The Lady's Sickly Husband

Chapter 182: Bad Luck

Chapter 182: Bad Luck

Translator: Antonia

In the Ancestral Hall of the Ning family.

Master Ning said earnestly, “I know you’re unwilling and that the mother and son must have a hand in the matter. The bitch will reap what she sowed. But I only hope you could forgive that unfilial son, for the same of me.”

Ning Shaoqing didn’t say a word. He could understand his father. A ferocious tiger wouldn’t eat its own cubs. No matter what Ning Shaoyu had done, father couldn’t bear to kill his own son, let alone this time, they didn’t attain evidence against Ning Shaoyu.

In last night’s action, he had thought he would have figured out the Xie who had been contacting the eighth elder and the one behind everything. To his surprise, he didn’t. Only the eighth elder and the Xie elder were caught. The back hand didn’t come, and the eighth elder took poison and killed himself, which was really weird.

No one shall release the news. Tomorrow would be the ceremony for the new master. He didn’t want any accidents to happen during it.

Ning Shaoyu was merely a dispensable rat. His life already worth nothing in his eyes.

Seeing Ning Shaoqing was silent, master Ning understood and explained, “I don’t count on you brothers helping each other, but I do not want to see you killing each other. He was probably blinded by that bitch.”

Ning Shaoqing’s words were impassive, “As long as he doesn’t come to find troubles with me, I’ll leave him alone. If he asks for death, I won’t be merciful just because he’s my brother.”

Outside, two guards appeared and reported to Ghost who guarded at the door, “I need to give this to lord in person.”

Ghost took a glance and his frozen face changed slightly, “Every time when lord receives such a message, he gets crazy. Tomorrow is his big day to succeed as the new master. You’d better think.”

The two guards looked at the bamboo tube in their hands and hesitated, “But...but lord said no matter what message we get, pass to him as soon as possible...” In fact, the guards feared most to receive such a bamboo tube at this moment.

Ghost grabbed it over, “Leave it to me. I’ll be accountable for the result.”

The two guards bowed their heads, “Then...”

Ghost shouted, “Then what? Just get out of here!”

The two looked at each other and left.

As master Ning walked out of the ancestral hall, butler Ning paced to him, greeted, his expression complicated, and whispered to the ear of master Ning after getting his consent.

Hearing his report, master Ning narrowed his eyes, face changing, and enjoined sternly, “It matters greatly. You pass down the order that no one shall discuss about that woman, and everything be postponed until Shaoqing finishes the ceremony tomorrow.”

Butler Ning hesitated, “What if...”

“What if what?! A woman is more important than the position of master?”


“There’s no but! He disappeared once and his identity as the first lord was canceled once. Now he finally comes back and did contribute huge to the family with my assistance, so that the bunch of old men could shut up and didn’t mention about the year of his appearance. If any accidents happened before the ceremony and he abandoned the Ning family again and again, he would never become the master for his life.”



The night sky was dotted with a clear moon and few stars in breeze.

Outside the high wall of the prison, guards were patrolling.

In the jail, there were countless prisoners, but they were quiet, some passing out from severe punishment, others staring blankly at the door, and still others lying in bed and sleeping sound. There weren’t yelling or mourning as Mo Qianxue had imagined.

Mo Qianxue was led by Head Zhang and other jailers into the so-called special room.

It wasn’t dirty inside, and the bed and quilt were quite clean, with smell of incense fragrance. Obviously, the last prisoner here was also of a high status.

The special room was obviously different from other cells at a glance. There was an iron door outside which had a small window for inspection of the prisoner inside. The door was a kind of respect to privacy. Without peering through the window, what happened inside was unknown.

The door was locked up, and the jailer left to send away Head Zhang. Nanny Mo held Mo Qianxue to sit down, asking pitifully, “Lady, why did you listen to Yuhe and go into the jail?”

The lady of the Founder mansion had a rank, so even though Princess Yuhe was the daughter of the Empress of a high rank, she couldn’t randomly decide that she was suspected of deceiving the Emperor and put her in prison for pending trial, just because of the accusation of a strange scholar coming out of nowhere.

If lady said more and argued with her, in the presence of other ladies and academicians, even Princess Yuhe didn’t dare to force her. In addition, when Princess announced to put her in jail, there was a heavy coughing coming in one of the carriages around them.

