The Insider System

Chapter 160: A New Favorite

Chapter 160: A New Favorite

Lake knew he was technically using the more difficult method to fight these four by not just taking his knife out real quick and using knife throw to kill one of them real quick or cast a spell like Fire blast but he was kind of interested in this as more of a challenge than a fight. Using Barrier Lake saw a small shield start to weave itself out of his mana right above his fist.

Moving his hand slightly he saw the barrier moved with his hand which is what he had been hoping for. He could also tell this still counted as him being unarmed so he could see how useful this skill would be from now on if he planned to fight with no weapons which was when he was at his strongest.

Now all he had to do was see how strong it was. It said it scaled off of his Dexterity which wasn't surprising considering it had come from a job that dealt with fighting with your hands but it did seem like an odd stat for something made from mana to scale off of. That being said he had high Dexterity so it should be good.

Stopping in place Lake watched as one of the two people with bows finally got their aim on him and fired. Lake moved his body to the side slightly and held the barrier in the path of the arrow. There was no effect when the arrow hit the barrier and he watched as the arrow harmlessly fell to the ground.

Starting to move again so he wouldn't get shot while he inspected the barrier to see if he could see any damage if he looked real close. After looking at it it looked like the arrow had truly done nothing at all to it so now that he understood just how strong it was Lake wanted to see if he could do anything else with it.

Lake had seen how a shield could be used as a weapon in his fight against that guy who had used that flying shield as a weapon and Lake wanted to see if he could imitate that with these mana barriers. They should be similar since this was made out of his mana in the same way mana vessels used the mana you filled them with to function like part of your body you could control.

At least it felt the same as it did with his mana vessels. Moving the shield away from his hand Lake felt like it was going to work until it started to get further from him. He could feel his connection to the barrier starting to fail so he pulled it back before he lost control of it. It wasn't a complete failure though because this still increased his range by two or three feet and when you couldn't use any weapons that was quite a bit.

With that all he had left to do was use it to attack to see if it was deadly, no he knew he could kill these people with it he really just wanted to know how sharp it was. He couldn't really tell by looking at it and he remembered that the shield he had stolen was razor sharp which he had found to be interesting at the time.

By now with all the time he had wasted messing with his barrier one of the two melee bandits he was currently running around had gotten kind of close so Lake headed in toward him and had the barrier slice towards the man. Lake saw the man try and move his sword to block the barrier but he could tell it wouldn't make it in time and it seemed the man understood this as well because Lake saw a faint light start to form around the man.

It was too late to use magic though because the shield had already reached the man's side but unlike what Lake had hoped it just crushed its way into the man instead of slicing him in half. Caving someone's chest in was still an effective attack but he felt it would make it more likely for them to be able to survive it.

That being said as he watched the man's body get sent flying into the woods it seemed unlikely that they would be getting back up. Now that he knew it was an effective weapon as well, Lake wanted to know if he could make more of them, kind of like how he had been able to use Summon Hands as many times as he wanted.

Using the skill again Lake felt another barrier start to weave itself out of his mana above his other hand. He had expected that he could have at least two but three was where it would get interesting. Trying to use the skill again Lake found it did nothing so he ended the testing and just started to fight like normal.

Rushing over to one of the bow bandits Lake bashed them and when the other bow bandit used that as an opportunity to attack him he blocked the arrow and rushed them as well. [Level max] It seemed these four were worth quite a bit because he had still needed most of the Exp for level nine but he wasn't going to complain.

Switching his job to Spearman, Lake went for the last guy holding a sword and sent him flying like the rest. [Level up] [Level up] [Level up] [Level up] [Rank up] [Level up] There was no Exp bonus because he didn't have a spear but he wanted to see what kind of skills a common job would give him.

With those four dead Lake looked to the other bandits that were unable to participate in a fight like the one that had just happened and saw a few had actually been able to take a few steps out of the woods towards him and he thought there would probably be others that were running in the opposite direction so he should go ahead and clean them up before they got away.

[Level up] [Level up] [Level up] Lake wasn't sure how many of them he killed but he did know it wasn't enough to get the max level in spearman but with them all dead he had the time to see exactly how far away he was.

Race: Human Lv.13 ( 4/10)

Job: Spearman Lv.8 ( 430/1280 )

Special: The Insider Lv.0 ( 4/5 )


Health 130

Stamina 130

Mana 560

Strength 115

Endurance 15

Agility 97

Dexterity 121

Perception 101

Intelligence 114

Charisma 41

Free stat points: 144

Then the good part, his new skills. The first two were from Brawler so he took his time to read them because of how much he had found he liked Barrier for letting him punch things he couldn't reach.

Wave (G) Lv.1

Send out a wave of mana that scales off of your Dexterity.

Cost: 10 mana

Barrage (R) Lv.1

Activated skills last for twice as many attacks.

Lake read Wave a few times because of its striking similarities to Barrier but he decided he would try it in a battle before he wrote it off completely. Barrage seemed good if it did what he thought it did. He was pretty sure it had to do with things like Crunch where it said your next attack and if that was the case he was happy to save the Mana and Stamina.

Focused Force (G) Lv.1

Skills cost 20% less while using a spear.

Spear Master (R) Lv.1

30% Increase to Strength and Agility's effects while holding a spear.

These were the types of skills he needed for every weapon so he was happy he got started. When he maxed the job and got the next two he was sure Spear would become more viable. It also made him realize he could have just summoned his spear to him during that battle and that would have allowed him to make twice as much Exp.

He wasn't going to beat himself up about it though because there were plenty of people to kill. All he would have to do is go back to the Fighters guild and get another one. Plus he might get some Intangible Loot if he was lucky, it wasn't like he was going anywhere just yet he still had to find out which head he needed to bring back and get all the loot together so he could bring it back to sell.

He wouldn't bother with the Getting all the armor but the weapons would be easy to gather. As he started to pile up the weapons Lake started to look around for something he could put them in. His best idea was someone's shirt so he needed to find a nice big one. Sadly a lot of these bandits happened to be on the smaller side so he didn't think he would be able to get away with one.

Getting one of the bodies up so he could get its clothes off, Lake started to hear something and remembered why he was standing on a road in the first place. The cart he was going to use to unlock Bandit was coming.

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