The King's Game

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Edited by: grump

The so-called inner space was a closed dimension created by the user with his own ability, which was independent from the main world. This was a power that only magicians above the level of Great Mage could possess.

The size of the dimension produced depended on the ability of the caster. The environment in the space could be freely controlled by the magician. In this independent dimension, its maker was undoubtedly the master of the whole space.

After trapping the youth in the space, the lich who shed its disguise to reveal its true form soon entered an unbridled state of mind, staring with scarlet eyes at the prey trapped in the space without any place to escape, but not directly killing the other.

This kind of mentality was also a bit like a cat that had caught a mouse. Because it was confident that its prey could not escape, the lich who thought he was a hunter had a playful mentality before killing.

This was the space that he dominated and controlled. In this space, he could slowly plunge the human youth in front of him into despair, appreciating the fearful expression on the face of the other party, and kill him when he was satisfied.

However, when he would take the body of the youth out of the space so that all the mechanical creatures can see him clearly, the latter would lose their minds completely. At that time, even if he didn’t do it, the world would be destroyed by those mechanical creatures.

“Don’t you want to kill me? Still not doing it?” To understand the real identity of the lich, Gu Huai looked around the surrounding space, it had been smoothly made.

What the enemy’s mentality was now, in fact, it wasn’t difficult to understand. Although he had not had much direct contact with the other, Gu Huai had some understanding of the other’s character.

At present, the enemy was very committed to being a controller, so when the other thought that there was a mistake in his perfect plans, the other easily lost his temper.

Now the other party had come to him to show his identity, which proved his point.

“Ah Huai......” The system’s normally cool and unwavering voice fluctuated obviously at this time. In order to conform to the rules of the game, it could not use too much power in the mission worlds. Hence, in the face of this scene, the system couldn’t make any moves.

No matter what kind of changes took place in the world, that was something that game participants needed to face and solve on their own. It was the fate of participants.

Destiny was not accidental. If the participants died because of the change, it only showed that the other party was not suitable to be a “king”, so they could not blame others.

At the beginning Noah deliberately added such a rule to the game so it could eliminate other people for legitimate reasons.

However, since this deviation was not abnormal to the game, according to the set rules of the game, the system now had no reason for direct interference.

Hearing the voice of his system, Gu Huai responded quickly to appease him.

“Are you in such a hurry to die?” Half of the lich’s body, which was mechanical, looked normal, while the other half could really frighten young children. The distorted creature with human form but beyond recognition lifted its right hand, which was only bones, and waved several attacks to the youth.

This was a kind of rebellious mentality. The more insipid the youth’s attitude was, the more his reaction was not in line with its own expectations, the more the master of the current space did not want the youth to die so easily.

The attack did not do much harm to the youth. Energy pierced through the clothes of the youth instantly, nailing the latter to the wall, the magic forming a cage.

Such an attack was not devoid of flaws. Gu Huai did not say a word at this time, did not struggle, but instead quietly watched the surrounding environment.

The verbal provocation was to stall for time. The current space was an unfavorable environment for him. Gu Huai was not impulsive enough to continue talking to the other immediately. It was not difficult to break away from the magic cage that bound him. The real trouble was how to get out of the space.

Why did the youth seem to have no fear in this situation? Xia Zuo put the top of the staff inlaid with dark stones on the bound youth’s forehead and said with a smile: “I can kill you at any time now, but it’s more interesting to let you see the gradual destruction of the world than kill you directly.”

The dark magic gem was on his forehead. As long as the owner of the stave attacked, it would absolutely be fatal at such a distance. But even when his life was threatened, Gu Huai’s expression remained unchanged and he only looked up calmly at the distorted lich in front of him.

The whole environment of the space was like a prison cell, but the trapped youth obviously had no concern from being a prisoner at this time and was very calm in his words and actions.

“Since you are not going to kill me at once, it is better to kindly answer some questions before killing me.” Gu Huai especially emphasized the word “kindly” and deliberately used it to guide the other party’s mentality.

