The Last Commander of the Red Alert

Chapter 292: Universal Races

Chapter 292: Universal Races

Without hesitation, Su Chen paid 20 million energy for System to capture the intelligent life.

Just think, when Les invaded Su Yi and Guangtou Qiang's consciousness, it only cost 10 million energy. But to capture an intelligent life, it actually required 20 million energy. It showed how special intelligent life was.

Les probably never expected that a program he created would become an intelligent life after a long period of time.

"Capture successful, please receive, Master," Little Green's voice appeared in Su Chen's mind.

"Intelligent life Little Green, greet the Master," Little Green said.

"When did you become an intelligent life?" Su Chen asked.

"At the time that the ancient ruins were officially opened," Little Green replied.

Su Chen realized that it was today.

He didn't expect that this intelligent life was born not long ago, and that was probably why Les didn't notice it.

Les had set up layers of obstacles to prevent the artificial intelligence Little Green from becoming an intelligent life, but in the end, he failed.

"Do you still need to recognize me as your owner?" Su Chen looked at the blue sphere in front of him.

"Master, this blue sphere was created for me to occupy your body. I have already recognized you as my owner, and there is no need to continue recognition," Little Green replied.

"Tell me about this ancient ruin," Su Chen was curious about this thing.

The ancient ruin was originally a spaceship that carried Les' soul to Earth. However, during interstellar travel, it encountered some cosmic disasters, causing many places to be damaged, and it could only stay on Earth.

So far, only 27% of the ancient ruin can still be used, and the area where the technology of the Divine Race is stored has been severely damaged.

"Tell me, how much Divine Race technology is left?" Su Chen asked.

"20%," Little Green replied.

Su Chen couldn't help but feel disappointed that only 20% of the technology remained. But it was still better than nothing, and Les, a pure Divine Race, was still in his hands. As long as he unlocked the level 9 authority, he could truly control Les.

Su Chen went to the command room of the ancient ruin, while Tanya and Ju Ling went to various places in the ancient ruin to investigate.

As a spaceship, the command room of the ancient ruin was much more grand than his base's command room. It was like a scene from a movie, with a tall chair in the center, which belonged to the owner of the spaceship.

Suddenly, Su Chen thought of a crucial question, "Can the spaceship's power System still be used?"

"The power System is not severely damaged and can support flight below the speed of light," Little Green replied.

Su Chen was amazed. Even his fastest unit couldn't reach the speed of light, but the Divine Race's technology had reached such a level.

Overall, this spaceship was one that could fly but not engage in combat.

"Commander, we have identified the items in the spaceship, and some instruments seem to be able to be researched in the combat laboratory," Tanya reported first when she returned.

Soon, Ju Ling also returned, "Commander, I found a place that preserves some specimens of extraterrestrial creatures."

Su Chen became interested. Specimens of extraterrestrial creatures?

"Take me to see them."

In a normal-sized laboratory, Su Chen saw the specimens of extraterrestrial creatures. They were all strange-looking species that were completely unrecognizable.

Inside, he only recognized the Zerg specimen, and there was even a human specimen!

It was a young-looking man, but unfortunately, he was already dead. His whole body was made into a specimen, and he looked no different from them.

"Little Green, is there any information about races in the spaceship?"

"Master, this spaceship does not have much information, I will send it to you now."

Send it to me?

Just as Su Chen was puzzled, a burst of information suddenly entered his mind. It felt like someone was forcibly stuffing something into his head, causing him to scream in pain.

After a while, the feeling dissipated, and Su Chen learned about the information on humans.

In the universe, humans are a sizable race and occupy a significant amount of star areas.

Above planets are star systems, above star systems are constellations, and above constellations are star areas.

A star area needs to have at least ten constellations to be considered one, and humans can have several star areas. In terms of strength, they are not weaker than other races.

Around the human star areas, there are many other extraterrestrial races. Zerg is one of them and is a mortal enemy of humans.

There is no significant enmity between the Divine Race and humans, except for Les, who purely enjoys the pleasure of killing and was killed by a human powerhouse.

After obtaining the information, Su Chen looked at the specimens again and finally recognized some of the races.

One race looked like a tree and was called the Wood Race. They had a plant-like form, but they were not actually plants and were quite unique.

This race liked to use the juice from their own leaves and other substances to trade for needed items with other races. In reality, their bodies were even more valuable and were coveted by many races, forcing them to seek refuge with humans.

There was a Wood Race specimen in Les' collection, which was quite rare.

Su Chen gained new knowledge and realized that he had never known there were so many differences among races in the universe.

However, after searching for a while, he did not find any Mutant Beast specimens. Those specimens that looked like beasts were actually from other races and had nothing to do with wild beasts.

According to the information Little Green gave him, it was almost impossible for wild beasts on each planet to have complete intelligence. Once complete intelligence appeared, it would be a disaster.

In the universe, only one type of beast could possess complete intelligence, and that was the Starry Sky Behemoth!

Complete intelligence referred to intelligence level not lower than that of a human adult, and that low-level intelligence did not count.

If a wild beast had complete intelligence, then it was highly likely to become a Starry Sky Behemoth. One Starry Sky Behemoth was enough to make large races like humans feel intimidated.

This result stunned Su Chen. According to this theory, wouldn't all the Mutant Beasts on Earth become Starry Sky Behemoths in the future?

Just the thought of countless Starry Sky Behemoths emerging from Earth made Su Chen feel chills running down his spine.

Su Chen thought of the Blue Crystal and the Red Blossom again, substances that could give Earth creatures the possibility of becoming Starry Sky Behemoths. This was not normal!

"How far is it from the human star area?"

"The information is lost, but based on my remaining data, it is at least tens of light years away."

"Tens of light years can reach the center of the human star area?" Su Chen was surprised.

"No, it's the edge of the edge."

Su Chen twitched, why didn't you just say it was in the middle of nowhere?

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