She had seen clearly that the servant of Mr. Jia went on this carriage after giving her the invitation.

The cough came right at time, obviously to prop lady up...

Mo Qianxue adjusted to a more comfortable position, “Didn’t you see it, nanny? This is well-planed beforehand. If I was convicted of deceiving the Emperor, then death penalty would be normal. Even if the Emperor forgive me for the sake of father, the punishment wouldn’t be light either. Then, everything they are doing now will become sensible and even prescient. Who will blame them for what they are doing now?

Princess Yuhe planned to check on me immediately and to prove that I’m not innocent, so that putting me in jail sounds more justifiable. However, I didn’t either allow her to check on me or eagerly prove my chastity, but argued with custom.

Today, if she let me go back home, and if any changes happened and I discovered it and found a way to deal with it, their efforts would be futile. Hence, they just wouldn’t let me go back, so they came up with this stupid idea...”

Nanny Mo sneered, “They would never know that lady is still...”

As she talked, she peeked around and stopped out of vigilance. It made Mo Qianxue laugh, “It’s easy to put me in, but if she wants me to get out...haha...”

Nanny Mo didn’t know that Mo Qianxue had a black token that the Emperor longed for, so she was worried and didn’t know how to comfort her, “Lady...”

Mo Qianxue interrupted her, “Don’t say anything, nanny. Staying here is more restful. Just let them get their way for one more day.”

Nanny Mo couldn’t do anything but gave her a loving and concerning look, seeing she was confident to win. Mo Qianxue shifted the topic, “Since we have free time now, tell me stories about father and mother. I love those stories.”

In this world, a proud tough man like Mo Tianfang should refuse to take concubines for a woman who never gave birth to any sons...

To reassure his wife and daughter, he should make such a shocking and rebellious proposal as to let his daughter inherit the dukedom at court...

Either his self-made journey from a soldier to a commander, or his sincere love with Feng Qingyu, in short, the past stories told by nanny Mo deeply touched Mo Qianxue.


Outside, the head jailer sent Head Zhang out of the inner layer of the jail and asked another jailor to lead him out. He himself went back to his chair, took out the wine bottle and sipped some while keeping an eye around.

These special rooms were set up for special occasions. Usually, there weren’t prisoners or guards. Today, here came a lady, so the head jailer had to guard in person.

Another jailer with thick brows walked in and frowned, “Head, the newbies are so useless that they passed out right after I just started.”

“The prisoners here were either rich or noble. They used to a well-off life. How could they be the same as ordinary folks?” The head jailer didn’t find that unusual.

The jailer squinted a glance at the special room in the most inside and smiled in a disgusting way, “I heard the head guard of the peach blossom forest just personally took over a lady, stylish, pretty and fair-skinned...”

As long as being in this jail, few could get out alive, even if those in the special rooms! A woman locked up here mustn’t have supporters. Otherwise, as long as it wasn’t a felony, a lady was usually grounded in her own mansion and disciplined by her seniors.

The head jailer smiled, drank wine and didn’t say anything. The other jail walked forward and opened the small overhead window on the iron door.

Looking through the small window, he saw a young girl, in light blue dress, sitting on the edge of the bed, and a middle-aged woman whispering something.

The girl had a fair face, the dark hair tied in a lady cone-bun, in which there was green jade hairpin with a golden butterfly on it. Her skin almost appeared transparent in the candlelight, giving out a special charm.

Anyone in this jail had a greyish face covered with either scare or tears. He had never seen such a beautiful and self-composed woman who occasionally smiled a little. He felt dazzling at once, and water flew out of his mouth. He turned back to the head jail, “Head, the chick is really pretty...”

The head jail took a sip of wine, “Boy, there is order. You can’t touch her.”

The jailer was confused but smiled evilly, “Oh? Who is she?” If she really had supporters, how could they let such a beautiful girl locked here?

“She is Mo Qianxue, the lady of the Founder mansion, who killed a dozen people eight days ago.”

“What? She’s Mo Qianxue?” The jailer’s eyes popped out from staring, and the evil thought vanished completely.

He had never imagined that this woman was the renown lady of Founder mansion. A legendary killing goddess. Even to borrow courage, he didn’t dare to have any evil thought.

The jailer calmed down and touched his chin in curiosity, “But...why is she here? Didn’t the Emperor forgive her for that thing?”

“Because of bad luck!”

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