The Insider System

Chapter 156: Blurred Vision

Chapter 156: Blurred Vision

As soon as he inspected his knife a stream of information started to appear in front of him. Everything about the knife from the amount of monsters and people it killed to its level. This was new to him because from what he knew you needed to be a blacksmith to see the level of equipment like you needed to be an Alchemist or a farmer to see the level of a plant.

He guessed this was what it meant when it said he could see hidden information. That being said he already knew everything he needed to know about his knife so he quickly stopped paying attention to all the information popping up in front of him and got ready to clear the fortress.

He was unarmed so his Strength was currently being added to his Dexterity so both his Agility and Endurance were at 190 or at least as far as he knew. He was just assuming skills stacked like that either way he was going to be extremely fast when he activated Burst and while he didn't really understand all the interactions between his skills that were going to happen he felt he would be too fast to be able to control it so he decided to hold off on using this combo in combat until he had time to get used to it.

He was pretty sure being too fast would be a bad thing so holding back felt like the right choice to him. Taking his first step towards the door, Lake took a second to use Mana Vision to see if he could tell what was going on inside. His guess was they were all in bed but that didn't mean they would be asleep yet.

He didn't think it would matter if they were up or not though so he turned Mana Vision off and started to run at the door. Lake tried to open the door with its handle but his hand kind of just passed right through the door and then the rest of him did right after. He quickly realized he was moving too fast to interact with something as weak as mundane wood in any way other than destroying it and it seemed his reflexes were slightly lacking when he was going this fast.

It wasn't to the point where he couldn't control himself but he could tell his Perception being as low as it was was making it hard to see what he was doing as he was doing it almost like he was looking at his own after image. His hand had been through the door before he had realized what was happening because it had been further forward than he had realized.

That being said he was sure The Sight would help him once he got into actual battle. It increased his Perception by quite a bit so all he needed to do was start fighting. Doing his best to distinguish what was in the room he was now in, Lake saw a bed with a person in it and adjusted his course to pass right by them.

As soon as he was close enough he drove his hand into their face like a spear and was successful in killing them even though like last time his hand hit before he was expecting it to. That being said he could tell The sight had activated because everything had just become less blurry.

Moving to the next bed Lake was able to see a bit better and able to see what the inside looked like. There were people sleeping everywhere in this first room and he was sure there would be more once he passed through the next door. That being said he was sure these were the lower level members and the more important ones would have their own rooms further into the fortress.

After killing two more of the twenty or so people in this room Lake heard the level up ding and he didn't stop and continued to move around the room killing everyone in it and after seven he heard it again. That meant he was already at level 9 in mugger and this next level would grant him another two skills.

After killing the last 11 that were in this room, Lake went ahead and pulled up his stats while he added up all the bandits he had killed here so far. There were 6 outside and now he had killed 21 inside meaning if the information he got was correct there should only be 3 left. Turning on Mana Vision, Lake looked into the rest of the fortress to see what looked like 5 cores.

That meant the number had been off slightly or they had gotten some new members recently and after thinking about it he bet that water guy had been one of the new ones and that had been why he was doing grunt work. It didn't really matter though he was happy for the extra Exp even if it didn't look like he was going to need it.

Race: Human Lv.11 ( 5/10)

Job: Mugger Lv.9 ( 2345/2560 )

Special: The Insider Lv.0 ( 4/5 )


Health 110

Stamina 110

Mana 540

Strength 83

Endurance 15

Agility 89

Dexterity 111

Perception 101

Intelligence 114

Charisma 38

Free stat points: 141

Turning to look at the stats he had pulled up, Lake was happy with whatever it was he had gotten from leveling up Mugger twice and then put them away. Lake took the time to open the door then walked in. He saw a small hallway with three doors he guessed led to the personal rooms of the leaders of this band of bandits.

Using Mana Vision one last time he saw there seemed to be two people in the room on the left and on the right and the center room only had one person. That would probably be the leader whose head he needed to complete this mission if he had to guess. Opening the door on the left, Lake silently slipped in.

He wasn't really worried about being seen since all the lights were out so he just slowly walked over to the two people in the room and one at a time he ripped their heads off. He didn't want to damage the heads themselves so he had to make sure to kill them in a way where the head was fine and they didn't make any noise.

He had noticed in the past when he broke peoples necks they sometimes made some gurgling noises and it could take a while for it to stop and he didn't want that to happen this close to the bandit leaders room. So even though tearing a head off seemed like it would be louder with the effects of Mute active it made no noise other than the dripping sound the blood made after it soaked through the straw mattresses the bandits were using.

Setting the two heads down, Lake looked at the [Level max] message he had gotten after he had tore the second head off and took the time to switch his job to Brawler but didn't look at his new skills. Walking to the next room on the other side of the Bandit Leaders room Lake did the same thing to the two inside and earned 7 levels in Brawler and another rank up.

Brawler had a 4X on unarmed kills so he had earned around 400 Exp for each bandit he had killed with his bare hands. That being said it was unlikely the leader would give him the thousands of Exp he needed for the last three levels so it seemed Brawler was going to be his job for a while.

With the four of them dead all he had left to do was kill the last one and loot and he could leave. He wasn't tired yet and he wanted to see how fast he was on the run back to the fighters guild so he planned to find a room to rent for tonight and then do some more missions tomorrow as soon as he woke up unless he saw a cart on the way to town of course.

If that happened he would try and unlock Bandit so he would have another Unique job to level. Opening the door to the leaders room Lake saw it was dark inside as well and went inside. The bandit leader was laying on a bed in the middle of the room but that wasn't what he spent most of his time looking at when he first walked in.

It seemed these bandits were quite a bit more successful than the last ones he had killed. He had kind of already known this from the gear they were using but this room really struck the point home. There was stuff everywhere in this room, boxes, chests and weapon stands all full to the brim with loot.

Snapping out of it Lake focused on the bandit who was probably worth more than all the stuff in here put together and took a step towards the bed. Stopping because he felt a slight pulling at his ankle, Lake looked down to see a thin rope stretched across the floor. It was clear he had walked into a trap but he couldn't figure out what had happened.

Looking around Lake found where the rope led under the pile of junk near the door and bent down to look without moving his foot any. He was afraid it would go off as soon as he took his foot off of the rope, like some kind of landmine, so he had a bit of a hard time getting a good look at what the rope was connected to.

It ended up being a small bell and Lake guessed it hadn't worked because of how Mute made it so he couldn't cause noise in any way. Reaching over and grabbing the bell out of its little hiding place, Lake set it down and started to scan the room for any more traps. He didn't see any so he doubted there were any more. With his Perception being over 100 he could see extremely well especially when he wasn't running.

Walking over to the bed Lake Went with the best method of preserving the head and plunged his hand through the man's neck until he felt his hand go through the spine. Lake saw the man's eyes open and could tell the man was panicking but with his spine severed he couldn't move his body so after a while the man died from blood loss which was also the name of his skill that had made it happen so fast. [Level up]

With that done Lake just left the head there to let it drain as much as possible and turned his attention to the room. If he started looting now by the time he was done he could take the head and go and see if any of the bodies were glowing.

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