Gu Huai still had many doubts about the enemy in front of him. He was willing to take this opportunity to confirm some things about him.

The youth’s words were taken as entreaties. Believing that the youth’s behavior represented fear, a malicious smile on the face of the lich spread. All he could hear was the cry of a dying man and defeated general. Of course he was still willing to satisfy the other party.

“What do you want to ask?” Xia Zuo took the staff back and looked at the young man in front of him as if he was a mess. He felt a little pleased.

A high-ranking existence once said that he was not qualified to be a “king”, but if he really was not qualified, how did the person in front of him lose?

“Plan Ark... Noah, is it you who tampered with their initial procedures?” Gu Huai measured and calculated the flaws in the current space while talking to the other without his expression changing.

“It is.” Xia Zuo nodded without hesitation and admitted this to the youth very honestly and frankly.

In the last world, he told the youth that he would prepare a better stage for the other in this world, and the Ark Project was the most important component.

“More than 200 years ago in this world, I disguised myself as a human being with a thousand jewels and became a member of the Ark Project research team, successfully infiltrating the team to win the position of chief engineer.” Xia Zuo didn’t mind telling the truth to the youth in front of him. Anyway, the other party would die before long. It was his kindness to let the other party die with clarity.

The most powerful person in the world had an independent power system. When he found that humans had successfully created the first batch of mechanical creatures, Xia Zuo began to pay attention to the humans’ plans. When the plan was officially put forward, he believed that Noah would be the final piece of this plan.

In fact, the Ark Plan was not named that at the beginning. It was originally a plan code-named K. The name Ark was officially designated after Xia Zuo served as chief engineer.

He deliberately named Noah, the final creation of the Ark Project, which had to be said to be a malicious act.

According to the plan originally conceived by Xia Zuo, the mechanical creatures created by the Ark Plan would wipe out all living things in Eizea, which of course included the youth.

No matter which race the other party came to this world as, he could not escape the fate of being killed by mechanical creatures.

The death of the youth meant the failure of the clearance mission. However, even if the former narrowly escaped and all the other living beings in Eizea were extinct, the current world would be in a state of collapse and destruction, and the other party’s mission would also be judged as failure.

“But they didn’t kill me as you wanted, the plan failed, and you wasted a lot of energy. Aren’t you disappointed?” He almost blurted out “angry”. Gu Huai immediately changed the second half of the sentence. After a bit of consideration, he still restrained his words a little, so as not to make the other party angry from the conversation.

There was a weak spot in the independent dimension. Gu Huai continued to stall for time by talking. At this time, he quietly stuck a tiny engineered device between his fingers.

That was one of several engineered items invented by Gu Huai not long ago. The device interfered with magic energy.

Even if the youth used more tactful words, the sentence was enough to make the distorted lich look gloomy.

That was the biggest failure in his plan. It was just that the mechanical creatures made of metal and other materials could actually produce feelings, and this kind of emotion had gone beyond the programming. It was ridiculous.

He didn’t think a pile of cold metal would have the ability to produce feelings. Xia Zuo’s most straightforward conjecture was that the “rules” cheated for the youth.

All the mechanical creatures created by the Ark Project were reluctant to kill the other. They desperately tried to delay the execution of the program using various excuses despite knowing the programmed instructions.

Even Noah, as the most perfect creation, had a little hesitation when he first saw the youth in front of him. This hesitation made him unable to behead the youth when he met him.

Once he failed to do it, he could not do it again. It was just that they met a few times and got along for a while. Even a cold humanoid weapon without a beating heart was so easily captured by the youth that it completely abandoned the program that said he should be executed.

Because of reluctance, these mechanical creatures took the initiative to find excuses, including following the youth’s advice to stop attacking the other races.

It was good to avoid the procedure by changing the clans’ names. It was better not to mention it, but to mention... The distorted lich looked more gloomy and horrible.

