The Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 430 - Bloodbath at Night

Chapter 430 Bloodbath at Night

Chu Xun’s eyes glinted with a frosty gleam, even as his heart reeled with horror.

His decision to come spying at night could have not been any more right.

“Who is Mr. Wu?”

That he could unite the divided alien races made Chu Xun feel curious about him.

“Mr. Wu, it’s...”

In a sudden spray of sand and dirt tossed by Huang Sheng at Chu Xun’s face, the former dove into the ground and vanished.

“An Earth element-based escaping magic!?”

Chu Xun’s hand came up to fire a small burst of energy to dispel the dust as he jerked his eyes at where Huang Sheng had vanished with a surprised look.

But his lips curled quickly into a smirk. It was not any magic, just burrowing. Weasels are good at burrowing through the earth at incredible speeds.

If not for Chu Xun who destroyed one of his arms, Huang Sheng would have made greater progress.

In just the blink of an eye, he had dug almost a dozen meters underground.

“Idiot,” Chu Xun breathed coldly.

He lifted a foot and stomped hard, pounding the ground like a piledriver and sending a powerful burst of Hong Meng Immortal Qi through every iota of soil and earth below and the ground began to cave in.

Deep underground, Huang Sheng was terrified to find the ground closing in to engulf him.


Chu Xun gave the ground another stomp and more ground crumbled beneath his feet.

Far below, Huang Sheng shrieked and shrieked as the earth threatened to squash him flat with blood oozing out every pore on his skin.

Coldly, Chu Xun delivered one last stomp.


The ground shuddered and sank at least one meter and there was Huang Sheng, dead underground being utterly squashed like an orange.

“Stupid,” remarked Chu Xun.

He disguised himself once more into the Tenth Elder and walked out.

“How are your wounds, Tenth Elder?” asked a few Mustelids when they saw Chu Xun coming out of the hut.

This particular group of Mustelids was the same ones that Chu Xun led in their massacre of the Peacock mutants and they admired Chu Xun’s leadership in that little adventure.

“I’m fine,” Chu Xun shook his head, “In fact, I want you to summon everyone.”

“Yes, sir.”

Before long, every single Mustelid mutant in the encampment gathered around, numbering more than thirty of them.

Chu Xun peered at them and called out loudly, “Everyone here knows how the other races view us: with loathing and disdain! But on this day, we showed them by killing the strongest champion of the Lycan race, a race with a bloody reputation for violence and prowess in battle!”

Hearing this filled the Mustelids with fervor. Killing the Lycan champion filled them with pride – one that they had never felt before.

“But yet, just now, at the main hall, the Lycans openly threatened us. They warned that more of their champions will be emerging soon and they will destroy us!”

“The Lycans are nothing! We’ve killed their best champion! How dare they speak in such a manner to us!”

“Champions? Let them come! We’ll kill everyone that comes our way!”

“What say you, Tenth Elder? Give the word and we’ll see it done!”

Killing the Lycan champion earlier filled the Mustelids with newfound courage and confidence.

“Are you with me?” Chu Xun called.

“Of course we are!” cried one of the Mustelids who was part of Chu Xun’s group in killing the Peacock mutants, “Your plans had saved us tonight, Tenth Elder! We’ll follow you wherever that may be!”

“Right! We’re with you, Tenth Elder!”

“Very well.” Chu Xun’s hand came down in a pressing motion to gesture for silence. “I’ve been speaking to the Eighth Elder. The Lycans are a vengeful lot and we’ve come to a decision: we’d better kill the Lycans before more of their champions emerge.”

The Mustelid mutants all gawked with their jaws hanging at the notion.

“An all-out decimation of the Lycan group!? That would be incredible!”

“So, you’re afraid?” Chu Xun smirked. “Very well. Then you can sit tight and await the Lycans’ reprisal.”

The Mustelids shared hesitating looks.

“So be it then, Tenth Elder! Let’s go to kill those rabid dogs!” cried a Mustelid mutant viciously.

“You’ve saved our lives, Tenth Elder and you opened our eyes to the delights of Peacock meat! I’m with you to the end!”

