The King's Avatar

Chapter 1434 - There’s a Trap

Chapter 1434: There’s a Trap

Translator: Nomyummi Editor: Nomyummi

Ye Xiu’s trick had Pan Lin and Li Yibo exchanging a look in the broadcasting room.

“I don’t know why but I suddenly thought of the phrase ‘close the door and release the dogs’,” Pan Lin suddenly sighed.

“Haha, I don’t know if the door closed or not, but he really did release a dog,” Li Yibo laughed.

“And this dog is practically biting at the heels,” Pan Lin noted, watching the screen.

Currently, Ye Xiu still couldn’t see Swoksaar, but the Goblin continued to move, confident in where to go. Even novices knew that summons would only move when under the control of the player or on auto. Otherwise, they would just stand in place dumbly. So, Pan Lin and Li Yibo made a few comments but didn’t discuss it in detail, since it was so simple. However, before Ye Xiu, how many people would think to use the most low leveled summons to hunt down Yu Wenzhou whose understanding of the map was unparallelled?

With a clear direction, Lord Grim’s pursuit was swift. If it wasn’t for the fact that he had used three movement skills in succession to increase the range of his view, then Lord Grim would’ve caught up a while ago. Unfortunately, those three skills were on cooldown, meaning that Lord Grim wasn’t at his fastest. Even so, Ye Xiu had Lord Grim close the distance rapidly with what he had. At the very least, he could see Swoksaar’s form now.

The Goblin was small, with short legs. It wasn’t very fast at all. Normal players could easily shake them off as well. However, these few moments had given Ye Xiu a chance.

Bang bang!

As he moved, Lord Grim shot twice to disrupt Swoksaar’s movement. But Yu Wenzhou didn’t react to it at all. Swoksaar didn’t even bother to dodge.

Ye Xiu knew that something was wrong. There was no way you could escape just by ignoring these attacks. That wasn’t a thing!

Gatling Gun!

Ye Xiu resolutely activated this skill. Bullets shot out like a flood. It didn’t take many shots before Swoksaar turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared in the mist.

“Hahahahaha!” The audience was delighted, because they had known about this from the moment it happened!

You might have your cunning tricks, but I’m no less crafty!

Ye Xiu’s use of summons to track his target had fully utilized the characteristics of this basic skill, but Yu Wenzhou soon countered, tooth for a tooth.

Shadow Clone Technique!

It was also a low level skill, which was generally used as a teleportation skill by Nightwalkers. But right now, Yu Wenzhou was using it the way it was originally intended: to confuse the opponent.

An experienced player like Ye Xiu definitely wouldn’t be tricked by a Shadow Clone Technique. It was just unfortunate that a dumb little summons was easily tricked by a technique like this.

As soon as the Goblin began to chase, Yu Wenzhou had Swoksaar quickly form hand seals. Afterwards, the one the Goblin and Lord Grim were pursuing was Swoksaar’s shadow clone.

Then where was the real Swoksaar?


A rumbling erupted, the air split open, and the pitch black Death’s Door rose from behind Lord Grim.

Under these circumstances, if Swoksaar didn’t successfully take the chance to launch a powerful attack, then Yu Wenzhou wouldn’t be worthy of being Blue Rain’s captain!

If he could, he would probably have the Death’s Door cast on top of Lord Grim. Yu Wenzhou didn’t seem to intend to use Death’s Door’s CC at all. With a Death’s Door so close, he was clearly aiming to deal damage as fast as possible.

“That’s a wise choice!” Li Yibo praised. “Using Death’s Door’s control to launch an attack to eliminate Death’s Door’s ending lag would maximize damage, against a skilled and experienced expert like Ye Xiu, Yu Wenzhou might end up failing to deal any damage and exposing himself instead. Usually, this usage of Death’s Door wouldn’t pose much of a threat to Ye Xiu. Lord Grim’s movement methods and speed vastly lowered the difficulty of escaping from Death’s Door. That’s why it was better to just set Death’s Door right next to him and aim for a quick round of damage.”

Li Yibo’s analysis was very reasonable this time, and he was also correct. That was, indeed, what Yu Wenzhou was thinking. He didn’t ask for too much, because he knew that it was best to not give his current opponent any chances. His ability to grasp opportunities was on par with Blue Rain’s Huang Shaotian. Against this sort of person, you would have to be ready to improvise and counter what he did. If you planned and schemed, then he was sure to trick you into falling into the very trap you set.


A Death’s Door activated next to its target: the miasma immediately latched onto the character, directly skipping over the part where it dragged its target back and exploding!

Damn cool!

Applause filled the stadium.

This strike struck bone. The damage from the Chaotic Rain and Sandstorm Trap from before was nothing.

Nineteen percent!

That was how much of Lord Grim’s health this attack had taken.

Yu Wenzhou’s Swoksaar was centered around powerful control and high bursts. His personal style was similar to the cooldown style. Yu Wenzhou was unsuited to chaining long combos to stack damage.