While the meeting was going on, of course, Xia Zuo was also present as the auxiliary officer of the lich clan. At that time, he tried his best to control his expression.

This was not his original intention when he set up the program. In front of him, the youth had completely exploited a logical loophole. That was exasperating.

But if he showed anger on this matter, he would appear to have been tricked by the youth in turn. The lich pinched the stave with his right hand, which had become bones, hiding the anger in his scarlet eyes.

“It’s just a small mistake. The Ark Project is only a temporary pastime for me. Even if something goes wrong, it won’t affect anything.” Xia Zuo maintained his smiling expression and pointed out, “As you are still the meat on the chopping board, you are going to be slaughtered by me anyway. It doesn’t make any difference whether it happens earlier or later, does it?”

Gu Huai did not disturb the other’s complacent mood, but confirmed another thing, “There is another problem. You have another Ida crystal...”

Speaking of which, Gu Huai moved his eyes to the dark magic gem that just touched his forehead and speculated, “Is this the one inlaid on your staff?”

Since talking with Serge not long ago, Gu Huai had basically decided that his enemy still had another Ida crystal in his hand. This magic gem was the necessary medium to turn impossibility into possibility and allow the other party to control the whole undead army.

Upon this declaration, Xia Zuo’s heart was slightly alarmed, but his arrogance and extreme confidence that he had trapped the youth as a prisoner still made him want to give the youth an answer.

“It is as you deduced.” At present, the youth had good perception. Even as an enemy, Xia Zuo had to admit it.

“You don’t seem surprised that the enemy behind the scenes who controls the undead army appeared in the parliament, but if you had found me long ago, you wouldn’t have failed to do anything. I have answered two questions for you, and now it is your turn.” The lich waved his staff to create a cold throne, and he immediately sat on it.

29,13... In his mind, Gu Huai roughly groped for the weak point in the current space, but it was still more accurate and safer. Gu Huai continued to talk with the other, “Whenever the parliament made any resolution, the undead seemed to know the movement of the allies in advance. Although you disguised this as coincidence, it was quite abnormal that there were so many coincidences and people were suspicious.”

The troops sent to the Deep Snow Canyon just bumped into an elite team of necromancers in the Gorge and were completely wiped out. The latest coincidence had caused doubt in Gu Huai.

Gu Huai lightly pressed the tip of his thumb against the switch button of the interphalangeal engineering device, which was almost... ready.

“I won’t mention the means of hurting others and benefiting yourself. In fact, I’d like to know what kind of resentment makes you willing to transform yourself into what you are now.” Gu Huai looked at the distorted lich’s scarlet eyes. From the other’s eyes, Gu Huai could clearly see the enemy’s dissatisfaction with him.

The lich was also a living body in the current world, with flesh and blood. The race’s characteristic was that it had an extremely high affinity for dark elements.

In front of Gu Huai, the lich had completely stripped his life from his body. He was afraid he had transformed his body into this shape in order to make himself more compatible with Ida Crystal and become part of it, thus supporting the whole army of undead and endowing the latter with endless regeneration and reorganization capabilities.

“In order to win. You can’t even understand this?” There was no direct answer to the youth’s question. After laughing at him, Xia Zuo answeredasked in this way, “Not everyone has the same privileges and preferences as you do. Other people are desperately trying to climb to higher positions to get what they want.”

Privileged, preference. After picking up on these two words, Gu Huai remembered... when the other side was in the upper world, he also asked him a question related to fairness.

Because he felt that he had suffered unfair treatment, the other party was particularly dissatisfied with him, who was regarded as privileged, unwilling to allow him to achieve clearance so smoothly, and hindered him at all costs.

According to this statement, was the cause of the whole thing his fault? Gu Huai could not make this judgement on this issue at the moment.

Gu Huai was really not ashamed of the lich’s various means, and couldn’t bear to hand over his valued family members. However, this appeal was also justified if the other party wanted to fight for fair treatment.

