The Last Primal

Chapter 233 - 233 - Identity Crisis

Looking at the kowtowing orc in front of him, was another new experience for Aiden. He couldn't deny it felt good. No, it felt incredible, empowering. To see this proud specimen of his violent species fall on his knees and beg for HIS forgiveness… It was an incredibly intoxicating feeling.

Still, just by listening to his tone and measuring his micromovements, it was clear this orc just chose the easiest way to resolve the current situation, and by no means acknowledges him as his superior. 

No, that would be preposterous to this pig-headed race, they will never accept a member of the goblins to be the stronger ones, they would rather die in shame.

"[Goblin] I will learn from this mistake, lord, and do better the next time." His racing thoughts were interrupted by the continued groveling of the kneeling warrior. 

Awakened by his momentary stupor, he looked at the orc beneath him with disdain and contempt. It was clear to him that all of this was just a farce, just some play that the orc thought he was so clever to outplay him.

Keeping a stern gaze for an extended period of time, Aiden eventually let out a long sigh. Reaching for the creases of his temple, he shook his head.

"[Goblin] You know, this was actually not that bad. Really. I would have let you live, honestly. Everything would have been much simpler. You, stupid pig as you are would have learned how to behave wouldn't be needed to be put down, and then we wouldn't have to be wary of the decreased time frame before eventually, everything goes bad."

Letting out another sigh, he stepped closer to the still kowtowing orc crouching down to his eye level. 

With his right hand, he grabbed his much larger chin and lifted it so they would look into each other's eyes. 

As their gazes met, the glow immediately returned to Aiden's eyes his golden irises began to shine with their usual, otherworldly luster.

His voice following the change of his eyes, turned much lower-pitched, reminding the orc once again that the being in front of him was an ancient beast rather than a frail goblin.

"[Goblin] Sadly for me, and… for you, I guess as well your primitive, idiotic nature can't comprehend this one, simple fact: You are not the strongest, far from it. There are people that you should not annoy. This mistake, whilst it could have been a simple lesson, will now turn into something that nobody will remember…"

Seeing the frightened look on the orc's face, gave another boost to Aiden's mind. Taking in the sight with great pride, he slowly lifted the orc to a standing position, whilst he himself gradually began transforming. His muscles contorting, giving way to a new build, he grew taller, matching the height of the orc. His skin turned bronze-like with thick scales covering it. The previously gentle feel of his hand suddenly became unpleasant; his hands transformed into large ebony claws. 

Albeit he hasn't grown out his wings and tails, the sudden change in his look was still too much for the orc to process, he just looked ahead with a frozen, stunted look. 

In his frozen fright, he even forgot that he was talking to a goblin previously, he switched back to his original, orcish dialect.

"[Orc] Thwarg' Raga! Thwarg' Raga!" He cried, almost squealed in fright, reawakening from his stunned state, trying his best to free himself from the vice-like grip of this unknown enemy.

[Analyzing Language: Orc. Progress: 7%]

Aiden glanced at the notification only for a second, a smirk appeared on his face.

Looking at the Orc flailing madly, but futilely, for some inexplicable reason, he felt great satisfaction in his torment. Something felt strangely fulfilling, intoxicating about it.

Slowly increasing his grip around his neck, the orc's previously helpless failing began to die down, as the air started to become troublesome.

Seeing as his movement stopped, he let some of his grip off, letting some air reach the orc's lungs.

"[Goblin] You know... " Aiden continued his improvised speech, his last monologue to the fading orc. "...would you like to know why I am showing you this semi-transformed form of mine? Why am I giving you such an incredible, rare look into my true being? Hmm?!" 

Looking at the orc, he pulled his face closer as he was slowly trying to open his mouth. Some seconds later, the orc managed to squeeze out some words.

"[Goblin] Just… kill… me, you… monster!" In the end, he even managed to gather enough willpower and saliva to spit at goblin-turned-dragonoid Aiden, greatly shocking him in the process. Not by the action, but his last word, monster.

'Am I really turning into one? Is it bad to enjoy the demise of someone like this one?' Questions began to fly inside his mind, doubting his every upcoming thought as well.

His delightful moment ruined, Aiden's expression soured. Not wanting to 'play' any longer, his vice-like claws closed off in the next moment, shattering meat and bones with ease, separating the head from the body with one decisive snap of his.

Before the head could fall to the ground, even before the body could kick off a cloud of dust as it would Aiden immediately activated his [Primal Absorb] ability and reached out for the two now-separate body sections.

In mere moments, the orc's two body parts stopped in mid-air, as if it would no longer be part of this world, and began to slowly change, transform. As its surface continued to wobble and resonate to some unknown rhythm, it slowly turned dark grey, losing all previous color that defined the body. In the next moment, the clinking sound of the orc's armor hitting the ground could be heard as it fell through the strangely liquified body.

The 2 viscous, dark grey cloud's first action was to merge back together into one floating body of cloud before it began its traversal towards Aiden's body.

Opening his mouth, Aiden let the already semi-processed essence-mass of the orc's body enter his own, and let the system take care of processing it. Although he heard several notifications in his mind, he currently was in no mood to look over them. He moved to the still unconscious second orc a short distance away, lying on the ground.

"[Goblin] Am I really a monster to you too? Hmm?" He asked the unconscious orc, not really hoping for any response. 

In the next moment, he struck down with his clawed hand, submerging into the orc's torso, and reaching his still-beating heart. Grabbing the organ, he decisively pulled it out, ending the orc's life instantly.

Looking at the slowly dying organ in his claws, Aiden watched as it slowly ceased to beat any longer before throwing it back in the body.

Activating his powerful [Primal Absorb] skill, he absorbed the orc's body as well. Taking the next few seconds to store their equipment in his inventory he essentially removed all traces of them before finally calming down.

As his figure slowly returned to his goblin-state, and the light faded from his eyes, returning it to its original, still exotic golden irises, he looked back at the now empty, unguarded gate with mixed feelings. Was this really okay? Was what he just did acceptable? Did he really turn into a monster? Is he turning into the very thing he is fighting against? Did he really not reach any progress with his mediation and training with his Master?

On one side, he should be happy; he solved a potential issue, giving the girls more leeway to work with. With this, they wouldn't be bothered, and their rescue operation should go off without a hitch. 

On the other hand, he just brutally murdered two intelligent beings, just for doing their jobs. Were they evil? Were they good? It didn't matter to him. He killed both of them because they were in the way. Worst of all, he actually enjoyed the painful groans and squeals of the one he was holding in his claws. He liked to listen to his cries…

Many thoughts swirling inside his head, Aiden found no answers, just more and more questions and concerns about his very existence. From the time he absorbed the mutated Worgen, he realized that he not only took over their appearances, their traits, but their behavior as well. The Ancient Dragon is a prideful creature, a true king above all life, and as such looks down on everything else, the Worgen is a bloodthirsty, violent being that enjoys being in the thick of the battle ripping out throats and intestines. There are others as well, but as he continues to absorb and create new and new forms, one question slowly started to rise to the forefront of Aiden's mind… Just what and where is his true self? Is it buried under all this 'rubble'? Or is this mixture… Is this 'cocktail' his new self? His new being?

With one last sigh, looking at the unnaturally clean sight, Aiden turned away, fixing his attention towards the distance. It was time to give another visit to the old orc and ask him about his involvement in what truly happened...

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