooked, and his eyes were swollen into slits, but he only gritted his teeth and stared at Lei Bao with hatred in his eyes.

“Huh... I love tough guys like you.” Lei Bao was amused. He went up to the young man and broke one of his legs with a heavy stamp.

“Ahh...” The young man failed to suppress his urge to scream shrilly.

“Crawl over there,” said Lei Bao.

This time, the young man didn’t dare to pretend to be tough. He hurried there, crawling and rolling, with only one good arm.

Lei Bao followed him and slapped those other young men in the face. Their face became black and blue, and blood dripped down the corner of their mouths.

“You little brats, didn’t your parents teach you how to be polite? And you didn’t know how to behave yourselves without my teaching?”

Ding Chong was stunned and wondered who this fierce and powerful man was.

“Sir, who is he?”

Pan Zihao lowered his voice as he said, “Have you ever heard of Major General Chu Xun?”

“Chu the Devil!” Ding Chong exclaimed in surprise and hurriedly covered his mouth. Then he stared at Chu Xun with feverish eyes.

“Fire! Shoot them in their eyes.” Chu Xun ordered.

These soldiers did not know Chu Xun, and they all looked at Pan Zihao at the same time.

“Fire! Why are you looking at me? Am I a beast?” Pan Zihao was very angry and thought that these soldiers were so stupid.

“You guys, keep your eyes wide open and don’t blink,” Lei Bao yelled.

Bang! Bang!...

More than a dozen guns fired at the same time, and blood splashed around. These beasts roared in pain almost at the same time.

They were enveloped by an invisible pressure and could not move at all. They could only scream in pain.

One of the most important training tasks of those soldiers was practicing their marksmanship, and most of the time, they could hit their targets. Now, those soldiers started venting their grievances by shooting those beasts violently.

Now, those beasts were like the targets during their training. The soldiers shot the beasts in their eyes. Though those beasts had iron-like fur, they could not stand so many bullets at the same time. The bullets pierced their eyes and then their brains, which thus exploded. Huge corpses fell down and shook the ground.

The several young men were forced to watch their battle pets die. They were young and aggressive, and though they were sacred, their eyes turned bloodshot with anger. Now, they felt so helpless and sad when watching their battle pets die, just like what the owner of the pasture and his family felt when their livestock got killed.

More than a dozen soldiers withdrew their guns, and their faces were flushed with excitement. They felt so good at the moment.

“Do you know who we are?” A young man shouted angrily.


He was replied by a slap from Lei Bao in the face. His head tilted, and tears and blood dripped down his face.

“Call your family and ask them to bring some money here.” Chu Xun paused and added, “Tell them to bring a big sum of money. You have to pay a million for each of the livestock you killed.”

Slap! Slap!...

Seeing that they didn’t move, Lei Bao slapped them in the face again and yelled, “What are you waiting for? Call your family right now! I’ll cut off the hands of those who act slow.”

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