“Me too!”

One after another, more and more voices joined the thronging mob of Mustelids eager to satisfy their bloodlust for Lycans.

Chu Xun’s lips curled as his face betrayed a hint of glee.

“Listen up! Kill every Lycan in your way and give no quarter!” shouted Chu Xun.

The sight of the mob of Mustelid mutants nodding as one was an impressive one.

The cover of night was the best camouflage for them.

With Chu Xun leading them, the Mustelids quietly crept quietly towards the Lycan encampment.

Chu Xun charged and immediately slew the two hulking Lycan guarding the entrance.


The horde of Mustelid mutants slammed into the gates like an unstoppable tide and the gates crashed to the ground.

The din alerted the Lycans who rushed out of their huts and tents to look.

“Mustelids! What is this!?” demanded the interim chieftain of the Lycans loudly.


Chu Xun lunged, his fist barreling forward savagely, and hit the Eighth-grade Beast Lord before he could protest.


The terrible pulse of shock wave swept from the center of impact and the blow sent the carcass of the Lycan careening into a stone hut, destroying it. No Lycan could ever hope to remain on their feet after such a blow from Chu Xun even in his best days, nevermind that he had already been wounded earlier.

Chu Xun did not wait to see what happened to him; he spun around right after making short work of the interim chieftain and casually blew apart the skull of another lesser Beast Lord Lycan.

“Slaughter these rabid dogs!”

The superior numbers of the Mustelid mutants and their element of surprise easily outnumbered the twenty-odd Lycans.

The odds were all the more even impossibly dismal with their greatest champion already killed and the Eighth-grade Beast Lord incapacitated effortlessly by Chu Xun.

The skirmish evolved into a one-sided slaughter in the night.

Blood spattered every inch of the ground and Lycan heads plopped and rolled lifelessly everywhere as one by one. The Lycans fell.


At the same time, Kong Tengfei and Hei Teng were sharing a table.

“What do you think of what happened today, Kong?” asked Hei Teng.

Kong Tengfei’s eyes glinted with ice from the opposite of the table. “For starters, I’m certain that it was the Mustelids who had murdered my kin.”

“Pity that the Lycans have to shoulder the blame instead,” observed Hei Teng indifferently.

“There’s nothing we can do. The strongest expert of the Lycans was killed by force. Now it’s time to use people. Mr. Wu won’t do anything to the Mustelids.” Kong Tengfei was unwilling to give up.

“But what about you? Would you gladly accept this outcome?”

Kong Tengfei lashed out viciously, “How could I!? If allowed to fester, those filthy weasels might think we Peacocks are timid pushovers!”

“You’re right that they are a bunch of filthy weasels all right. I’ve had them in my sights for quite some time now,” hissed Hei Teng.

But Kong Tengfei knew better. With a curt glance at him, the Peacock champion smirked on the inside. “Then why did you not speak even a word on the Lycans’ behalf?”

“So what is your purpose for finding me, Hei Teng?”

“Surely you heard what the Lycans said just now about more of their champions emerging soon?” said Hei Teng.

“Of course. I was there when the Lycans made that proclamation,” said Kong Tengfei.

“So, do you think that peace would come between the Lycans and the Mustelids?”

“Never. Not in the wildest dreams. This has turned into a blood feud the moment the Mustelids dealt the fatal stroke that killed the Lycan champion and everyone knows how vengeful and spiteful these Lycans can be.”

Hei Teng smirked. “So why don’t you extend an olive branch to the Lycans now? Show them your kindness when they were in trouble. By the time their champions emerged, you can band with them to deal with the Mustelids. Won’t that be easier for you?”

Kong Tengfei’s eyes shone with dawning comprehension. Hei Teng was right. The Lycans needed help and all they have so far is a sour taste in their mouths. Throw them a bone or two and they could be life-long allies.

Yet, Kong Tengfei never knew Hei Teng to be a kind and charitable person too. How would he gain profit by prodding Kong Tengfei to help the Lycans?

“As I recalled, the Mustelids have no quarrel with you, Hei Teng. So why are you getting yourself involved?”