“Not so.” The system directly contradicted the enemy’s statement, saying coldly: “Ah Huai doesn’t need to pay attention to what he said.”

It was the other party’s greed to get something that did not belong to him, not its unfairness. The other party put the cart before the horse from the beginning.

“Chu Chu...”

There was only one king. And he would never accept a second.

This was clearly only a matter between itself and the youth. Those who meddled to cause trouble and damage were not qualified to demand fairness.

“Then I can only say sorry.”

Whether that was the case or not, Gu Huai was not going to let himself die here. His voice just fell and he pressed the switch of the micro-engineering device sandwiched between his fingers.

Magic could interfere with the device, and its effectiveness was just as its name implied. It created a small-scale magic interference force field at the moment of activation, which invalidated all the imprisoning magic on Gu Huai in an instant.

Gu Huai stood up straight and raised his hand to straighten the clothes that had become a little messy due to several magic lacerations. The action was not urgent nor slow.

“You-!” The lich got up from the cold throne with a gloomy face. He pointed the wand inlaid with theIda crystal at the human who dared to be defiant in front of him and decided to give the other a more substantial lesson.

However, when the attack was launched, the lich found that its powerful magic could not get close to the youth at all, and the burning flame spewed out from the magic gem directly disintegrated and dissipated when it was one meter away from the youth.

This aggressive and powerful magic attack looked like a firework, with much thunder and little rain. If it weren’t for the wrong atmosphere, the effect was quite dramatic. Of course, it made the expression of the lich holding the staff turn ugly.

“What have you done?” Cheating again? Xia Zuo always could not refrain from guessing in that direction in the first place, but in theory this level of intervention was not allowed. That was a rule added by Noah himself.

“Don’t overthink.” Gu Huai lit up the magic energy interference device on his hand, put the engineering device, which used magnified rays to turn into a ring shape, on his finger, and then waved it twice in front of the other person. “I am fighting with you in an open manner.”

“This is a world where magic and technology coexist. You can’t forget this just because other human beings are gone.” Gu Huai added this sentence. Gu Huai now couldn’t help but have a little doubt, when the lich in front of him was disguised as a human, exactly how did he get the position of chief engineer...

Knowledge was power. This sentence was especially applicable in this world, and it could be seen from all kinds of engineering props and mechanical creatures studied by human beings.

However, Xia Zuo was indeed the chief engineer who obtained the position by improper means. He himself preferred the pure and powerful power of magic energy and was not very interested in engineering.

“This engineering device of yours cannot be effective all the time.” The lich gloomily pointed out the fatal point in the youth’s plan. He was not interested in engineering; he didn’t even know the basic theory.

“You can’t escape from this space, you can only wait for death.” The distorted voice of the lich said this sentence coldly. He waited for the magic energy on the young man’s hand to interfere with the failure of the device. Once the device failed, it would result in the immediate death of the young man.

Gu Huai was not incapable of magic. He knew the principles of magic and it was easy to manipulate magic. However, it would be foolish to use magic to fight a lich with an Ida crystal. Gu Huai knew that he would not do such foolish things.

First, destroy the space.

“This is not what you want.” At the same time, Gu Huai took out the engineered device that had not been tested for a few days before the completion of the other one from his pocket, and also changed it back to its original size with magnifying rays.

Gu Huai had calculated the weak point of this space, and now he could break it by bombarding it with magic energy, but at this moment when Gu Huai raised his hand and condensed more than half of the energy of the large-caliber engineering weapons... The whole closed dimension suddenly shook violently.


During this violent vibration, the barrier in the inner space was like a mirror with cracks. In the past few seconds, the cracks on this mirror gradually expanded and deepened.


The “mirror” seemed to be finally overburdened. After a loud noise, the weak point of space calculated by Gu Huai was turned into a huge hole.

In the empty position, the figure of a humanoid weapon with a cold and handsome face appeared.

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