The Immortal Player

Chapter 229: Their First Product!

Chapter 229: Their First Product!

Before Pedro was able to say anything, Ragas glanced to Clara and asked, "Young master Is it really alright for her to observe our meeting about your 'idea'? I mean Isn't she still a 'temporary' member of your group."

Clara's eyebrows raised as her gaze shifted to Pedro waiting for his answer. Thus, Pedro could only shake his head in response and force out a smile. Afterward, he sighed and said, "It does not matter Anyway Let's proceed since the Ore Ovens would soon be finished in an hour or two. I want to learn the basics of the runic formation and how it works."

Ragas could only obediently bow towards Pedro and said, "If that's your decision, young master! Then, I won't pry on that matter anymore! As for the runic formation and how it works, the answer is simple! Runic Formations are 'commands' written in an ancient language called Kalivahta! Now If Runic Formations are connected or are supplied by a decent amount of magical energy, then, the effect or 'command' written in an item or such, would be activated. Unfortunately The ancient language was required to be written completely and properlyconsequently making the 'commands and conditions' of runic formations to be typically long."

"Hoo No wonder." Pedro said as he remembered the long runic formations typically found in buildings or mansions, and inside dungeons. Then, his thought returned to the idea he had in mind, concerning weapons. He asked, "Is that the reason why there are no weapons with runic formations established in it?"

Ragas simply nodded in response and said, "Yes, young master! Runic Formations were too long to be placed in a weapon. Besides Weapons are often used in battles, so they have a huge tendency to be damaged or even be broken With the extreme sensitivity of Runic Formations, it was only natural for the weapons to not be embedded with any runic formations."

Pedro simply nodded his head and rubbed his chin in response. Then, he asked Ragas, "I see So that's the reason why no onesince our ancestors, gave that much thought in crafting weapons with runic formation!"

"That said Young master, there were several successful experiments concerning weapons and runic formation. Most of them are ranged weapons like bows. But most of them are junked or trashed because although the experiment with ranged weapons was successful, it has a drawbacktaking additional magical energy of the users of the weapons with runic formation." Ragas explained. "This, in turn, depletes the magical energy quicker than the norm. So, it was not used by anyone else."

Before Pedro nor Ragas could utter another word, Clara interjected and said, "If you are referring to weapons that were embedded with runic formation, I only know a few swords available in our Kingdom that were available for use. However We were all told that such weapons can only be used in great warsespecially in life and death situations only."

"Like a suicide attack?" Pedro asked with a frown on his face.

Clara simply nodded her head and said, "That's the gist of it! I won't go that much on the specifics of the sword with runic enchantments but As I heard, most of the weapons with runic enchantment somehow require a huge amount of magical energy to operate. And as you guys know, it was not ideal on combatsespecially on drawn-out battles. So, instead of placing simple additional effects as runic enchantments on weapons, our Kingdom simply utilizes an amplifying effect instead that tends to immediately drain the magical energy of the user. And You know what happens afterward, right?"

"When the magical energy of a person gets drained to its limit, they lose their consciousness. And if they are on a battlefield That's equivalent to their death!" Pedro interjected with a frown on his face. But after a few seconds, he sighed and said, "Well At the least We know the problems that were encountered in embedding runic formation/enchantment to weapons in the past. With that, we know our current limits and we can brainstorm on how to solve them later on."

Clara and Ragas simply nodded in response. Thus, making Pedro clap his hands and said, "Moving forward Ragas, Can I know how long can a single word be in terms of the ancient language? And tell me how small can you write them Though I want to learn the ancient language myself It would need to be moved to some other time because it would be a waste not to try what I have in mind!"

"How long you ask, young master? If I would estimate it for your ease of understanding, a word in our current global language is equivalent to a paragraph of the ancient language!" Ragas said that astonished Pedro. However, before Pedro could say a word, Ragas continued, saying, "As for how small I could write them or embed them At best, I can write them at the size of a human nail per ancient language character."

