The Last Primal

Chapter 396 - 396 - Lordly Greeting

Shattering the tranquility of the calm, silent grassy plain, suddenly a humming sound, a muffled noise could be heard. Another moment later, seemingly the air itself shattered as a distorted echo reverberated to the distance, quickly grabbing the attention of its clueless inhabitants.

A tear started to emerge, golden-colored that rapidly grew, forming into what in a couple of seconds now looked like a gate.

As the gate appeared, a youthful, long-black-haired figure emerged. His exotic, golden eyes slowly scanned the horizon, taking his time to take in all the sights that, just a brief moment ago, seemed nothing more than a dream, a scene from his imagination.

As his eyes landed on the approaching figures, suddenly he was reminded of a small mistake, a blunder he might have made. 

"Damn, I forgot that I'm not in my goblin lord form…" He muttered to himself. Waving his hand, his figure transformed in a brief instant. Utilizing his [Shapeshifter] skill to its maximum effects, his figure rapidly changed.

A few extra pounds of flesh appeared over his waist and on his limbs, as if a bucket of paint was thrown at him, his skin tone darkened, donning the familiar dark green palette that he had back in the forest.

At the same time, he removed the imaginary shackles, and no longer restrained his aura. As if an explosion, a massive, fierce wind, akin to a sudden whirlwind, a tornado appeared around his figure, and descended on this world's unsuspecting residents.

Instantly, as they felt the familiar power, the approaching group's faces brightened up. From the heavy, cold looks, now each donned a thin smile, their grips over their weapons eased up, as they continued the latter half of their momentous rush to welcome their lord.

At the same time, back in the village, three particular figure's faces instantly darted towards the direction of where this newcomer suddenly appeared. Immediately, all three of them left what they were currently doing and rushed towards his direction, surprising those that they were with.

No matter what the situation was, their sole focus was now to reunite with their Young Master. Everything else was secondary to this very important matter.

Taking a large gasp of the clean, energy-rich air, Aiden sighed with a delighted expression.

"Woah… The air is… so good!" He exclaimed, already feeling its refreshing, restorative effects. Like in the underground altar below the tower, the air in this place was rich in [Soul Power], the higher form of energy, the natural essence of the Primals.

He was certain that meditating in this place would bring incredible benefits, making his desire to create a secluded training space all the more clear in his mind. 

As he was engrossed in his own thoughts, his dreams, he didn't notice that slowly but surely a growing group of figures approached his way.

A few moments later, however, a familiar, horse, gruff voice woke him up from his daylight reverie.

"[Orc] Young Master! You came!" 

Opening his eyes, he was greeted with the smiling giant orc chieftain, Roas's delighted-looking face. On his right, a bulky, a similarly bulky figure, Glohn stood at attention. On Roas's left, a much younger-looking young man and compared to the other two, quite thin-looking Gob was standing straight, his spear held firmly at his right hand, whilst he was trying to keep a straight face and forcing the emerging happy smile down.

"[Goblin] We greet the Young Master!" The ex-goblins exclaimed loudly, greeting their one and only Master and the True Lord of all living beings in this world.

Upon his words, the group of orcs, and to Aiden's surprise, goblins knelt down on the ground, prostrating themselves down on the ground.

"[Orc] Welcome to the Lord!"

"[Goblin] Welcome to the Lord!"

Their loud voices quickly reached the village residents, causing, even more, to emerge from their huts and kneel down on the ground following the others.

Soon, before Aiden could wake up from his stunned shock, a sea of bodies were laying down, greeting their leader, their lord with their passionate, elated reverence.

Still, such a thing, a welcome was quite uncomfortable to Aiden. He wasn't sure how to react, at first. Luckily his self-proclaimed guard, Roas understood the meaning behind his wry look, and with a slight nod, turned towards the prostrating crowd. 

His face turned fierce as he bellowed, his voice filling the heavenly plains.


After that, he turned towards his Young Master, he stepped closer to him before bowing and giving another greeting.

"[Orc] Welcome once again, Young Master. If I'm correct, this is your first time here, right? Would you allow us to give you a tour of the place?"

"[Orc] Ehrm… Sure, guide me through." Aiden responded, his eyes fixating on the makeshift, hastily erected buildings behind them. "For example, how did you create all this… And…" He looked at the two ex-goblin servants of his. "…How did you all decide to live together in one big community?"

"[Goblin] As for the first question, I will let Brother Roas to answer, but for the second one…" Grabbing the opportunity Glohn spoke up with a happy smile. "At first, as you would expect, we, and by we I mean the goblins had quite a bit of resentment towards the already settled orcs. It took us three quite a bit of effort and discussions to slowly, but surely work out the lingering differences."

"[Orc] For now, the orcs and goblins are taking up each a half of the village, while a council made of both races make all the decisions together. Still, thankfully this place is peaceful so the only problems we need to work out is the problems we ourselves create." Roas chuckled.

"[Orc] I see…." Aiden nodded listening to their explanations, before turning his attention on the stiff little goblin, Gob. "[Goblin] And what about you? Did you manage to settle in? Your sister is missing you, although I bet you wouldn't recognize her now!"

"[Goblin] Huh?" His nervousness instantly vanished as he listened to his master's words, only to be replaced by the emerging shock and astoundment, Gob couldn't understand what his Young Master was talking about. A moment later, however, his face flashed a look of worry as he gazed back at Aiden.

"[Goblin] Galina? What happened to her? Is she alright? Did someone hurt her?!" In his growing agitated state, the young ex-goblin fired question after question.

It took quite a while before his nervousness was finally pacified, and the group could finally leave the beautiful but mostly empty grassy plains and slowly make their way towards the new co-habited settlement. The first village probably in history, where races shunned and termed as 'Monsters' by the outside world could coexist and live together with peace.

Two races that the world at the other side of the portal, thought of nothing more than bloodthirsty beasts, and lustful predators, the reason for the ruin, managed to carve a small slice for themselves from this happiness and make it their own.

There were no traces of the aforementioned violence. There were no vile, carnal beasts here. Only a beaten and battered race of survivors trying to live their lives.

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