The King's Wife Is The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 169 Sophie Is Feeling Unwell

The crown prince didn't know why he was suddenly so enamored and infatuated with a woman who was already another man's wife.

Well, Nicholas didn't know that the beautiful woman that caught his attention was already married at first, so he couldn't blame himself.

However, now that he figured out that she was married… Why couldn't he still get her out of his mind?

Nicholas clutched his chest and let out another sigh. "What is wrong with me? Is this because I've been causing my mother so much grief that now fate decided to punish me by falling for someone out of my reach?"

If so, fate had a wicked sense of irony for the crown prince.

He knew that he had ignored women left and right, even causing some to keep longing after him like Lady Karenina. And now Nicholas was subjected to the same desire to be with a woman who couldn't be his... Was this his karma?

"Ah, how cruel." Nicholas laughed to himself. "I'm terrible."

However, despite everything that the crown prince discovered, Nicholas' couldn't help but fall silent as he remembered something. He closed his eyes and tapped his fingers on the oaken table.

"When I came to their castle in Hastings and trespassed there… I thought there was something I was about to discover there. Something sinister and evil, no doubt related to the death of Uncle Joseph."

Nicholas felt his anger renewed at the memory of his uncle dying and as his father once said, all of the first witnesses and evidence led to lycan attacks.

"This Sophia may not know of it since she married Duke Romanov recently."


Sophie couldn't go out of their manor to play with her sons. That's why Nicholas could not see her again even though he came to the valley every day.  She had been sick for several days.

When she returned after playing with her two sons in the valley near the manor that Leland bought, she was suddenly surprised to realize that she was exhausted beyond relief.

"Uff… my legs really hurt even though I didn't run that much with my sons," she muttered to herself.

Sophie plopped down on her chair wearily while Luciel and Jan quickly ran around the room and tried to get her to continue playing with them. The two nipped her fingers and licked them as if begging for more time with her.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Sophie smiled sheepishly. "Please go enjoy yourselves without me. I'm not as energetic as I used to be, which is silly because I used to leap up walls."

She honestly didn't know what happened because she was fine last month.

Now her energy seemed to be sapped again for no reason.

Was this really the same Sophie who leaped off the walls of Cow Dung Academy? Sophie didn't think that there should have been much of a difference even if she had gotten pregnant with her boys.

A quick knock jostled her out of her thoughts.

"Come in!" Sophie said and to her surprise, it was Dinah who walked in carrying a tray of lunch for her children and her. The woman looked at their Luna with a small frown on her face though.

"Luna, I hope that you inform us when you will be leaving the manor and going outside of the valley with your children," Dinah told her in a soft tone. "It would have been terribly risky if anyone saw you and the pups."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Sophie smiled apologetically to her maidservant and yet felt her lips twitch a bit in annoyance. For some reason, the way that Dinah spoke somehow triggered her.

Why, though? Sophie was usually patient but now her temper was a bit short.

Dinah looked at their Luna and sighed. "Forgive me for pointing this out, but you don't seem sorry at all. What you did was incredibly dangerous not only for you but for the Blood River Pack as well."

"I just wanted to take the boys out and there's really nobody else except for us for miles. Plus I don't think anyone would have suspected my boys though?" Sophie rolled her eyes. She was really irritated by Dinah's nagging.

While the two women were talking with one another, both Luciel and Jan couldn't help but watch and pay attention to them. The two boys fell silent since it was the first time they saw an argument.

"Luna, everyone is on high alert after the Alpha killed the human king here in Riga. I don't think they'd simply assume Luciel and Jan are puppies when they see the pups." Dinah frowned at Sophie. She was always serious when it came to the safety of the pack.

"I know that." Sophie kept the smile on her face. "I saw my husband become injured when he returned. How could I forget that, Dinah?"

Dinah's eyes widened at the mention of their Alpha, but eventually rubbed her face and looked at Sophie tiredly. "Please be just more careful because you know how it was when some of the guards came late to save you, Luna."

Sophie remembered how both Lucia and Valerie pushed her into the river and she was drowned before she was saved by one of the bodyguards. The smile evaporated from her lips and she glanced at Dinah.

"I understand… At least I understand how slow these lycans can be. Are they really incapable of protecting me and my children?" Sophie frowned at Dinah. Her words were really snappy and this sudden change of attitude made Dinah startled

The maidservant blinked at the sudden tone and she couldn't help but bite her lip and lower her head demurely. "I apologize for my harsh tone, Luna, and it… really is the incompetence of my people."

The female lycan had often thought that Sophie was easy to deal with because she used to assume that she was human. However, Dinah needed to remember that she was dealing with a Luna now.

Now, it seemed like Sophie was a lot more irritable all of a sudden and refused to be appeased.

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