He grasped a chance and unleashed a powerful skill to take out almost one fifth of his opponent’s health, swift and resolute. More importantly, Yu Wenzhou didn’t expose Swoksaar’s position with this attack. Currently, he was hidden to the side, already casting a second skill.

Hexagram Prison!

Just through the distance between Lord Grim and the Death’s Door and their relative positions, Yu Wenzhou had managed to calculate exactly where Lord Grim would be thrown to by the Death’s Door’s explosion. Hexagram Prison was executed so precisely that there was no way to stop it. Ye Xiu was trying to have Lord Grim quick recover to roll back onto his feet when the Hexagram Prison trapped him.

Hexagram Prison didn’t do any damage on its own. Damage was only dealt with other skills while the target was trapped. Yu Wenzhou wouldn’t miss such an opportunity either, no longer caring if Swoksaar would be exposed or not anymore.

Curse Arrows, Burning Arrows, two low level skills that Swoksaar rarely ever used. Then, a Shadow Flames and Grasping Ghosts, two damage over time skills.

Lord Grim’s Myriad manifestations Umbrella had such a large surface area for defense, it made his opponents depressed, but now that he was caught by Yu Wenzhou’s Hexagram Prison, it was Ye Xiu who felt depressed.

Since it was too big, the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella couldn’t open up into its shield form in the Hexagram Prison. Lord Grim could do nothing but take the damage from the four skills.

Swoksaar’s position was completely exposed now, but after these four skills, Yu Wenzhou didn’t have Swoksaar flee. Swoksaar waved his Curse of Destruction, continuing to cast...

This skill had a visibly longer cast time, and at practically the same time the Hexagram Prison disappeared, Curse of Destruction was jabbed at Lord Grim.

Ye Xiu seemed to have realized something as well, and had Lord Grim raise the Myriad manifestations Umbrella at almost the same time, wanting to use Rotor Wings, but it was too late...

There were no flashes of light, but the ground under Lord Grim’s feet had been changed through a curse.

Lord Grim, attempting to use Rotor Wings to escape, was about to jump into the air, but the moment his feet left the ground, he sunk.

Dense forestry, denser mist...

This scenery was creepy enough, but when Ye Xiu looked downwards, he saw that the area under Lord Grim had already been cursed. Strange runes crawled over the ground like squirming maggots, and the area seemed to have a layer of fog over it, making the ground look wet and sticky. The howling of the damned filled his ears as his body sunk. Withered grey hands burst out of the soil, the hem of Lord Grim’s pants clenched in their fists. Later on, some heads even appeared, teeth snapping, and others rose up to catch Lord Grim in an iron embrace, all holding on for dear life, tugging at him, as if they wanted to pull him into this curse as well.

Just the special effects alone made it worthy of being a high level skill...

Death Entanglement!

The new level 75 Warlock skill. A skill above even Death’s Door.

Before the skill ended or before a target walked out of the affected zone, the skill would deal damage over time to the characters enmeshed. In addition, a powerful slow would be inflicted, and even better, skills like Teleportation, Shadow Clone Technique, even Rotor Wings couldn’t be used in the affected area. They would all be interrupted, and the character would be grabbed by the wraiths.

There was no instantly escaping the area cursed by Death Entanglement, unless you were very lucky and started on the edge of the skill’s area of effect, able to step out in one step. However, Yu Wenzhou had set the skill so that Lord Grim was in the center. No matter which way he walked, the skill would probably end before he could walk out.

“It seems like you really did manage to trap me...” Ye Xiu was still in the mood to chat at a time like this! After Death’s Door and the four consecutive skills, then this level 75 skill... this combo of Swoksaar’s was the highest damage he could do in this period of time.


That was the total damage these skills had dealt to Lord Grim. Death Entanglement was a level 75 skill, but it’s damage was nothing compared to Death’s Door. However, that didn’t mean it was at all a weak skill. It’s CC far overpowered Death’s Door.

31%, added to the 19% from Death’s Door, meant that Yu Wenzhou had taken half of Lord Grim’s health in one go. This was truly a display of his power.

“Unfortunately, it isn’t enough,” Yu Wenzhou replied. This was true disappointment. Of course, he hoped that he could skill Lord Grim here and now. However, under the current circumstances, he didn’t have any confidence that he would be able to trap Lord Grim so well after the Death Entanglement ended. Exposing his position was an extremely risky move, so he had no choice but to stop his assault and have Swoksaar find a new, better place to hide.

“This performance of yours is more than enough for you to brag about. You can even tell your kids about it after you grow old,” Ye Xiu replied.

“I still hope that the story can become a little more spectacular,” Yu Wenzhou said.

“Impossible! You’re nowhere near good enough!” Ye Xiu said.

“That’s no secret,” Yu Wenzhou said.

“I planted a fatal trap for you,” Ye Xiu informed the other.

“Oh? What is it?” Just as the message sent, Yu Wenzhou paled. Swoksaar really did step into a trap.

Then, Lord Grim appeared right in front of him, face to face, practically no space between them.

“A Shadow Trap. Scared yet?” Ye Xiu asked.

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