'Around an inch, huh? Then it seems like I won't be able to create enhanced handheld weapons at the moment! In any case, things would become easy later on if blacksmith players would start to rise! After a piece of microscope-like equipment is made, the development of runic enchantments would follow! For now Since it is just the start of the game, it seems like I could only settle with the 'big toys'! Fortunately, Magic Crystals won't become a problem. There's a lot of supply and less demand I just hope that I would have sufficient funds later on.' Pedro thought as he glanced to a runic formation inside the room-which was providing light to the room.

Then, he grumbled to himself deep inside, 'It's my fault this timefor not knowing how the European Top Guilds and Gaming Organizations were able to create weapons with runic enchantments in my past life! Well I am not a blacksmith in the past, and it was not my specialty, to begin with! I just remembered the reports of my guild members in my past lifewho were blacksmiths I can only do a trial and error method at this moment based on the information that I can remember.'

At this moment, Pedro scratched his head like someone who had no choice but to settle to what can only be done or accomplished, and said, "Then, I would be troubling you, Ragas, later on."

"It would be my pleasure, young master!" Ragas said, respectfully in response.

Since Pedro needed to only tell Ragas what to embed, and since he would be the one doing the shaping of the big toy, they stopped their meeting at this point. Then, they decided to head over to the workshop and check the progress of the construction of their ore oven.

Fortunately, it all ended after another hour of wait. And without wasting time, Pedro and Ragas went to work. Pedro placed several magic crystals into the ore oven to slightly melt it up. This way, Pedro could attach the magic crystals, forming a 12-inch diameter cylinder that was 3 feet high.

On the other hand, Ragas embedded ancient language to a metal case that would seemingly house the 12-inch diameter cylindrical magic crystal that Pedro was forming. And before Ragas was about to finish embedding the ancient language equivalent of what Pedro told him, they inserted the cylindrical first, which fitted the metal housing perfectly.

And as soon as Ragas finished embedding the ancient language, the runic formation/enchantment lit bright orange as an intense heat was suddenly felt inside the workshopwhich was strong enough to even make Pedro and Ragas sweat a tad bit. Pedro could not help but to force out a smile in response and said, "Aron, says stay cool!"

And like magic, the atmosphere returned to its normal state as the light orange glow to the runic formation disappeared. Pedro could not help but smirk towards Ragas and said, "It's a success!"

Ragas simply smirked in response. Then, he bowed towards Pedro and said, "Congratulations, young master! You have successfully designed a good toy to play with!"

Pedro scratched the back of his head in response. Then, he said, "Since it seemed functional Why don't we try it out in the actual field? But before that Let's have a visit to the auction house We need a lot of magic crystals after all!"

"Yes, young master!" Ragas said as he bowed respectfully towards Pedro.

Together with Clara, Pedro and Ragas headed back to the Auction Den and bought all the magic crystals availableconsequently leaving Pedro with only 350 Gold coins. That said, Pedro did not have any second thoughts about buying them. It was something he deemed worth the price after all.

In any case, Ragas and Clara were not able to comprehend why Pedro bought all the available magic crystals in the Auction Den. That said, they did not stop Pedro because they don't have the authority to do so in the first place.

So, they can simply follow him as they headed from the Auction Den to the nearest gate to themthe northern gate of the Tarala Kingdom. Luckily, Duke Ersi was checking the situation at the Northern Side of the Tarala Kingdom at this moment.

Pedro simply smirked as hetogether with Clara and Ragas, approached Duke Ersi. Then, he waved his hands and said, "It's great that you are here, Duke Ersi! I won't be needing the trouble to find you Anyway, can I request you to come with me for a minute?"

Duke Ersi simply laughed in response and said, "Getting straight to the point as always, Sir Aron! I wonder what makes you require my presence that bad?"

"You'll see" Pedro simply chuckled in response.

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