The Last Primal

Chapter 259 - 259 - The Boiling Point

While the girls were struggling for survival, Drake, Aiden, and Roas were marching through a seemingly endless labyrinth of similar-looking hallways. 

Still, they were slowly, but surely making their way through the levels, reaching higher and higher. 

"Are you sure that we would be safe just strolling through their 'Sacred Grounds', Aiden? It still feels wrong to me.." Drake asked with a frown on his face, following after Aiden, holding her trusted companion, the royal blade, Marf in his hands. Surprisingly for him, the usually 'chatty' sword was completely silent ever since she was pulled out from the talisman's sub-dimension.

"Don't worry, just make sure you are between me and Roas, and follow my orders." Aiden responded with his usual calm tone. Despite being worried about the girls that were subjected to unforeseen dangers due to his own carelessness, he retained his calm, cool outlook. He had to be levelheaded and trust the girls to handle the dangers and escape with the slaves and their own lives intact.

"This plan is stupid, there's no chance that it would work. Which idiot would fall for it?!" Drake groaned, still not sold on the plan that his 'friend' has come up with. "Still… it's really weird that there are absolutely no guards in this place. This should be the most well-guarded building, considering it houses all their leaders…"

"Well, normally this place is impenetrable. Not to mention the stone guardians, even the warding there placed on the door would be too much for anyone to overcome." Aiden responded with a small smirk etched on his lips. 

Arriving at the end of yet another empty hallway, he turned right to the large staircase in front of them. Just like all the times before, before stepping on it, he made sure to scan as much of the next floor as he could with his [Dark Sense]. Once he felt that there were no obvious dangers awaiting them, would he step on it and start ascending yet again.

Despite all the floors being completely empty so far, devoid of any soul, his senses kept telling him to be on alert. He felt an increasing sense of dread, danger as they continued making their way towards the top.

Just as he was about to take his first step on the staircase, he noticed the presence of three signals on the far end of the floor above them in the last room before the next stairs.

Silently he raised his right arm, signaling for his teammates to stand on alert. He raised three fingers and pointed towards the direction of where he sensed the life signs. 

"Three, above us, in a room just before the next staircase. Be silent and follow after me."

Even though he spoke in Common, Roas could still understand his order thanks to the magical connection they shared as Master-Servant by the System.

He simply nodded, clenching his huge fists, getting ready for a potential battle.

The grumbling expression transforming into a somber look, Drake silently nodded to Aiden's warning, tightly gripping the handle of his trusted companion, Marf.

Much slower, silently the trio began their ascent to the next floor, focusing their state of mind on any potential traps and ambushes that could be awaiting them on this floor.

'I knew it was too easy. This plan was stupid, doomed to fail from the start.' Drake cursed inwardly. 'Luckily it's only three.  At least, we have a small, tiny sliver of chance if we could get the jump on them, and silence them before they could alert the whole building to our presence…' 

Behind him, Roas had a cold look on his face, as he gazed at the room his master pointed at. Focusing his power, his tightly clenched fists started glowing in a faint, dark hue, coating his fist in a thin layer of ebon-colored energy. His eyes had no doubts, only clear determination in them, if needed, he was ready to lay down her own life if it would mean that her young master would be able to survive. As an exile, he didn't know who or what could possibly be awaiting them on this floor, as all the leaders and invited envoys should be gathered on the very top floor discussing the next phase of their plans. Not that it mattered, whoever or whatever beings were waiting for them, he would do his utmost to crush them to pieces.

Contrary to the two, Aiden looked relatively calm as he continued to cross the stairs one by one silently. Something told him, that the three at the far end of the long hallway were not as hostile as their companions would have thought. 

For one, the system didn't mark them with red as it usually did with all enemies. Even if that wasn't a reliable way to discern enemies from friendlies, it was a good approach. From what he learned about it through the years, is that the system had a mind of its own and had a way to read the souls and intents of others.

Second, the signal he noticed was much weaker than what he would expect from the orcs or other beings. While he couldn't be sure yet, he felt that they were familiar, as if he felt these before.

This feeling, this familiarity got stronger and stronger as they arrived on the floor and slowly started to sneak towards the room in question. After a few more steps, a wide smile stretched across his face. Relaxing his shoulders, he stopped and turned to look at his slightly surprised companions.

Roas, being able to 'feel' his master's thoughts was surprised when he learned that the three presences were acquaintances of the young master. Still, he kept his guard up but canceled the flow of energy that engulfed his fists. 

Drake, on the other hand, was surprised to see the wide smile and relaxed state of his friend. Not knowing what was up with him, he asked with a whispering, hushed tone.

"What's up, Aiden? Did you find out something?"

"Yes, you could say that…" He answered mysteriously. Heaving a long sigh, Aiden looked at his silver-haired friend, as he continued. "I want you guys to stay here and wait for me to return. Don't worry, I will be fine."

Then, although he knew that Roas understood most of what he told Drake, he still gave a direct verbal command.

"[Orc] Stay here and protect my friend. If my hunch is correct then, I think I know those three inside the room. They are absolutely no threat to us, but I don't want to scare them. I will go and find out what they are doing here and why are they aren't with the others on the top floor."

"Yes, my lord. Rest assured, I will keep your friend safe!" Roas responded with a bow and a reverent voice.

"Aiden… what is going on?! Why are you going ahead? Wouldn't it be better if instead of letting them get the jump on us, we would strike at them first?!" Not understanding a thing, Drake cried out in an agitated, voice. Although he knew that this boy could protect himself and that he was stronger than him, his pride couldn't just accept being tossed aside at the first signs of danger. He wanted to be there with him at the heat of the battle, not waiting at the back like some helpless maiden. 

Turning towards his friend, Aiden lightly shook his head. With his usual friendly smile and calm tone, he responded.

"No, it will be better if I'm alone for this. If my hunch is correct, those three will not be enemies but maybe friends. However, before that, I need to make sure and speak to them alone. It wouldn't do us any good if we were to charge in brainlessly. Have some trust in me, I will be back in a few minutes. Just wait here and stay on alert."

With his thoughts spoken, Aiden turned around and resumed his steps leaving the still annoyed and agitated prince and his servant behind.

Seeing his friend turning around and walking away, Drake reached out with his hand and wanted to go after him, but before he could do so, he felt a large hand gently grabbing his left shoulder, holding him in place.

"Rawrgh aorg warg'ha Drake!" The hoarse, cold voice of Roas, Aiden's mysterious guardian's unfamiliar words came from behind him.

Listening to his words, that he could not understand, Drake was trembling with anger. First, his 'supposed' friend left him behind, looking at him as some sort of nuisance, a helpless maiden, and now this 'thing' was holding him in place.

"Get… your… filthy… paws… off… me…" Seething with the anger, Drake slowly whispered the words, reaffirming his tight hold on the handle of his trusted companion, Marf.

However, feeling as the orc refused to listen to him, Drake's anger rapidly reached its boiling point. Reminded by the beating and torture he had to go through in the last 24 hours, he couldn't hold himself back anymore. With a sudden motion, Drake swung his blade backward, jumping in the air and jerking his body to turn around to face this hated opponent of his.

"DIE YOU PIG!" He bellowed, completely surrendering to his rage."


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