The Insider System

Chapter 182: Reunion

Chapter 182: Reunion

Stepping into the guild Donny took in the chaos and couldn't help himself from saying. "Fuck." It was one thing for the normal people to panic but the fact that the people who were supposed to help keep them safe were also starting to lose it was a bad sign. He wasn't the person to get them to calm down though so he just needed to find whoever was in charge to get something to do.

As he was waiting to talk to one of the clerks he couldn't help but hear what some of the people were talking about. He was hearing a lot of bad news at once and he started to understand why people were starting to freak out about how many different things were going on at once. He could tell part of the panic was because of a lack of manpower because a lot of the people reporting were asking for backup only to be told to wait.

From what he could tell there were over ten groups here looking for backup so it was pretty obvious what his first assignment would be. Once he got his turn to talk to the clerk Donny said. "Hello, we just arrived and are reporting for duty." Usually the Fighters guild was pretty loose command wise but in times like these every member knew you did what you were told.

"Um." Donny watched as the clerk looked around for a few seconds before saying. "Let me see your badges." Donny and the archer girl both handed over their badges and once the clerk looked at their identities they said. "Go ahead and pick one of those groups over there to join."

The clerk clearly didn't have time to list all of the jobs they were perfect for and had just left it up to them to find their own. Donny looked back to make sure the person he was with was still with him because sometimes with how quiet she was he found it hard to know unless he looked. With her looking at him he decided she was still with him so he went over to the groups looking for members.

"How many do you all need?" Donny was hoping they could find someone only looking for two people so he could go ahead and get to work. There was no point in trying to help out the ones who needed too many people because he would be here all day. Donny got a bunch of answers to his question at once but he zeroed in on the one who was saying they just needed people that could help seal some Unholy abomination.

Donny wasn't particularly good at magic but he was skilled in mana control because of his years training with the shield. "No Holy magic users around right now?" Donny was joking when he said this because of course there weren't. That was the reason they would be trying to seal it and not just kill it.

"What's your team to seal it like?" Donny needed to be sure he wouldn't be redundant before he offered to join because if they already had someone who could weave the formation they didn't need him. "We have someone who can use Life magic and someone with Antimagic so we're just looking for someone to help lay the formation."

Donny nodded because he had assumed that's what they needed because people like him were too rare to find just walking around. Most people who were any good with mana were Masters in guilds so you would have a hard time getting one to come on demand. "How big is the formation?"

This was another important detail because if it was too big he wouldn't be able to do it without help. "I was told it won't be that big but I don't know. I didn't actually see the monster and I don't really know anything about formations." Donny nodded and decided he might as well try. He didn't have any better choices anyway.

"Alright I can try to lay the formation. I've done it before so we should be fine." Donny had never sealed an actual threat but he had practiced it a few times because it was a good way to see where you were with mana control. Of course he was pretty sure his skills had regressed slightly since he lost the shield because he was missing a constant way to train.

To train now Donny had to sit still and slowly weave his mana into shapes and he didn't really have the time for that and he didn't think he would any time soon so this could be seen as a good chance to freshen his skills. "Give me a demo." Donny could understand why the man would want to see his skills before they headed out so he waved his hand and made three basic formations.

These showed that he was at what a lot of people knew as the third circle and would show that he was more than capable to lay a formation to seal a monster. Donny was actually capable of doing the fourth formation but he didn't like to broadcast something like that. "Ok lets go." Donny nodded and as they were heading out the door made sure she was following him to see she was.


Lake and Freed had run out of things to talk about at this point and Lake was starting to wish he had spent more time on his recon mission but finally he saw the people they had sent returning and told Freed. "I see them. It looks like they brought three new people." Lake didn't really remember how many had gone back to the guild but he didn't remember three of them being here earlier.

That being said he recognized one of them. He had met her almost as soon as he had gotten to this world because she rode the same cart he had to go hunting. He remembered she wasn't a nice person though and he didn't remember her name so he wasn't going to say anything unless she did first.

The other two who were new to the group were just classic armored fighters so he didn't know what their faces looked like. He was sure there would be an introduction though so there was a chance the two dudes could be the brothers he had met on the cart as well but he would only know if they took off their helmets.


Looking at the group he was now a part of it didn't take long for Donny to notice something about one of the helmets one of them was wearing. It was the same exact helmet the thief who had stolen his shield had been wearing so it was something he would never forget.

Usually he would think this was just a coincidence because it was a pretty plain helmet and a lot looked similar but his brother had been the one to hire the thief so them being from the Metal Domain made sense.

Donny tried to keep himself from getting too excited right away until he confirmed it and started to look at their other equipment. The first thing he looked at was the chest piece but it wasn't the same so he moved on to the next thing which was the sword.

It was the same sword and that was enough for Donny to start celebrating in his head. He had been wanting to find this guy again so he could hire him to retake the shield for him so the fact he had done so was great.

But that wasn't the best part, he knew this guy was a secret thief so now he didn't even have to pay him and could just blackmail him into getting the shield for him. This was great news for him because he wasn't doing too well at making money just yet and all he needed to do was make sure the guy wouldn't just kill him to keep his secret.

Donny had fought him twice before so he knew they were pretty equal in terms of strength so as long as Donny had one or two other people with him he should be fine to confront this thief. "I'm Freed, and this is Lake. I'm leading the group that will be going to deal with the Unholy flesh but lake is the one who actually dealt with it the most so he'll be telling you what you need to know before we go in."


Lake hadn't really been expecting to give a speech so he just told a faithful recount of what had happened so far. After that the seven of them that were going down to deal with it laid the plan and Lake wasn't very involved in this part because apparently they were going to do something he knew nothing about to deal with the flesh but he was going to go still so he guessed he would get to see it first hand.

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