“That’s easy. First, I absolutely loathe these miserable vermin. Second, I hate them, but I’m interested in their psionic powers.”

Kong Tengfei felt a knot in his gut. “So he’s vying for their psionic powers!”

“Their psionic powers really are interesting. You’ve given me a great deal to think about, friend Hei Teng.”

Kong Tengfei and Hei Teng shared knowing looks and they both grinned wickedly.

“The Lycans might still be licking their wounds after the beating they’ve suffered. Maybe they need some healing draught,” said Kong Tengfei, rising from his chair.

“I’m coming with you,” remarked Hei Teng, rising as well.

Their eyes shone with the same knowing look, each devising ways to benefit from the status quo.

“Give those dogs a bone now and they’ll remember us forever for this kindness!”

They walked abreast together and headed towards the Lycan encampment.

Blood and gore pervaded the Lycan campsite with more than half the Lycans either killed or maimed.

“You’ll pay for this, you weasels! The emergence of our champions are at hand and they’ll make sure you pay!” howled the Eighth-grade Beast Lord Lycan desperately, now incapacitated by his grievous injuries.

Chu Xun strode to him and peered coldly at him.

“By the time your champions emerge, there will be not one Lycan left alive out here.”

His hand came down even before he was finished, hacking off the Lycan’s head and it fell and rolled morbidly several meters away.

Chu Xun’s expression shifted slightly when his senses tingled and his lips curled.

“Impeccable timing.”

Chu Xun chuckled and vanished, speeding away.

Kong Tengfei and Hei Teng arrived at the Lycan encampment and were stunned to find themselves amid a bloodbath.

They looked at each other. “Heavens, these weasels are so brutal!”

All that remained of the Lycans were two who were barely holding their own.

Kong Tengfei broke into a grin. He did not make his displeasure and resentment about his kin being killed known earlier because of Wu Kejin.

The leader of this crusade could not have been any clearer tonight: dealing with Chu Xun took the utmost precedence.

But somehow, in a frenzied streak of madness, these weasels had chosen to ignore Wu Kejin’s explicit instructions for peace! An act of utter disrespect to him!

As for Kong Tengfei, he had been suppressing his urge to butcher these weasels since he discovered that they were the true culprits who had killed the Peacock patrol squad.

Perfect timing for him!

He could now justify killing these Mustelids, and Wu Kejin would not only not blame him, but he might also even be rewarded instead!

And the same thought apparently occurred to Hei Teng too.

By killing these weasels now, they would win favor from both Wu Kejin and the Lycans.


They both bellowed in unison.

The Ninth-grade Beast Lords both imbued their voices with their powers as they cried together.

The two-pronged auditory attack caught the Mustelids still in their frenzied slaughter, each of them low-tiered Beast Lords, and they wobbled unsteadily, their heads heavy and dizzy.

“Fear not, Lycans! We have come to save you!” roared Kong Tengfei, charging with Hei Teng beside him.

Soft glows from their burgeoning auras bathed them both as they delved into whirls of destruction, killing any Mustelid mutants in their way like swatting flies.

“Arrgghh!” “Arrgghh!”

In just the blink of an eye, more than five or six hulking Mustelids fell, blasted instantly into minced meat.

“How dare you, Mustelids! How dare you break the accords of this alliance!” thundered Hei Teng in his wrath.

So began another bout in the long night of bloodbath.

Kong Tengfei and Hei Teng fired one bolt after another, their energy bolts skittered from hither to thither and they were unstoppable. None of the weasel mutants could even survive a blow from either of them.

Kong Tengfei leaped and delivered a roundhouse kick. Yet instead of a human leg, he morphed it into a huge talon that swiped and sliced three or four Mustelids into halves.

A gigantic shadow loomed over Hei Teng from behind; he had conjured an alarmingly- gigantic serpent with jet-black scales.

The serpent lunged into the midst of the Mustelids and constricted its trunk around seven to eight Mustelids and crushed them to death.

More than thirty Mustelids, all of them dead to the last weasel by just Kong Tengfei and Hei Teng alone.

None of the poor weasels even realized that their “Tenth Elder” had long vanished.

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